2019.11.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 29

The camera pans back to the hallway just outside the LONE locker room as The Gucci Gals, appeared to be both bored and annoyed as Linda Edwards walks into view.
Miss Gucci: Alright, let's get this over with.
Linda Edwards: Umm... the two of you requested this time; I'm just doing my job.
Prada Paula: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Linda; save the corporate doublespeak won't ya?
Miss Gucci: Yeah; you'd think Bux would have the time of day for a dynamic duo like us but apparently he's too busy... meeting with attorneys and trying to secure funding for... whatever war he's waging this month with Alison Crowne. Tyrants, am I right?
Miss Gucci glances over to Prada Paula who nods next to her.
Miss Gucci: But that's no excuse nor cause to absolve him of the responsibilities he's neglecting and the injustices he's committing against the two baddest girls in the entire LONE locker room; us, honey. See, months ago we were robbed of the prize we hold dear, the prize that should still be around our totally gucci waists, the LONE Tag Team Championship.
Prada Paula: See, seeing those nasty little bloodsuckers parade that belt around their little cult? It's gross. I'm sure if there is a God, he wouldn't care about a pair of freaks and rejects cast out from society but that he would appreciate all the beauty in the world and would cast out those who would taint or defile his precious, luscious earth. He would want a pair of champions, a pair...
Both: That's So Gucci!
The Gucci Gals laugh as Miss Gucci puts on her sunglasses.
Miss Gucci: Draped in designer clothes and anointed in only the most precious and luxurious of fragrances. So here's how it's gonna go you bloodbank robbers, Boney and Clod, Generations? They're out of the picture; they got their shot and they blew it, back of the line and out of sight and out of mind. We got a rematch coming to us and we're going to take it on our time and on our terms so all the little would be posers in the back? Know your place and wait your turn because we will toss you out like the trash you are.
As The Gucci Gals are finishing up Frank Debauchee eyes both of them, completely ignoring Linda Edwards as he may have slowed down his pace down the hallway just to hear them speak and give them their airtime to vent their issues.
Debauchee: Good evening, ladies.
He glances back with a grin as he walks past as The Gucci Gals seem to acknowledge him with a nod and a glance his direction as well. Then The Gucci Gals glare at Linda Edwards who's still standing there.
Miss Gucci: Um.... excuse me, why are you still here?
Linda Edwards: Well I...
Prada Paula: Bye, Felicia!
The Gucci Gals walk into the locker room and shut the door in her face.
"The Mistress of the Microphone" Jennifer Stewart in action
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, from San Antonio, Texas... She is the Mistress of the Microphone, JENNIFEEEER STEWAAAART!
The arena darkens, and a spotlight shines on the stage where Jennifer Stewart stands in front of a man playing a piano.
North: Jennifer Stewart has been doing quite well for herself so far and last month she notched up another victory, albeit in a very painful way that I know she wouldn't want. Just when it looked like Jennifer Stewart had Cinnamon beat Violent Violet jumped into the ring and helped Cinnamon engage in what could only be described as a gang beatdown.
DIC: Perception is everything, Kev; everything! The record books may state one thing but when you're walking out on your own power and your opponent simply can't get up that speaks volumes! I don't see how she could sing with such gusto after such a humiliation, have some damn dignity!
Jennifer Stewart: She calls herself Violent,
but I'll show her the meaning of that very wooooord,
Listen closely as I sing
It will be the most accurate song you've ever heeeeeard!
Before Jennifer Stewart could continue Spice and Ice jump her from behind as the music cuts off. Jennifer Stewart tries to fight them off but Violet punches her several times in the kidney to force her down to her knees. Spice and Ice swiftly hit the Sex and Violence, the aided wheelbarrow facebuster on the ramp!
North: Sex and Violence! Why?!
DIC: Don't act like you don't know; this is to send a statement!
Cinnamon picks up the microphone and taps the top of it several times as the crowd boos.
Cinnamon: Do you ever shut up?! Almost every month you come out here like you're auditioning for American Idol or America's Got Talent or whatever little musical circus is hot on TV this year making a mockery of what we do! Your think your voice is so silky and heavenly but all your voice is good for is putting people to sleep and in a coma! You think you're some Mistress of the Microphone, huh?! I'll show you who the mistress is when I have you bow to me! Get her up, get her up!
Violet grabs Jennifer Stewart up by her hair, forcing her to bow as Cinnamon slaps the everloving taste out of Jennifer Stewart's mouth.
Cinnamon: You belong at my feet, LONE belongs at my feet! And soon, you better believe you're going to see Spice and Ice front and center... right where we belong! Know your place!
Cinnamon shoves her boot hard into Jennifer Stewart's face before Spice and Ice retreat up the match, the medical team rushing to her as the upcoming match has been canceled.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!