Event: Blood and Brambles

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Blood and Brambles is an event that unfolds in a sprawling junkyard under the cover of night, where local vampires engage in a high-stakes game of vampiric hide and seek.

Six ghouls (NPCS potentially but this could be a way for PC ghouls to have some fun), each marked in red vests, scatter throughout the maze of rusted cars and scrap piles, with one selected as the true target, distinguished by a black X. The vampires, eager to assert their dominance, fan out to track the ghouls, utilizing their skills in Perception and Survival.

However, the junkyard is rife with hidden traps: paintball cannons rigged to trigger upon missteps, adding an element of embarrassment and peril to their hunt. Failure to locate the ghouls could slow the vampires down or lead them into dead ends, while a botched roll risks exposing them to the painful sting of paint.

As the night progresses, the tension mounts. Ghouls must rely on Stealth and Agility to remain hidden, maneuvering through the treacherous terrain while avoiding detection. Success means evading the vampires until dawn, gaining favor within the court, but failure could result in capture and humiliation. The game blends strategy, cunning, and a touch of luck, as vampires must balance their instincts against the unpredictable environment of the junkyard, making each encounter a thrilling test of skill and wit in the dark, competitive world of vampire society.


Step 1: Ghoul Hiding

Each of the Ghouls will be allowed to enter the maze in advance of the vampires and do their best to hide within the collection of rusted wrecks.

  • PC Ghouls rolls Wits + Stealth against a difficulty of 6 to determine their initial hiding spots.

Step 2: Vampires start the "Hunt"

The vampires need to try to find the ghouls, avoid triggering traps, and figure out the maze of the junkyard quickly.

  • Each vampire player rolls Perception + Survival against a difficulty of 7 to navigate through the maze-like junkyard. Those vampires with Auspex 1 (Heightened Senses) can roll at a difficulty of 6.
    • Successful Hunt: The player adds their successes to their "Hunt Pool" (after 10 successes, they have discovered a ghoul and roll to determine which one they have found)
    • Failed Hunt: The player fails their Perception + Survival roll, resulting in becoming lost in the maze. They cannot contribute to their Hunt Pool for that round, putting them at a disadvantage compared to other players.
    • Botched Hunt: If the player botches their roll, they trigger a trap within the junkyard. (roll 1 vs 6 and consult the Trap table). Despite the setback, the player can continue in the next round.

Step 3: Distract or Discovery

At the conclusion of each round of rolls:

  • Vampires with 10+ points in their Hunt Pool have successfully found an npc ghoul and can roll on the Ghoul Table to see which one they found.
  • PC Ghouls can roll to distract the vampire hunters. PC Ghouls will privately identify which hunter they are distracting and roll Manipulation + Stealth vs 7.
    • Successful Distraction: For every 2 successes rolled to distract, subtract 1 success from the targeted vampire's next hunt roll. This can cause a vampire to fail a hunt for that round.
    • Failed Distraction: The PC Ghoul fails to distract their target that around but must roll to hide themselves. (See below)
    • Botch: PC Ghoul is found by their target. Though they are not the X ghoul, this grants their target +4 to their Hunting Pool. The PC Ghoul can rejoin the hunt next round.

Hide Check

The PC Ghoul must make a successful Dexterity + Stealth (vs 6) roll to remain hidden. (See effects below)

  • Success: remains hidden for this round.
  • Failure: PC Ghoul reveals their location to their target, granting a +2 to their Hunt Pool for that round.
  • Botch: PC Ghoul is found by their target. Though they are not the X ghoul, this grants their target +4 to their Hunting Pool. The PC Ghoul can rejoin the hunt next round.

Round Poses

Once rolls for Hunting / Distraction / Discovery have been made, all players will be encouraged to pose the outcome for that around. Assuming the X-marked ghoul has not been found, the hunt continues.

Trap Table (1d10)

Should a hunt be botched, the player rolls 1 vs 6 and consults the table below for the outcome. When triggered, all traps have video cameras attached so that the audience (and judges) can see who was hit. Not that such footage might show up in loops within the Elysium or anything.

Roll Trap Effect
1-3 Paintball Guns
  • A hidden array of paintball guns mounted on the walls fires a barrage of bright blue paintballs at the player.
  • Penalty: Subtract -2 from the Hunt Pool due to the distraction and mess of paint splatter.
4-5 Paint Bomb
  • A camouflaged paint bomb explodes upon triggering, covering the player in bright orange paint and obscuring their vision.
  • Subtract -4 from the Hunt Pool, and the player must skip their next round due to disorientation.
6-7 Oil Slick
  • The player steps into a pool of slick oil and wet paint that causes them to slip and fall.
  • Penalty: Subtract -2 from the Ghoul Pool and lose their next turn as they recover from the fall.
8 Paint Pit
  • A hidden trapdoor opens beneath the player, dropping them knee-deep into a pit filled with hot-pink paint.
  • Penalty: Subtract -4 from the Ghoul Pool, and the player must forfeit their next turn as they climb out.
9 Net Trap
  • A net coated in wet paint drops from above, ensnaring the player and covering them in color.
  • Penalty: Subtract -4 from the Ghoul Pool, and the player must skip their next turn while untangling themselves.
10 Dodged Trap
  • Player encountered a trap but deftly managed to dodge it
  • Penalty: None

Ghoul Table (1d10)

Roll Ghoul Effect
1-3 The Rat
  • A scrawny ghoul with a knack for gathering information from the streets.
  • Bonus: Provides tips on the hiding spots of other ghouls, giving the vampire +2 to their hunting pool for the next round.
4-5 The Spy
  • A quick-witted ghoul with sharp instincts, always on the lookout for danger.
  • Bonus: Points out the location of a nearby trap. If the vampire botches their next hunt roll, they can avoid the trap entirely.
6-7 The Scout
  • A master of disguise who blends into their surroundings.
  • Bonus: Grants the vampire +1 to their hunt rolls for the next round, allowing them to move more quietly and increase their chances of catching other ghouls
8 The Snitch
  • A ghoul with an eerie ability to hear the secrets of others.
  • Bonus: Allows the vampire to roll an additional 1d10 when checking for the marked ghoul. They can choose the highest result to enhance their chances of success.
9 The Guide
  • A former street kid who knows the junkyard like the back of their hand.
  • Bonus: Provides a map of the area, giving the vampire a +3 bonus to navigate through the junkyard without getting lost for one round.
10 The Martyr
  • A mischievous ghoul who delights in tricks and pranks.
  • Bonus: They are marked with the black X



Event: Blood and Brambles
Risk: Level 0
Storyteller: Rando
Spheres: Vampire
Timeframe: Early Stages
RP Hooks

How to Get Involved:

  • Survival of the Fittest:

In the ruthless world of vampires, only the strongest survive. Joining the hunt provides an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and cunning, which could lead to greater recognition and rewards in the future.

  • Thrill of the Chase:

The adrenaline rush of the hunt is an enticing prospect for many. Participants may be drawn to the excitement and challenge of navigating traps while seeking out the marked ghoul in a chaotic junkyard environment.

  • Bragging Rights:

Participate to prove your status in the area. Successfully catching a ghoul could earn you respect and influence among your peers, allowing you to establish a stronger foothold in the local vampire community.

  • Proving Your Worth:

Ghouls often feel the need to prove their worth. This event offers a chance to demonstrate their skills, cunning, and bravery, which can lead to greater respect among their peers and vampire masters.


Interested parties should @mail Rando with the following information:

  • Interest: Why are you jumping into this Event? What's your motive. Boredom doesn't count. Why -this- Event?
  • Availability: When could you attend (day/time preferred)
  • Hook: Based on the information posted about the plot how do you think your character would become involved? Do you know one of the principle characters? Familiar with the locations mentioned? Etc.

Updates (OOC)

  • Got the basic ideas and mechanics out of my head. Sending this to staff for their review / revision.