Note: This guide was written by a player. It is not officially sanctioned by staff. While best attempts have been made at accuracy, it is possibly inaccurate or out-of-date. If you see something that should be changed, please contact Thorn on MUSH.
This is a guide on how to set your username to be multiple colors on City of Hope Mush. It looks super complicated, but once you get the basics, you'll have a rainbow of colors in your name in no time.
=== Basic Usage ===
The Mush is a display system that treats color codes like switches, turning things on until it gets an 'off' signal. It's the same way a browser reads tags on a webpage. Putting it simply, if you wanted to make a word blue, in one line of code you would turn on the effect, output the word to the mush, and then turn off the color.
The syntax would be %x<#insertcolorcodehere>text%xn.
In plain English, %x switches on the code, <Color Code (with brackets)> tells what color to output, followed by whatever text you want that color, and then %xn turns it off.
As you may be able to see, it's possible to change individual letters to whatever color you want. This can get confusing, so I suggest doing it on notepad first.
To begin, type the following: @set me=Color256 This tells the Mush that your connection is able to see the color codes.
To set your username to have colors, type @moniker me=<name> where <name> is your username
with all the color codes we mentioned above. If I wanted to change my character's name to be green, I would type the following:
@moniker me=%x<#55FF55>Thorn%xn
The mush also has shorthand versions for more commonly used colors. To have the same color change using the shorthand, I would type the following:
@moniker me=%xh%xgThorn%xn
Want to get complicated? Here's every letter a different color!
@moniker me=%x<#FF5555>T%xn%x<#FFFF55>h%xn%x<#55FF55>o%xn%x<#5555FF>r%xn%x<#FF55FF>n%xn
A list of all the colors available, their codes, and their shorthand, can be found on the mush by typing +colors and hitting enter.
Happy coloring!