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Miss Thompson
Agent Crowley
Sae6.jpg Smart. Tough. Skilled. And she's got a nice ass. I'm gonna like workin' here.
Crowley.jpg I could see myself tossin' back some beers with this guy. Just gotta get him to loosen up a little.
Captain Kalivas
Engineer Stephenson
Dell.jpg She's a lab job, a little bit like me. She got the looks, though. And she can kick my ass, so much respect.
Voidengineers.png Hell of a trip into the Digital Web, there, buddy.
Mrs. Blum
Administrator Cromwell
Agnes02.jpg Another suit n' tie. Would it really kill 'em to cut loose and have a good time, once in awhile? I'd get tired bein' so uptight all the time.
C richard.jpg HMFIC. Appreciates military service, so he's got my respect.
Specialist Huxley
Eden1.jpg Brains and beauty. She makes toys. Definitely need to get to know her better.