2019.09.07:Having a Good Time While Working

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Having a Good Time While Working
Jessica has a job to do, and pulls in some muscle to see what he can do.
IC Date Sat Sep 07 2019
IC Time 11pm
Players Jessica - Storyteller, Kadar
Location Prospect Gang Territory
Spheres Wyrm

xxxxxJessica in Red, Kadar in Blue

xxxxx It appears that Jessica has a job, and she might need some muscle, so she ends up heading towards where she met Kadar last. The beach. She'll walk along it slowly, the night is dark, the moon is in the first quarter, and it's nice and humidly warm. She doesn't call out for him, she just walks along, looking in the area she saw him last and then waits to see if he will notice her.

xxxxx It doesn't take long before the croc swims up to the coast and crawls out onto the sand and rocks. Despite the lower lighting, he knows who it is, a bit from the scent. "Welcome back, Jessica mammal." he rumbles in that strange mix of human speech with a deep crocodilian growl. His head turns to focus his eye on the Dancer, studying her for a short time. "What brings you here to see us this time? Burying another head?"

xxxxx Turning towards the crocodile as he crawls onto the sand and rocks, Jessica will give a half-grin and stare down at him. "Hello again, Kadar. I can call you that, right? Well... not another head, but soon, I will be getting more heads, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along for the ride. You'd have to put yourself in human form though..", she'll tell him. "But I assure you it will be fun."

xxxxx "Fun? Going for a ride? Where would we be going?" he wonders, all the while slowly shifting from a croc up into a man shape. He really does still seem feral as hell, but at least he appears human. "What might we be doing on this ride?" Kadar wonders, tilting his head a little toward her as his dark eyes stare at Jessica in the dim light of the moon.

xxxxx Jessica watches Kadar as he changes from a crocodile into the tall dark male before her. She'll give a half-grin again and says, "I got a job to retrieve something. The problem is that it's from a rival gang. Normally I sneak in, grab, and exit, but this is a large amount, so I need to take down the whole building, so I can transport the goods back to the customer. They also put a hit on the leader, I get a bonus if I take them out. I'll split it with you.", she promises.

xxxxx As he listens, Kadar begins to smile just a bit, remaining silent until she has finished. "Split what with us?" he asks then, expression curious on his face. "If you refer to money? We have no need of it." he states crossing his arms. "The sheer destruction of it, that is all we seek." he remarks with a tip ofhis head at her.

xxxxx Jessica's own smile grows slowly, "Excellent, then I can promise lots of fun destruction. You can go wild, because we're going to kill everybody in the building." She'll give a rather wicked grin, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Come then, I'll drive.", she'll say as she turns to begin walking off the beach, towards the parking lot. "Do you need any weapons or you have everything you need, in you?"

xxxxx "We have weapons. We are weapons." he answers Jessica, uncrossing his arms as he takes a step forward before pausing. "We kill everything and bring the building down to rubble?" he checks with an arch of his brows at the woman, then nods a little. "Then yes, we will have fun." That said, he is ready to follow her, waiting on the Dancer to lead the way.

xxxxx Jessica grins and then a laugh escapes her. "I can't wait to see what you can do." She'll lead him to her vehicle, which is an average car, with an average color, everything about it is made to NOT stand out. "Hop on in.. I'll drive us there, Mr. Weapon." She seems amused and actually super cheerful because she is excited to go somewhere and kill things! "You know how to not let anyone escape alive, right? That's crucial, we can't let others discover us, that's the only way we can.... let loose."

xxxxx When they reach the car he stops and stares at it for a moment. "We must ride in that?" he asks, casting a glance at Jessica. He is obviously not pleased about getting 'trapped' in a metal machine, but reluctantly Kadar climbs inside. Now he is grumpy...okay grumpier. "We can fly..." he responds to her mention of making sure nobody gets away. His attention shifts between Jessica and the road, hands placed on the dash board. He isn't used to riding in cars.

xxxxx Jessica pats the car as she opens the door to get in. "What, are you afraid of a car?", she'll ask him challengingly, an amused grin on her features. "C'mon in, big guy. Don't worry, momma here will take good care of you." She'll pop inside and then laguhs lightly as he looks very uncomfortable. "Like a car crash is gona hur tyou..", she'll say with amusement. "You'll be fine." Then they're zooming off to the agreed upon place.

xxxxx She does get a snarl at that and Kadar replies, "We are not worried of death from a car crashing. We do not like to be confined." For much of the ride he holds on, but slowly he sits back and crosses his arms, though remaining stiff for the entire trip to their destination. As they are driving, he glances aside at her, "You are Dancer, yes? What is it you do?"

xxxxx His snarl just causes her to grin a bit more and Jessica will glance in his direction before she turns the car to drive into a bad neighborhood. "Me? I murder people, and steal shit. I'm a thief. A good one too.", she'll say proudly. "So if you need to get something, anything, from anywhere, I can probably get it for you. It's what I do. I also take some side assassination jobs, because, it's fun." she'll say bluntly. His stiffness causes her to chuckle though, amused.

xxxxx While she explains her skillset, Kadar gives a bit of a nod...and glances at the woman again. "Your appearance is deceptive. I would hardly take you for a murderer." he responds to Jessica with a snort of amusement. "If we need something stolen, then we will ask." he says, giving her a bit of a grin, the first she has seen all night to be sure. When they begin driving into bad neighborhoods, he peers out of the window at the scenery.

xxxxx It's like date night! Except without the flowers. Jessica will look amused and then says, "Isn't that the whole purpose? To put people off guard, to make them think you are weak, and helpless? Then rip out their hearts and eat it with pleasure?" She'll glance at him and gives an amused grin before her attention is drawn towards the building they are approaching. Looks like there are several 'built' cars out front, a few more drinking, and the front doors are wide open, filled with people as well, looks like the gang is having a party! There's some screams though, so it appears some of the girls aren't really voluntarily there.

xxxxx "We suppose you have a point." he answers with a nod of agreement to her. Then they are pulling up near the place and it really seems like date night without the flowers, the excitement of growing and it looks as if he is about to jump right out and start playing....but Kadar pauses to look at her. This is Jessica's show, so he asks, "What is the plan?" though she can hear the excitement in his voice.

xxxxx Rolling to a stop about a block and a half away, Jessica will grin with pleasure, one of the few 'full on' grins she gives. She'll park, turn off the vehicle and glance over at him. "Well, I was thinking of walking right through the front doors. Luring everyone inside, then you can make sure that everyone else is rounded up and follow behind, and then close and lock the door and we can have a killing feast. What do you think? Or do you want to lure them in .. maybe might work better if you did it, you look like more of a threat than I do."

xxxxx Glancing from Jess to the building and considering the options, the Mokole hmms and replies, "Okay, we get them inside and you lock it from the outside?" A pause and he asks, "Can you still get inside though? Is there more than one exit?" Kadar tries to play the scenario out in his head, "Keep them from getting out."

xxxxx "There's likely more than one exit. That's why I was thinking of going around to the back and closing and locking the rear door too. You can go in from the front, I'll go in from the back, and we'll meet in the middle? I can use my powers to put darkness on the levels above, that way they can't really see." Jessica looks thoughtful about that and then grins. "I like this plan more.."

xxxxx Listening, he gives a nod to her. When Jessica finishes the dark skinned man grabs the handle and almost yanks it off trying to get out of the car. "We like this plan. Let us do this." Kadar declares, slamming the door shut as if the vehicle did him a wrong. Then he begins walking down the street toward the building they just cased a short time ago.

xxxxx An evil little laugh escapes Jessica as they both start getting out of the vehicle. "Yeah, lets do this.", she'll say to him with excitement. She'll watch the large male walk directly towards the building and she'll grin before Blurring and trotting off down an alleyway next to the building and heading towards the back. She trots right by folks and they don't seem to notice her. When she gets to the back door, she'll wait while staring at it, her form growing to Glabro as she pulls out a Machete in one hand and a throwing knife in the other. The signal appears to be screams of pain and agony from the front.

xxxxx Making his way to the front door, Kadar walks right by some of the gang partying outside. But before entering, he walks up to one of them and smashes his teeth in with a big meaty fist, just to get their attention. Then he heads inside, letting them trail behind him. The next part is trickier...as he needs to lead them in far enough to slip behind and close the doors, then lock them. He even seems to know how locks work! Then he turns to face the gang and all hell breaks loose when his form shifts into a dragon. His form grows to that of a small bus, massive talons on his feet, fangs extending from his maw, and wings. Behind him a long tail lashes as he reaches out to catch one of the gang members in his mouth and crunch down.

xxxxx Ahh, the glorious sound of bones crunching and the pain-filled cries in the air. Jessica will laugh to herself and then walk into the back door, but not before stabbing a guy in the gut, and then slicing his throat with the machete. She'll pull the blood spurting guy into the door and throws him on the ground as she slams the door behind her and locks it. A second later, Shroud coveres the entirety of the upper floors, the house is not that big after all, and more screams can be heard. The whole house is filled with terror! Turning just as someone comes running down the corridor, her face covered with blood and gore, she'll give a vicious, evil grin and then step forward slowly, the knives and machete put away as she changes form into Crinos. With a snarl, she'll leap forward and begin clawing at faces and ripping out throats as she systematically makes her way inside the house.

xxxxx The screams are heard easily down the corridor, originating from the main room where a fucking dragon stomps on a person, talons goring him to death. But that was really incidental, something in his path as the Black Sky was moving futher in to snatch another tasty morsel up in his jaws. This one gets a bite, but really is the unfortunate as he is swallowed mostly whole and alive. Kadar will have to shift to poop out those steel toed boots. Chaos ensues as the beast begins to sweep his tail at the door, keeping people away, while eating until he is about to burst of all this soft pink flesh.

xxxxx It doesn't take Jessica long to kill those in the kitchen area and the hallway, and soon, she'll pause to admire the dragon chomping and killing people. "You really are a dragon, huh... that's so fucking cool." Of course, this comes out of a mangled mouth, she's in Crinos, speaking is rough. She'll swipe at people as she moves to the stairs, rushing up them to kill people in that blackness. She doesn't waste any time to kill people, tearing out throats consistently, and clawing people's eyes since that stops them in their tracks. She'll come back to kill them later if they're not quite dead. She'll systematically go through room after room, she's able to see just fine, but they can't see a damn thing, even flashlights don't work.

xxxxx Oh yes, he really is a dragon. Sleek and black with a row of spikes running down the back, it moves with serpentine grace with the long neck and arrow-like head. Fangs drip with poison as his maw hangs open and ready to strike the next victim. He must have understood, because the dragon pauses between bites to retort in a low draconic, though somehow English, voice, "Did you doubt us?" Then as one of the women tries to climb out of the window he extends his neck out to clamp down on her lower half, jerking her upward before swalloing her down as well.

xxxxx Jessica 's reaction to his words is a laugh, she's just having too much fun. Wayyyyy too much fun. When she clears out all the rooms, she'll herd some of them down the stairs, so that he gets to have more fun. Finally though, she finds the guy, the leader, hiding in a 'hidden' room, which makes her roll her eyes. "YOu fuckin' kidding me?" Then she goes about literally' opening the seal' on the panic room door and it opens to her like it would with magic. Which is really is. Stepping inside, she'll give a bloody grin and then literally bite this guys head off. She doesn't eat it, instead she grabs it, tosses it in a bag in the room, and then walks through and out. Shroud is still up, and she begins walking through the rooms to make sure nobody was missed. Women half dressed were killed along with men raping them. No one was spared. IT's a blood bath. She gets to the top of the stairs, and drops shroud. "You got everyone?", she'll shout down.

xxxxx After a while the screaming does stop. There may be a few groans of people drawing their last breaths, but even that soon ceases. She can hear the heavy thuds of the dragon's footsteps moving around as he checks everywhere he can...snaking his head into rooms and closets. "Seems so..." he calls back to her in that low rumbled voice. Finally he shifts back down into a more human form and opens the closets up to be sure before heading for the front door. He isn't really concerned with fingerprints cause...who cares? He opens the door and heads out as if nothing ever happened.

xxxxx Jessica gathers up the rather heavy bag in the safe room, and then the head, and shrinks down to her regular form. She'll suddenly turn and breathes fire into the area, setting the bodies, everything ablaze. Then, trotting down the stairs, she'll breathe fire again, and sets it all ablaze. Last, but not least is the bottom floor, also, she breathes fire, and sets it ablaze. Blur on, she'll walk out the front door behind Kadar, with two bags, one dripping with blood, and the other heavy and full of drugs. She has both over her shoulders and she's humming as she walks along towards the car, the entire building behind them lit up in an immense blaze, the whole neighborhood is likely gona go up. Grinning a bloody smile, she'll trot forward to catch up with Kadar as they cozily walk back to the car. "That was fun!"

xxxxx When she catches up with him, Kadar casts a sideways glance at the Dancer and smiles a bit. "You kill well for a mammal." he remarks to her as they head for the car. He spies the bag and arches brows a bit, "Is that what you were seeking?" The dark skinned man doesn't even really look back at the building as it goes up in a blaze, just gets to the car and opens the door to get inside. Then he waits patiently for her to drive them away.

xxxxx Jessica throws the bags in the back seat and then slides into the drivers seat. "Yep, it's the job. THe head is also the job, but I usually get to keep it." She'll grin toothily and start the engine and begin to drive off. "You want any of the drugs? You're probably full, aren't ya? You had a great feast in there.." This little curmudgeon is positively cheerful as she drives away from the burning building, and off into the sunset. Well, the night lit up by fire.