2020.11.01:Car Chasers Anonymous Club/Text

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The junkyard spreads in all of its magnificence from this central point. Mountains of crushed cars frame the horizon with paths snaking off into a giant maze of twisted metal and shattered glass. Some cars lay gutted, stripped of everything useful and balanced precariously on blocks. Others seem nearly intact, just waiting to be dismantled or rarely repaired for use again. The ground here has been torn to bits with traffic, some of it from tires and some from the treads of the heavy duty forklift the junkyard uses to move cars that will no longer move themselves.

To the east is the entrance to the workshop from the yard and to the west the car crusher. Further north is a veritable maze of crushed and semi-flattened cars arranged in a maze of rows and columns.

It's late afternoon here in the scrapyard and the Boyz (tm) have dropped off a few scrap jobs to be examined, stripped of anything useful and prepared for the crusher. The yard has a few hunks of what is probably junk ready for Bergin's examination and scrap-pulling but for now he's found himself in the clearing set aside out in the Stacks. The bearded craftsman is busy chopping firewood and stacking it under a make-shift rain shelter for the fire this weekend.

Convincing Minna to swing by a nice coffee shop on the way out isn't too hard. Eventually the rattly old boat pulls up and the kin unloads, carrying a fru-fru coffee topped with whipped cream and smelling of caramel. And a black cuppa. She seems in high spirits, clad in a plaid skirt, over-the-knee kitty socks, buckle boots, and a burgundy button up with thin black suspenders. Spotting Bergin working up a sweat without a shirt, she calls out. "Hey! You need a break, come drink soem Motivation with us." She says, lifting the cup so he can see it.

Taika is still working on freeing the canoe from the tree. It looks like a boat at this point, at least roughly. The Maori is hogging out the center of the boat (the seating area) with long, furious strokes. He is covered again with curled wood chips. Looking up as Minna calls out, he gives her a wave, followed by a nod to Bergin.

Minna comes honking up in the Buick, which is still running and not at all on fire. The finely engineered piece of American miscraftmanship stops, then lurches another inch or two after the parking brake is set. Minna climbs out of the car with a little wince, holding a keg-sized cup of coffee that looks all the larger in her small hand, a scarf wrapped neatly around her neck. "Afternoon, boys," she calls, jaunty.

The Maori looks between Killigrew and her 'Motivation' and then Bergin and then back to Bergin. "Hey Bergin, I think Miss Mary is waving at you from inside the shop.". Should Bergin turn to look, the Maori would quickly follow up with, "Nevermind, it was a reflection, my bad." He would then look back over to Minna with a grin.

Mindless wandering, a keen sense of smell, a general intolerance for humanity and a need for companionship, however brief, has led Lyric to roam into this place. He sniffs the air lightly as he approaches, looking around carefully with each step. New places are ALWAYS a little concerning, especially right now.

Hearing the arrival of Killi and Minna - more likely beacause of the sound of the well-built, American-made vehicle of theirs - Bergin stops chopping at the wood and pulls his t-shirt out from his back pocket to wipe the sweat from his brow. The offer of coffee can't be refused so he dons the shirt with a quick duck of his head and wanders over to the group.

"Thank ya ma'am..." he smiles at Killi and looks over to Minna with her keg-sized cup. "Having one of those mornings yourself?"

Journey walks in from the street, looking around as he walks in, passing by the newcomer, "Hi Lyric." He says as he strides in, unconcerned, and looks about.

The black coffee is for Bergin, it seems, though the kin sets it down and skirts towards Taika, her cheeks going red when he tries to distract Bergin. "Shush, you, just..." There's a chuff from Killigrew as she passes her super sweet caramel coffee off to the Maori. There's more wolves than expected, and since she gave one a coffee, the other one gets a coffee too. "Ah! You wouldn't refuse a gift, would you?" Pre-empting any protest. Or trying to.

Tabi swings by United 'randomly' again. After the conversation yesterday about the Stacks and their... weirdness, she's become rather intrigued. She pauses as she sees the sizable gathering. Does this place ever NOT have crowds?

Minna holds her cup up in greeting to Bergin, lips pursing as she drinks, thinks. "Yeah," she says, yawning. "I was up early, dawn. Stretched. Pumped a little iron. Didn't get a chance for a nap." She gives one leg a little roll, winces, drinks again. "Might've pulled a muscle, Wasn't even leg day." She glances at Taika, smirking, laughing softly into her open-topped cup.

"Journey," comes Lyric's smooth, but quiet voice. With someone he knows here, he picks up his face, falling in line with the ELder Garou as he strolls about. "New place. Hadn't seen it before." He most definitely has a Middle Eastern accent, but his pronunciation is careful and easy to understand.

Journey nods, walking in with Lyric, "New place." He nods to Bergin, "His, weekend gatherings, it's picking up momentum." He says simply enough, looking around, "Been a while." Bergin takes the offered coffee and excuses himself from the start of a conversation with Killigrew as Journey comes in as well as a new face. "Welcome," he greets and looks between the Elder and the Middle Eastern-accented man. "Please, come in and take your ease. I'm Bergin, of the Get."

The Kiwi picks up the drink, sniffs it, and walks it over, "I refuse gifts all the time. I'm not big into coffee, but thanks anyway. It's yours.". The Skald doesn't need a reason to be even MORE on edge. To Minna, he side stages with a mock hand over his face, "Someone has to be a D.D. and make sure no one here accidentally crashes into someone else.".

Looking up, Journey and the Bubasti are noted and he turns to face them, "Rhya," he says with a small bow of his head, "And a guest...ooh and Tabi! Kia Ora all." Killigrew laughs, shaking her head. "How come it didn't work when /I/ did it?" she mutters, taking the cup back if it gets given to her. "Hello, Journey, Tabi." she says, greeting the two she knows and wandering back to the growing cluster. "How is everyone?"

Lyric nods to Journey, dipping his head just once, and turns his attention to Bergin. "Lyric. Bastet." There's always the chance that somemone's going to freak out and he'll have to murder something, but his good ole buddy Journey is here, so that relieves a lot of his tension and he .. smiles. It's a little toothy as far as smiles go, but he doesn't look like he's going to try and eat anyone. Sometimes, that's all you can hope for.

Journey nods around to everyone, looking about, "Hi folks, hows things?" He asks, relaxed, watching the eternal struggle to find the right amount of caffiene.

Tabi offers smiles to the (increasingly large number of) familiar faces. "Morning all." She pauses again as she eyes Lyric up and down, before double-taking at his introduction. Her smile widens impishly. "Tabi. Gurahl." She doesn't seem overly concerned saying that outloud in this crowd.

Bergin seems surprised of Lyric's origin but answers it with a smile, "We had one of your people here at the Gathering a few days ago," he starts but has to think about what the man said to repeat it accurately, "One of the..." he pauses again but finally puts the word out in hopes that he's not mispronouncing it, "Qual-mi."

As Tabi introduces herself he glances over to the blonde-haired Smokejumper and makes a point to explain that "All under Gaia are welcome here."

"Yeah, my experience is that the crashing's best when you do it on purpose," Minna says. Then she holds out her arm, pantomiming steering a wheel, laughing. Then she winces again, shuts up, and goes back to sipping her coffee. "Minna, wolf," she says to Lyric, throwing up the Boy Scout sign for it. Or, at least, she thinks that's it. The Fury ambles toward Tabi, inspecting the bear, politely as one can inspect someone.

Taika says to Lyric , "Taika Ngata, Get Skald. Pleasure to meet you. Churrbro.". He gives Minna a snicker as she /crashes/ and then actually follows her over to Tabi. "You right Tabi? How's things?". Kill is left to Bergin for the time being. Killigrew slants a look at Bergin, glancing down and looking like she might say something, then shushes. Instead, she takes a drink of her coffee. "Zoe Killigrew, kinfolk of the Black Furies." Keeping it simple for the new face.

Gurahl? What? Lyric's gaze shifts to Tabi and he looks her up and down too before he nods. "An honor, Cousin," Minna gets a smile and Bergin gets a nod. "Qualmi. Nice. There aren't many around here these days." He fusses briefly at plucking something off his shirt, then dips his fingertips into his back pockets, forcing himself to settle the hell down a little bit.

Journey looks around as the introduction chain reaction happens, turning in a full circle and yeah, everyones met him. As Tabi and Lyrics breed causes the Shifter equivelient of a long sniffing session, he watches, smiling faintly. Fairly unconcerned, the only one clearly responsible for the death of another Shifter here is him.

Tabi smiles softly. Sne nods to Lyric. "Likewise, cuz. Don't worry - this place is safe and Family friendly." She's trying to soothe the somewhat jumpy Bastet. Ya know, tyoical Tabi stuff. She gives the approaching Minna and Taika a grin. "Stuffs going pretty well. You?

Killigrew bows her head, pinching the bridge of her nose, cheeks going red before she looks at Taika. One of those friendly, 'Imma kill you' kind of looks. The look is follow by silent laughter, trying to keep it all on the downlow without the skill to keep it there.

Journey looks at the Buick, starting to walk around it, inspecting the car, noteable in the fact it seems to have gotten here under its own power and is not being used as a part of the environment. Lyric ndos to Tabi and does as he's bid. He relaxes. Well, like he doesn't because have you seen how big the moon is? But at least his hackles aren't up. "Thank you, cousin. I'll keep that in mind." When Journey moves, he glances over that way, but stays where he is for now

From down the road, and up to the yard, there comes a-ridin' a stranger... not tall, alas, though dark is feasible. But handsome is a matter of opinion, and it would be presumptuous to assume... Anyway, atop an honest to gods Vincent '55 Series D fully enclosed Black Knight, there arrives a Karmen-shaped object, who pulls to a halt and dismounts, before poking her nose into the yard. And seems surprised. For a salvage yard - even a SPECIAL salvage yard - this is a lot of people. They're not usually the hip and happening place to be seen. Which does lead to the question about why she turned up herself. Still, she gives a bright smile, and a two fingered salute (the polite kind, not the rude kind) to her brow and speaks up. "Howdy doody - is this a meeting of car wrecker's anonymous or something?"

"Sore," Minna says to Tabi and Taika. "But we have furniture in the apartment now, and I've got clean clothes, coffee." She smiles back at Lyric, then turns her attention to Tabi and asks, "How's the whole bear thing working out for you?" Minna, the epitome of inter-species diplomacy. "Think you could hold my car up for me sometime? It'd make changing the oil a lot easier," she asks.

Bergin offers drink or, if they're hungry, some of the leftovers to Journey and to Lyric and asks if they've just come for a visit or if there's anything official going on. If the former, then he invites them to have a seat around the central fire which, miraculously, has -yet- to go out from the first time it was kindled on Friday. "Beer? water?" he offers while trying to be a good host to the Elder and to the unfamiliar Bete.

Turning to Taika, he asks the Kiwi tribesmen if he can toss some more wood to the flames to keep them going. Karmen's arrival draws his attention back to the gate and he raises a coffee-cup in salute, "Hail..." as though an invitation to join their company was somehow burried in the subtext of the Get phrase.

Journey walks around the car, looking at the tags, then, right as Bergin approaches to ask, he drops, spryly, down to the ground, going to fingertips and toes of his shoes, balanced, looking under the vehicle. "Mm oh nothing official, no." Then he pops up to his feet, and turns to the arrivial of Karmen. "No, CarChasers Anonymous. We're here as aversion therapy." He points Karmen at Bergin, "This is our Chapter Leader."

Taika nods to Bergin and goes to grab the wood to throw it on the fire.". With that he slowly fades into the background.

Karmen grins even more, if 'twere possible. "I know a few folks could use some of that.I keep tellin' 'em, chase all you like, but if they're stationary, you're going to keep breaking your nose. Is that a 3.8 V6, or is it the 4.3 Oldsmobile V6 engine? Can't tell, the T-Type trim was stuck onto just about everything then... what is it? 84? 85? Say it ain;t the 86 with the front wheel drive, because that thing couldn't steer for shit. Though if I could get my hands on an 86 Grand National, I'd retire. To Mars. After terraforming it. Kinda the holy grail of coupes. Oh, hell. ALmost forgot. Karmen's the name, Car's the game... I had that on a business card, but ran out. Someone broke your Buick, huh?" Taika dodges the silent promise of revenge, leaving Killigrew to sidle up over to where Minna is. "Still sore? Anything I can do to help?" she asks, taking a drink of her sweet coffee and leaning to look and see what the three are doing at the car.

Journey waits through Karmens ongoing... thing, looking at her, listening to her, and takes a breath, "Oh I dunno, not mine. Pleasure to meet you Karmen." He turns to the group, "Oh hey, Whose is this?" He asks, pointing to the Buick, lifting his voice pleasently.

Tabi quirks an eyebrow at Minna's comments. "It's not going to change your life, or anything, but ginger and tumeric will help some. So choose your food wisely for a few days. And all the usual remedies, of course. If it keeps bothering you for more than a few days, let me know, m'kay?" She chuckles at the car question. "Well, I shift up... maybe. But then it'd be really high up, so maybe not the most useful for oil changes. Or maybe perfect. Who knows? Maybe I'll look into being an menergency jack, if this whole firefighting thng falls through?"

Minna grins at Killigrew and shakes her head. "Aw, I'm fine," she says with a good-natured laugh. "I just like having something to complain about." The talk of the car makes her look over her shoulder at the others, and back at Tabi, blinking. "Huh. Well. Thanks, actually. I'll try that." She holds up a hand, quickly adding, in a little mumble, "I wasn't expecting to get good advice while I was being a smart ass." Looking back again, she throws up a hand. "Yo! Mine. Don't sit on the bumper, it might come off!" Bergin is out of his league when it comes to the inner-workings of basically any vehcile other than his Jeep so he lets those more familiar with the topic take point when talking to Karmen.

Karmen purses her lips and sucks air in between her teeth, the noise that all mechanics have to be trained to do properly, so it will best reflect the sense of "this is going to be needlessly expensive." However, she does not instantly start shaking her head and muttering, which is a good sign. "Wellllll... you've definitely had some cowboys in here. But it doesn't look totally unsalvagable. I mean, the outer shell is easy enough to fix. These days, you can pretty much rebuild anything from the outside. If we can't get original parts, we just make our own, like I did with Pellinore back there." She jerks a thumb over her shoulder towards her motorcycle. "It's the insides that need real care and attention. I mean, you can tell me to butt out, and my butt will stick so far out it stops traffic. Well, more than it usually does. SOmetimes it does. Or that guy in the mercedes had his brakes cut. Anyway, you want me to take a look? I know my stuff. Didn't go to proper school for letters after my name, but when you work in a Brooklyn chopshop, you pick all sorts of things up - like fleas, chlamydia, and also, how to make a busted banger run like a freakin' NASCAR pole position champ. For at least half an hour, until the mark is far enough away to never come back." Journey gets into his satchel, pulling out a card holder, opening it with a spread like a bad hand of Uno, he plucks one, and hands it to Minna, "Riley Kustom. Full Custom auto shop, I own it. I'll call and put you on the Family account, go in and have.. Everything done. I'll mention it, total going over. Down to the spare in the trunk. There's a lot of power wasted in there, and they'll weld the bumper on properly." Turning to Karmen, he says, "Looking for your family? I can give you some numbers, I know they want to meet you."

Reassured by Minna that she's really a-okay, Killigrew smirks and sidles up next to Bergin. "The doctors seem concerned about the patient." she says, motioning towards the car, then leaning in whisper to the taller Garou.

Tabi chuckles softly. "Smart asses gotta look out for each other. 'Cause other peeps aren't always our biggest fans."

A slight wince crosses Karmen's face. "Hey, sorry man. Didn't mean to be poaching someone from your business. I just get enthusiastic when there's a chance I might get covered in engine oil. Which is a weird image and I shouldn't have said it. And I'm cool, all sorted with the fam. Got my own dive, but I crash with Jo and Kohl half the time. I can look after the kid so they don't have to spend every night up at 3 am. I should probably have introduced myself more, I guess. I've meant to come out here for a while. But you know how it is. Work, prosthetic limbs, blah blah blah. Never seem to have the time these days. So, yeah." She holds a hand out to Journey. "Karmen Khan. Mechanic, cybernetic limb designer, superb driver, reasonable cook, sing like a puking walrus. It's a weird resume, but at least I'm interesting!"

Y'ever throw a handful of tennis balls at a Labrador? That's how Minna reacts to Karmen and Journey, eyes going back and forth, back and forth, her amused response to Karmen's schtick ( or winning personality ) registering one moment, Journey's jaw-dropping kindness the next. She puts a hand on her head as if trying to make the world stop spinning, then cautiously, sheepishly says, "I don't have much to offer, and that's a lot to give. I was just going to ask someone show me how to do it myself," she half-mumbles, grateful, if a little guilty, for having so much thrown at her so fast.

Bergin turns to Killi as she whispers something to him with the most confused look on his face. She could have told him...well, anything but the bearded man just seems like someone whacked him up-side the head with the 'wtf' stick. Not angry, or upset, he just doesn't know how to process the information so he tries to cover it up with a faint smile and a nervous laugh before he decides that people need drinks and wanders over to the coolers to find beer; must have beer now.

Journey nods to Karmen, "Oh excellent, you're all set up." He nods approvingly, and looks to Minna, "Nono, I'm kind of interested in seeing this thing completely worked over into Dancer-Smashing shape. Right now, I put the match up on the Dancers side, and theres a drip underneath." He looks at the hulk of Detroit Rolling Steel, and nods, "I mean, they'll want to look for parts if only there were a local scrapy-"

Of all the responses, that... was not what Zozo was expecting. Akward. Running her fingers through her pastel blue fauxhawk she stays in place, studying the ground by her feet. Lawdy.

Karmen takes a closer look at the vehicle, now decidedly curious. "I'd be happy to lend a hand in any way I can, of course. I believe good, solid, classic cars should be kept alive. Except, you can make them really friendly to the environment at the same time. I'm very big on the environment. Seems weird for a petrolhead, right? But we're the people who most need to be aware of things. So what do you all do for fun out here?" Subject change, no warning. "I mean, this looks like a really funky town, all of the remote location, and busted vehicles. If someone starts playing Duelling Banjos, I'm not going to be surprised. Or happy."

Tabi cracks a grin as she hears Jo and Khol get name-dropped. Always good to hear friends reference other friends. She offers the increasingly lost looking Minna a bit of a lifeline. "As people keep trying to remind me, friendship isn't transactional. Friends help friends, because they're friends. In the big picture, it all works out in the long run." She shrugs. "People here are just... helpful." She quirks an eyebrow as Berg reacts to... something. Hrmmm. And then she simply HAS to smirk at Journey's scrapyard line.

Journey looks back to the car, "That's gonna be fun, they'll get you a loaner car for when they work on it." He chuckles, "This thing is the kind of car that was made to different specifics, it'll go straight through most of todays cars with a mild bump." He looks to Karmen, nodding, "Well could see if you'd like to work at Riley's. Do an interview and the like if you're interested." He shrugs and considers, "Fun, Yeah." He points to Bergin. "Fun's his department. Kinda."

Minna , distracted as she is, barely notices what's going on between Killigrew and Bergin. She looks at Karmen's ride, which is, in itself, a pedigree and business card itself. "Wouldn't be the first time I hit something with it," she says, eying the bumper. "On purpose, I mean." She looks at Karmen and can't help but smile. "I agree with that. And I wouldn't know, I just hit town two days ago." She turns back, and up, nodding at Tabi. She scratches the back of her neck, shrugs a little. "I just like to keep things even. Take, sure. But give back. Doesn't feel right to me, when it's all take. Has to be an exchange."

Bergin busies himself by carrying a cooler of beer and water around to those who have gathered, offering them whatever libation they'd choose. He seems focused upon the task, but his eyes still seem filled with confusion; the man's head shaking back and forth as though he were running a scenario over and over again in his head to make sense of it all.

Karmen sighs a little. "Much as working at an auto shops sounds like my idea of a kid in a sweet shop, I already have a full time job. And while it would be tempting to change, what I do is a really worthwhile thing, and they recruited me specifically. I'd love to help out if you ever need someone to lend a hand on a specific problem, but with my job, and my studying most evenings, I just don't have time to get a second job. But beer... gah" She shakes her head "I'm driving. I got an ok head for the grape and the grain, but I wouldn't want to even risk a scratch on the Vincent. It took me a LOT of time and effort to get that carapace right. I'd never forgive myself if I got tanked and screwed it up."

Tabi offers Minna a smile. "Likewise." She shrugs. "So, find your niche and help where you can. I'm learning... well, I'm starting to learn... You might, or might not, actually help the person that helped you - but you might help one of their friends... And in the big picture, that's actually pretty cool."

Killigrew retreats to an out of the way spot to sit down, pulling her phone out her jacket. Sitting cross-legged, elbows on her knees, she listens with half an ear while she thumbs the screen.

Journey nods to Karmen, "Well he's got water too, but I think once he gets out of whatever fugue state he's fallen into you might want to meet him." He looks over to Minna and Tabi, strolling that way, "All a part of pulling in the same direction."

Bergin finishes handing out the drinks, sets the cooler down and seems to have gathered his wits about him to wander back towards Journey and the newly-met guest, "Sorry about that...just...uh, yeah." He offers his hand to the woman as a brief, but honest-felt greeting, "I'm Bergin, of the Get - please count yourself welcome here."

Karmen shakes the offered hand "Officially, Pahkarmenavista Khan, kin of the Stargazers. Mechanic, limb designer, eater of waaaayyyyy too much sour candy. And you are very kind to make me welcome. I'm still a bit new at all this. Only been at it three months or so. But I learn fast. And have very good teachers. I'm trying to find where I really fit in. Every day brings a new idea!"

Minna 's sheepishness melts like snow in the afternoon sun at Tabi's words, and she nods. "True," she agrees. "And well-spoken." She glances over at Killigrew, at Bergin, back to Killigrew, then to Journey. "I, uh, I'll take the help, just as long as it doesn't get too crazy, like, Pimp My Ride crazy. Thank you." She ducks her head respectfully, then gestures for 'one sec'. "Phone," she explains, tapping her pocket. "Back in a bit," she says, slinking off to the privacy of elsewhere.