Character Generation/Changeling Companions

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References: CtD 146 and 220-223, Dreams and Nightmares 122-125

Attributes: no free dots; can exceed 5, but can't exceed Glamour

Chimera points depend on background level:

  • 1 dot = 10 points
  • 2 dots = 15 points
  • 3 dots = 20 points
  • 4 dots = 30 points
  • 5 dots = 50 points

Spending chimera points:

  • Attributes: 1 CP for 3 dots in a category (physical/social/mental)
  • Abilities: 1 CP for 3 dots
  • Glamour: 1 CP for 1 dot (gain 1/hour in Dreaming)
  • Willpower: 3 CP for 1 dot (gain 1/day)
  • Health levels: 1 CP for 2 levels, can't exceed 5 * Stamina
  • Redes: 1 CP per level
  • Banes: -1 CP per level, max 12

Attack: Str+1 chimerical if not using weapons or redes

Rede Chimera Point cost Use cost (Glamour) Effect
Aggravated Damage 3 none exactly what it says on the tin
Animate 3 1 + X (mass) + Y (duration) move up to 20 pounds of non-living matter (each point in X doubles max) for 1 turn (each point in Y adds a turn), roll Intelligence + Melee + 2*X if using it as an attack
Archetype* 10/15/20 (1/2/3 uses) 1/turn until complete grab target and roll resisted Willpower to absorb them and their abilities
Armor 1 per point none extra soak
Befuddle 3 1 Glamour vs target's Willpower, target loses 1 die per excess success while chimera is still around Breath 5 (3 if non-damage, e.g. sleep) N (minimum 1) each target in range (long line / medium cone / short cloud) takes 3+N dice of damage, higher init can spend an action to run out of range
Difficulty Reduction 3 (-1) or 6 (-2) none affects a specific activity (e.g. running), not an entire ability or attribute
Dreadful Gaze* 8 2 target rolls Stamina + Kenning vs user's Willpower, fewer than 3 successes = turn to stone (only permanent if they're chimera and fail the roll)
Dreamform 5 none no physical form or attributes, still has health levels (no cap), only affected by Arts/treasures, Autumn People etc. may make it materialize temporarily or permanently Dreamweaving 4 none from Dreaming, target someone sleeping in normalspace, roll Glamour vs target's Willpower (-1 per two previous attempts against same target) to control their dream; repeated use causes target to gain no benefit from sleep (eventually loss of permanent Willpower, insanity, death)
Enchantment 3 1/hour in freehold or Dreaming, 1/turn elsewhere damage still chimerical unless Wyrd rede used
Ensnare 2 1 for a human-sized object Strength 2 and 2 armor per 3 Glamour (less than 3 Glamour: Strength 1 and 1 armor)
Entrancement 4 1 Willpower roll Glamour vs target's Banality (+1 per previous attempt against same target), lasts one scene per success, target must understand user's language
Fear 2 1 1-10 turns, Willpower (-1 turn per success)
Fester 5 1/level manifests within hours, aware victim resists with Willpower, Primal 4 (Heather Balm) can cure damage but not the disease itself
Flight 3 1/hour (25 * Dexterity) feet/turn
Gulp 3 2 5+ successes on attack roll, automatic damage per turn
Glamour Pact 5 1 permanent +2 diff to craft/forge/trap them in a treasure unwillingly
Healing 5 1/level chimerical only unless Wyrd rede used
Hide 5 (self) or 7 (others too) 1 per person/item affected Perception + Kenning vs 8, 1 success = general location, 2+ successes = detected; lasts the scene (up to an hour); if target or searcher is unenchanted, requires Wyrd rede
Illusions 3 1 + N similar to Fuddle (target object must still appear roughly same size), doesn't affect targets with Perception 4+ or supernatural vision; suspicious targets roll Perception + Kenning vs (6+N, max 9), 2+ successes = see through it
Poof Begone 3 1 teleport within line of sight (+50 feet if at a trod or mushroom ring), only usable in Dreaming even if user has Wyrd
Possession 7 2 Willpower Glamour vs target's Willpower, resisted by Willpower vs chimera's Glamour; 1 turn per excess success; if target's perm Banality exceeds chimera's perm Glamour, lose Glamour equal to difference; unenchanted target requires Enchantment rede
Riadstradh 3 + X 1 + Y berserk frenzy, must declare a type of enemy that's present (e.g. "Sidhe" but not "all fae"), ignore wound penalties and +(1+X) to combat dice pools for (Stamina + 2*Y) turns, afterward take 1 level of fatigue damage (heals 1/hour) per 3 turns of frenzy (round up)
Scuttle 3 1 per extra action zum zum zum
Sense Banality 2 1 Willpower person/object/place
Shapeshift 5 1 per change any size/appearance, affects all senses, no damage or new abilities
Steal Glamour 3 1 Willpower Willpower vs target's Glamour, 1 per success
Transmute 1/3/5 per type of target (e.g. wood) works in normalspace (even without Wyrd) but only temporarily, permanently in Dreaming
Traverse Dreaming 5 1 from mortal world to Dreaming or vice versa, requires trod/portal
Venom 3 N Stamina vs 8 or paralyzed N minutes and optionally N levels of chimerical damage
Weaponry 2*N none +N damage
Wyrd 5 1 Willpower per scene non-chimerical interaction

*Cannot be included in chimerical items

Bane Chimera Point bonus Effect
Enmity 2 +3 diff to social rolls involving chosen target
Ferocious Beast 2 similar to Riadstradh but uncontrolled
Glamour Pact 3 forged/crafted chimera only
Jingle-Geasa 3 must sing a song clearly indicating their True Name daily
Riddle-Game 2 or 4 2 = when asked a riddle, can do nothing else until it's solved; 4 = must ask a riddle before combat, opponent wins = must obey opponent or take 6 levels of damage, opponent loses or attacks first = can attack opponent normally
Token 1 must use a physical object or material to activate a chosen rede
Uncontrolled Redes 1 + (1 per 2 redes) more frequent in high-Glamour areas, no Glamour cost but also no control
Vulnerable Spot 2 opponent actively searching for it rolls Perception + (Melee or Brawl) vs 8, 3+ successes = attacks are +2 dice and -1 diff for next 3 rounds, 5+ successes = first of those 3 rounds is double dice and -2 diff instead
Warding 1 choose a simple ritual, charm, or token (e.g. copper nail), can't pick iron; can't cross, forced contact = 1 damage per turn