2019.11.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 29

The camera pans back to the hallway just outside the LONE locker room as The Gucci Gals, appeared to be both bored and annoyed as Linda Edwards walks into view.
Miss Gucci: Alright, let's get this over with.
Linda Edwards: Umm... the two of you requested this time; I'm just doing my job.
Prada Paula: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Linda; save the corporate doublespeak won't ya?
Miss Gucci: Yeah; you'd think Bux would have the time of day for a dynamic duo like us but apparently he's too busy... meeting with attorneys and trying to secure funding for... whatever war he's waging this month with Alison Crowne. Tyrants, am I right?
Miss Gucci glances over to Prada Paula who nods next to her.
Miss Gucci: But that's no excuse nor cause to absolve him of the responsibilities he's neglecting and the injustices he's committing against the two baddest girls in the entire LONE locker room; us, honey. See, months ago we were robbed of the prize we hold dear, the prize that should still be around our totally gucci waists, the LONE Tag Team Championship.
Prada Paula: See, seeing those nasty little bloodsuckers parade that belt around their little cult? It's gross. I'm sure if there is a God, he wouldn't care about a pair of freaks and rejects cast out from society but that he would appreciate all the beauty in the world and would cast out those who would taint or defile his precious, luscious earth. He would want a pair of champions, a pair...
Both: That's So Gucci!
The Gucci Gals laugh as Miss Gucci puts on her sunglasses.
Miss Gucci: Draped in designer clothes and anointed in only the most precious and luxurious of fragrances. So here's how it's gonna go you bloodbank robbers, Boney and Clod, Generations? They're out of the picture; they got their shot and they blew it, back of the line and out of sight and out of mind. We got a rematch coming to us and we're going to take it on our time and on our terms so all the little would be posers in the back? Know your place and wait your turn because we will toss you out like the trash you are.
As The Gucci Gals are finishing up Frank Debauchee eyes both of them, completely ignoring Linda Edwards as he may have slowed down his pace down the hallway just to hear them speak and give them their airtime to vent their issues.
Debauchee: Good evening, ladies.
He glances back with a grin as he walks past as The Gucci Gals seem to acknowledge him with a nod and a glance his direction as well. Then The Gucci Gals glare at Linda Edwards who's still standing there.
Miss Gucci: Um.... excuse me, why are you still here?
Linda Edwards: Well I...
Prada Paula: Bye, Felicia!
The Gucci Gals walk into the locker room and shut the door in her face.
"The Mistress of the Microphone" Jennifer Stewart in action
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, from San Antonio, Texas... She is the Mistress of the Microphone, JENNIFEEEER STEWAAAART!
The arena darkens, and a spotlight shines on the stage where Jennifer Stewart stands in front of a man playing a piano.
North: Jennifer Stewart has been doing quite well for herself so far and last month she notched up another victory, albeit in a very painful way that I know she wouldn't want. Just when it looked like Jennifer Stewart had Cinnamon beat Violent Violet jumped into the ring and helped Cinnamon engage in what could only be described as a gang beatdown.
DIC: Perception is everything, Kev; everything! The record books may state one thing but when you're walking out on your own power and your opponent simply can't get up that speaks volumes! I don't see how she could sing with such gusto after such a humiliation, have some damn dignity!
Jennifer Stewart: She calls herself Violent,
but I'll show her the meaning of that very wooooord,
Listen closely as I sing
It will be the most accurate song you've ever heeeeeard!
Before Jennifer Stewart could continue Spice and Ice jump her from behind as the music cuts off. Jennifer Stewart tries to fight them off but Violet punches her several times in the kidney to force her down to her knees. Spice and Ice swiftly hit the Sex and Violence, the aided wheelbarrow facebuster on the ramp!
North: Sex and Violence! Why?!
DIC: Don't act like you don't know; this is to send a statement!
Cinnamon picks up the microphone and taps the top of it several times as the crowd boos.
Cinnamon: Do you ever shut up?! Almost every month you come out here like you're auditioning for American Idol or America's Got Talent or whatever little musical circus is hot on TV this year making a mockery of what we do! Your think your voice is so silky and heavenly but all your voice is good for is putting people to sleep and in a coma! You think you're some Mistress of the Microphone, huh?! I'll show you who the mistress is when I have you bow to me! Get her up, get her up!
Violet grabs Jennifer Stewart up by her hair, forcing her to bow as Cinnamon slaps the everloving taste out of Jennifer Stewart's mouth.
Cinnamon: You belong at my feet, LONE belongs at my feet! And soon, you better believe you're going to see Spice and Ice front and center... right where we belong! Know your place!
Cinnamon shoves her boot hard into Jennifer Stewart's face before Spice and Ice retreat up the match, the medical team rushing to her as the upcoming match has been canceled.
Backstage Segment: Young & Dangerous
Rook and Katrina are seen standing by the catering area as various plates and platters and bowls of food can be seen sitting on a table nearby.
Katrina: Another month, another dollar. The wheel goes round and round as it always does. The wind blows every which way and lights always shine brightly. There's many constants in life but for the past half year or more the one problem that has never gone away has been Ashley Lopez and Hannah Kix.
Rook: Bunch of cowards.
Rook shook her head with a look of frustration.
Rook: Never to your face, always coming at you from your back. It's all about jealousy; that's what this has always been about. People want what they don't have or what they're not willing to work for. I've taken my opportunities as they've come up and I've made my own, all to make my mark. A split second away from winning the LONE Championship in my debut and the two of them lost their damn marbles! Anybody could've answered that challenge and it wasn't the first time the gauntlet was thrown down so tell me Hannah, Ashley; why did neither of you step up to the plate? Why do you have to take out your frustrations on me when you could've been the first one served? You didn't even have the courtesy to come at me to my face!
Katrina: And I wasn't going to let that happen to my friend; somebody had to do the right thing and take a stand with her. There's going to come a point of time in our careers where Rook and I may eventually be on opposite ends chasing the same prize; nature of the business but right now, we stand together. We stand together now and we're going to remain friends even when that time comes. But the two of you, Ashley, Hannah? The only thing binding the two of you together are your greed and envy and honestly the fissures and the cracks are already beginning to show in the shaky foundation your alliance is built upon. But let's be honest; this dance has gone on long enough so I'd like to propose this. Next month, the four of us face off in a tornado tag team match, we push our chips to the center and let the cards fall where they may. Prove us wrong or prove us right; the choice is yours.
Rook: To the victor goes the spoils and the bragging rights; sound good? Because it'll be a cold day in hell if I let either of you get the last laugh!
Madison Anderson vs. Olga the Barbarian w/Frank Debauchee
As the lights come back on in the arena after the video, we see that Madison Anderson is waiting in the ring.
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Manchester, New Hampshire, MADISON AAAAANDERSOOOOOOOON!
Madison poses as the crowd begins to cheer.
Baxter: And her opponent...
Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me starts to play as out comes Olga the Barbarian with Frank Debauchee.
Baxter: From the Land of Smexy.... accompanied to the ring by Frank Debauchee... she is OLGA! THE BAAAARBAAARIAAAAAN!
Olga stomps towards the ring with a menacing gaze fixed on Madison that causes Madison to freeze in the ring, all while Debauchee jawjacks with the crowd.
Jalal smiles as Madison Anderson comes out, "You know someday I could do a whole ffake documentary on the wrestling Anderson family tree."
Martin ooos, "I bet you could. Well, you might actually have to do a documentary on the life of Madison Anderson, because it looks like Olga's gonna kill her!"
North: Madison Anderson may have very well pulled the short straw here tonight. Olga made her return recently at the Rumble and she doesn't look very happy.
DIC: Does she ever look happy? She's about to smash Madison down from a solid 8 to a lowly 5!
Madison quickly tries to rush at Olga, hoping to catch her off guard with a swift clothesline but Olga doesn't even stagger back, in fact Madison stumbles back from the impact shaking and holding her arm. Olga stares down at her thoroughly unimpressed as Madison runs against the ropes to try to build up momentum for another clothesline which results in a similar failure. Madison still isn't deterred despite how increasingly unimpressed and bored Olga appears to be and she does so one final time again off the ropes as she goes for a leaping running clothesline which forces Olga to stumble back half a step but not an inch further. Madison screams as she falls and gets back up, cradling her arm seemingly doing a lot more damage to herself than Olga. As Madison turns around she gets mowed over by a devastating big boot from Olga sending her crashing down to the mat in a hard way.
North: That big boot of Olga's strikes true as it always does. Even with months away from the ring it's like she's never left!
DIC: Well Thanksgiving was spoiled for her last year so she's trying to make it a better one this year. The only good thing about this for Madison is that she might not be able to remember a thing before the night is done!
Madison groans on the mat as Olga yanks her up by the hair with one hand back to her feet and punches her repeatedly in the face while holding her up as Madison struggles to properly defend herself, Olga coming in with a nasty sucker bunch to the gut as Madison finally covers up her face. Madison doubles over as Olga lets go of her hair as Olga readies herself against the ropes, charging forward and hitting a devastating clothesline as Madison lifts her head back up,
North: That just might do it ladies and gentlemen.
Olga places her foot on Madison's chest as the referee counts. 1.....2....KICKOUT! Madison threw her shoulder up!
DIC: That wasn't smart, she should've stayed down! This is Olga we're talking about here! Just eat the loss and collect your check while you still have most of your health!
North: For once, I agree. This isn't worth your health.
Olga looks irritated as she holds up three fingers with the referee showing two back. She reaches down to scoop Madison up, looking to lift her for the Olga Bomb, looking to plant her with her patented jacknife powerbomb but as Madison is lifted up she starts punching at Olga's head repeatedly before countering into a tilt-a-whirl headscissors DDT, rotating around as she shifts her positioning to give herself momentum to plant Olga's head into the mat! Debauchee looks surprised at ringside as the crowd begins to chant on the plucky underdog.
North: I... well... ummm wow! Definitely not what I expected but that tilt-a-whirl DDT planted Olga with authority! She might have a chance!
DIC: I... wow. This... wow. You don't usually see that happen to Olga!
North: And she's got the crowd behind her too!
Madison quickly goes for a pin but Olga tosses her off with authority at the count of two. Madison manages to catch herself from crashing to the mat, landing in a three point stance as she skids backwards a little from the momentum, as she sizes Olga up for her next move. Olga sits up as Madison charges forward and hits what could only be described as a very low to the ground tackle that sends Olga back to the mat as she tries to cover again.1... tw—Olga throws her off again!
North: It's going to take more than one very well timed move to keep Olga down.
DIC: At this point Maddy better hope she's not pissing Olga off and reawakening the brute!
Madison quickly scurries off of her and climbs onto the top rope, pointing her index fingers up high into the air above her head as she waits for Olga to get up as she leaps for a crossbody but Olga catches her! Olga brings her down for a swift backbreaker over her knee, holding on before slamming her back down on her knee again before lifting her up for the Gorilla Press Slam, sending Madison Anderson back to the mat.
DIC: Welp, it was nice while it lasted!
Olga goes for the pin again this time, hooking the leg aggressively and pressing her weight on top of her foe. 1.....2....KICKOUT! Olga and Debauchee both look shocked as Madison Anderson managed to kick out again!
North: Madison kicked out again! There's no quit in this young woman, she's showing some serious heart out here! She keeps on taking everything Olga's throwing out at her and she keeps coming back for more!
Olga scowls, her mood worsening by the second as she scoops Madison up in a bearhug, squeezing aggressively as she swings her body back and forth. Madison screams, her arms flailing as the referee is ready to call for the bell at a moment's notice. Madison appears to be fading rapidly as she tries to reach for the ropes in vein, way too far out of reach to even grab it out of sheer luck. Olga notices her facing in her arms and she puts on a vicegrip, trying to cave in her torso and spine. Madison is almost out of this but out of desperation slaps her open palms hard to the sides of Olga's head, connecting right on the ears. This stuns Olga momentarily as her grip begins to loosen, Madison feeling this begins to do it again and again as Olga's grip finally fades and lets go as Madison's feet hit the mat again as she gasps desperately for air.
North: Innovative offense there by Madison, just when you thought she was out of this she finds another way to stay alive in this match!
DIC: For the love of God; RUN MADDY, RUN!
Madison quickly stumbles and runs to the ropes, managing to keep her balance as she hit's a shotgun front dropkick to Olga's chest, sending her rebounding towards the ropes before catching her with an inside cradle pin. The referee counts, 1.....2......3! Olga kicks out half a second too late!
The crowd erupts into a frenzy as Baxter makes it official.
Baxter: Here is your winner... Madison Anderson!
Madison quickly rolls out of the ring as Olga lunges for her and misses. Debauchee tries to intercept Madison but she smartly turns direction and hops over the barricade, sprinting through the ground as the fans pat her on the back, turning around once to raise her arms in the air before booking it and getting lost in the crowd.
Boston Simulcast: Vanessa Venom vs. "The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne
The words [Boston Simulcast] appear in the upper right corner of the screen as the action then shifts southward to the city of Boston, the big screen in the LONE Arena beginning to broadcast this portion of the event. The ring bears very little resemblance to that in LONE, with a red mat, white ropes, and red turnbuckle pads with the words 'Ladies Championship Wrestling From Boston' on the ring apron.
Hellfire Mantle by Black Night Funeral begins to play as the lights go out as the challenger emerges from the back. She carries with her a massive frame at six feet tall, a frame that's illuminated as flames begin to shoot out to each side of her and down the ramp, shooting back up on two second intervals as she takes her time getting to the ring. She looks like she could easily be north of 200lbs and may actually be closer to 300lbs and there was definitely some muscle packed onto that frame as she could easily pass as a powerlifter. She makes it to the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope before lifting an open palm into the air, the lights fade back on as she rips the gas mask off her face, which only now becomes clear with the lighting.
As I Am by Dream Theater hits the arena next as the boos begin to funnel in, the lights dimming again. As the music begins to pick up, with the drums and guitar rifts charging the air Alison Crowne emerges from the back with the LONE Championship around her waist. Not far behind are her personal attorney Gordon Barrows to her right and Stonehands to her left. The three of them look to the ring seeing the massive challenger awaiting them and appear to engage in a brief conversation before making their way slowly down the ramp. They all stop at the ring as the challenger stares them down, Alison shouting at the referee to make her wait for the bell before they begin to slowly walk around it. The trio stop next to the commentary table at ringside as two men are sitting with headsets on. Stonehands causally waves them off with his hand, instructing them to leave, cracking his knuckles in a quiet show of force as they take off their headsets and quickly put distance between themselves. Alison seems to hold a last minute strategy session with Barrows and Stonehands around the commentary table before Barrows pats her on the shoulder and she shares a fist bump with Stonehands before they took over the commentary table. With her allies at the table Alison slowly walks up the steps and steps inside the ring.
Barrows: Hey; you guys thought you could get through an entire broadcast without us, huh?
North: What in the blazes... you...you two, nobody told us we'd be calling them match with the two of you!
DIC: Finally, I'm not the only intelligent person at the table!
Stonehands: Easy, buddy, don't start punching above your weight class. Fortunately for everyone watching at home you got a pair of professionals here now to make sure that both sides have a voice at the table.
Barrows: And we're getting paid for this too! I mean, feel bad for those other two 'whatstheirnames', but what can I say? I make a convincing argument, even if only but a few minutes before the bell!
North: Did you just strong arm your way onto the table?
Barrows: I would advise you to not speak another cross accusation our way if you don't want to be sued for slander.
Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall and has been sanction by the Massachusetts State Athletic Commission and it is for the Ladies of New England Championship! Introducing first she is Boston's Own!
The crowd cheers loudly for the challenger who's eyes are focused and glimmering with determination.
Announcer: From right here in Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 275lbs, she is Vanessa Venom!
North: That's quite the disadvantage already for the champion. Alison Crowne is giving up a lot in height, reach, and weight to take on this championship defense.
Stonehands: Well, yes. Weight in a fight is usually an advantage if one fighter is heavier than another. Usually the lighter fighter is at a distinct disadvantage but this isn't always necessarily so. You see...
DIC: Oh come on, we know Alison can chop down any amazon freak with the back of her hand; I mean she's my Queen after all!
Stonehands: Hey, little man, why don't you sit and wait your turn while the adults speak.
North: Thank you.
Stonehands: That means you too; Poindexter.
Barrows: I'm so sorry you were so RUDELY interrupted.
Stonehands: I mean, what do you expect from a pair of amateurs, one being a trustfund baby and the other being best friends with the owner?
Announcer: And introducing next, from Portland, Maine by way of Gainesville, Florida...
Alison shoots the ring announcer a dirty look.
Barrows: I don't know where that's coming from, I did not approve that as part of her introduction. My client only maintains a residence in the city for the pursuit of her professional endeavors.
North: So then what you're saying is... the announcing is accurate? What's the problem?
Barrows: It is misleading, Kevin North. My client lists Gainesville, Florida as her primary residence, her family maintains property within the city limits of Gainesville, Florida. It is hurtful and harmful to my client to falsify her roots.
DIC: I mean nobody lives in Portland by choice; sheesh. I commute; on my private jet. Because my family earned it.
Barrows: And I earned mine by suing little brats like you. Some people work for their money, you know.
Announcer: she is 'The Highlight of the Night', the second longest reigning and defending Ladies of New England Champion of all time... Alison Crowne!
Alison unbuckles the belt from her waist and holds it up high and gets in her opponent's face with the belt, the referee having to back the champion off before holding the belt up high and handing it off.
Stonehands: Now, like I was originally saying before the peanut gallery chimed in; weight can be a deciding factor and a disadvantage for the lighter fighter but it's not always the case. In fact, there are several fighting styles that uses the opponent's size and momentum to their disadvantage like Aikido. Alison has fought three times at Bantamweight in Mixed Martial Arts at 135, she's had several offers in the last few months to fight at featherweight at 145 which would be her professional debut. However currently she's fighting closer to 152lbs at women's boxing welterweight in her preparation for the Olympics. And I can tell you right now she's in phenomenal shape, she could easily win a gold medal at welterweight, she's got the right body frame to be able to put a little more power and weight into her strikes and she's doing this to challenge herself; to prove that she can do whatever she puts her mind to. As someone that hails from the same training camp as her I'm proud of her progress so far.
North: Still, assuming she's fighting at welterweight presently, she's still giving up 123lbs, best case scenario. At what point does something give?
DIC: Well I-
Stonehands: Should shut up. You should shut up.
DIC: Listen here, Tex, I'm trying to ignore you because you're on my Queen's team but quite frankly I don't appreciate...
A loud metal clank is heard hititng the ground followed by what appear to sound like several stomps on a metal box.
Barrows: It appears we've just lost the audio feed from LONE's commentary team;what a tragedy.
Stonehands: Eh, we never needed them anyway. Less distractions.
Venom circles around the champion, Alison Crowne who's quick on her feet manages to stay just out of reach. Venom holds her hand up like she's looking for a test of strength with four inches of height over the defending champion. Alison however shakes her head drawing boos from the crowd as she tries to go for a low kick to the knee, something Venom just manages to sidestep away from. Venom makes a short charge for Alison which causes Alison to use her superior speed advantage to gracefully move out of the way and shoot a stiff kick to the back only for the challenger to shrug it off and stare at her. Alison runs and rebounds off the ropes looking to drive her kneebrace into her torso with a high knee strike but Venom answers back with what could only be described as half side chop, half clothesline, cutting her down and sending her to the mat. The champion's eyes are wide as she quickly scoots back and sticks her body between the ropes halfway opting for a clean break.
Barrows: Smart move by the champion there, getting out of harm's way.
Stonehands: Veteran's tricks of the trade. I mean, I've been doing this for a while myself, wrestling and fighting, started working weekend shows at the age of 19 but Alison is already a 12 year veteran at her age and she hasn't even hit her prime yet. Started training at the age of 15; she's got the kind of experience most people don't have until later in their career. She has a vision for catching and noticing things that someone her age may not catch.
Venom wasn't like most people Alison has fought, not even Qent. Venom had superior size and strength unlike anyone she's ever faced and instead of complying she yanks Alison by the legs and half flings her back to the center before the referee could even get himself between the two which only caused the champion's eyes go grow even wider and bigger. Alison quickly tries to get to her feet and duck out of the ring but Venom grabs her by the hair and prevents her from going anywhere! The referee tries to call for a break but with a fistful of hair Venom licks the palm of her hand before a loud WHACK is heard as she slaps Alison in the chest with brutalizing authority. Alison's eyes nearly bulge out of her head as she screams in pain and tries to clutch her chest before Venom strikes it again with the open palm, the force sending her straight to the mat as she lets go of her hair.
Barrows: Now come on; I thought Boston's officiating would be better than that! Using the hair like that is illegal and should at the very least get a verbal warning with the threat of disqualification for repeat offenses! Did Bux personally fly out one of his stooges to loan for tonight?
Stonehands: This is what you call some homecooking. Hometown girl in front of a hometown crowd with hometown officiating. Doesn't make it right but we knew this was a possibility when we agreed to the fight. The cream always rises to the top though, Gordon, Alison will weather this storm.
Alison writhes in pain on the match clutching her chest and desperately trying to get air back into her lungs with as little pain as she can as the champion already appears to be in grave danger early into the match. Venom gets a running start and hits a senton directly on top of the champion and she quickly goes for a pinfall, only getting a two count as Alison manages to shoot a shoulder up despite seemingly gasping for air. Venom flashes a sick grin at the champion's suffering and seems to say 'You're in my ring now, bitch!' as she gives Alison a condescending slap on the cheek. 'This ain't Maine, this is Boston; you're gonna die out here!'
The crowd appears to eat this up and almost as if on cue breaks out into a chant to show their approval.
Venom goes to pick Alison up off the ground where something inside her seems to awaken at the trash talk as she jabs her thumb as hard as she can into her eye, with frightening authority causing Venom to lose her grip only for Alison to then grab a hold of her challenger's hair and with her free hand goes after that same eye as if she's trying to rip it out of its socket! Venom screams in pain as the referee immediately tries to pull Alison off, repeatedly threatening her with disqualification.
Barrows: How about that! Shoe on the other foot! They say an eye for an eye only makes the world go blind; not if you blind em first!
Stonehands: See, that right there is what makes Alison such a dangerous opponent; she adapts to her environment and fights fire with fire. Pull her hair? Okay, she'll keep that in mind and raise the stakes.
Barrows: I mean it's only fair, isn't it? Vanessa committed the first foul; the referee needs to enforce the ruled equally!
Stonehands: Absolutely, but you know they won't. Integrity is a lost quality in this sport.
Alison eventually stops going for the eye but not before jabbing her thumb into it repeatedly for good measure as she comes very close to disqualification. As the referee finally pulls Alison off Venom Alison shoots him a death glare which causes him to lose his nerve and back off. With Venom on her knee holding her face Alison repeatedly hammers down with a series of vicious rabbit punches to the back of the head completely unguarded and unprotected which manage to wear down on the challenger who's having trouble competently defending herself. Alison then appears to deliver what appears to be a shoot muay thai kick to the temple which immediately drops Venom down to the mat. Alison sneers and barks at the ref 'check her!' as she backs off momentarily as the referee does so.
Stonehands: Gordon; I think she's out! A Muay Thai kick like that will knock even the toughest SOBs out!
Barrows: Without a doubt! The referee needs to stop this match on medical grounds and award the victory to Alison before 'Boston's Own' gets carried out in the back of an ambulance! What was it that you said over a few beers last night, the bigger they are the harder they fall?
Stonehands: Yep! Not afraid to admit I've eaten the canvas a few times in my career and I fell like a redwood in the middle of a forest I tell you what. Doesn't matter who you are or how good you are, you eat the right strike at the right time and anyone will be out on dream street!
Alison meanwhile doesn't even seem to wait for an official decision one way or the other as she immediately calls for her belt from the timekeeper who seems to comply thinking that the match was over. Alison slings the LONE Championship onto her shoulder and raises her arm in the air, pointing to the center plate several times with her name engraved on the nameplate. Before the referee can call for the bell on a referee stoppage Venom slowly sits up which gets a huge pop out of the crowd which causes a look of horror to slowly spread across Alison's face. Alison slowly turns around only to get caught by a vicious throat thrust from Venom as the tips of her fingers jab into her throat and send her crashing back down to the mat. The timekeeper is quick to scurry to ringside to fetch the championship so neither woman could use it as a weapon. Venom scoops up Alison with both of her hands wrapped around her neck and with scary strength tosses the aspiring Olympic boxer and someone with MMA fights under her belt like a ragdoll like it was absolutely nothing, causing Alison's body to hit the mat hard halfway across the ring.
Barrows: How is this even legal?
Stonehands: There's not a single rulesbook I've studied or fought under that would call that a legal maneuver when the rules are in effect. That would be a red card in some systems, maybe a yellow if the official was feeling generous.
Barrows: Red meaning instant disqualification.
Stonehands: Absolutely, and you get enough yellows in a match and it's as good as a red.
Barrows: The problem here is selective officiating; hell we might as well still be in LONE!
Alison sits up very slowly as she tries to shake the cobwebs out only to nearly have her face taken off as Venom runs by and drives a drive-by boot into her face. Alison this time is able to use her veteran instincts to roll out of the ring under the bottom rope as Venom tried to grab her once more causing a chorus of boos to roar out.
Stonehands: Veteran move again by the champion. Alison knew she had to get out of the ring since the referee wasn't going to do his job to protect her.
Barrows: It's a real shame too. In an even match up things would be different but as always Alison has to work harder than everyone else to get as far.
Stonehands: Yeah; but she's a machine and that's why we love her! She's gonna stick this one out and come out on top, just you watch!
Barrows: Preaching to the choir my good buddy. Vanessa though should be grateful for her platform; she'd be cellmates with that felon in any other profession.
The referee tries to stop Venom from going to the outside but the challenger easily brushes past the smaller referee and exits the ring as Alison tries to crawl under the ring to get away. Venom grabs her by the foot before she could completely disappear under the ring and begins to fish her out. Alison managed to grab a fire extinguisher from under the ring and manages to aim the hose directly at Venom's face as the foam and gasses shoot out and hit her directly in the face! The referee tries to question Alison about what happened but having not seen the incident in question can't really do anything about it as the champion smirks laying on the floor with the challenger blinded once again.
Stonehands: Never apologize for survival! That right there just put the thumb back on the scale to bring things into balance!
Barrows: He has no proof of anything! Thought he had Alison in a 'gotcha' situation but once again he was too slow! The arc runs long but always bends towards justice.
Alison grabs Venom by her wrist and yanks back with all her might, falling backward sending Venom's body crashing hard against the side of the ring as the behemoth finally falls off her feet. Alison picks herself up off the ground and orders the referee to start counting but the referee seemingly refuses, instead granting leniency with rules enforcement, perhaps out of fear of both women. Alison initially seems irritated by the refusal before shrugging and simply saying “Okay...” as she drags Venom by the leg over to the ring steps, sandwiching her right leg in between the steps. The referee begins to start counting, seemingly trying to dissuade Alison from crippling another person yet again but by now it was too late as she hopped onto the apron and begin to run along it.
Alison performs a double foot stomp right on top of the steps before landing on her feet on the other side of the steps, catching herself with the guard rail as Venom unleashes a blood curdling scream of pain.
Stonehands: YEAH! That right there Gordon is a game changer!
Barrows: And you can't say Alison didn't give a fair warning either. All he had to do was start enforcing the rules fairly and this would've never happened! Vanessa wanted a lawless environment? Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
Alison slides back into the ring after dusting her hands off and begins to argue with the referee for stopping his count. The referee begins to put up an 'X' with his arms but Alison stops him from completing the motion, grabbing him roughly by the collar. 'You had your chance to end this mercifully; now I'm going to make her suffer! Count... I said COUNT DAMMIT, before I make you join her!'
Stonehands: She's a master of flipping the script, Gordon, a master! The monster went from being the hunter to the hunted; Alison Crowne can take over a fight just like that!
Barrows: Absolutely! She's a generational talent; you only see people with her kind of talent and ability once a generation; at best!
Stonehands: That's my sparring partner! Doing our gym proud! Finish her, Alison! Finish her!
Barrows: You're even getting me pumped up; your energy is infectious my friend!
Venom pulls her leg out from under the steps, kicking it off with her good leg and grabs her right leg.
Barrows: Stick a fork in her, she's done!
Venom pulls herself up with the bottom rope, having a hard time keeping herself up.
Venom barely breaks the count rolling into the ring.
Stonehands: Big mistake! She went back for more but I don't think she wants no more!
Alison wastes no time as she stomps repeatedly on Venom's right leg causing her to scream in more pain. The referee verbally warns Alison to back off but she continues to ignore him as she flips him a middle finger before stomping with extra authority on the leg. She backs off and comes down with a rolling knee drop on top of the injured leg, leading with the kneebrace before doing it again and again several more times as she drives the steel brace into Venom's leg. Smelling the blood in the water Alison grabs her challenger by the injured leg and drags her to the center of the ring, appearing to first set up for a figure four leglock before stepping through and turning her foe over on her belly, locking in a sharpshooter from the figure four formation; a figure four sharpshooter.
Stonehands: Texas Sharpshooter! Texas Sharpshooter! YEAH!
Barrows: That's a move you made famous down in Texas and later in the Great Lakes region, isn't it?
Stonehands: Yeah; it was known as a figure-four sharpshooter before I got a hold of it.
Barrows: You see, what most people don't expect is your knowledge of submissions and mat wrestling, they see this man with World Class striking power.
Stonehands: And I do, I do.
Barrows: But you've caught plenty of people by surprise amounting a professional fighting record of 17-4.
Stonehands: Just because I got a few highlight knockouts doesn't mean that's the only way I win. Alison, she's got this wealth of knowledge with martial arts and fighting styles but like the true master of game that she is she's always looking to add new wrinkles into her repertoire. I just gave her one more piece to a winning gameplan.
Venom screams in pain as Alison sits back as far as she can to put maximum pressure on the bad leg and back. Venom tries to inch her way over to the ropes but she has a difficult time dragging herself closer to the ropes. Alison wrenches back even harder and harder, like she was trying to legitimately snap her leg in two and break her back. Venom bites the side of her thumb to try to make the pain bearable just long enough to make it to the ropes and perhaps due to her superior reach advantage manages to finally throw her hand desperately onto the bottom rope. Alison hears the referee call for a clean break due to the ropes and perhaps out of pure spite reaches back with one arm and grabs hold of the middle rope to pull back on the hold even more as the referee begins his count.
Alison breaks just a fraction of a second away from five and finally releases the hold as the crowd boos very loudly.
Stonehands: With all due respect to Vanessa Venom; she's one hell of a hoss but she's awoken something else entirely inside of Alison. Maybe it was the aggression out of the gate, maybe it was the trashtalk but I don't think I've ever seen this kind of next level aggression out of her. I've never seen it before but I love it! I'm loving every single moment of this!
Barrows: Champions always find a way of finding that extra gear to get the job done; it's quite simply what makes them a cut above the rest.
The referee admonishes Alison Crowne and tells her how close she was to getting disqualified. Alison pokes him in the chest and says 'Do it. Do it; prove that the best your company has to offer can't hang with me! Throw in the fucking towel; I still keep the belt!' Alison continues to poke him in the chest, daring him to do something, even going as far as to shove him with one hand, backing him into a corner.
Stonehands: She's just daring the referee to do something now.
Barrows: It's akin to 'professional checkmate'. Disqualify her? You prove this is a sham from the get go and that the deck was stacked against her with selective enforcement. Call it on medical grounds? You prove Alison's point again. Do nothing? You're showing exactly how under-qualified you are for your job.
Meanwhile as Alison is bullying the poor referee Venom begins to recover, finding a way to grit through the pain and find a way forward in the match. Alison slaps the referee lightly on the cheek several times in a very condescending way before turning her attention back to Venom. Alison takes her time walking nonchalantly back to her foe as Venom suddenly finds the strength to pull herself up to her feet and on one bad leg nearly turn Alison Crowne inside out with a desperation lariat!
Stonehands: I don't know where that came from but I'm pretty sure it's a little too little too late!
The crowd comes to life upon impact and the atmosphere begins to feel electrically charged as the roars become nearly deafening. Both women appear to be out, with Alison slowly shaking her head on her back as Venom suddenly sits up as if her body were springloaded and shoots a sick grin at the champion! Alison looks like she's seen a ghost as all color leaves her face as her eyes reflect a look of sheer and utter terror. Venom makes it to her feet, albeit heavily favoring her right leg as she grabs Alison by the hair as she quickly tries to scurry under the bottom rope to the outside. The monstrous challenger shakes her head and wags her finger as Alison looks at her towering opponent in fear before being flung by her hair back into the center of the ring. Alison grabs her hair making sure she suddenly didn't have a bald spot on the back of her head before quickly making it back to her feet. Alison quickly shoots for a kick with her leg but Venom catches it and uses it to flip her onto her back! Venom with her bare hands then begins to rip the kneebrace off her knee, disassembling and mangling the steel in the process before tossing it to the side of the ring!
Barrows: That should be an instant disqualification! Alison has a medical reason for wearing that brace! The promotion is now actively endangering her well-being! This match should be thrown out!
Alison tries to kick at the bad leg with her free leg but Venom has her body positioned in just the right way where Alison can't strike a devastating blow. Venom then lifts Alison up, positioning the leg and knee behind her neck and begins to stretch it out with the aid of gravity in a painful looking submission hold!
Stonehands: And she's immediately going for that knee too! If that's not the definition of intent I don't know what is! Dirty, dirty, tactic!
Alison tries to get out of it as she is quick to use her superior leg and body strength to pull herself up to where she's now positioned onto of Venom and begins to hammer repeated punches down on her forehead trying to score a quick knockout with the blows going completely unprotected. The monster however manages to shrug off the pain and reaches up to grab Alison, repositioning her as she holds her high up in the air for a vertical suplex before driving her head into the mat with incredible velocity with a brainbuster! The champion is out cold as the challenger goes for the cover.
Stonehands: Brainbuster! This is turning into a farce, what happened to fair officiating? What kind of set up is this?!
There was no way Alison Crowne was going to kick out, and for her sake it was a good thing she didn't have to as she would've surely lost her championship. Instead Gordon Barrows had thrown down his headset and pulled the referee out of the ring to break the count. Venom breaks the pin as Alison Crowne lays unconscious and looks over to the outside as Barrows is pleading with the official about some phantom infraction that never happened. Venom quickly exits the ring and stares down Barrows who's quick to throw up his hands defensively.
Barrows: Hey, hey! You keep your hands off me or I'll sue you and press criminal charges! I'm licensed to practice law in the state of Massachusetts, you can't lay a single finger on me! Do you hear me?!
As this exchange is going on Stonehands, who has also thrown off his headset, slipped into the ring from the opposite side and shakes Alison to try to bring her back to a state of awareness before placing what appears to be a black pair of brass knuckles in her hand to match her black fingerless MMA gloves and whispers a few words into her ear before sliding out of the ring undetected. Barrows slowly retreats back to Stonehands who's quick to pat him on the shoulder and usher him behind him, seemingly sharing a quick word with him as well. Venom rolls back into the ring as Alison continues to lay spread eagle in the middle of the ring. Venom gingerly walks to the champion and wraps her hand around her throat as she picks her up, looking to hit a devastating chokeslam to end the match! As she lifts Alison into the air the champion springs into action as she hits a swift and crushing punch to her foe's head as the aid of the brass knuckles knocks the challenger out on her feet! The referee doesn't seem to notice due to how quick everything happened along with the color of the brass knuckles matching her MMA gloves! Alison lands on her feet like a cat and quickly grabs her opponent before she can fall over and places her head between her legs as she hooks both of her arms. Alison with the double underhook manages to somehow, someway lift Venom off the ground just enough to nail her with the Tiger Driver '98! Alison rolls her over, slipping the brass knuckles down her top outside of view of the referee before hooking both legs. 1.....2.....3!
Announcer: Here is your winner and STILL the Ladies of New England Champion... 'The Highlight of the Night' Alison Crowne!
Stonehands and Barrows grin and high five one another as Alison Crowne managed to pull in the victory by the skin of her teeth! Stonehands is quick to grab the LONE Championship from the timekeeper as Barrows walks up the steps. Stonehands rolls into the ring as Alison Crowne makes it to her feet, wrapping the belt around her waist as the referee raises her hand as ringside doctors roll Vanessa Venom out of the ring. Alison Crowne and Stonehands share a celebratory fist bump as Barrows raises her arm in victory, pointing to her and talking trash to the crowd as the crowd boos very loudly.
Alison calls for a microphone as Stonehands is quick to bark at the timekeeper to bring one over, which he does hastily. Alison parades around the ring as the fans haven't stopped booing yet. Alison Crowne is soaking and bathing in this reaction as her top two people entrenched inside her camp, Gordon Barrows and Stonehands are both wearing smug grins, commenting back and forth with each other as they're seen occasionally pointing out in the crowd and applauding Alison as she returns to the point from which she started.
Alison: One by one by one... your heroes will fall before me. Since day one I've faced nothing but the best this industry has to offer and since day one I've been beating them back far more than they've beaten me. Ever since I made a little pit stop in Missouri several years ago I've been on a nearly unprecedented streak of greatness with defeat rarely knowing my name but becoming rather intimate with my foes, giving them something to bond over as they licked their wounds together. Even before Missouri though; I mean...
Alison pauses as she flashes a very smug and arrogant grin as she pats the center plate of the LONE Championship around her waist possessively.
Alison: Greatness has always been associated with my name. With Lexi Pryce I was a decorated tag team wrestler and the two of us owned the southeast wrestling scene and when she suffered her horrific accident I stepped onto the singles stage where many expected me to fail. What was the result? I started to collect regional championships like they were baseball cards, only lining my waist with nothing but the best. People didn't think I could respond to adversity and when I lost in the finals of a big martial arts tournament in my home state of Florida back in high school but you know what? I came back the next year and I DOMINATED! Florida State Champion in Muay Thai.
Alison begins to win over some in the crowd as they begin to cheer and clap.
Alison: 364 days ago I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine when I defeated a traitor, a woman who I was lead to falsely believe was my best friend, I beat Terri Thompson to win this!
Alison pats the belt around her waist again.
Alison: And I didn't do it for anybody who thought they were held down or given an unfair shake in life; I didn't do it to inspire anyone going through their own hardships, find your own way through instead of hanging off my coattails you entitled pricks!
This immediately loses any good will she may have built up with the Boston crowd as Stonehands lets out that kind of 'Oh shit!' kind of chuckle as his eyes light up at the reaction.
Alison: I did this for me! Because I put in the work, because I bled and sweat and poured my tears into this ring! Alison Crowne; that's not just a name, Crowne isn't just a name; it's who I am! I didn't take any handouts, I never used a family name to take a short cut through life or to advance in my career. Everything... everything that I have I've worked to the bone for, everything that I've earned I've done through on my own talent and ability. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard, she can make any move and go any direction; she has the right to rule and you either play by her rules or you get knocked off the board! I am the Anti-Venom to your Venom, The Trash Collector to your Gutter Trash, and your Judge, Jury and Executioner when someone needs to lay down the law to a wayward felon. I am absolute, the Alpha and the Omega, to be a Crowne is to chase greatness until you become greatness incarnate and to those who doubt me? Go ahead, hit rewind on your DVRs or on your video players and watch this match again and try to argue with the results; I'm still standing, she's not! That is why they call me 'The Highlight of the Night' and why you continue to throw your money at my feet month after month despite the same result; you're throwing your cash away and praying for a result you know you can't get!
The crowd boos as Stonehands rubs Alison's shoulders as he gives her a few words of encouragement like a proud coach as Barrows whispers something into her ear.
Alison: The ball is now back inside your court Bux. I'm already the second longest reigning LONE Champion in history and soon I'll be number one with a bullet! I don't know what kind of legal action you may or may not be planning against me; a little birdy in your office tells me you're trying to find any corner case you can to entrap me and get this belt off my waist without me legitimately losing it so let me throw you a lifeline here; allow me to give you a free pass out. Now that the felon is gone and back within the safe confines of the justice system and away from civilized society; my phone is open. I'm willing to come back to the table and give you one final chance to make things right and give you your belt back without it ever leaving my possession. But...
She holds up a finger with a cocky smirk.
Alison: It's gonna cost you! I feel each month my position continues to grow stronger and stronger while you're rapidly running out of options and remedies. So, when you want to make the right move, call my wonderful personal attorney, Gordon Barrows and we can talk like adults, just know that I come with demands that I expect to be met! Until then? I think I'm going to keep taking this belt all around the New England area, maybe I'll start collecting everyone's belts and declare myself at the end of it all the Undisputed New England Champion; maybe I'll take a trip to Nova Scotia or Ontario or Quebec and single handedly turn this into a World Championship with a single successful defense. It's like I've said since the moment I've won this belt, this belt is power! Your move; Bux!