2020.02.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 32

“It ends tonight.”
Alison's voice is charged with firm resolve and full of confidence as the video begins to play. She's sitting in her ring gear with the Ladies of New England Championship draped over her shoulder. She shines it up and gazes into it longingly.
Alison: I've worked my entire career just for the right to be called Champion; to prove that I am the best on the planet today. Nobody ever remembers second place, nobody ever remembers the runner ups or the valiant few who were always in the conversation but never taking Number One at the podium. We don't remember who lost the Super Bowl, we don't remember the silver medalists at the Olympics, we don't remember who finished 2 tenths of a second behind first at the Kentucky Derby. To fall, to be second, is a sentence to eternal obscurity. To be forever remembered is immortality; to be forgotten is the final and truest form of death.
Alison slowly looks back to the camera as she clutched her championship tight and possessively, that even though she has conquered every challenge set before her to this point it's still the one thing that meant more to her than anything else; there was a certain fear that it could one day be ripped away from her.
Alison: 456 days ago today I became the Ladies of New England Champion. 456 days ago I began the painstaking process of removal of the final toxic person out of my life; the day I began to remove the cancerous tumor that was my best friend in Terri Thompson. The one I trusted with my secrets, the one I confided in, the one I leaned on and the one that watched me fall just to further her own career. The fact that you're here tonight... is an anomaly. The fact that you're here tonight means that somewhere along the line I failed. I was told you would never walk again; by the very man that's trying his hardest to deny me the lucrative contract I've so rightfully earned by carrying this company on my back! I don't know if it was divine intervention or the fact that I just got sloppy on the execution but the fact that you can once again walk under your own power, to move upon your own free will is a blessing you should've appreciated. It's a gift you should've kept to yourself, it's one you should've taken with you with Wendy across the border to Canada to disappear forever with your health restored to you. Nobody would've blamed you, nobody would've missed you, nobody would've known better.
Alison shares another long gaze at the center plate of the LONE Championship, her eyes locked on her nameplate on the center as she runs a finger lovingly across it.
Alison: In your case; it would've been a blessing to have been forgotten. You could've had that happy ending you always wanted, that you ALWAYS dreamed about. Maybe you could've found some rogue doctor that would promise a cure for Wendy's paralysis and maybe if you were extremely fortunate he might even be telling you the truth. Maybe a miracle would've struck and Wendy too would be able to walk again; maybe you'd sell your soul to the 2am time slot of the Home Shopping Network selling kitty litter to make it happen; I wouldn't judge you for that. You could've had your life back despite every intention I had to take it away from you. But you had to walk through those curtains, you had to interrupt MY contract negotiation and try to take away MY spotlight... AGAIN!
Hindsight is 20/20 and only if I knew then what I know now...You could never just be there for me, you could never just be HAPPY for ME! It was always about what would help Terri, how Alison could help Terri, how Alison could help Terri against the big bad mean people hurting Terri. What about me, what about Alison?!
There was a visceral anger in Alison's eyes and charging through her words, an anger trying to cover up a deep pain inside.
Alison: I'll never forget The Rumble, I'll never forget May 25th, 2018. I'll never forget the day you went into business for yourself and left me in the dark! I'll never forget how you betrayed my trust and went behind my back!
Alison exhales a very deep sigh as she casts her eyes downward.
Alison: I... I could've rationalized the Qent thing, I could've even pushed down my anger and got over the Stevenson thing and how you would moan and bitch to me about something I was trying to stay out of. But Terri... you had to prove him right, didn't you? You had to make every single word he whispered inside my ear true, didn't you? You didn't trust me to come to my own conclusion... you didn't trust me Terri... you didn't trust me...
The anger seemed to have temporarily subsided as there was nothing but pain behind her words now.
Alison: I want this to be over with... I want it to end! I want to close that chapter in my life with you in it, Terri! I want to move on! But that can't happen; as long as we're both in the wrestling business, as long as we're both in LONE that can't happen. That one move you made has created a butterfly effect and that butterfly's wings has flapped so powerfully and majestically that we're entangled in a dance of death together. One that'll lead us both to the grave and to the end of our careers if one doesn't slay the other first.
Alison looks back into the lens of the camera as she begins to rebuild her resolve.
Alison: That is why it needs to end, tonight! I have too much left that I need to accomplish! I'm tired of explaining myself, I'm tired of... trying to hold my head up high. You think I'm a villain, Terri? You think I'm evil, don't you? You think I decided over a bowl of fettucini alfredo to just call a hit and snap your wife's neck and execute it myself? You don't think I didn't wrestle over a decision to end someone's way of life that had been nothing but good to me?! I did it because I knew where her loyalties lied... I did it because I knew it would hurt you and I did it to protect myself FROM you! I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO! IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU IN THE RUMBLE; WHY ISN'T IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME, TERRI?!
Alison was shouting as she was clearly losing her cool, losing the composure that she was so famous for keeping; a composure that she spiced up with confidence and arrogance over the last year and a half. For the first time in a long time The Champion was beginning to show cracks in her armor and it was all because of Terri.
Alison: But if evil is what you want... it's what you're going to get! I'm going to let those darkest tendencies that we all have deep inside fly loose! I'm going to ride that wave of hate and I'm going to end you!Wrath, envy, hatred, pride.. I'm going to let it all out! Tonight I finish the job, I finish what you started.. tonight marks the end of your career! But I'll make one single promise to you Terri; one.
Alison holds up her index finger as she sneaks a gaze at her championship belt.
Alison: I'll make sure that after tonight everybody remembers your name. I'll make sure everyone remembers that Alison Crowne killed Terri Thompson in the middle of that ring with all the waivers signed that protect me from any criminal liability in the event that should happen, papers that your attorney and mine looked over, that may arise from the match. Everyone will remember February 29th, 2020 as the night that after a valiant and brave struggle Terri Thompson lost her life at the hands of Alison Crowne, failing to recapture the LONE Championship in the process. Everyone will remember Lethal Leap Year as the day Terri Thompson's flame was finally extinguished. And I'll promise you one more thing while I'm at it, Terri, consider it a final act of kindness; when your Father goes to the morgue to claim your body and the coroner has signed your death certificate I'll be there to identify the body so he can give his daughter the funeral she deserves.
Terri, I promise you, the last thing you will hear tonight before you close your eyes for good will be two simple words.
Dick Slender's got nothing on me.
It ends tonight.
Disturbance Backstage
As that video package fades, another kicks in. Rage Against the Machine's Testify starts to play as a video reel starts.
The graphic for LETHAL LEAP YEAR flies across the screen. Footage from various matches kicks in, with shots of Hannah Kix hitting her "Eat Your Kix" trademark move. It then shows Hannah standing in a dark background with her black with silver trim boxing robe over her head. She throws fast punches as another video of No Fly Zone, "Fly" Felicia Hawkins breakdancing with Kayoko "Yo-Yo" Ichikawa watching with a klondike bar in her hand. It then cuts to the two hitting their move NFZ, an aided wheelbarrow legdrop to win the LONE Tag Team titles. A cut to them celebrating in that moment with the belts. Only for a cut of the Gucci Gals hitting their Designer Drop to win them.
More footage continues, of Terri Thompson hitting a superkick on Alison Crowne. Then, the moment when Alison Crowne betrayed Terri after her 2nd title win, and then hitting The Crowning Moment on both Wendy, and then Terri. There's a shot of Alison posing with the title while her lawyer Gordon Barrows and her friend Stonehands stand next to her.
The spicy and sexy redheaded Cinnamon, and her ice cold and violent tag team partner Violent Violet are featured. Spice & Ice. Match footage from their chaotic brawl with the Gucci Gals is shown, like Violent Violet hitting a double clothesline on The Gucci Gals, and then dropping to her knees to punch both. Then it shows her running across a ladder set up as a bridge between the apron and guardrail, doing a senton that did not go her way as Prada Paula moved and Violet went crashing into the row of chairs and concrete. Cinnamon is shown taking Gucci down to the mat and slamming her head into it repeatedly before cutting to the both hitting their aided wheelbarrow facebuster, Sex & Violence on Ms. Gucci in the Tag Team Classic.
Lastly, we cut to Sister Catherine and her partner Stitches; The Damned. There's footage of them hitting their clothesline and spear combination they call Damnation to retain the tag team titles. The final shot is of Sister Catherine in her nun habit standing to the left, with Stitches on the right holding a doll of Sister Catherine's likeness. The two are bathed in a crimson light. Stitches strokes the doll's hair lovingly while Sister Catherine's eyes widen behind her glasses and she opens her mouth. Fangs protrude and she spits a red mist into the camera's lens as the song ends and fades out to the LONE logo and logo for LETHAL LEAP YEAR!
North: Welcome to Supremacy LONE 32: LETHAL LEAP YEAR! I'm Kevin North alongside my colleague, Dexter Irving Cornelius
DIC: AKA DIC! It's Lethal Leap Year! And I can promise all you ladies out there watching one thing. It's going to get dangerous tonight but don't worry.... I'm packing.
North: Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen you've been asking for it, you've been waiting for it but that wait will soon be over! I've gotten the green light from Jack E. Bux to finally make this announcement; after many months of planning the Tag Team Classic is finally coming back and it's starting next month! The teams have yet to be fully determined but it will be for the Number One Contendership to the LONE Tag Team Championship currently held by The Damned, Sister Catherine and Stitches!
DIC: I sure hope the Gucci Gals and Spice and Ice are in; they deserve to win the whole thing!
North: Easy, Dexter, you're going to ignite the whole controversy again over which side you're really on.
DIC: You know I hate choosing! They're both perfect, okay? I think all of them are future LONE Champions if you ask me and that'd make Miss Gucci a future two time champion!
North: Well, I'm sure the odds makers agree with you in more ways than one; their records don't lie and neither does the tape. We'll have to see if one or both teams make the tournament but there's others out there that are also on the radar. You got No Fly Zone, the first ever Tag Team Champions, you might see Fay Qent and Terri Thompson once Fay Qent's clear of her legal troubles should that happen soon, and who could forget Generations, Anne Grayson and Ainslee Avalon?
DIC: Bleh, bleh,and BLEH!
North: And who knows, Bux may make a few wildcard pairings of women who've never teamed together before just to see what sticks and what magic might happen! Wait a second... we're getting word of some disturbance happening backstage, let's cut there now.
The camera feed cuts to the backstage area where it appears Generations is laying face down on the floor unconscious. The camera slowly tilts up to reveal Slapp and Tick L.!
Slapp: WOOP WOOP! You forgot about us, didn'tcha? It's been too long, juggalo fam!
Tick L. We've been sittin and biding our time, sippin on some Faygo and chillin with the crew, ya know?
Slapp: Yeah, that's right! I mean come on Bux, how could you do us like that? We've always been at the call, we've always been willing and able to step between those ropes and get that paper; where has all the love gone?
Tick L.: I'll tell you where it's gone, Slapp, it's... it's... well.... it's not here!
The two share a high five as Tick L. opens up a bottle of Fayo soda after shaking it up, spraying it over Generations before letting it fall like a fountain into her mouth.
Slapp: So it's time to make a change! Generations; they're out, we're in! We're going to go all the way in the classic and we're going to have a victory bash with all the juggalos and juggalettes here in Maine!
Tick L.: WOOP WOOP! See ya next month!
Tick L. sprays more Faygo into her mouth before passing the bottle to Slapp who takes a big chug out of it to finish it off before tossing the bottle backwards onto Generations as they walk out of view.
"The Mistress of the Microphone" Jennifer Stewart vs Cinnamon
Baxter: The following contest... is a STEEL CAGE MATCH where the only way to win is to escape the structure! Approaching the ring first, from San Antonio, Texas. She is the Mistress of the Microphone, JENNIFER STEWAAAAAART!
A spotlight shines on the stage as the arena darkens and Jennifer Stewart steps out. She is in a shimmering crimson red dress. There's a man in a tuxedo behind a piano. He begins to play a tune as Stewart sings along.
Stewart: I'm going to be locked inside of a cage
Treated like an animal full of pent up rage
Oooh tonight they're going to feed me a piece of meat
With a huge bowl of Cinnamon. Oh, that sounds like a treat!
She steps through the ropes and stands in the center of the ring.
Once I'm finished with my meal
And the dastardly deed is done
The Ladies of New England will realize
The Mistress of the Microphone is your true number one!
Baxter: And her opponent, from Annapolis, Maryland. She is... CINNAMOOOOOOOOOOON!
“Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young plays over the public address sound system as Cinnamon steps out onto the stage to a large chorus of boos.
Walking down the aisle and to the ring, she walks up the steel steps and steps into the ring. She smirks and stands in her respective corner, waiting for the match to begin, but not before Cinnamon extends a leg forward and does a split. She starts to lean backwards and sways her arms as if she's slowly swimming backwards, before using the ropes nearby to help herself up.
North: Well, there's a reason why this event is called Lethal Leap Year, two matches with a ton of bad blood involved. Jennifer Stewart looks to get her career back on track while Cinnamon will stop at nothing but crush her beneath her feet!
DIC: I wish I didn't have to hear Jenny's annoying singing ever again. Could she be any more out of tune? Cinnamon is trying to do us all a favor!
Jennifer Stewart immediately makes a mad dash for Cinnamon and starts raining down with punches to the head having waited months to get her hands on her after all of the cheap shots. She whips Cinnamon hard into the steel cage causing her to clang violently against it sending Cinnamon to the ground.
North: The only way to win this match is by escaping the cage, either by instructing the referee to open the door and walking out or climbing out of the cage. Both feet have to touch the floor; once isn't enough.
DIC: I'll commend Stewart for trying to wear Cinnamon down early but she's got a long way to go if she wants to walk out of her!
Jennifer Stewart hits a sliding dropkick to the face of Cinnamon, knocking her against the steel cage once more. Stewart quickly gets up and tries to press Cinnamon's face up against the cage as the crowd cheers as things already appear to be different with an even playing field.
North: What a difference a neutral environment can make, with no Violent Violet to run interference Jennifer Stewart is taking command of the cage and the ring!
Cinnamon screams in pain as Stewart keeps her pressed against the cage with her foot for several seconds. Stewart backs off and flourishes for the crowd as they cheer her on and she takes a bow. Cinnamon manages to pick herself up and manages to break off a loose support bar on the cage fencing and grasps it in her hands before swinging and catching Stewart behind the leg, sending her to the ground!
North: The way that bar broke off was almost a little too convenient if you ask me.
DIC: The only rule in place is to escape, if Spice and Ice planned ahead more power to them!
North: You sound like you seem to know something others don't.
DIC: You can't prove anything... not that it's illegal even if you could!
Cinnamon swings the bar several times at the downed Jennifer Stewart causing her to scream in pain before she drops down and begins to choke her with the bar around her neck, pulling back with a weapon assisted crossface! Stewart struggles and tries to break free but it's no use as the bar just won't give way nor will Cinnamon's grip! Cinnamon pulls back harder and harder trying to choke her out but Stewart manages to roll them both onto their backs, letting Stewart position herself inside, shifting her body till she was face to face on the ground with Cinnamon! Stewart smashes her forearm into Cinnamon's face several times causing her to let go of the bar and release the hold.
North: Stewart with those swift and deadly forearm smashes. She managed to somehow escape that bar assisted crossface!
Stewart begins to climb the cage, climbing up halfway before Cinnamon begins to get up to her feet. Stewart gets about three quarters up before Cinnamon yanks her down by her foot, splitting her on the ropes as she screamed in pain.
DIC: I don't care what kind of internal plumbing you have; that will hurt every single time!
Cinnamon begins to climb the cage now, using Stewart as a stepping stone, pressing her feet in her face as she gets close to straddling the top of the cage. Stewart grabs a hold of Cinnamon's foot to stop her from going over the top of the cage and throws several punches as she goes to climb again to try to meet Cinnamon halfway. Stewart ends up getting the better of Cinnamon as she suplexes her back into the middle of the ring!
North: What a nasty superplex, throwing Cinnamon back into the center of the ring, Stewart might have her where she wants her now! This is the perfect time to escape!
Stewart begins to crawl towards the cage door as she asks for the referee to open it, which he complies and does so. Stewart gets about halfway through the ropes by the door before Violent Violet hops out from the front row in the crowd and slams the door shut on her face!
North: I should've known! Always about the numbers game with Spice and Ice!
DIC: Cry me a river, scoutmaster Kev, it's all legal!
The crowd boos loudly as Violent Violet grabs a chair from out of the front row and gets inside the cage and begins to hit Jennifer Stewart repeatedly in the back! Cinnamon gets up and yells at Violet to hold Stewart up and she does before hitting her Sugar & Spice standing spinning heel kick. Spice and Ice then position and unfold the chair in the middle of the ring and nail Jennifer Stewart with Sex and Violence, their aided wheelbarrow facebuster directly onto the chair! Jennifer Stewart lays motionless on the heavily dented chair is left standing as an ominous reminder as Spice and Ice exit the ring and walk down the steps and to the arena floor.
Baxter: Here is your winner... Cinnamon!
North: That Sex and Violence to the chair was completely unnecessary; that wasn't necessary to win the match! Cinnamon could've still just escaped without that!
DIC: It's all about sending a message; you challenge Queen Cinnamon it's off with your head!
North: Who died and made Cinnamon Queen now?
DIC: Why don't you go ask Jennifer Stewart?
The steel cage is lifted as EMTs rush to ringside with a stretcher as they attend to Jennifer Stewart. Spice and Ice watch at the top of the ramp laughing and talking as they point to Jennifer Stewart as she's fitted with a neckbrace and wheeled out on a stretcher.
Backstage Segment: Hannah Kix w/Translator
The video package begins rolling with Hannah Kix sitting inside her home in Paris, France with the beautiful Eifel Tower lit up in the distance in the night wearing a stone blue Lanvin gown. Next to her on the table was a bottle of Fortin Plaisance Saint-Emilion 2014 wine with a glass already poured and waiting. Kix holds the glass in her hand, gently moving her wrist to swirl around the wine as she brings it up to take a whiff of the aroma.
Kix: Ashley, ma chère, tu ne comprends pas, n'est-ce pas? Oh, où sont mes manières? Vous ne comprenez probablement pas un mot que je dis, n'est-ce pas? Je veux dire que vous prétendez que vous pouvez, mais nous savons tous que le français est le supérieur de toutes les langues romanes. Non, je ne vais pas vous parler dans une langue commune, ni pour vous ni pour aucun de ces ingrats en Amérique. Je vais m'adresser à vous en français et demander à un assistant rémunéré de traduire mes mots pour moi.
A feminine voice with a heavy Parisian accent then translates.
Narrator: Ashley, my dear, you just don't get it do you? Oh, where are my manners? You probably can't understand a word I'm saying, can you? I mean you claim you can but we all know that French is the superior of all the Romance languages. No, I'm not going to speak to you in a common tongue, not for you or any of those ingrates in America. I'm going to address you in French and have a paid assistant translate my words for me.
Kix brings the glass up to her lips and savors the fine French wine, taking her time to enjoy all the subtle flavor notes as the narrator translates.
Kix: Mais nettoyons d'abord l'air, d'accord? Nous ne sommes rien de semblable, nous ne pouvons pas être plus éloignés dans les goûts ou la perspicacité. Je suis un kickboxeur de formation, je suis allé dans des écoles privées en grandissant, j'avais un tuteur et un nutritionniste gardant mon esprit et mon corps affûtés pour fonctionner à une efficacité maximale. Ashley, ne prétendons pas que Hollywood est même dans le même quartier que la France; pendant que nous célébrons Dior, Yves Saint Laurent et Chanel que vous adorez sur l'autel de Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes, et quel était son nom ... le gars qui s'est fait tatouer le visage comme un bâtard ... il y en a tellement .... Aaron Carter? Six sur un, les déchets sont des déchets. Votre ville et votre nation célèbrent les ordures et la saleté tandis que le véritable art est célébré dans la mienne.
Narrator: But let's clear the air first, shall we? We're nothing alike, we couldn't be further apart in tastes or acumen. I'm a trained kickboxer, I went to private schools growing up, I had a tutor and a nutritionist keeping my mind and my body sharp to operate at peak efficiency. Ashley, let's not pretend that Hollywood is even in the same neighborhood as France; while we celebrate Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and Chanel you worship at the altar of the Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes, and what was his name... the guy that got a tattoo on his face like a mongrel... there's so many.... Aaron Carter? Six of one, trash is trash. Your city and your nation celebrates trash and filth while true art is celebrated in mine.
Kix: Je veux dire vraiment Ashley, pensez-vous honnêtement que Cesar Chavez High est meilleur que Cours Molière? 4WA est-il vraiment meilleur que le Français Phenom Pierre Dupuis, cinq fois champion d'Europe poids lourd? Non, tu es un poseur, Ashley, tu veux être comme Hannah Kix parce que tu détestes le fait que tu es pauvre, pitoyable, Ashley Lopez. Je t'ai pris sous mon aile parce que je t'ai fait pitié, j'ai eu pitié de toi et j'ai bêtement pensé que je pourrais prendre ce morceau de charbon non raffiné et la presser dans un diamant. Vous avez toujours été prompt à poser des questions, mais vous avez hésité à réellement écouter; vous n'avez aucune patience et vous vouliez tout à votre façon et maintenant. Puis-je vous rappeler que je suis la seule femme dans LONE à avoir un tel record sterling sans une seule opportunité de championnat? Vous êtes essentiellement une recrue encore, vous avez été assis sur le banc parce que personne ne pensait que vous étiez encore prêt.
Kix took another drink of her wine as she scrunched her nose up at a thought that crossed her mind.
Kix: Je suis la raison pour laquelle vous êtes même revenu à la télévision et quelle erreur qui s'est avérée être! Vous m'avez coûté des milliers de dollars, j'ai perdu un accord de soutien à cause de vous, car les entreprises ne pensaient pas que vous respectiez leurs normes élevées. J'ai essayé de te porter garant, de mettre mon nom en danger mais ils ont déjà vu ta cassette et étaient loin d'être impressionnés. Comment pensez-vous que cela m'a fait sentir, Ashley? Pas cher, comme si mon nom avait perdu du prestige ... et c'était de ta faute.
Narrator: I mean really Ashley, do you honestly think Cesar Chavez High is better than Cours Molière? Is 4WA really better than The French Phenom Pierre Dupuis, five time European Heavyweight Champion? No, you're a poser, Ashley, you want to be like Hannah Kix because you hate the fact that you're poor, pitiful, Ashley Lopez. I took you under my wing because I pitied you, I felt sorry for you, and I foolishly thought I could take this unrefined lump of coal and press her into a diamond. You were always quick to ask questions but hesitant to actually listen; you have no patience and you wanted everything your way and now. May I remind you that I'm the only woman in LONE to have such a sterling record without a single championship opportunity? You're essentially a rookie still, you've been sitting on the bench because nobody thought you were ready yet.
I'm the reason you even made it back to TV and what a mistake that turned out to be! You've cost me thousands of dollars, I lost an endorsement deal because of you, because corporate didn't think you met their high standards. I tried to vouch for you, to put my name on the line but they already saw your tape and were far from impressed. How do you think that made me feel, Ashley? Cheap, like my name had lost prestige... and that was all your fault.
Kix: Vous rêvez d'être une star comme tout le monde à Hollywood, vous voulez voir votre nom dans les lumières et sur le chapiteau! Mais pendant que vous rêvez de ces rêves élevés, vous ne pourrez jamais réaliser ces rêves. Tu avais raison sur une chose Ashley, je suis féroce, je suis aussi impitoyable qu’elles viennent. Je suis le cauchemar de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, j'éteins la lumière et les désirs de gens comme toi. Tu voulais mon attention? Vous l'avez maintenant et c'est quelque chose que vous regretterez. Je vous combattrai à tout moment et en tout lieu, ne vous y trompez pas. Mais ce sera selon mes conditions et mon temps, pas le vôtre. Alors pour l'instant, passez un peu plus de temps dans le pays des rêves, vous l'avez gagné car la réalité est une garce et elle vient pour vous, bientôt!
Kix laughs a sinister laugh as she swiftly kills the rest of the wine in her glass as she downs it.
Narrator: You have dreams of being a star like everyone in Hollywood, you want to see your name in lights and on the marquee! But while you dream these lofty dreams you'll never be able to make those dreams come true. You were right about one thing Ashley, I am cutthroat, I am as ruthless as they come. I am the Nightmare from the other side of the Atlantic, I extinguish the light and desires of people just like you. You wanted my attention? You have it now and that's something you'll grow to regret. I will fight you anytime and any place, make no mistake about it. But it'll be on my terms and on my time, not yours. So for now, spend a little more time in dreamland, you've earned it because reality is a bitch and she's coming for you, soon!
The video package then slowly fades out as a light goes out in the Paris skyline.
Backstage Segment: Linda Edwards w/Madison Anderson
A camera catches up with Madison Anderson in an undisclosed location, somewhere on a miniature golf course as she puts a golf ball through a windmill trap meant to knock her ball of course, getting it close to the hole on the other side. Linda Edwards is seen standing next to her, looking to get another word from the lucky striker that managed to get the best of Olga.
Linda Edwards: Madison, why are we here? Why am I here? Are you really sure this a good idea?
Madison: I mean, why not? I want to address the LONE audience, I want to have my voice be heard. I'm not going to keep remaining silent out of fear. What's Olga really going to do?
Linda: People, family members, friends, have been urging you to leave the state to try to put some distance between...
Madison: So I'm in Maine, so what? Nobody knows exactly where at in Maine.
Linda: Well... I do, LONE does... that's kind of why we're here.
Madison: So? That's only a few people. You're acting like my life is in danger.
Linda: I'm sorry but have you seen what Olga does to people, especially those that make her angry? I don't want to be on the receiving end of that, I mean Bux, he pays well but not /that/ well! I don't exactly have the best health insurance, you know.
Madison: Relax, I promise everything's going to be okay. Even if Olga somehow did find out we'd be gone by the time she pulled into the parking lot.
Linda: So... ummm.... what did you have to say?
Madison: Well first off I'd like to thank all of my fans for wishing me well and congratulating me on my big win. You always remember your first at a new job and this was my first at LONE. After I lost to Alison Crowne many moons ago I knew that I needed to step up my game and really get serious about this, you know? She's got over a decade of experience; it may be a cliché but she really is a young veteran. You know, this is what I wanted to do, who wouldn't want to shoot for the stars and try to be the very best like no one ever was? You got to put in the work.
Madison walks over towards the hole and puts the ball gently into the hole.
Madison: Sweet! I think that's a birdie, Linda, isn't it a birdie when you...
Linda Edwards looks completely confused at the question.
Madison: It's not important; I mean I really don't know either if I can be completely honest. Let's just call that a birdie because I saw one on the windmill on the way over; I got feathered friends in the sky! But yeah, like I was saying, I knew I needed to put in the work, that's why I put in a lot of extra hours at 4WA since then. Nobody ever expects to pull the short straw and get paired with one of the most unrelenting forces of nature the state of Maine has ever seen in a ring but you need to take that opportunity and bust down that door, you know? I know Olga thinks it was a fluke but I KNOW it was a victory! And you know what? I miss being out there in front of the LONE fans, I want to be back out there and show everyone what I've been working on! I want to throw my hat in for...
Madison: Owwwww, Linda what was that for?
Linda: I didn't do anything.
Madison: I mean, I get it, I'm still new and ribbing is a time honored tradition but... oh...... shit.....
Madison stops in mid-sentence as she sees Frank Debauchee driving a golfcart with a golf club in hand having fired off a golf ball at Madison's back moments prior as Olga was in the passenger's seat and they were coming right for them!
Madison: I... I have to go now...
Linda is quick to bolt off in the opposite direction as Debauchee gives hot pursuit in a golf cart with Olga riding shotgun. Madison pushes through people as Debauchee honks his horn to get people to move out of the way. Olga reaches back and grabs a handful of golf clubs and starts throwing them like tomahawks one by one at Madison, each one just barely missing by a matter of inches in any direction with one just barely clearing over her head before falling harmlessly behind her. The pursuit lasts until Madison finds herself standing at the edge of a pond as Debauchee and Olga stop the cart and get out to confront her. Madison seeing no other way out jumps into the pond and disappears under the water! Debauchee and Olga begin to spread out trying to cover opposite ends to point out Madison when she resurfaces to cut off her path to escape. Madison manages to poke her head out of water to the shore closest to the golf cart and climbs out, hopping in the driver's seat by the time Olga and Debauchee notice and she begins to back up! Olga and Debauchee make a dash for the cart but get tangled up with each other's feet and fall down just as Madison flips the cart around and takes off and begins to disappear into the distance! Olga gets up and grabs a golf club, snapping it in two out of anger as the video fades out.
"The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne vs. "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
Baxter: The following contest is a NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH for the LONE Championship! Introducing first the challenger, from Portland Maine. She is GUTTER TRASH TERRIIIIIIIII THOMPSOOOOOOOOOOOON!
Terri wastes no time, marching through the crowd immediately as fans pat her on her shoulders. She hops over the railing and slides into the ring. She takes her leather vest off and slams it to the canvas, motioning for Alison to come out already.
North: Due to the nature of this match Baxter is introducing the women right now as they enter. Normally in championship matches we wait until they're both in the ring together before the referee holds up the championship and calls for the bell. But both are out for blood, possibly each other's lives. Due to all the bad blood involved and the nature of this match being anything goes an executive decision had to be made.
DIC: It's personal and when it's personal you just want to get out of the way and watch! There's nothing Alison wouldn't do to end Terri's wretched but I'm sorry; I can't ever force myself to root for Smelly Terri!
The lights shut out in the arena as the ominous chords of a violin to an orchestra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22MpXAD_uwU&t=1002s) begin to echo through the arena. Men and women dressed in armor begin to walk out onto the stage and lining the ramp as a dim light shines on the curtain creating a foreboding ambiance in the air. The music hauntingly taints the air as Terri looks on from inside the ring, her determination never wavering as the orchestral piece reaches its climax as the stage opens up in front of the curtain, slowly rising as a throne emerges from within. By nearly 20 pounds of gold between two belts there was no denying that the champion had arrived. Upon the metal throne were seven pillars spread out at varying angles, five containing a skull pierced through the top by a sharp point, each representing the necks of various people she's snapped; Wendy, Ami Reeves, a competitor during her New England tour, an official, and Terri Thompson. On the final two pillars, on the left and right most sides hung her two championships; The Maine Commonwealth Championship on the left and the Ladies of New England Championship on the right. She wore a red hooded cape, the hood obscuring her face, her attire appearing to be armored whether it was the gauntlets she wore on her hands or the graphics on her attire, particularly on her tights where it appeared the fabric was tearing away to expose plate armor underneath all while bearing her Highlight of the Night logo. The orchestra fades out as The Root of All Evil by Dream Theater begins to fade in from the 40 second mark onward. Tonight there was no Stonehands or Gordon Barrows at her side.
Baxter: And introducing next, she hails from Gainesville, Florida, weighing in at 152lbs she is the longest reigning and defending Ladies of New England Champion in her 456th day she is 'The Highlight of the Night' Alison Crowne!
The lights slowly fade in as the light around the throne itself takes on a golden hue as Alison slowly lifts her head with a mask covering her face, some would recognize this as the mask of the one of the evilest figures in the Fable game and the main antagonist. Alison Crowne slowly sits up from her throne and holds her arms out wide as two knights come to her, taking the championships off the throne and draping the Maine Commonwealth Championship over her right shoulder and fasting the LONE Championship around her waist. Alison slowly walks down the ramp, her eyes locking with Terri's as she slaps her hand on the center plate of the LONE Championship before shooting her thumb at herself possessively. Alison stops at the end of the ramp and slowly removes the mask, revealing her face as one of her knights removes her cape while she holds the Maine Commonwealth Championship high. As soon as the cape was removed she tosses the Commonwealth Championship aside and removes the LONE Championship and sprints and slides into the ring as the bell immediately rings.
Terri and Alison immediately swing for each other, connecting at about the same time as they each connect with an unguarded hook to the jaw. Alison gets the better of the exchange as she's still wearing her gauntlets, which upon first impact give away that they aren't just plastic props but metal of some sort. Both women stagger and stumble but Alison recovers first and rams her fist hard into Terri's stomach as she goes back to re-engage. Terri doubles over but Alison forces her to the ropes as she connects with several vicious boxing style body blows. Terri goes to cover up but Alison catches her on the jaw again and drops her to her knees. Out of spite and insult Alison takes off one of the gauntlets and slaps Terri across the face with it before taking off and discarding the other. Now it was clear that the gloves were truly off, Her hands and wrists were heavily wrapped in tape with '456' written on her right hand representing the number of days as champion while her left had 'FINISH' written on it.
DIC: If you look on Alison's hands and wrists you see the word 'FINISH' on her left; that's a reminder to finish the job this time when she thought she did once before.
North: The gloves truly are off tonight and I expect both women to take full advantage of this lawless environment.
Alison smashes her knee into Terri's face repeatedly against the ropes, going long past what would have caused a referee's five count in any other match as the referee can only plead for her to break but unable to enforce anything but to acknowledge a pinfall or submission. Alison finally stops at what would've been an approximate count of 15 and shoves the referee back before putting a little extra into one final knee smash on Terri as she slumps to the mat.
North: Normally that would've been a required break on the count of 5 or else risk a disqualification but the referee could count to 40 and he still wouldn't be able to do a damn thing here.
DIC: Damage, damage, and more damage. Stack on and inflict as much damage as you can, especially early on. Doing that will make sure that the other will have less opportunities to repay in kind later.
Alison quickly exits the ring and starts looking under the apron, lifting it up and tucking it under the bottom rope as she pulls out several steel chairs and flings them haphazardly into the ring. Next she finds a toolbox and chucks that into the ring as well between the bottom and middle ropes. Finally she pulls out a kendo stick and slides back into the ring. Twirling the stick in her hand several times she grips it with both hands and swings and cracks Terri in the back as she stands up. Alison waits for Terri to turn around and goes for a swing in the front but Terri managed to grab one of the gauntlets while she was on the ground and put one on her hand and sucker punches Alison in the stomach with the aid of a gauntlet which sends her falling backwards and dropping her weapon in a hurry! Terri throws off the gauntlet and grabs one of the chairs and begins to relentlessly smash it over and over on Alison's body as she writhes in pain with the crowd coming to life in a big way.
North: Terri is taking Alison to the woodshed here, she's mangling that chair all over the Champion's body!
DIC: See, Terri's gotta take something of Alison's just to get ahead!
North: If you introduce it you better prepare for it to get used! Not everything will break your way!
Terri throws down the mangled and bent chair as Alison crawls slowly towards the ropes. Terri grabs one of the other chairs and wedges it into the turnbuckle before grabbing one more and wedging it in the section underneath it. Terri grabs Alison by the hair and tries to toss her into the chair wedged between the top and middle ropes but Alison stops this by putting her foot out in front onto the turnbuckle and shoots back a sharp elbow to stun Terri. Terri stumbles backwards as Alison slips behind her and hits her with a release german suplex, sending her flying halfway across the ring.
North: It wasn't too long ago that Alison Crowne and Terri Thompson were similar in size but over the last 5 months or so Alison has been training to make the Olympic Boxing Team for the United States, fighting at a new weight class and she's learned rather quickly to use her new size advantage in her favor.
DIC: It's nothing but lean muscle, Kev. Muscle weighs more than fat and Alison is, dare I say, in the best shape of her entire life! Eating right, training right; it makes a huge difference! She makes 152 look good! Meanwhile Smell Terri is over there training on a diet of cheetos and beer and doing donut curls with Homeless Hannah outside by the dumpster!
Terri manages to roll through some of the impact, trying to get back to her feet quickly as Alison goes for a quick followup as she shoots off a knee to the ribs. Terri clutches her ribs as Alison lifts her up high into the air looking for a snap vertical suplex but Terri manages to slip out of her grasp at the last possible second and catches her in a surprise rollup. 1....2....THR-KICKOUT!
North: Terri almost stole the championship right there but she needs to be careful; it's not like Alison doesn't have enough motivation as it is. Should have gone for something else there if you ask me, wear her down some before trying to pull something slick and pissing her off.
Terri nearly collides with the ropes due to the momentum of the pin being broken but she manages to regain her footing and nails Alison with a nasty sounding mule kick as it sends the champion crashing back towards the mat. Alison tries to shake off the cobwebs out of her head as she seemed to have been caught off guard by the counter but Terri is immediately back on her before she can fully get her bearings straight as by now Terri has already picked the bent chair back up and presses it down viciously on Alison's throat!
DIC: Oh come on! Come on! Somebody stop this! She's trying to crush Alison's throat and force it to cave in on itself!
North: It's anything goes, Dexter! You heard Alison, they both signed a legal waiver holding the other harmless legally if either one suffers serious injury or death! It's the nature of the beast, you hate to see it but she signed up for this!
Alison's feet kick violently on the mat as she's struggling to breath, her face begins to turn a shade of red as Terri unrelentingly presses down harder and harder, the only way Alison manages to finally break the choke was by jabbing her thumb hard into her right eye as she catches just enough room when Terri briefly pulls up to shove her weight down again. Alison clutches her throat and takes a few labored deep breaths as Terri is momentarily blinded, having dropped the chair in the process.
North: You know Terri's been waiting for a very long time to get vengeance on what she did to her but also Wendy. You can feel the hatred in the air, you can feel it charging this atmosphere. It's a potent weapon and a deadly distraction, it clouds the mind's focus and both are riding that wave. Alison saw an opportunity out of desperation and she took it there with a thumb to the eye.
DIC: As much as I don't like Smelly Terri, it's about damn time! Alison has never held anything back and if you're not willing to match that same intensity it's just going to get you killed out there!
Alison slowly crawls backwards to the ropes, clutching her throat as the color slowly returns to her face. Terri manages to regain her sight, Alison unable to take advantage of the thumb to the eye as she spent her time just being able to breath properly and she quickly rolls out of the ring as Terri scoops up the chair and goes towards her again. Alison immediately heads to the timekeeper's area and grabs her belts and hops over the barricade trying to leave through the crowd as the crowd boos loudly.
North: Alison is signaling that she's had enough already, she'd rather force a No Contest by fleeing the arena and perhaps the state instead of losing to Terri Thompson! This is the pinnacle of cowardice!
Alison throws both belts over her shoulder, the LONE Championship laying on top as she backpedals with her eyes locked on Terri and slapping the center plate.
Alison: No, you don't get the privilege of a do-over! You'll never hold this belt again! I'm giving you a way out, Terri, I'm showing you mercy! Go home and take care of your quadriplegic wife!
Terri is seeing red as she immediately darts out of the ring and makes a mad dash for Alison as she hops over the barricade, causing the champion to begin to push through the crowd to try to put space between them. The crowd however tries to impede Alison but open up for Terri.
DIC: Come on you garbage pail kids, get out of the way!
Just as Terri is about to grab Alison, Alison manages to swiftly snatch a large soda from a fan's hands and throws the contents directly in Terri's face, blinding her again! With Terri blinded Alison drops her belts and steals the fan's seat, folding it in on fluid motion before slamming it right on Terri's head! Terri falls like a redwood chopped down in the middle of a forest as fans in the immediate vicinity have a look of shock and horror on their faces.
DIC: Cowardice? I think not! What a masterstroke of a maneuver there; it was a trap from the beginning!
North: Whether it was or not you'll never get Alison to admit to anything else! Terri might have a concussion after that; chair shots to the head aren't something you really see anymore, many companies have put plenty of measures in place to place incentives against such behavior. But when there's no rules in place, what can you really do?
DIC: Not a damn thing! That's exactly what Bux is going to do about it and that's exactly what Smelly Terri is going to do about it! NOTHING!
Alison plants a foot on Terri's chest and counts with her fingers to three before stomping hard on her chest, to show how easily she would've had her if this were in the ring. Terri groans in pain, showing that she was still aware, even if barely, after the impact and tries to hold her head. Alison scoops Terri up and holds her over her shoulder as security is quick to clear fans out of the immediate vicinity for their own safety and Alison seeing a new opportunity in front of her tosses Terri like a lawn dart into several rows of now empty chairs as her body contorts and crashes and thuds over them as she rolls and skids on the ground. Now with the champion in full control she smirked as security grabbed her championships and ran them back towards the timekeeper as she slowly walked back to Terri as she stirred slowly on the floor. Alison crouches and slaps Terri arrogantly and very condescendingly in the face several times with a cocky grin.
Alison: I thought you were The Punisher? Huh?
Alison slaps Terri harder.
Alison: No, NO! You don't get to claim that! The system failed the Punisher, I played by the rules and the system failed ME! YOU ARE A COG IN THE SYSTEM! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT ME!
Terri defiantly spits in Alison's face which possesses Alison to immediately wrap her hands around her neck to begin to strangle her!
North: This is... this is unsettling. She's trying to literally choke the life out of her!
Alison: I loved you like a sister and you betrayed me, El Jinete Rojo! You want to put your original sin on ME?! FUCK YOU!
Alison presses down harder and harder as she tries to choke the life out of her.
Alison: Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU!
Alison screams as she lifts her shoulders slightly off the ground with her hands wrapped around her neck before slamming her down and releasing the hold.
North: Stop it! Dammit, why?!
DIC: That's the price of betrayal, Kev! Ride or die!
Alison sits on her knees staring down at a motionless Terri Thompson. Alison's eyes reflected a mix of pain and anger as she stared at her one time best friend before finally pulling herself up and yanking Terri up by her hair, her body barely going along with her as her legs wobbly moved forwards as Alison dragged her towards the barricade. Alison tosses Terri over the barricade, showing little care for her rival as her body just kind of rolls a little on its own from the landing. Alison slowly crosses over the barricade and shoves her boot in Terri's face with a look of derision Alison contemplates tossing Terri back into the ring and nearly does with a grip full of hair picking her back up but instead drags her over to the ring steps and roughly lets go.
DIC: The punishment isn't over yet! Just exactly what's next though? That's the question.
Alison instead grabs Terri's legs and wedges them between the upper and bottom section of the stairs and stomps on her chest hard several times causing Terri to groan and slowly stir.
North: Oh no... we've seen this tactic before. Usually Alison only targets a single leg to limit mobility but Alison is going for both at once, something that would be close to a decapitating blow.
DIC: It's more than that this time, she's trying to break Smelly Terri's legs and make sure she has zero chance of winning or coming back! She's trying to completely incapacitate her ability to fight back at all! The knowledge of the human anatomy she possesses with her martial arts ability; it's both scary and hot at the same time!
Alison slowly walks all the way to the far turnbuckle, almost as if she was taking a victory lap as she had a sense of finality to her steps; that she truly believed this would be the killing blow that would slay the hydra in her life that she didn't put down the first time. Alison hops up on the apron as Terri stirs and tries to get out, the steps and her injuries appearing to be too great to do so! Terri reaches back, her hand slipping under the apron as Alison begins her charge on the apron, looking to connect with the double stomp to the steps that may very well cripple the challenger.
DIC: This is it!
Alison begins to take ascent.
DIC: Smelly Terri is done!
Terri manages to whip out a fire extinguisher from under the ring and with the hose pointed up unleashes it! The foam sprays in Alison's face, disorienting her and causing her to lose her balance as she lands very hard on her back on the apron before rolling off near Terri!
North: Talk about old tricks, how about this one? This is the same thing she caught Stevenson with at Power Trip!
Terri manages to finally free her legs as the champion is writhing in pain still from the hard impact on the apron. Alison tries to pull herself up by the barricade but her legs seemingly give up on her halfway through as she falls back down. The referee continues to look on from inside the ring, hesitant to get near either one of them.
North: Momentum is a very fickle lady here so far, switching back and forth multiple times, what does Terri plan to do with it right now?
Terri wasn't going to give her rival much chance to recuperate as she began to dig under the ring, looking for something as Alison desperately tried to regain her composure as she held onto the barricade for dear life. The crowd gasps as Terri begins to pull out a long light tube from under the ring, grasping it with both hands as she stalked Alison Crowne. With Alison barely back to her feat but he back entirely exposed Terri slams and swings with all her might, connecting with the light tube on Alison's back, breaking and shattering the tube where the weapon collided with her body, leaving a sharp and jagged remnant in Terri's hands! Alison's back immediately begins bleeding as the glass cut all into her back as she screamed loudly in pain.
North: Oh my God! Terri Thompson just smashed and shattered that glass tube into Alison's back!
DIC: Who the hell puts these under the ring! Where's OSHA?! There's no way this is up to code!
Terri discarded what remained of the tube as she dug her nails into Alison's bloody back and raked down causing the defending champion to scream even louder. With blood on her hands Terri turned Alison around and began wailing away repeatedly at her face with each heavy punch going unprotected as the champion was having a hard time intelligently defending herself with her body's pain receptors overwhelming her. Terri manages to force Alison down to her knees with the punches before she grabs a broken shard of glass and appears to start jabbing it into her forehead!
North: Terri is slicing up Alison's forehead with that shard of glass, jabbing it down violently and repeatedly!
DIC: I'm almost impressed with Smelly Terri's ruthlessness here; almost.
Alison's now bleeding from her head and her back as the crimson red flows freely Terri looks at her blood stained hands and then at Alison before punching her hard one more time, sending her to the floor. Terri goes back under the ring and tosses several new items into the ring including a sack, a bat, a pair of wire cutters and a spool of barbed wire. She reaches out and under the ring for one more final item and pulls out a chair wrapped in barbed wire and flings it into the ring.
DIC: Now barbed wire? What does a guy gotta do to file a whistle-blower's complaint with OSHA here?!
Terri rolls into the ring and goes to the far ropes and begins to unwrap and loop the barbed wire around the ropes in a four foot section, clipping it off from the spool before wrapping the two top turnbuckles nearest to it in barbed wire in well.
North: No pain, no gain; I guess. I mean I shouldn't be surprised at this rate but I am considering we've never seen this side of Terri Thompson before. Alison made it personal a long time ago though; you push even the best people to the brink and everyone eventually finds their breaking point.
Meanwhile Alison manages to make it to her feet and appears to try to get into the ring but instead reaches for something tucked inside the bottom turnbuckle and slides it down her top. Terri turns her attention back to Alison and rolls out of the ring, grabbing Alison's kendo stick from earlier and meeting her on the outside. Terri takes a wild swing and nearly hits Alison dead center on her head but the champion managed to duck as the stick splintered and snapped on the turnbuckle pole. Alison sidesteps and slams Terri's head into the turnbuckle pole before rolling her back into the ring. Alison rolls in soon after and begins to take inventory of the new toys inside of the ring including some old ones and grins with her face dripping in her own blood.
North: Terri got so much tunnel vision in plotting to punish Alison further and preparing to do so that she gave her way too much time to recover.
DIC: Even though blood loss will come into play and reduce her stamina you know she's also got to have more in the tank than most with that Olympic boxing training conditioning her for long fights. Boxing matches can last a very long time, amateur or professionally as we saw with Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather. Conditioning makes all the difference in a scenario like this.
Alison goes to the toolbox long deposited into the ring and flips open the lid to reveal a monkey wrench sitting inside. Alison scoops it up and holds it up to the lights with a sense of wonder before looking at Terri and getting a devious idea. As Terri is doubled over on all fours and tries to push herself upwards Alison takes the wrench and with an underhand upswing cracks her right in the ribs!
North: I always get chills when I see a monkey wrench come out in a wrestling match; ever since the infamous 'Mickey Mouse Hardcore' incident with the man now known as Tommy Montana. Back then he was known as Mr. Backyard, known for his hardcore matches and his unorthodox training methods. There was at one point he was accused by an opponent of practicing 'Mickey Mouse Hardcore' until he smashed him in the head with the wrench midmatch. His opponent lost a ton of blood during that incident and neither man has quite been the same ever since.
DIC: Well whether it was then or now there's nothing 'Mickey Mouse Hardcore' about this, that's for damn sure! See, even I'm starting to feel a little bad for Smelly Terri! Don't expect that to last, I mean I'm almost already over it already but that hurts just to watch!
Terri's body takes some upward motion upon the impact before crashing back down the the mat as Alison quickly follows up with and downward swing to the back!
North: If Alison doesn't kill her there's a good chance she's going to cripple her!
Terri screams in pain as Alison steps over her after wiping her face to check how much blood she's losing and begins to lock her into a camel clutch, using the wrench to pull her back by the chin to add extra pressure. Alison tries to pull back for all she's worth, trying to break Terri in half and manages to contort her body in a very uncomfortable way but the blood causes Alison to lose her grip and fall backwards, but considerable damage was already done!
DIC: Saved by the blood, how ironic is that?
Alison drops the wrench and begins to assess her options inside the ring and a wicked grin flashes across her face as she catches the barbed wire wrapped chair. She kicks it towards the center of the ring before yanking Terri up for her hair and slashes her thumb across her throat in a vicious fashion.
North: Alison's looking for the Crowning Moment, if she hits this it's over!
Alison goes to scoop Terri up, looking to hit her Crowning Moment sit-out tombstone piledriver right onto the barbed section of the chair but Terri manages to wiggle free and slide behind her, as she heaves and shoves her right into the barbed wire wrapped section of the ropes! Alison's eyes light up as she collides with the barbed wire, flesh cuts opening a pathway for the blood to flow from her arms as she tried to brace her midsection against it. Alison's body involuntarily shudders from the pain as she steps backward and stumbles only for Terri to pick up the chair and drive the barbed wire wrapped section right into Alison's back! Alison drops to her knees shaking as Terri falls to a knee, still feeling the effects from the recent onslaught.
North: Some very quick thinking saved Terri, but you know the damage is already done!
Terri picks herself up and hits Alison with a shining wizard to the back of the head sending her falling to the mat. Terri's eyes dart around the ring and she goes for the sack that she brought in earlier, crawling on her hands and knees as she jiggles the bag several times to try to get a feel for what rest inside. Terri seems to get an idea as she hears the soft clattering of metal as she crawls to the ropes and pulls herself up before untying the sack and spreading a bunch of silver tacks all over the mat!
DIC: This is what the third, fourth OSHA violation I've seen? WHO KEEPS THIS CRAP UNDER THE RING?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!
Meanwhile nearly a third of the mat was covered in Alison's blood in some form as she has bled from her forehead, back, and arms as she stirred on the mat; no real safe refuge nearby as the barbed wire wrapped section of the ropes and the two nearby corners covered on top with the same were nearest to her. Terri helps Alison up to her feet by the hair and knees her hard in the ribs before dragging her towards the tacks, looking to hit her with the Mind in the Gutter bulldog right onto the tacks but Alison manages to block it and shoves her forward! Terri nearly stumbles and falls backwards onto the tacks but manages to just barely catch her footing before Alison drove a stiff and bloody forearm into her back sending Terri colliding into turnbuckle! Fortunately this corner wasn't covered in barbed wire in the top but there were two chairs wedged, top and middle and middle and bottom; something the champion planned to take full advantage of. Alison grabs Terri's hair and she tosses her head first into the upper chair, denting it and causing it to unwedge and fall onto the apron before Alison catches her as she stumbles back and she tosses her low into the second chair, which stays wedged but dented!
North: Alison is back on the attack, going back to those wedged chairs put in place earlier, making sure Terri pays for it!
DIC: As she should!
Terri slumps into the corner holding her head as Alison shoves her foot on her throat and presses down while holding onto the top rope. Terri manages to block some of the choke with her hands but Alison puts all of her weight into it as she places her second boot directly in her face and pulls back harder on the ropes! Alison holds it for several seconds before releasing and placing her feet back on the mat. Alison yanks Terri up and begins to place her on the top turnbuckle, looking back at the tacks in the ring. Alison climbs up on the second rope trying to get a good hold on Terri Thompson for a superplex. Terri hooks the leg on the rope and blocks the attempt, punching Alison several times in the ribs before shoving her off! Alison manages to land on her feet like a cat when most may have fallen onto the tacks as Terri begins to ascend to the top rope to try to finish the job. Alison sees this and manages to find the speed and agility to run up and jump onto the top rope with Terri, capturing her in an avalanche belly-to-belly suplex directly onto the tacks! Terri screams and arches her back in pain as the sharp tacks sink into her back and spine as well as several in her elbow Alison manages to get half a dozen in her right arm as she rolls off from the impact but her arms already covered in her own blood she begins to laugh on the mat as she locks eyes with Terri.
North: Look at that athleticism, Alison Crowne popping back up to hit that avalanche belly-to-belly suplex onto the tacks! At once that's incredibly unsettling to see and impressive!
DIC: Alison's running on pure adrenaline at this point, and even if she's not feeling it yet she's going to feel this sooner than later. She needs to take a good look at her left hand and remember to finish!
Alison slowly get to her feet as Terri is writhing on the ground, the champion makes her way to the discarded barbed wire spool and cuts off a section with the wire cutters before she begins to slowly wrap it around her heavily taped right hand. With her left hand the champion pulls Terri up to a seated position and begins punching at her repeatedly with her wrapped up hand as blood begins to flow freely from her head.
North: Have you ever seen hatred run this deep? Alison wrapped up her own hand in barbed wire just to hurt and punish Terri some more!
DIC: That tape is absorbing some of it but what can I say? When you hate someone that much you'll hurt yourself if it means hurting them more.
Alison punches with increasing fury and intensity, the heavily taped hands and wrists giving her some built in protection against the barbs, making the assault a bit more one sided as Terri can't help but to instinctively try to put her hands up to protect her face, only to immediately cut her hands open in the process. As their blood mingles and stains the mat further as it drips Alison slams Terri back onto the tacks with her open left palm causing her eyes to light up in pain and sit back up only to take a penalty style soccer kick to the nose! Alison shoots a blood soaked sadistic grin at Terri as she stares up from the mat.
North: Alison Crowne looks like a crazed killer! Has she lost it?
Alison: I will kill all of your heroes; I will slay every last one of them!
The crowd boos as Alison leans over the top rope showing her hand soaked in blood, some of it hers, but most of it Terri's as the barbed wire was tinged a crimson red.
DIC: You should go find out for yourself! I'll be right behind you, watching your back from the table!
Alison slowly unravels the barbed wire wrapped around her right hand, discarding it to the outside. She turns her attention to Terri who's barely stirring on the mat as she senses an opportunity waiting to be seized, She yanks Terri up by her hair, once blue now resembling more of a purple hue with the red blood mixing in as she throws her head between her legs, underhooking both arms as she lifts her up and drives her down with the Tiger Driver '98! Alison's kneepads are covered in tacks upon impact as she rolls Terri over for the pinfall. 1........2............THRE-KICKOUT! Terri somehow managed to kick out at the last possible second; the champion is in shock!
North: I have no earthly clue how Terri kicked out from that. I have no words for this brutality.
Alison sits up in disbelief shooting three fingers at the referee, who only holds two up back! Alison is furious and argues her case but the referee insists that it wasn't three! She gets to her feet and shoves three fingers in the referee's face aggressively, the referee finally having enough of her abuse over the last year and a half shoves her back! Alison's eyes widen with evil and gleeful joy as she takes it as an invitation to get physical and she begins punching him repeatedly! Jabs, hooks, body shots reminiscent of Stonehands while throwing in her signature Muay Thai kicks creating an exotic offense that this Average Joe couldn't adequately defend against. With the referee stunned on his feet and reeling Alison slips behind and drags him backwards, looking back once at the barbed wire wrapped top turnbuckle and shoots off a release german suplex, launching the official directly into the hazard!
North: Now she's using the environment in a new an unsettling way to her advantage! I don't even know what official this is at this point, assault on an official but it's definitely a handful at bare minimum.
DIC: Blame Smelly Terri, she set up the hazard! The referee should've given her that three count!
The referee arches his back in pain, barely remaining on his feet only for Alison to swiftly get back up and kick him in the stomach, doubling him over to hit him with the Tiger Driver '98 as well!
DIC: And you know what? He should be thankful that he didn't eat a face full of tacks either while he's at it!
Alison's eyes dart back to Terri who's slowly and gingerly moving towards the ropes and away from the tacks, having one lodged in her palm from pushing herself up that she slowly manages to pull out with a wince in her face as a trickle of blood flows from it. With the ring painted like a bloody canvas Alison presses the advantage and nearly clotheslines Terri over the top rope but the challenger managed to hang on just enough to avoid the momentum carrying her over. Alison grabs Terri by the hair and begins to rub and grate her face on the top rope back and forth to aggravate the wounds and looking to create a friction burn on top of cuts. Terri screams as Alison manages to drag her over towards the other hazard-laden turnbuckle as she drives her back into the barbed wire. Alison punches and kicks her mercilessly, the ropes only able to absorb so much as the blood loss and fatigue begins to factor in as Alison is seemingly throwing everything she has into these blows to try to kill the challenger's spirit and resolve. Terri manages to absorb most of the damage but isn't able to properly defend herself, so much so past the point that a referee might call for a medical stoppage as a result if only one were up and about. Satisfied with her onslaught Alison backs up and goes for a Stinger Splash into the corner just to drive the barbs deeply into Terri's upper spine; perhaps looking for the kill shot that would debilitate her and cause permanent damage. Terri manages to move at the last possible moment as Alison collides with a head full of momentum into the barbed wire!
North: Full speed into the barbed wire! She's going to feel that for the next month!
Terri sees this as possibly her last shot and she manages to quickly hit Alison with Mind in the Gutter, planting her face into the mat as both women lay motionless on the mat.
North: Mind in the Gutter! Mind in the Gutter! Come on Terri, go for the pin and end this!
DIC: Come on, don't let this trash bag win!
An second official begins sprinting out from the back around this time as the camera quickly cuts back to Jack E. Bux, Steven O'Reilly and Frank Washington sitting anxiously and watching at gorilla, with Bux quickly ushering the official out to the ring.
DIC: I question the neutrality of this, I really do. For a man that's supposedly always operated fairly he sure seemed to hurry that official out at a convenient and crucial point!
North: There's a need for a referee, it is what it is. They should've had one sitting and waiting to go as a reserve but for some reason that escapes me or anyone else they didn't think to think ahead with that.
Terri crawls over, barely conscious, blood soaking through the back of her shirt as she throws her arm over a limp Alison Crowne just as the referee slides in. The referee counts as the crowd counts along.
The crowd thinks this match is over but Alison throws her shoulder up out of instinct at 2.99, the referee quick to stop any confusion in its tracks as he holds up two fingers to the timekeeper and waives off the bell! The crowd boos loudly, many thinking a mistake was made.
North: The crowd is very passionate about that being a three count!
DIC: You know what, they can deal with it! Even if instant replay was a thing in wrestling, and thank God it's not, this would be the kind of situation where there's not enough to overturn the call in the ring either way; you got to let the call stand!
The referee checks on both women, trying to communicate with them but neither seem to be all that responsive. The referee stands back with an eye on both with the occasional glance towards the curtains to the back. Terri is the first to move as she slowly throws her arms over the middle rope as she climbs with the bottom to the middle to hang her upper body over. Terri looks absolutely exhausted and bloody to boot but one thing seems to be keeping her body moving despite all the abuse it's been through; vengeance. Alison tries to get up but her body seemingly is beginning to fail her as she reaches up but her body refuses to obey as her arm flops back down to the mat.
North: Alison is spent in a bad way, Terri is exhausted. I don't know how much longer either woman can go but it's reaching the point that they may be shaving years off their respective careers!
Terri pulls herself up to her feet at long last with the ropes and she stares over at Alison who still hasn't managed to get up. Terri walks and stumbles over and begins to go for the Texas Sharpshooter, the figure four sharpshooter variation made famous by Stonehands and adopted by Alison Crowne and she tries to turn Alison over on her stomach to lock the hold in. The referee looks over towards the timekeeper, like he's ready to signal for something, perhaps expecting a quick tap out with the champion's physical condition and this seems to give Alison a second wind. Alison's body begins wiggling like a fish caught on a fishing hook, desperately trying to get free, knowing that once reeled in that was all she wrote! Terri manages to nearly get Alison turned over but Alison manages to catch her in an inside cradle at the last possible moment! 1....2....KICKOUT! Terri kicks out but Alison manages to hold on, expertly transitioning to the Death Note, the side arm triangle choke!
North: That's the Death Note! Nobody has ever managed to break out of that hold; Alison has a 100% submission victory rate when she gets that firmly locked in and I'm not sure Terri has enough in the tank to defy that precedent!
DIC: Of course she doesn't! She's got her name written in and we're about the witness the cause of death of her championship ambitions!
Terri screams loudly as she tries to escape but Alison has the hold locked in tight and she's wrenching on the pressure with everything she has left in her, blood pouring out of her arms again from the vigor she's got applied to the move. Terri futily reaches for the ropes, perhaps forgetting in the moment that it'll do no good as far as rope breaks are concerned Terri manages to hook a leg on the ropes but the referee reminds her there's nothing he can do!
DIC: She's about to tap, she has to tap! There's no way she can stay conscious if she doesn't!
Terri's movements become slower and more labored as she's on the verge of losing consciousness but she hooks her other leg onto the bottom rope as well and begins to pull her body closer with her legs as Alison keeps a python-like grip on her, leaving a crimson streak behind her. Terri manages to slowly pull herself to the apron this way and she manages to force her way out of the ring with Alison, both landing on their feet. With Alison locked in tight Terri has only one single opportunity to escape and she makes a desperate charge for the nearest ringpost and slams Alison's back into it, forcing her to release at long last!
North: I don't believe it! This makes Terri Thompson the first person to have ever successfully escaped the Death Note and have done so on her own! That was a million to one shot!
Alison makes it back to her feet first having had Terri on the verge of tapping out and begins to undo the padding on the floor on the outside, exposing the concrete underneath. Alison yanks Terri up and goes to carry her over shoulder as she looks to hit the Crowning Moment but Terri managed to slip out of her grasp again, avoiding the potentially career threatening maneuver for the second time! Terri makes a desperate heave forward and puts Alison's Mind in the Gutter once more, her face colliding with the cement!
North: Terri with the Mind in the Gutter for a second time! If this were falls count anyway this would be the move that sealed the match! But she's still got to get her into the ring and that's going to be a rough proposition with the shape they're both in!
DIC: Could've, would've should've. It don't matter! Go hit it another time, you ain't gonna get her in the ring quick enough!
Terri pulls herself up with the apron aiding her and tries to lift Alison up to roll her into the ring but the longest reigning and defending LONE Champion sandbags her weight; not cooperating a single inch causing an exhausted Terri Thompson to exert more energy to get her off the ground. She manages at long last to roll Alison into the ring after a good degree of difficulty and rolls in herself to go for the pin, hooking both legs. 1.........2........KICKOUT!
North: Terri took way too much time getting Alison in the ring to capitalize.
DIC: What did I tell you, Kev-O? That was probably Smelly Terri's last opportunity to win. Alison Crowne has been through every match possible just about in the past 456 days as champion; there's no situation she hasn't faced before and not been able to overcome. She's about as automatic as champion as Floyd Mayweather or a Tom Brady trip to the AFC Championship!
Terri buries her face in her hands, frustration settling in as she races through the thoughts in her mind on what she needs to do that she hasn't already done to put Alison away. Alison slowly lifts her head and stares at Terri and gives her the double middle finger out of defiance!
Alison: You.... you can't beat... me! You don't have the killer instinct! You're weak!'
This infuriates Terri as she yanks Alison up by the hair and stares into her eyes as Alison flashes a bloody and defiant grin.
North: Defiant to the last, Alison is determined to go out on her sword if this is going to be it!
Terri then scoops Alison up and holds her in position, looking to hit the Crowning Moment on Alison Crowne! Terri Thompson holds her in position but at this point Alison had taken the time to reach into her top, branding a pair of brass knuckles and slugs Terri hard right in the knee, forcing her to let go!
DIC: OH! Alison Crowne just suckered and lured her in AGAIN! That might as well be like taking a shotgun blast to the knee at point blank range!
Alison falls roughly but relatively harmlessly to the mat as Terri clutches her knee as she leans against the ropes. Alison gets up and rabbit punches Terri with the brass knuckles and sends her falling to the mat with a rough THUD upon impact!
North: Rabbit punch to the back of the head with the brass knuckles! She really is trying to kill her!
DIC: Remember, Kev, she signed up for this!
Alison kisses her right fist, foreign object and all before she slides it back into her top for safekeeping. She stumbles over towards the toolbox and empties the contents as tools crash out onto the mat until finally a pair of sheers falls out. Alison grabs the sheers and kicks every other tool out of the ring and she quickly slides out of the ring, cutting off all the ties that hold the mat down, taking her time to pull back the canvas and then the padding to expose the hardwood planks underneath. She begins removing mats piece by piece until roughly half of the ring was exposed. The referee objects the entire way but ultimately is powerless to do anything about it.
North: There's no question about it anymore; Alison is going for the kill. We've seen this before, we've seen it potentially end the career of Ami Reeves, it could've ended Terri's career. The intent is undeniable with what she's doing here.
Alison tosses the sheers aside and scoops up Terri Thompson, pulling her into what almost appeared to be a hug before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Shortly after Alison scoops up Terri for the Crowning Moment and third time was indeed the charm as she came down with everything she had on the exposed hardwood planks!
DIC: Alison Crowne with that Kiss of Death right before dropping her on her head with The Crowning Moment! She knew that this was the end, the end that she was calling for, the way it NEEDED to end! This is the shot that'll be remembered around the world that ended the rivalry and Smelly Terri's career! At long last the forces of Good have triumphed over Evil!
North: For someone who claimed to have recently jumped on the company's side regarding Alison you've sure turned into a cheerleader for her!
DIC: I can't help it, Smelly Terri is always the greater evil in any equation! That makes even someone who's evil good when it comes against her!
Alison with a sense of finality gets on her knees and places Terri's hands resting upon her chest like a body would laying inside a coffin and presses down. The referee begins to count the pin.........1..............2...............
The crowd erupts in cheers as Alison is in total shock!
North: Nobody has ever kicked out of the Crowning Moment, and certainly not like this! Terri just kicked out of a career killing maneuver! This move put away Ami Reeves, perhaps for good, once upon a time it put Terri on the shelf with a broken neck on the exposed surface but Terri Thompson somehow, someway found a way to kick out! She took Alison's best shot, her Crowning Moment, at it's most dangerous and survived! I don't know how but Terri Thompson has survived The Death Note and The Crowning Moment in the same match! The Champion is shaken to her core; she doesn't know what to think or do, this has never happened before!
Alison scoots back into the corner and holds her head with her hands in complete shock. She brings her knees in towards herself and clutches them with her arms as she stares at Terri's body. Shock slowly began to give way to a primal sense of fear, that if her best wasn't good enough that maybe she couldn't retain the championship, the one thing she has worked her entire career for. Alison rolls out of the ring and immediately darts to the timekeeper and snatches the LONE Championship and rolls back into the ring, clutching the center plate with a sense of jealous possessiveness, holding it at the ready as she stalked Terri Thompson's movements. Terri slowly gets up only for Alison to run and smash the center plate right into Terri's face and send her back down to the mat! Alison tosses the championship aside and hooks the leg to get the pinfall. 1.............2.......................KICKOUT! Terri Thompson somehow, someway managed to kick out again!
The fear in Alison Crowne's eyes grows wider as she holds up three fingers, only to know the answer as the referee holds two back. Alison buries her face in her hands as she sits up, running her hands through her blood crusted hair as if she felt the walls around her were beginning to cave in closer and closer to her. Alison's eyes slowly drift towards the turnbuckle and they fill with a grim resolve as she picks herself up and begins walking over to it.
North: What is Alison up to here?
DIC: I'm just going to say it; she's desperate and who can blame her? Smelly Terri escaped the Death Note, she kicked out of the Crowning Moment, and even the belt to the face wasn't enough to keep her down. She's going for something she's never attempted in a match before if you want my honest opinion.
Alison looks at it and rests her head for a moment on the top turnbuckle pad, almost as if she was asking herself a question; a test of her own resolve. She begins to climb the turnbuckle until she was on the top rope, turning her back to the inside of the ring and Terri, looking up to the sky.
North: She's... she's on the top rope?! Is she actually going to take off from the top rope?! This... this isn't part of her arsenal or wrestling style! Not even close!
DIC: That's how much the LONE Championship means to Alison Crowne; that she would risk everything, to put her body on the line, to possibly put her entire career on the line just to retain it and keep it away from Smelly Terri Thompson!
Alison takes flight as she aims at Terri with a surprisingly crisp looking moonsault as she manages to catch some impressive hangtime as time seems to slow down in the moment. Terri managed to reach out as Alison was positioning herself on the top rope and grabbed the barbed wire wrapped chair and placing it on herself. Alison collides and lands on Terri and the chair in the process, managing to cause significant damage to both of them!
Alison clutches her stomach in excruciating pain, the pain is enough that it actually manages to bring her back up to her feet for just a moment as she reaches out and collapses on the ground, her body thudding hard on the hardwood planks. Terri writhes in pain as well from the impact; it was uncertain who took more damage from that maneuver but it was clear both were in awful shape.
Terri manages to crawl painstakingly over towards Alison and manages to just barely drape her arm over her chest. The referee begins to count
Alison's arm begins to move, The Champion's resolve begins to shine through.
There's movement in her legs, it appears she may find a way to kick out.
The Champion's body quits on her as her arms and legs fall limp to the mat as she's unable to muster the strength to kick out! The spirit was willing but the body couldn't continue any further!
Baxter: Here is your winner and.... NEW Ladies of New England Champion... Gutter Trash Terri Thompson!
North: Where there's a will there's a way! Terri Thompson showed incredible heart tonight, she kept finding a way to continue when all hope appeared to be lost and she managed to hang on just long enough to outlast the champion! Her final gambit was incredibly risky and it could've easily gone the other way with Alison making the pin just now but in the end Alison Crowne just sustained too much damage, lost way too much blood and her body quit on her and said 'no more'! To be able to beat someone down so badly that they are physically unable to continue is so demoralizing to be on the losing end of. Tonight one record gives way to another as Alison Crowne's historic reign has officially come to an end while Terri makes history as the first ever three time LONE Champion!
DIC throws off his headset in disgust as the object of his eternal ire, Terri Thompson, has once again reached the mountaintop.
The feed cuts back to gorilla as Jack E. Bux has stood up and began applauding the result; his own gambit having paid off as well as LONE's long nightmare had finally come to an end. A contracted LONE wrestler was once again the champion and he wouldn't have to worry about a rogue Champion holding the company hostage any longer. O'Reilly was also clapping and pumping his fist, sharing a brief hug with Bux with a crutch under his arm. Frank Washington was the only one who wasn't celebrating, instead his eyes focused on all the carnage and blood spilled between the two women.
North: This also means that Alison Crowne is technically an unrestricted free agent as the provision her old deal is finally no longer in place and if she wants to return to LONE she'll have to negotiate without her lawyer, Gordon Barrows, just like she agreed to if she lost. While it's no guarantee she'll return, one has to figure that pride is going to be a major factor in negotiations; she's going to want another shot to regain the LONE Championship. Well, for DIC I'm Kevin North and thank you for once again welcoming us into your homes, we'll see you next month!
Terri makes it up to her knees as the referee hands her the LONE Championship as she clutches it tight to her chest, taking the moment in through all the blood, sweat and tears. Alison stares up at the lights in stunned disbelief as the referee rolls her towards the apron near the LONE medical team, which has come out in force for both women. Terri holds the belt high in the air triumphantly as confetti rains down from the ceiling into the ring and crowd. The live feed still hasn't cut off even if the commentary team was finished with their duties for the night; right now this moment was all about Terri Thompson having returned from what could've been a career ending injury and regaining the championship from the very person who took it from her 456 days ago. It was about defending Wendy's honor after Alison assaulted her; it was about reclaiming what was lost. Terri takes her time holding the belt up to each side of the ring for the crowd to cheer and take in, letting the adrenaline carry her while it still could. Terri finally finished her celebration and was about to exit the ring as suddenly the celebration was cut short.
Alison: No.... no.... this isn't over!
Alison's voice pierced through the arena as she took labored and deep, long, breaths as she was holding a microphone slumped over in the corner as Terri turned around to lock eyes with her.
Alison: We... we both know.... we both know this isn't over!
Alison laughs as she slowly pulls herself up by the ropes, much to the protest of the medical staff surrounding her corner outside the ring. There was a certain desperation behind her laugh, far from triumphant but almost as if she were trying to... bargain with the circumstances to herself?
Alison: No, Terri, NO! You don't get to walk away, you don't get... you don't get to ride off into that sunset with Wendy and get..... and get that happily ever after you've always dreamed about! I haven't forgotten.... I haven't forgotten about May 25, 2018... I haven't forgotten about the day you threw our friendship away! I'll NEVER forget! That day you made a commitment... a commitment... to your betrayal! The day you put Terri Thompson ahead of... ahead of Royal Plunder!
Alison slowly makes her way towards Terri in the center of the ring, each step labored and exhausting to take, her body barely able to keep itself upright as she looks her dead straight in the eyes.
Alison: I broke Wendy's neck... because I knew it'd hurt you. I did it because... I wanted you to feel the.... feel the pain you inflicted upon me! I wanted to hit you somewhere deep that just wouldn't heal! I did it.... because... YOU put that knife in my hand! You unleashed a cycle that will only end when one of us.... is either dead out of wrestling forever! You don't get to walk away when you have ONE MORE job to do!
Terri looks deeply at Alison with what one could assume were a million different thoughts racing through her head.
Alison: Finish what you started at LONE 12, finish what you started at THE RUMBLE, EL JINETE ROJO! END ME! END IT! DO IT!
Alison was screaming at this point for Terri Thompson to strike her down; a deep pain in her voice and her eyes.
Alison: FINISH ME! Because Terri... if you don't... if you don't end me right here... right now; this cycle is just going to continue. I'll keep coming after you, after Wendy; after everyone and everything you hold dearly. I will stop... at nothing! I will stop at NOTHING to put an end to your wretched existence if you don't end me here and now!
Terri stares at Alison as Alison shoves her face into hers.
Terri shoves Alison hard, knocking her down to the mat. Alison stares at Terri as she turns around to leave the ring, walking up the ramp as Alison continues to stare at her as she leaves. The camera feed slowly fades out as Alison watches Terri walk away with the LONE Championship.