2024.10.22:BSD Kin Hunter

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BSD Kin Hunter
BSD Kin Hunter discovered in the woods laying a trap.
IC Date 10-22-2024
IC Time Evening
Players Dannica Villam Xenovia
Location North Bawn
Prp/Tp Cliath Bawn Patrol #1
Spheres Gaian
Theme Song Thunderstruck

A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.

Xenovia is along for the walk on this patrol but she's only hanging out in case things go super south. Being that she's back up support, she sort of totes behind the two garou as they are hiking out on assignment. Lucky them, they get this section of the forest to deal with. It's not quite dusk, but it's dim with the foliage here in this part of the forest. The wind is moving through, but it's not bitter cold. Not yet anyway. She's dressed in her patrol gear, and a camou poncho. Under that is a hidden reinforced vest of some kind, it is only bulky if she tries to run. But for now, she seems pretty light footed.

Patient Tempest patrols in lupus form, better for scenting things out. This isn't her first patrol, so she helps lead Thunderbolt around. >> Keep alert. I have not run across anything yet out here, but we must always be looking. Scenting. <<

Thunderbolt is there as well, fully lupus, with faint marks running through his fur that look like the remnants of a lightnign strike. >> You only are surprised by the one you don't watch for. I will keep alert. << And ears, nose, and eyes are all focused, testing the wind, the sounds in the air, everything.

Xenovia hears the light noises the wolves make, and whether she understands them or not, she doesn't carry a weapon with her. Her hands half fingerless gloves on, the soft leather cracked from age as if they weren't cared for when she was away on her trip. The old gear is still functional however, but tickles at a strand of hair pinned up behind her left ear. She's got little top knots on her head, two of them. It keeps strands from mostly going in her face with the wind moving through the area, but she also doesn't catch the new scent wafting their direction.

What is that? It's pungent, coming from the northern edge of the very border of their bawn. It smells like rotten meat. Xen would notice it if they were closer, but to a wolf? Yeah it's nasty, and strong. It's coming along the breeze like the worst scent of ham in history.

<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Ok if I sense wyrm on the smell?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "very delightful, yes."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Patient Tempest rolls Perception + Occult vs 6 for -1 successes.
-1 -1 3 3

<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Geezus dice!"
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "LOL"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "thats sad pants"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Can try again when MUCH closer."

Patient Tempest can smell something, but it is meaningless to her. >> You smell that? I wonder what it is. I'm not picking up much outside of strong. << She chuffs to Thunderbolt. >> Let's get closer and see. But carefully. Watch where you step. <<

Thunderbolt wrinkles his muzzle and lips curl. >> A bad smell. Something dead, but not eaten? Why not? << He snorts. >> And keep watch for things other than whatever that rotten mound of meat must be. << Growling and grumbling before he quiets and stalks closer, tracking the scent on the wind. The three stalk forward and Xen keeps really quiet for now with a shush on her lips as she picks up their body language. Ears, and tails, and muzzle lifts with nose sniffs in the air, it's not hard to realize they are following a scent on the trail now.

But as they move forward, Xenovia falls back a bit to start to float upward like a very interesting animation creature, exhibiting a hero pose lift in a yoga position. One leg up, and her hands pressed together in prayer, surely no one heard her lift off the ground and start to fly above them in the trees.

The wolves definitely go first! Xen floats lazily, but with purpose in low speeds to keep an eye on the Cliaths.

That's about the time when they will hear the creaking of rope with something hanging heavily from them. Creeeeak, sway. Creeeeak, sway. Creeeeak, sway. Not in tempo, but several somethings swaying or .. HANGING from the northern direction. It gets more rotten, and disgusting smelling as they get close. It starts to smell like overripe dead sow. And that is exactly what it is when they round the bend of a copse of trees. Three hanging dead pigs from their feet hang upside down to drip black gook onto the forest floor. It looks like their bellies are swollen, and bulging, each sewn up with something within them.

The one on the left has green ink blot on its torso, the middle has blue splats, and the last one? Red. Paint Gun ink? It looks like someone came out here for target practice. Patient Tempest stops in her tracks seeing this. >> That should not be here. That black... that is really not good. Why did I not pick up Wyrm.. that should be Wyrm tainted? << She is confused by that for sure. >> This must be recent, or a patrol should have picked this up? <<

Thunderbolt stops before they get too close to the corpses. >> Don't go near them! Not yet. Circle around, make sure no-one else is around. /Then/ check! << And then he bears off to the left, giving the corpses a wide berth, looking to go around them and see what /else/ might be around.

Xenovia speaks to both of them as the power she now wields is automatic (no roll needed) and they will both hear her voice lighly touching their minds. If they resist, they can try to, but in this instance she is gifting them with a warning. << This looks like a trap.>> It feels like Mind Speech, but it hits them both at the same time. << I see nothing from above that indictates ground disturbance. But can you smell anything human nearby besides myself? >>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +7 +7

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Patient Tempest rolls Perception + Alertness vs 5 for 1 successes.
2 3 4 4 +5

This doesn't look right at all. Those who circle also don't see any ground disturbances that are obvious. Nothing sticking out of the ground, or dug up earth. There's black goop on the ground where the three pigs are dripping from whatever is sewn up in their guts. But Villam will sense it first, the ink splats on the pigs all indicate the direction the shooters were aiming in. Which is the NORTH direction. And just as his eyes search, and he sniffs, he'll catch the scent of pungent deer spray. The kind hunters use, and then the smallest of movement in the brush about 20 yards away. There's someone in there! Once he sees it, then Dannica will see that a humanoid figure is partly camouflaged in the leaves with sticks. What might have been a stick is a rifle end now swiveling in the direction of where the wolves are now standing.

Xenovia has started combat
Villam has rolled initiative: 11
Patient Tempest has rolled initiative: 17
Xenovia has rolled initiative: 23
already includes +10 for Spirit of the Fray (add another +10 if Gnosis spent)
<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 1 ]============##======--->

   23 Xenovia
17 Patient Tempest
11 Villam

  • Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
  • Characters act high to low


Xenovia has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Reynold goes on 9

<OOC> Xenovia says, "Xen is going to hold her action having SoF. She's here for the garou."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Since we're small its good practice to reverse declare."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "The npc Reynold that you see intends to shoot Vil."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Vil?"
<OOC> Villam says, "Back, one second"
<OOC> Villam says, "Well, he intends to shoot Vil, so Vil is going to charge towards him, but zig-zagging to try to mess aim up, and set Tempest up for an attack"
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Alright. Dannica will use Fatal Flaw to try to determine the weakness of the gun man first, and spend 1 Rage as well."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "He has a 10 gauge shot-gun. His weakness is going to be aim as he's not got any sight devices on it. The closer you get, the harder its going to be for him to swing that gun around, unless he pulls something else."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "he's also prone on the ground."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Vil, did you also want to spend rage?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "this is where you declare it."
<OOC> Villam says, "Sure, I'll spend a rage to get another action."
Villam loses one Magical Essence
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Ok your dice or pose Dannica?"
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "I'll pose."

Patient Tempest gets a better look, focusing on the target. She is assessing with what she can see. She chuffs to Villam >> Weak point is the gun. Watch for any other weapon he can pull! << She readies herself then to go around the flank.

<OOC> Xenovia says, "Your turn Vil."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "you are running zig zags this round?"
<OOC> Villam says, "Yes, running zigzags for main action. For rage action, going to try to run and pounce on the dude"
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Rage round comes after."
<OOC> Villam says, "yes."
<OOC> Villam says, "All regular actions first, then rage actions"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "ok roll your dex+athl"

Thunderbolt snorts and starts to run, never staying in a straight and steady ligne, getting closer so the gun has to swing more, and varying his direction so he can't pull it around in time. Even varying how long he size-zags so he doesn't fall into a pattern, while growling.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 2 3 3 4 4 5 +8 10

<OOC> Villam says, "...Well!"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "you can always use wp next time too!"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Alright, Xen is going to do something instead of going after Reynold."
You lose one Willpower
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Spending 1 wp for Command the Earth. NOT going full out. Blowing earth dust/dirt in his face to up his diff."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "and no dice neccessary, which is why Kami is CRAZY. It just works."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Xenovia rolls 3 (3 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
3 5 +8

Xenovia waves her hand out when she sees Thunderbolt starting to zag his way in for the kill. Suddenly a blast of dirt in front of him whoooshes forward to pelt in at the shotgun holder, like a duststorm came out of no-where. It makes the leaves and the tree itself get pelted by whatever is loose debris along the ground in a quick wave blast!

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Xenovia rolls 5 (5 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
4 +6 +7 +8 +10

<OOC> Xenovia says, "I forgot to up the diff."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "we'll say 1 succ."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Xenovia rolls 8 (8 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 1 4 +6 +7 +7 10 10

<OOC> Villam says, "Soak lethal?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "yes"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 2 4 +10 +10

<OOC> Xenovia says, "I was checking my combat book."
<OOC> Villam says, "Take 1. I think that refills 1 Rage? First time getting hurt in combat?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "its the 10 on his roll that got you blind shot."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "yes"
Villam gains one Magical Essence
<OOC> Xenovia says, "+help +hurt"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "+hurt/lethal 1"
Villam takes 1 level of damage.
Villam gains one Lethal Damage

<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Taking damage yes will get you back a rage"

Reynold gets blasted by all the grit and his eyes instinctively shut tight even though the bastard is wearing goggles. He aims just a little off to the side and gets one lucky shot at the wolf drawing his attention away from Dannica. Rocks and bits of dirt are still rolling behind that same tree, before the rage round ends.

<OOC> Xenovia says, "Rage 1"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Vil already declared. Xen has no rage declared. Dannica, you are up."
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Going to run around to flank the shooter. Since he is looking at Villam."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "You make it and can take an action."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "You were moving last round too. Definitely can attack."
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Oh! Sorry for delay. Ok, so then I'll take a swipe at him."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Patient Tempest rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 6 for 5 successes.
3 4 +6 +8 +9 +10 +10

<OOC> Xenovia says, "no worries, he's not dodging, he's still reacting to the debris which passed, but you are faster in between"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Patient Tempest rolls Strength + 1 + 4 vs 6 for 4 successes.
2 3 4 5 +6 +7 +9 +10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Xenovia rolls 5 (5 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
3 +6 +8 +8 +10

<OOC> Xenovia says, "he soaks your attack Dan!"
<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Well, at least that makes her mad enough to rage shift after this round!"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Ok, pose up your claw hitting and his armor reflecting."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Stupid paint gun armor!"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "Vil your rage 1 action is next."
<OOC> Villam says, "And so Villam is going to be attacking as well. Going to bite! Hopefully at his throat"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "if you also attack from behind its -1 diff."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 4 for 5 successes.
1 2 3 3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +8 10

<OOC> Xenovia says, "you bite him"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Strength + 1 + 4 vs 6 for 6 successes.
3 3 +8 +8 +9 +10 +10 +10

Patient Tempest rushes around and gets her claws out and takes a good swipe at the guy. Of course, it does nothing but annoy him, and perhaps get his attention! Sadly, his armor stops all her cool swiping action, which just enrages her.

Villam heals 1 levels of lethal.

Xenovia has started the next turn of combat
Villam has rolled initiative: 11
Patient Tempest has rolled initiative: 11
Xenovia has rolled initiative: 23
already includes +10 for Spirit of the Fray (add another +10 if Gnosis spent)
<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 2 ]============##======--->

   23 Xenovia
11 Villam
11 Patient Tempest
  • Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
  • Characters act high to low


<OOC> Xenovia says, "ok Round 2. He's incap, but you can decide to kill or interrogate."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "or investigate"

Thunderbolt gets around and behind, running up and biting the hunter, tearing through clothes and armor to soft flesh and hot blood beneath, ripping hard and leaving a gash in the hunter's body, racing on and turning around to trot back. >> Question him. Find out what he was doing. Why. Could be bigger problem than just him. Can kill him later. Need the information he has. << The Aroun bristling, hackles raised, muzzle bloody, and yet still with a leash on his rage. For now.

Xenovia sees the shooter going down once the fighting ends. She was taking up shelter behind a big enough tree to keep her body from being pummelled by whatever was on this guy. But when it gets quiet, she pokes her head back out again. <<Everyone alright?>> Her silent speech touches upon her companions minds and she fluidly begins to fly over to hover above them. Still keeping watch along the horizon, she sees no further movement.

Patient Tempest does not like this guy here, or anything about him. She shifts back to her human form then while he is knocked out. "I'll have to heal him a bit to try. Be ready you two." She does not use names in human form just in case. Putting a hand on this guys body, she first grabs the gun and tosses it away from him. Then takes a hold of his hands just in case before she attempts to heal him a bit. She is fine.

<OOC> Patient Tempest says, "Ok to roll for healing? So we can question him?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "roll perception+alertness first"
Xenovia has ended combat

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Patient Tempest rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.
1 3 +6 +7 10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Villam rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +6 +8

<OOC> Xenovia says, "You see a sidearm on his left hip. A pair of binoculars now tossed aside to his right, and some ammo boxes that fell out of his pocket when he was bring shredded. He's laying prone on the ground right now, but you'll see on his forehead, he drew on his skin with a black sharpee a spiral."

<OOC> Xenovia says, "being shredded"
<OOC> Dannica says, "Well damn"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "wanna roll sense wyrm now?"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "lol"
<OOC> Dannica says, "YES please"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "go for it"
<OOC> Dannica says, "Spending a WP first"
Dannica loses one Willpower
<OOC> Xenovia has fingers crossed.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dannica rolls Perception + Occult vs 6 for 3 successes.
5 +8 +8 +8

<OOC> Xenovia says, "There you go. Sense wyrm positive. He was easy pickings, and by the age of him, 18 or 19? Looks like best educated guess? Spiral kin." <OOC> Xenovia says, "He's got pockets." <OOC> Villam says, "Oh joy."

Dannica stops what she is doing as she looks him over more. She drops the hands and asks the others. "This guy is Spiral Kinfolk. Do you still want to question him? Or do we just take him out. I'm going to search his pockets first and disarm him further." She starts with removing the side arm and tossing it away, then going through his pockets, pulling them all the way out.

<OOC> Villam says, "Time to shift and loot his stuff. At the very least get weapons and ammo away from him."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "who wants the joy of checking them? Whee!"
<OOC> Dannica says, "ALL the pockets!"
<OOC> Villam says, "Including the organic ones!"
<OOC> Xenovia says, "divide it up between you."
<OOC> Xenovia says, "4 pockets. Each of you pick two numbers, 1 2 3 4"
<OOC> Villam says, "Dannica, choose one?"
<OOC> Dannica says, "2 and 4"

Villam shifts back, and frowns. "Ok. I haven't been here long, but I guess they know this area is under guard, so they probably would not suspect anything if he goes missing. Figure he gets killed here. Question is: do /we/ know where /they/ are? Because if not, it might be nice to cleanse him if we can and take him back either way to let people really interrogate him and find out what we can.

<OOC> Villam says, "I'll take 3 and 1!"

Reynold is sprawled out where he's being picked clean by the two Garou on bawn patrol. His backside and armor is shredded. His hunting helmet has a crack in it and is rolled into the underbrush. His goggles are askew, the spiral ink blot made from a black permanent marker is visible, and the guy is shaved like he wished he was military wanna be. It's his pants camo pockets that are seeming to have the loot.

<OOC> Xenovia says, "paging Dannica first, for what she finds." You paged Dannica with 'You find a receipt for a Burger King in the left pant pocket. Looks like he paid in cash. No one pays in cash these days. In the the pocket below that you find a bag of purple balloons. Unused, still sealed. It's in a plastic wrapper.'

You paged Villam with 'In the right pant pocket you find a OH JOY! Some lady's finger cut off with her engagement ring still on it. Nice diamond too. Might have been a rich lady. And in the other pocket, a foldable hunting knife.'

Xenovia thinks about it. She floats back down to land between them and her feet touch the earth once more with her boots. "Can always tie him to a tree and pull his toenails off." She kicks his leg, to make sure he's really out. Yep! He's out. 'But rather be safe than sorry. Sometimes they put bombs in things and send them in like lemmings. If he's kin, who knows whats inside of him? I can't see through flesh." She turns to look at the hanging pigs though. "I don't want to know what's in those pigs. Do you?"

Villam searches pockets, and his face goes utterly blank and emotionless. And he pulls out a severed finger, a woman's finger, with a diamond ring on it. Looks like someone had been engaged. "True. And if we already have a general idea of who he is and where he's from, we can scout there directly instead..." He holds up the grisly prize, and looks over at the sows. "I think we're going to have to cleanse /them/ at least. And then possibly burn them to make sure." A grin to Dannica, "Good way for me to learn is by practicing, right?"

Dannica searchs the pockets further and turns up nothing. Then sees what Villam puls out. "Oh no. Oh wait I can use that rite with that." She nods, "Cleasning is important. First, Thunderbolt. We need to end him. He's not quite dead. We need to clean this whole area up."

"All right. I'll do it," the Ahoun says, and takes the hunting knife that Reynold had in his pocket, and then slices the veins on his neck, then the femoral arteries on the legs, and then the veins near his wrists. Always lengthwise. Soon, to bleed out. "Easier to cleanse a corpse than someone who doesn't want to.

Xenovia sees the severed finger coming out and immediately comments, "Ew." She makes a face and definitely finds the guy on the ground even more disgusting now. "Did either of you bring matches or are we talking bbq? And it's always wise to make sure your immediate finds are not a further threat to the Sept. I mean so far, it looks like this guy was just an idiot. But looks can always be deceiving, and you can always call in back up if you get in over your heads, with a howl. But I don't sense that right now." She looks at Dannica as she finishes checking her side of things. But then Vil goes all slicey, and she steps back again to lift up off the ground to hover. "Man, I'm not getting that on my boots! Double ew.' But she does look proud they killed their first spiral icky guy together. "I already feel like I need to shower. This stench from the rotting meat is going to get into everything, isn't it?" She sniffs her poncho.

Dannica agrees, "The stench is terrible. I can show you, Thunderbolt, how to do the Rite of Cleansing, and you can participate. Consider it on the job training. We can talk about it more later. We can take our findings back to the Patrol Captain and Warder. These things, we'll need to destroy. We'll need to make sure it is safely dealt with. But that..." she gestures to the finger and ring "...that is what we need to follow up on. See where it leads us. Might need backup then, but for now? We deal with this scene before anyone else stumbles in here."

"Might want to drag the corpse over by those carcasses to cleanse everything at once," Villam says. "And that leaves one site to have to deal with everything as well instead of two.'

Xenovia leans down to pick up a rock without even touching the ground really. She tosses it over to land beneath the three hanging pigs, and the ground seems solid enough. "Looks safe to me. Less ground to howl out, excellent." She smiles at the two. Of course, she's not lifting to carry a bleeding corpse over. But she does enthusiastically cheer.

Villam grumbles and picks the corpse's legs up to drag it behind him. The smell...not as overpowering in a human form at least as he gets closer to the rotting sows. And then cutting them down. Best to get everything ready all at once. "Might have to get these clothes cleansed and clean before I do this again," he mutters. "Are you ready?"

Dannica is glad that Villam steps up to handle that part with cutting down the pigs, and dragging the corpse. She gets open her bag with she has dedicated that holds her items for the Rite of Cleansing - always prepared this one! "Good thing the Kinfolk house has cleansing showers too." She nods, "I'm ready." Explaining to Villam how the ritual works, including the need to shift to a form that allows to howl. She shifts to Crinos and begins the dance that will take them around everything that needs cleansed. Howling to rid the Wyrm taint of this area, she demonstrates and encourages him to join in. The branch of a willow in one hand, pure water in the other, she'll keep going at this for at least 10 minutes until it is completed.

Dannica loses one Magical Essence
Dannica loses one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dannica rolls Charisma + Rituals vs 7 for 1 successes.
1 4 5 5 6 +7 10

Villam joins in shifting to a crinos as well, dancing and howling to further drive the taint away, his own branch and water in hand, following in Patient Tempest's footsteps. A first try, necessary and good.

Xenovia will join in the rite at the very end by lifting her voice up to the shouting howl and scream to scare the taint away. It's surreal that she can scream that loud even, but she does grin widely when it is all done. The rite performed by Dannica makes her shiver with delight and already the area feels so much better, except the stench now permeating on the ground. "Wellllll...... we can dig with shovels to bury this rot, or I can simply sink it into a sinkhole if you want me to. Up to you. I know you need the patrol cred, but I won't tell anyone you didn't shovel, if you don't."

"If it's cleansed, then we can put this as buried meat, rotten, to nourish the plants, fungus, insects, scavengers, yes? It's /natural/ decay at this point. And there's no fire scars or smoke. Nothing left for people to wonder about, right?" Villam looks at the other two. "As long as it wouldn't corrupt anymore, I think that is what best serves gaia and the veil."

Dannica shifts back to homid for now. "I'd bury it. If you can make the earth take it back, then please do so. Agreed, we must keep the veil. We can inform the warder so future patrols can keep an eye on it."

Xenovia agrees as Dannica provides instruction to protect the veil by burying the rotten pigs. "Alright, everyone step back." The dead guy is going under ground too apparently. She makes sure everyone moves way, way, way back as she creates a sinkhole for the ground to devour, and then rush back in again to fulfill the spot. "On the count of three."

"One, two, ....." she waves her hand over the field of earth she wants to disrupt, "THREE!" The ground rumbles under their feet, not quite an earthquake but it does unsettle the vibration beneath their paws or feet now. The ground swallows up the evidence, including the blood that was spattered.

You lose one Willpower

Villam turns and looks at Xenovia with wide eyes, and he shivers slightly. "It is always...quite amazing to se what you can do," he says. "Now...we should complete the patrol, see if there is anything else nearby, and then report in. We can't report and leave the rest unseen."

Dannica is processing it all. "Xenovia... what are you? Are you like Branton? Or something else?" She is still trying to understand. But there is so much more to do. "Yes, let's finish this patrol, and report in. You got the finger, Thunderbolt?""

Xenovia will gently blow some leaves over the disturbed earth to give it some ground cover. "I'll come back later and plant some weeds or something." She might be joking, or serious, but it seems like she'll finish the job after the other two report in. "What? Oh that old power?" Posh, she lowers her hands and just grins more at the Cliaths.