Event: Camarilla Clue/Mechanics

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Similar to Blood and Brambles, this is a social event where by vampires (either alone or in pairs) will gather points to unlock more information while also attempting to avoid distractions or traps.


  • A successful team will be able to both uncover which of the guests (ghouls) stole the amulet and discover the amulet's location.

The Mystery Starts

  • At the start of the event, all players will be given the same clue.
  • Each round players would make a Wits + Investigation roll (difficulty 6) to acquire Clue Points.
    • Either alone or in a pair, the team will try to reach 10 clue points whereby they receive additional information (either about the ghoul thief or the location of the amulet).
    • Failure would slow down the team's progress
    • A botch would lead the team down a false lead and subtract from their Clue Point total.
  • Each round the players can choose whether to Interrogate one of the "Guests" (ghouls) to see what they know. (Limit one guest per team per round)
  • Alternatively they could Investigate one of the rooms (see below) of the mansion for the location of the item. (Limit one room per team per round).


  • At the end of each round, teams will tally their "Clue Points" (from their initial investigation as well as what was gleaned from their guest). When they reach 10 Clue Points, they can make a Deduction (either as to the identity of the thief or to the location of the item).
  • Deductions are clear bits of information regarding the mystery. I.e. "The amulet was last seen in the Library, or Mrs. White was last seen with the amulet before the players arrived".

Next Round

  • At the start of each round, a Complication (random roll) is made whereby one of the guests (ghouls) have been killed potentially eliminating what bonus they would provide the teams, power goes out which will increase difficulty in making Investigations / interrogations, random strangers can show up (who may not be so random) to provide additional complications, etc.


  • In each round, teams might try to Accuse a guest of the theft or Discover the location of the amulet by announcing it to the party. "We believe that it was Mrs. Peacock who stole the necklace and she hid it in the cellar!".
  • If the team is right, they win. If they're wrong, their Clue Points are reset to zero for that round and the mystery continues to unfold.
  • A wrong accusation will result in increased difficulty with all guests (+1) from that point forward.