2020.02.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 32

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“It ends tonight.”

Alison's voice is charged with firm resolve and full of confidence as the video begins to play. She's sitting in her ring gear with the Ladies of New England Championship draped over her shoulder. She shines it up and gazes into it longingly.

Alison: I've worked my entire career just for the right to be called Champion; to prove that I am the best on the planet today. Nobody ever remembers second place, nobody ever remembers the runner ups or the valiant few who were always in the conversation but never taking Number One at the podium. We don't remember who lost the Super Bowl, we don't remember the silver medalists at the Olympics, we don't remember who finished 2 tenths of a second behind first at the Kentucky Derby. To fall, to be second, is a sentence to eternal obscurity. To be forever remembered is immortality; to be forgotten is the final and truest form of death.

Alison slowly looks back to the camera as she clutched her championship tight and possessively, that even though she has conquered every challenge set before her to this point it's still the one thing that meant more to her than anything else; there was a certain fear that it could one day be ripped away from her.

Alison: 456 days ago today I became the Ladies of New England Champion. 456 days ago I began the painstaking process of removal of the final toxic person out of my life; the day I began to remove the cancerous tumor that was my best friend in Terri Thompson. The one I trusted with my secrets, the one I confided in, the one I leaned on and the one that watched me fall just to further her own career. The fact that you're here tonight... is an anomaly. The fact that you're here tonight means that somewhere along the line I failed. I was told you would never walk again; by the very man that's trying his hardest to deny me the lucrative contract I've so rightfully earned by carrying this company on my back! I don't know if it was divine intervention or the fact that I just got sloppy on the execution but the fact that you can once again walk under your own power, to move upon your own free will is a blessing you should've appreciated. It's a gift you should've kept to yourself, it's one you should've taken with you with Wendy across the border to Canada to disappear forever with your health restored to you. Nobody would've blamed you, nobody would've missed you, nobody would've known better.

Alison shares another long gaze at the center plate of the LONE Championship, her eyes locked on her nameplate on the center as she runs a finger lovingly across it.

Alison: In your case; it would've been a blessing to have been forgotten. You could've had that happy ending you always wanted, that you ALWAYS dreamed about. Maybe you could've found some rogue doctor that would promise a cure for Wendy's paralysis and maybe if you were extremely fortunate he might even be telling you the truth. Maybe a miracle would've struck and Wendy too would be able to walk again; maybe you'd sell your soul to the 2am time slot of the Home Shopping Network selling kitty litter to make it happen; I wouldn't judge you for that. You could've had your life back despite every intention I had to take it away from you. But you had to walk through those curtains, you had to interrupt MY contract negotiation and try to take away MY spotlight... AGAIN!

Hindsight is 20/20 and only if I knew then what I know now...You could never just be there for me, you could never just be HAPPY for ME! It was always about what would help Terri, how Alison could help Terri, how Alison could help Terri against the big bad mean people hurting Terri. What about me, what about Alison?!

There was a visceral anger in Alison's eyes and charging through her words, an anger trying to cover up a deep pain inside.

Alison: I'll never forget The Rumble, I'll never forget May 25th, 2018. I'll never forget the day you went into business for yourself and left me in the dark! I'll never forget how you betrayed my trust and went behind my back!

Alison exhales a very deep sigh as she casts her eyes downward.

Alison: I... I could've rationalized the Qent thing, I could've even pushed down my anger and got over the Stevenson thing and how you would moan and bitch to me about something I was trying to stay out of. But Terri... you had to prove him right, didn't you? You had to make every single word he whispered inside my ear true, didn't you? You didn't trust me to come to my own conclusion... you didn't trust me Terri... you didn't trust me...

The anger seemed to have temporarily subsided as there was nothing but pain behind her words now.

Alison: I want this to be over with... I want it to end! I want to close that chapter in my life with you in it, Terri! I want to move on! But that can't happen; as long as we're both in the wrestling business, as long as we're both in LONE that can't happen. That one move you made has created a butterfly effect and that butterfly's wings has flapped so powerfully and majestically that we're entangled in a dance of death together. One that'll lead us both to the grave and to the end of our careers if one doesn't slay the other first.

Alison looks back into the lens of the camera as she begins to rebuild her resolve.

Alison: That is why it needs to end, tonight! I have too much left that I need to accomplish! I'm tired of explaining myself, I'm tired of... trying to hold my head up high. You think I'm a villain, Terri? You think I'm evil, don't you? You think I decided over a bowl of fettucini alfredo to just call a hit and snap your wife's neck and execute it myself? You don't think I didn't wrestle over a decision to end someone's way of life that had been nothing but good to me?! I did it because I knew where her loyalties lied... I did it because I knew it would hurt you and I did it to protect myself FROM you! I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO! IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU IN THE RUMBLE; WHY ISN'T IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME, TERRI?!

Alison was shouting as she was clearly losing her cool, losing the composure that she was so famous for keeping; a composure that she spiced up with confidence and arrogance over the last year and a half. For the first time in a long time The Champion was beginning to show cracks in her armor and it was all because of Terri.

Alison: But if evil is what you want... it's what you're going to get! I'm going to let those darkest tendencies that we all have deep inside fly loose! I'm going to ride that wave of hate and I'm going to end you!Wrath, envy, hatred, pride.. I'm going to let it all out! Tonight I finish the job, I finish what you started.. tonight marks the end of your career! But I'll make one single promise to you Terri; one.

Alison holds up her index finger as she sneaks a gaze at her championship belt.

Alison: I'll make sure that after tonight everybody remembers your name. I'll make sure everyone remembers that Alison Crowne killed Terri Thompson in the middle of that ring with all the waivers signed that protect me from any criminal liability in the event that should happen, papers that your attorney and mine looked over, that may arise from the match. Everyone will remember February 29th, 2020 as the night that after a valiant and brave struggle Terri Thompson lost her life at the hands of Alison Crowne, failing to recapture the LONE Championship in the process. Everyone will remember Lethal Leap Year as the day Terri Thompson's flame was finally extinguished. And I'll promise you one more thing while I'm at it, Terri, consider it a final act of kindness; when your Father goes to the morgue to claim your body and the coroner has signed your death certificate I'll be there to identify the body so he can give his daughter the funeral she deserves.

Terri, I promise you, the last thing you will hear tonight before you close your eyes for good will be two simple words.


Dick Slender's got nothing on me.

It ends tonight.


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!