2018.07.27: PWN - LONE - LONE 14

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Baxter: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are LIIIIIVE! WELCOME to Supremacy: LONE 14 - 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY... REDEMPTION!


The camera pans the crowd for a moment before the live feed turns to Kevin North taking up the screen. For some reason, the other side of the commentator's table isn't showing whoever is seated next to him.

North: Hello fans and welcome to LONE's two year anniversary! I'm Kevin North and... well... my broadcast colleague DIC decided not to show up to our two year anniversary in protest to Terri Thompson getting her title shot tonight. So tonight, we have a replacement. He is a 3 time world champion, a multiple time tag team champion, a multiple time singles champion a manager of champions as well as a mentor and manager to the younger generation of wrestlers. He is..... Mr. Frank Washington!

The camera pans out to show Frank seated next to North.

Frank Washington: Aww, you're too kind, North! Hello everybody! I'm really excited to be here! I'm stoked to see the best Women's wrestling on the planet tonight here in New England!

North: You know that reminds me, you were here at our one year anniversary as well!

Washington: This is true!

"Hello from the Gutter" kicks on the PA as the fans get to their feet.

North: THERE'S a theme I haven't heard in a while!

Washington: She put on a hell of a match last show, and earned the rights to her music and moniker back!

Terri Thompson steps through the curtain, wearing her jeans and boots, and a new white t-shirt that is a mock of the surgeon generals' warning: Gutter Trash causes Lung Puncturing, Heart Punches, Enziguris, And May Complicate Pro Wrestling. She has on a leather vest now decked out in various band and movie patches as well as patches about fighting oppression. She slaps hands with fans at ringside, walking around the entire ring to do so and taking a moment to pose against the barricade while fans pat her on her shoulders. She then slides into the ring and moves to the side of it to ask a stage hand for a mic.

When she's handed one, she brings it to her lips and begins to speak.

Before she can say a word, she smiles and lets out a faint laugh as the fans continue to cheer for her.


Terri: Heh..... Thank you. Thank you. So uhh... you guys like my shirt?

She tugs on the bottom of it with both hands and spins a little in the ring so everyone can see it.


Terri: Thanks! I've been wanting to sell it for a while, but a certain somebody's been preventing me from doing it. Anyway! I'll get serious now. The past few months... no, almost a YEAR now... things have been looking pretty bleak for me. Lost the title. Lost my girl. Boss had it out for me. My best friends were questioning me. Hell, it sounds like every day life that a lot of people go through. That a lot of YOU go through...

Terri points out towards the crowd.

Terri: All my trials and tribulations... Give me a bottle of whiskey and a guitar and I could play you a song about it. Heh... naw... I said I'd get serious. Right. So... where was I, ahh yes, I was hating my life for a while. I'd get up in the morning and look myself in the mirror, and I would wonder if things... if things would always just be bad. But I realized something. I realized things get better. They ALWAYS get better! There's always a silver lining! Last month, last month I was tested! Last month I overcame insurmountable odds! I defeated a 36 time champion! A six time hall of famer! Drew Stevenson! Yeah, you can say I had help. But there was nothing stopping him from getting help either! If you look at it, he could have sent an army after me! He could have stabbed me with that spear and crucified me in front of you all like he threatened to do! Instead, my girlfriend Wendy came out of jail and gave him the kick in the nuts he's deserved for a year now!


Terri: Now he's gone. Wendy is back. I made up with Alison and tonight... tonight is my Redemption! Tonight, I plant The Glorious One's mind in the gutter just like I did to Drew and I take back what I unjustly lost!

??: Hold on a second. Hold on JUST a second!

The crowd starts to boo loudly as Mark Robertson emerges from the curtain, microphone in hand. Terri leans against the ropes towards the side of the ring facing the entrance and she folds her arms along the top rope.

Robertson: I'm not going to stand here and let you run down my friend Drew Stevenson!

Terri: Oh look, Mark Robertson! Hi Mark! How ya doin? Good to see that leg recovered pretty quick. Looks like you're standing to me just fine.

Robertson: You may think you've got everything planned out, but The Glorious One is always one step ahead of you so go ahead. Go ahead and celebrate your victory over Stevenson last month, but I promise you it won't last long. Boast all you want, but soon we're going to see YOU go down the drain and your mind in the gutter! When The Glorious One retains and leaves you like the pile of trash that you are!

Terri: That's funny, Robertson. I imagine it'd be even funnier if The Glrious One took the time to come out of her personal locker room and tell me that herself! Why don't you tell her to go do that and talk to me, or to the rest of the roster, for once!

Robertson has a sinister grin on his face now.

Robertson: Be careful what you wish for.

Robertson turns his back now and heads back through the curtain.

Terri walks to the center of the ring and spreads her arms out at her side as the fans cheer for her.

Gucci Gals vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven & Vixen

The arena darkens and a graphic comes up on the titantron.


It then fades to show another graphic:


Baxter: This match is scheduled for one fall.

Sabaton's "White Death" soon starts and out from the curtain emerges "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven, dressed in a sports bra, shorts held up by a studded belt, and wrestling boots. Her top is snow camo, same for her shorts and the belt. In the center of her top is the image of a sniper scope. Her boots are the same hue of white with the soles and a part of the middle of the boots colored in snow camo. She makes gun motions with both hands and points them towards the ring. Bang bang!

Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from The Other Side of The Scope, she is “THE PERFECT SHOT”, PENELOPE SIIIILLLVEEEEENNNNN!

Penelope Silven walks down the aisle, slapping hands with a few fans before climbing the stairs and stepping through the ropes. She climbs onto the middle ropes of the nearest turnbuckle and throws her hands up into the air, then makes the gun motion again towards the fans. She jumps down and then hops in place, waiting for the match to start.

Baxter: And her partner...

“The Fox” by The Chainsmokers featuring Calvin Harris hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid ovation.

Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Hanging Hills, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!

Vixen starts walking down the aisle while slapping some of the fans’ hands. When she gets to ringside, she rolls in and spreads her hands out, spinning in a circle while the fans cheer her on as she waits for the Gucci Gals along with her partner, Penelope Silven.

Baxter: And their opponents...

"Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang."

“Gucci Gang” by Lil' Pump suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces. It seems like they got a new theme tonight!

Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are the team of Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula... THE GUCCI GALLLLLSSSSS!!!

Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder. Gucci waves her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI before talking smack to the fans while Prada puts a hand out as if she's pie facing fans who oogle/berate her.

North: And just like usual, Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula snubbing these fans and from the sounds of it, they’re not too keen on it.

Washington: Well you can’t blame them, you know? Nobody likes to be snubbed.

North: Oh for sure, I completely understand their point.

Starting the match off is Vixen and Miss. Gucci. Walking around each other, getting a proverbial feel for the other, they embrace in a basic collar and elbow tie-up as immediately, Gucci throws a thumb to the eye of Vixen wanting no part of it. Holding her eye, the referee warns Gucci who gives him the old hand in the face insult while blatantly ignoring the rules.

North: Such blatant disregard for the rules by Miss. Gucci.

Washington: Which isn’t all that surprising. She’s been known to “bend” the rules in her favor a time or two and that’s putting it VERY nicely.

Shaking her head, they look to embrace again but this time, Vixen immediately tackles Gucci to the ground throwing some pretty heavy hands as Gucci covers up.

North: And what do you know? Just like that, things have shifted.

Washington: As you know North, that’s how this business works.

North: That I do Mr. Washington.

Getting off of Gucci, Vixen let’s out a scream as these fans cheer for her, loving her intensity. Slowly getting to her feet while clutching her jaw, Gucci sees Vixen coming on the prowl and when she gets close enough; Gucci kicks her in the knee immediately dropping her and yet again, the referee warns Gucci who walks over to her corner tagging in Prada Paula.

Washington: Miss. Gucci playing awfully dirty tonight.

Quickly stepping into the ring and rushing over to the fallen body of Vixen, Paula grabs a handful of her bright orange hair, pulling her up to her feet but from out of nowhere, Vixen reaches up, grabs the head of Paula and drops to the seated position with a jawbreaker. Clutching her jaw and stumbling around, Vixen scurries over to her corner and tags in Penelope Silven as this capacity crowd is on their feet for the beautiful blonde.

Washington: Vixen needed that tag and now that she got it, listen to this capacity crowd, they love Silven.

Charging in at Paula, Silven drops her with a clothesline. Quickly getting back up, Silven drops her with another clothesline as all of the momentum currently belongs to the team of Vixen and Silven at this moment in time.

North: Silven and Vixen are showing tremendous promise right now. If I were No Fly Zone, I would DEFINITELY be on the lookout for them.

Washington: No doubt there!

Pulling Paula up to her feet while grinning, Silven is feeling great right now but that all changes when Gucci darts into the ring and flattens Silven with a hard shot to the back. Landing flat on her stomach after being struck from behind, the referee yells at Gucci to leave the ring in which she does willingly.

Washington: Having been in several tag matches over the years, I can tell you, that quickly turns the tide in your favor.

Stomping on the lower back of Silven, repeatedly, Paula brings her hands into the air taunting as the fans boo her loudly which causes Paula to embrace the hate. Walking over to her corner, Paula tags in Gucci who enters the ring and stalks Silven.

Washington: As expected, fantastic teamwork by the Gucci Gals.

Slowly grabbing a handful of Silven’s hair and bringing her back to her feet, she launches Silven into the turnbuckle as she strikes with tremendous force. Charging in with a full head of steam, Silven moves out of the way just in the nick of time and as Gucci smacks the turnbuckle chest first, she bounces out and falls backwards now lying on her back. Using this opening, Silven stumbles over to her corner and tags in Vixen who comes in to some massive cheers.

North: Vixen is fired up right now.

Quickly picking Gucci up to her feet, Vixen hits a snap suplex and floats it over into a pin fall.



Washington: Close count there but it’s going to take much more than that put Miss. Gucci away.

North: Oh absolutely! There’s a reason why Miss. Gucci has been as dominant as she has here in LONE.

Having pressed her shoulder off of the canvas, Vixen climbs on top of Gucci and begins to throw more heavy hands but this time, Gucci can’t cover up so this time, she’s eating every single punch.

North: Vixen has looked incredible tonight.

Washington: Vixen and Silven have been very impressive tonight. Definitely a lot of potential here.

Eventually getting off of Gucci, Vixen grabs Gucci by her brown hair and goes by Irish whip her into the turnbuckle but not wanting to feel that pain again, Gucci manages to shift the momentum and instead launches Vixen into her own corner, chest first, as Silven tags herself in to stop Vixen from receiving any further damage.

North: Very smart tag by Silven.

Motioning for Silven to bring it, she does just that but setting her up, Gucci backs into her own corner as Paula throws a hard forearm shot right to the face of Silven causing her to stumble back and drop to one knee. Seeing this, Vixen lunges in at Gucci but the referee intervenes and stops Vixen from doing anything, telling her to get back into her corner.

Washington: The Gucci Gals may not play clean but what they do is definitely effective.

North: Nobody can deny that, Frank.

As the referee is trying to get Vixen out of the ring, Paula and Gucci take this opportunity to lay the hurting on Silven. Positioning her, Gucci lifts her up slowly with a piledriver and coming off the top, Paula jumps off and spikes Silven’s head into the canvas.

North: My god Frank, a spiking piledriver, we haven’t seen that in a long, long time.

Washington: That’s because it’s incredibly dangerous and effective.

Lying on the canvas, unconscious, Vixen exits the ring as Gucci lays on top of Silven’s lifeless body. Dropping down to make the count, the referee moves pretty quickly.




Washington: Well that was a really good attempt by Silven and Vixen here tonight but unfortunately, very few and I mean VERY few kick out of that move.

North: Let’s just hope that she’s okay.

Washington: Needless to say, the Gucci Gals were definitely sending a message tonight.

Entering the ring to check on her partner, Vixen kneels down and slowly helps her to her feet. Looking up at Vixen, Silven holds the back of her head, obviously in pain.

Silven: Thank you!

Nodding her head and showing tremendous friendship, about that time, Vixen kicks her in the midsection and plants her head first into the canvas with a DDT.


Washington: Well... Looks like Vixen has had enough of Silven.

Backstage Segment: Vixen

Coming Soon!

Ainslee Avalon vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson

Coming Soon!

Post Match segment

Coming Soon!

Ami Reeves vs. Hannah Kix

Coming Soon!

Backstage Segment: Frank Debauchee

Coming Soon!

Alison Crowne vs "Pretty" Fay Qent

Coming Soon!

The Glorious One w/Mark Robertson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

Coming Soon!

Post Match celebration

Coming Soon!