2020.12.09 Berserker Challenge

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Berserker Challenge
Theron challenges Heidi to earn her new sword.
IC Date 12/10/2020.
IC Time Day.
Players Theron, Heidi, Ulf
Location Ravenscar
Prp/Tp Berserker Kin
Spheres Gaian
Theme Song Rise of the Valkyrie

Theron told Heidi to meet him at Ravenscar a familiar path they have taken before in walks in the woods nearby. Swim suit required for her and Ulf as Ulf is coming to witness as well. When the two arrive they will find a small building made of earth and wood, a traditionally built sweat lodge, the door is small they will have to climb into it. Theron is waiting outside, already in his suit, despite the cooler temperature.

"You found it." he calls out to the duo as they arrive, "I'll give you time to strip down to the suits before we go inside." he offers.

Ulf is /decent/ this time, clad in very normal clothing, thank you. And under that, the swim trunks. He gives Heidi a confident grin and begins removing and folding his clothes to set them out, including all of his trinkets and the throwing knives he's got on him, standing and waiting off to the side. "After you, Valkyrie," he says to Heidi, gesturing to the sweat lodge and knowing how she hates being cold.

Heidi follows in after getting into her sporty blue bikini. It's more practical for long distance swimming and life-guarding, then it is for show. She ducks in to the entrance and both will see her relaxing in the heat. Today she has her hair french braided into two plates and tugged together in a looser braid in the back. "Good afternoon, Theron." She looks over to Ulf with a bit of excitement, "This is the first time we'll be going on something like this. And I'm not sure what to expect. But Theron is going to lead me. So... here we go!"

"Historically..." Theron says to Ulf with a chuckle, "This was done in the nude. Out of respect to Heidi being your mate, I decided swim suits would be fine." he says with a hint of ammusment as he waits for them to be prepared before gesturing them into the sweat lodge.

Within is a lodge that is large enough for perhaps four to five people to sit comfortably, but it is not large. in the center is a grouping of hot stones, and large bucket of water. There is a spot clearly designated for each of them to sit around the stones. Heidi's sword is in front of her spot lied out carefully on a folded towel, Theron's sword is likewise laid out in front of his position, in addition to a few other bottles and herbs and so on. "Have a seat." he gestures to them each to their positions.

The steam is already heavy in the makeshift sweat lodge.

"I think expectations are best left out in the cold," Ulf replies with a smile, reaching over to give Heidi's hand a squeeze but giving her plenty of space in the lodge. He nods to Theron and notes, "Be open to where he leads. I am here only as an observer." He settles into his place and hushes up, taking deep breaths and closing his eyes to narrow his focus.

Heidi takes a seat where indicated and she eyes the sword she's been wanting for some time now. This one, she is eventually going to need to bond with. There is a look of respect for the blade in her eyes once she settles to see it, and then she notices Theron has his at the ready as well. She sits cross legged and brushes her braid behind her shoulder. A nod to Ulf as the Godi settles, and then she rests her hands upon her knees to take a deep breath in. "I could do this naked if you liked. But no one would be keeping their hands to themselves. We've, already experienced that surge once." She reminds Ulf. "Let's see how we do today," she chuckles. Another nod to her teacher. "Any lust starts, there better be a cold bucket of water outside." On that, she might be more serious. "The primal awakening of spirit, and self, is... not what I ever expected. It's strong. Very strong."

"Lets...try and keep it focused on other primal calls." Theron agrees, although acknowledging her point. He then he takes a small clay cup and pours some sort of tea into it offering it to Heidi and then pouring one for himself. He pauses a moment and then looks to Ulf, perhaps considering risk? Then he offers the tea to Ulf as well. "Mind your rage." he warns carefully.

Then he turns to Heidi, "Drink. Then we will begin to meditate. Deep breathes, not from the shoulders from the stomach, pull into your center, you need to feel it there." he places is hand on his stomach and begins to demonstrate the breathing. "Close your eyes and focus in on yourself." he tells her. Then he reaches down to take a small bit of some herb which he tosses onto the rocks which flare for a moment, then again he pours some water over the stones to increase the steam in the small lodge.

Ulf laughs silently and puts a hand to his chest, taking a deep breath before stating, "Agreed." When he's told to mind his Rage he holds up his hand for the tea, but bows his head deeply. "It is my moon; I am always mindful at this time." He drinks, and is familiar with the meditation techniques, following along and keeping quietly.

Heidi accepts the cup of tea and sniffs it first. She sips as instructed and then drinks. She starts to breathe in, watching Theron show her where to pull her muscles in and then closes her eyes as the cup is set down. The herb is tossed, and she senses the difference of the scent on the fire. Her body senses her mate to her left and Theron, her teacher to her right. In all sense, the world seems right at the moment.

If anyone looks at her, they may notice she's starting to emit a small auric glow that is brightening. It usually does glow on a normal basis to those who can see, like the Godi, when meditating. But today, in here, it is brightening even more. It shimmers around her and then she twitches as her right hand senses Wealhtheow before her.

Ulf laughs silently and puts a hand to his chest, taking a deep breath before stating, "Agreed." When he's told to mind his Rage he holds up his hand for the tea, but bows his head deeply. "It is my moon; I am always mindful at this time." He drinks, and is familiar with the meditation techniques, following along and keeping quietly.

As they medidate, Theron continues to guide Heidi and Ulf along. "Let your consciousness go...the berserker is not found in the thoughtful mind but in the primal power of nature and instinct." he instructs.

The drugs and the heat certainly help, an alchemical mixture that begins to connect them all to that primal touch of rage within them all, the instincts if mankind from bygone days of a simplier times, a more animalistic time. A time of survival and wyld power. "Leave the world and worries of mankind. Instinct, primal nature, the Fenris wolf in our blood...we call to the wolf in us all." he growls out instruction.

Ulf follows, but keeps a tight leash on his wolf, who is so prone to taking the lead during the crescent moon. He listens, easily touching the beast within that is so familiar to him, even has he keeps his hand on its neck. Heidi slowly breathes out as she feels that stir within her chest and within her blood. Theron's voice leads them onto the right path and her eyes open to squint at the fire before them. She can feel the effects of the drug beginning. Her heart rate picks up and she leans slightly forward as if she werre latching onto that primal instinct. A feral sound reverbrates in her throat.

Her blue eyes spark a yellow glow as if semi shifting and then back again, as she turns her head to see Ulf - his wolf, beneath. Yes, she sees him. And then she turns her head back to the fire, as if she needed to take deeper breaths. And so it begins.

Instincts begin to be drawn to the surface, scents and hungers pooling just in the recess of the mind. Hunt and kill prey, defend family, destroy our enemies, and yes even that lust Heidi warned about. Thankfully they all had the forewarning to keep it in check.

The trio's heartbeat becomes like one, and it can be heard so loud in their ears like the drums of war, growing louder, faster and oh so steady.

The lodges walls pull away and disappear. The perimeter of what was the lodge still hot and heavy with steam, but outside is a dark forest layered in snow and more snow still falls, a hiss as it hits the hot lodge.

Heidi feels the walls fall away and then she starts to feel the rage to her left from the Wolf. Her blood is singing now, the primal instinct of the Fenrir wolf in her own blood calling to her //Mate//. And then she peers to her right to see Theron, her teacher, her instructor, her mentor in the crossing of worlds into something unexpected. Her body is hot! As snow hits the lodge, it also is felt on her skin and she steams mostly as the cold frozen flakes flurry and touch her legs or arms. Her eyes are brimmed with red and then she shuts them tight! And she starts to pant, as the next she opens her eyes they are a cold gray, like the winter landscape before them.

She slowly rises to one knee as if needing to get up into a semi-perch. Her neck moves to one side and she cracks it, as if needing that sound to adjust her shoulders in a slow roll. Slow rolls of white mist comes out her mouth to meet the cold.

Ulf's wolf surges under the influence of the ritual, wanting to hunt and fight and run and rut, but he keeps it under control; it's there in his eyes when they open, however, shining behind them while his muscles tense under principled discipline. He keeps his eyes on the fire; no looking to the teacher, no looking to his mate, lest something involuntary break that hold. The breaking of sweat through his pores helps; slow, calming, cooling drops that run across his skin, keeping him in place, reminding him to focus. He is aware of Heidi's movements, but dares

Theron keeps his eyes closed a moment then looks to Heidi, breath heavy, then to Ulf to ensure his wolf is still under control.

There is a howl in the darkness, other wolves are present. They can be heard circling in the darkness around the forest. A large wolf can be seen in the darkness then, eyes almost glowing yellow as it growls out to the trio. Almost a challenge, as if to say...are you ready for this?

Heidi hears the wolf out there in the darkness. She turns her head to stare right back at it and then the others that soon join it. They circle and she leans forward to put a hand on the hilt of her sword in front of her. Their eyes glowing suddenly meet hers which are also now glowing, with that reflective glow from the fire in contrast. She's not entirely human anymore.

Her fingers slowly grasp the sword she's not been allowed to touch until now. At least, not in any situation other to revel in its craftsmanship in the box. Now, it's like Wealhtheow sings to her in this place. It's humming, like the same vibration deep within her chest. She shivers all over as if she had a rampant fever. Heat continues to build within her and she growls back at the wolves and their challenge. If they come closer, they will meet her rising fury.

Oh, Ulf keeps that wolf /very much/ in check when there is a challenge from the spirit-wolf, his jaw audibly clenching and his respiration louder as his pulse is affected. The knuckles of his right hand -- the hand marked for the gods, for Tyr -- crack as if he truly is gripping his wolf by the nape. When he hears the whisper of Heidi's sword being taken in hand, only then does he watch her rise and face the pack which comes, and while pride swells in his heart for his swordmaiden he remains the master of his impulses.

The wolf circles as Heidi rises to the challenge. It looks briefly to Ulf but away, then to Theron, the mentor on this quest. There is recognition there, familiarity from Therons own quest.

"Then hunt would be swordmaiden. Find your bear shirt. Or fail." the wolf howls before turning and running into the forest his pack in pursuit behind him.

Heidi fully rises now and with a sudden burst, she leaves the fire, the lodge, and runs into the cold. Her sword in her right hand makes a slice of the air from the heat, to cold when she moves into winter. Her bare feet pound the ground to chase after the lead wolf, and she seethes out as her nostrils flare, shaking off the urge to shift into the form of the wolf.

The Queen Blade she keeps close, and grips the hilt to one side as if knowing what is best to keep it angled in that quick run.

The wolves run to the hunt, and Heidi runs after them, and Ulf rans after Heidi. His wolf demands it. He is behind her on four legs, observing and not interfering but keeping pace and searching into the dark with eyes and ears and nose. Whatever is out there, when she finds it he will be at her back.

The wolves always seem just out of reach for Heidi, she can feel them running just ahead or just to the side at times. That primal heart beat is thumping harder and harder, faster and faster. A growl echoing all around her.

Outside of the perimeter of the lodge its cold, she can feel it on her body, the heat steaming from her. Her mind recognizes the cold but there is no effect on her, its compartmentalized and pushed aside.

Like Ulf, Theron gives chase, sword in hand as they run. He too stays behind, a guide and savior if things go wrong, but to the side.

The run continues until suddenly there is another roar, its not a wolf this time you hear, something...else. The pack comes to a stop.

Thump. Thump. Thump goes the heart beat.

The unborn valkyrie suddenly stops when the pack does. They are moving so fast that her own bare feet skid in the snow and then she adapts to the berserker stance, that Theron has ingrained in her body and muscle memory. Her chin lifts as she pants out, heavier breathing now from the run and the warm mist blows out from her mouth.

She is aware of her Mentor coming from behind and then her //Mate// flanking up on the other side. In the time, she stops, they have a moment to catch up.

The roar ahead has her bristling, like a surge of energy is moving from her inner core to the seams of her heart. Like it wants to burst open and surge outward to stretch her form into something new. Her entire body is shaking, as if vibrating. And in the snow, all around her body she emits a stronger glow now in this spirit realm. It glows bright, golden, like the sun. One of the scion descendants of Beowulf, now stands in front, her sword at the ready. "Now.." she growls. She runs to catch up with the pack in the direction of the beastly growl.

Where Heidi goes, Ulf follows; no interference, no warnings or suggestions, but always there at her flank being watchful and wary. The dark feels different here; more alive, more tangible. His head swings to look to Theron, the man's sword bared, and he chuffs quietly, keeping ready for... Gaia only knows.

Another roar and then lumbering out of the darkness is this massive bear on two feet. This is a roar of challenge, and unlike the howl before, this is a challenge of direct combat. The beast, this ancient bear of the wyld forest is calling Heidi out.

The wolves all just turn their gaze to the Fenris kinfolk, watching to see what she may do.

Theron lowers his sword but has it at the ready just in case. This is Heidi's fight.

The roar sends Heidi's blood on fire as the challenge goes out. The pack turns to watch her, standing in the snow with her vibrant Queen's Blade in hand. Now, she faces her opponent!

And she herself is lit up like a glowing avatar. One foot in the snow forward, and the frost beneath her melts. Another foot, and then the next melts the snow. She's almost nearly on fire as the blade swings in her hand to a fighting stance, with her glow surging outward.

Her voice suddenly raises into a furious warcry, as her own magic ripples to blend with the warrior inside of herself. Her aura force field shatters around her body into a spirit force, where when she lunges forward again to take the offensive attack, she is a rapid fire blur of energy! One foot pushes up off the ground, and she twists upwards as she makes a leap right up into the cold winter air in that golden blue of bursting light!

The blast is significant because it is blinding. And when the golden light recedes, the Wolf and Mentor behind her will feel that rush and flap of giant wings as the newly born Valkyrie ascends.

She flies toward the bear letting loose with berserker rage tied up in her newly grown wings. They are both now witnessing something of legends. This is one of the true descendants of Beowulf blood and it is in her veins. And her black valk wings ripple behind her with uncanny speed, so very fast. Both vibrant black as midnight, with the one left wing unnaturally looking as if it were dipped in blood.

Wealhtheow, the Queen's Blade prepares to take the first bite!

A bear. What else would it be? Ulf is braced to charge or pounce or flank, but... this is not his fight. Not unless it goes terribly awry. So he snarls, keeping his place, ensuring no interference. He trusts his Valkyrie to meet this challenge, but is taken utterly by surprise when wings spread from her back and she ascends! He has never taken her for granted, and yet still she surprises him always, so that for a moment he forgets the battle to come and just allows himself the awe of seeing a goddess of war calling out her foe.

With her wings she encircles around the bear but he turns with her in a pattern where she goes in to take the offensive. The Queen's Blade swings and draws a deep gash along the left side of the bear as it comes in to strike her with its claws across her abdomen. It rakes, and her skin renders with the clawed gash to spatter blood on the snow.

She does not surrender! Heidi continues the battle flawlessly, facing death and not fearing it. She next takes one step off the ground and adapts the berserker mentor's battle tactics to her wings for extra surge on the thrusts.

Her teeth grit as blood splashes from her back as the bear rakes her one shoulder and gouges the left wing, in the most vicious attack it returns! It's bad. Very bad. It might seem like an even fight now. A series of black valk feathers bursts into the air from the next strike the bear makes. She turns again for the final attack, and puts all her energy into it. The valk roars her battle cry in defiance and lets her sword rip again right against its chest to let the blade slice through.

The bear is fearsome, powerful arms swinging at the kinfolk warrior with feirce and wild strikes of huge bear claws on a much smaller prey. The sword however bites true, and sends its blood into the air and over the snow. It doesn't stop pressing its attack however until that final strike. It lurches, maw open as hate filled eyes stare at the Valkyrie and then suddenly soften, falling to the blood stained snow in a heap.

The bear slumps in the pool of its own blood. And the valkyrie takes a step back to bring her sword free, to hover her grasp of the shining blade in the cool air. It glints in the light, for the wolf pack to see. Steam from the blood rises from her Queen's Blade. And when this is done, she lifts her head to the spirits within the realm and she lets loose a howl of her own, of victory!

When she eventually turns around in the snow, bleeding, and looking at her Mentor and her Mate... she breathes out slow. All rage. All legendary power slowly seeping out of her body, to shimmer in the light by itself and the golden surge shrinks, as do those midnight wings.

Heidi slumps over into the snow, bleeding, and now looking quite human.

When the wings surge out of Heidi, Theron arches a brow in a bit of surprise. He has heard of the tales, female berserkers, true valkyries in the sense of the word and his heart pounds faster, a triumphant surge of adrenaline, primal power. He growls an all too human growl. When his protege turns triumphant he howls out, "Yes..." the word a hiss almost with that wild look in his eyes. "Take your prize!" he urges her gesturing to the bears corpse. Not letting her stop now, "Skin the bear, take your shirt, your cloak!"

Fenris and the other wolves begin to chuff and howl, circling around with yips of approval, but if she is expecting help she isn't yet getting it.

Ulf fights the urge to run to Heidi, to nuzzle and heal her and protect her; he cannot interfere if it is not necessary. So instead, he raises his head high, wolf eyes looking to her, and he chuffs a heavy breath that brings steam into the cold air. Then he growls, and jerks his head toward the fallen bear to urge her on. There is a pelt to be claimed. Heidi lifts her head up from the snow at Theron and she takes a minute to find her human body again and how it all commands to her thoughts. Shapeshifting is work for her and newly found forms is a shock in itself. She tries to get up to a crawl and still is bleeding in the snow.

Her voice is gruff, "I've skinned deer before. Not bear. Anyone got a smaller blade than my Wealhtheow?" She's named it. A true name for a legendary Queen's Blade newly born.

Heidi grabs ahold of the heavy bear carcass and attempts to roll it onto its front so its back is exposed. There is plenty of blood to see here where the blade cut deepest.

Ulf may notice she hears him. She sees him. He's close, and she is very alert to his growl and his need to protect. But she can't dare look at him, because she will falter and let him fulfill his task as //Mate//.

A growl from Theron is in response, watching Heidi, those same primal instincts there. He holds back and just watches her, he doesn't say a word, just that she has this, she can do this. There are no other blades, only their swords. Hunt, Kill, Mate, Fight, Howl, Dance, Revel, Hunt, Kill, Mate...and so on, thump thump thump goes the heart in the berserker as he watches the success of his protege. "Yes..." he growls out again as she manages to crawl her way to the bear and begin her process of claiming the bearshirt.

Heidi turns the blade in her hand to make a side cut down to skin the bear. She starts at the crown to get the head of the bear done into the form of the fur she is wanting. It is gruesome, but it is also the way of her people. One hand rests on the top of it's head and she mutters something privately to the spirit bear that just gave its life. Did she just thank it? For teaching her. For the sacrifice. And now she takes its pelt in the victory of knowing her strength, her sword, and the opponent before it.

It takes time. She's bleeding out herself, and even with a hand to her one shoulder that is hurting the worst from the claw gouge she got on her back, those three slices into her skin run deep. She cutes and her own wound seeps blood, running down her torso and to her thighs.

She finally gets the raw hide and tosses it in the snow beside her, and she begins to bundle it up. It's hers. Once Heidi has her pelt Ulf throws his head back and howls for her, marking her kill and her victory in mastering the strength of the berserk. She has won; of /course/ she has won. And now there is truly no defeating her. And so the Godi howls, celebrating the triumph of a new Valkyrie.

I mean, its gross in a way, the blood all over poor Heidi, but not to Theron, not to Ulf, not to the other wolves in this moment. Theron approaches her then, finally. "No...like this." he takes the pelt then, and he wraps Heidi in it, even in all of its bloody mess. His hand settles onto her shoulder for a moment, giving them a squeeze as he settles the bear cloak in place. "Congratulations Swordmaiden...I'm proud of you." he rumbles in her ear.

When the cloak settles on her shoulder, there is a surge of energy through Heidi, her wounds begin to heal, her mind clears as the pain goes away. Its like life itself from the source of all things runs up her spine and through her limbs. Theron exhales, feeling just the aftershocks of it.

The wolves howl out, with Fenris stepping forward, <<You've set upon a dangerous path. The first steps, but a cub on this course...we shall see how you run, now that you can walk.>> her training has just begun in earnest. Fenris and the pack run off disappearing into the dark forest.

"Lets...get back to the lodge..." Theron suggests with a slightly ragged breath, even the kinfolk has his berserker wolf so close beneath the skin, Ulf the same, feeling it all. Thump Thump Thump goes the heart.

Once the cloak of the bear comes over her shoulders she rises to stand taller within it. She heals and then she breathes out more easily, as if Theron or the spirit within the bear did something to her. It's incredible!

She now looks up at her Mentor, "Thank you, Theron." Her eyes cast to the wolves speaking and as they run off with their pack. And then she offers a hand over to Ulf now, her fingers completely covered in blood. Her other hand still holds the sword to her side.

It is the song of blood, running through all of them; the instincts that have allowed life to survive from the dawn now into the End Times. And so Ulf rises and grows further into his Hispo form, making himself tall enough at the shoulder that a possibly-weary Valkyrie can steady herself against him and lean into his strength. He arches his massive head over and licks blood clean from her skin, sharing in the taste of her kill once they begin the walk back to the lodge. When they get back to the lodge, each returning to their place, their position. The walls of the lodge return, the spirit world disappearing around them. Heidi's besr cloak burns away in a flare of ashes, did it ever really exist? It was just spirit. Not physically but forever a mark on her spirit and soul. The Valkyrie welcomed on the path of the Berserker. They all are now in the sweat lodge, covered in sweat and steam but alive and well. Victory.