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19.08.12 Santa Muerte Blessing
Lyrik invites Voras to Church
IC Date 19.08.12
IC Time Night
Players Lyrik, Voras
Location A Tijuana Barrio
Prp/Tp Character-Building
Spheres Sabbat
Theme Song Gods & Monsters, Lana Del Rey


<font=center> Voras, Lyrik

Voras studies Lyrik with that unblinking gaze for a moment. Finally, he nods a little and walks closer. Stopping near that 'altar' of sorts, he skims a look over what's there, then finally picks up a note, offering it to Lyrik. "So chosen. SHall we see they receive Santa Muerte's blessing?"

Lyrik takes the paper fro Voras and smiles at him as she begins to unfold the paper. It appears to have been written on a small piece of memo paper, like from one of those small notebooks created to slide in one's pocket. Lyrik looks down at the paper and studies it, for a long moment. Then, she reads it aloud for Voras, in Spanish, "My lady, I beg of you. My Ruiz was a good man. He has changed. I am afraid for my son, and for myself. I do not know how to leave him. Please free us. Sofia Hamada." She looks up at Voras and continues to recite the address that was given at the bottom of the paper. She lets a moment pass between them in silence before looking back down at the paper. She folds it, gently, between her thumb and forefinger, and places a kiss over it before holding it out to the mercy of candle flame. Her fingertips release the paper and, after a moment of watching the flame eat away at the words, she turns to look back at Voras. "Ruiz Hamada will die," she says. "Now the hunt begins, si?"

A small house, a couple blocks away. A stray dog lopes down the street in front of the house. There's a flickering of light from one of the windows. A television, small, in the house's main room. A man sits in front of it, watching a soccer game. He drinks a beer, wiping the remnants of dinner and the beverage from his mustache with a dingy napkin. He yells at the television...

Voras takes a moment. Not that he necessarily loses focus there, just that feel of.. more than here having his attention. But it's there.. and gone.. in an instant. Looking at Lyrik, he nods solemnly. "Si. He will die. We will have to lure him out. I think you'll be quite capable of such." Voras watches the flame eat away at the paper, then motions to the stairs. "After you."

Lyrik furrows her brow at Voras a moment, and tilts her head. "Should we not," she begins to suggest, "do some reconnaissance, first? Determine when and where? And then I only have my handgun..." She muses lightly, getting used to this new partner.

Voras smiles thinly at Lyrik. "We go to the address. I believe he is there. If not? Then I will find him. That is what I do, Sister. Once we have him located, we will deal with it. If nothing else, snapping a neck is not that difficult and deals with it cleanly."

The corner of Lyrik's mouth tugs upward as she smirks. She nods, "alright then... Brother," she says. She may be used to another way of doing things, but she seems willing to adapt. She turns and makes her way up the three small steps and out of the store. She looks left, then right and discerns the appropriate direction. As they walk, heat lightning pulses in the sky and a breeze kicks up, sending debris rolling in the street. She pauses at one intersection. A group of men gathered across from them are sitting in a few lawn chairs, playing cards and drinking. A couple of the men look up and take note of Lyrik. She pauses, but the look she gives them is not enticing. After a moment, the men look back down, but perhaps it's Voras that they decide not to tangle with tonight. "This way," Lyrik murmurs in Spanish and heads down the same street Voras saw just moments ago. They near the house, with the flickering television and she slows down to look next to her, at Voras. "Lure him out, you say," she says, curiously. "Before we just forced our way inside."

Somewhere in there, between the walk out of the store and the pause with the men, Voras' AR would show up across his back again. Easy to miss, unless one was paying close attention to when the change happen. But.. that's part of life in the shadows, isn't it? Either way, as they get to the house, he looks at it for a few moments. "Do we let the family live? Are we only after him? Or do they all end? I'm trying to play by your rules, afterall." Voras pauses, there's that moment's look to him again, before he simply nods. "Alone. For now. He was yelling earlier. So they probably left for the store. We have time. Now. If we deal with him. Your choice for how it goes. Noisey or quiet."

Lyrik looks up to Voras, with a different sort of look in her eyes. After a moment of studying him, she turns her gaze to the house. Another pulse of heat lighting illuminates a bank of clouds just over the little domicile. One of Lyrik's hands snakes back to the small of her back, lifts the leather jacket and slides out a pistol. She seems more steeled, more determined, when she looks back at Voras. "He must understand," she says, "but there is no need for undue attention, da?" She begins to walk towards the house at a decent clip, turning her firearm over in her hand and deftly checking the clip and safety as she does so. She pauses at the door, and gives one last look to Voras, as if sizing him up. She nods and knocks on the door, holding the pistol low at her side...

"Fine." Is Voras' response. Her look met with his own steady one. As they get closer to the door, he contemplates it, then nods. "I'll go in the other side. Be inside. Just in case. You do what you do. I'll back you up." His voice is low to Lyrik as he'd step closer for that moment. Once done, he would step up next to the wall, to drop and roll under the house.

For Lyrik, this is where Voras for vanish. For Voras, this is where he shifts into swarmling form, the spiders going a mix of umbral and real world to get inside that house, the open window an easy egress for the spiders that would crawl within. Once inside, ducked low behind a counter as that knock goes off, Voras forms back to human, no weapon this time. It'd not be needed and it wasn't his show.

As Voras begins to retake his human form, he overhears the man talking to Lyrik just around the corner. His tone sounds curious. Maybe sympathetic. "Si, Si.." the man, Ruiz, says in Spanish, "let's get you inside, then. Get you off of the streets young lady." And then, there is the sound of movement. Quick movement. And the sound of wood groaning when the door is quickly forced back in an opposite direction. And the 'crunch' sound as the door connects to something solid. And then there is the smell of blood, heavy in the humid night air. From his vantage point in the kitchen, Voras can see Lyrik step in. She has her pistol drawn and aimed at the man as he leans against the wall contemplating what might be a broken nose. Calmly, with one hand, she reaches behind her and pushes the door shut. Her expression is dark, and... Something else. "Ruiz Hamana?" Lyrik asks, "I have come for you this night." She steps in front of the man and registers Voras' presence, even if the man has not. "I am El Diabla".

Voras listened. He was aware the whole time of what was happening. It's pretty easy to do so, afterall. So when she registered where he was, a simple nod was given in answer to her and he'd continue to ghost behind the guy, keeping out of the man's sight while watching on, closely, intensely. Studying the scene as it plays out.

With her eyes and a wave of the pistol, Lyrik gestures for the man to go into the living room. The man stumbles a moment, still holding his nose. He seems to contemplate, for one moment, rebelling in some way. He sizes up the much smaller woman and starts to move his hands from his face. "Uh! Uh-uh uh..." Lyrik asks with an upnod behind the man, "you do not want to anger my friend. He's the eater of souls, you see. And your sins smell delicious to him."

Voras' stance shifts slightly, a small leaning in. Maybe he's not exactly the tallest? But he's certainly got a glean to his eye as those hands flex, bracers glinting dully in the reflected light of the TV. His gaze is cold, unblinking, unwavering from staring at the man. Through him. Simply waiting, it seems, for that moment's word to end this.

The man starts to back away from Voras and into the Living Room. "I... Wh..What do you want?" The man starts to stutter. Lyrik steps in closer to him, gun still leveled. "Ruiz Hamana, you have been judged and are not the monster you think you are," she says, in Spanish. "You are a coward. And a waste. I am here to take your life from you." The man's expression quickly changes from confusion to fear. HE looks back from Lyrik, to Voras and begins to shake his head, violently in protest. He begins to mumble an argument... And before the argument can be posed, Lyrik lifts her hand, just a matter of inches, and squeezes the trigger. The man's head snaps back, and a spray of blood paints the living room. Lyrik looks back over at Voras. For some reason, there seems to be a question in her expression. She slowly lowers the gun.

There might be a brief look there. Satisfaction? Amusement? Something else? It'd be kind of hard to say for sure, exactly what it was that the look of watching the man get killed, unblinking, held. Once it was done, however, his attention shifts to her with a small nod. "Simple. To the point. Message delivered. Monster ended. We should go before they return from the store."

Lyrik nods to the Pander, agreeing with his strategy. She walks swiftly behind him, leaving the coward in the darkness.