2018.07.27: PWN - LONE - LONE 14

- 1 Intro
- 2 Gucci Gals vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven & Vixen
- 3 Backstage Segment: Vixen
- 4 Ainslee Avalon vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson
- 5 Ami Reeves vs. Hannah Kix
- 6 Backstage Segment: Frank Debauchee
- 7 Alison Crowne vs "Pretty" Fay Qent
- 8 The Glorious One w/Mark Robertson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
- 9 Post Match celebration
Baxter: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are LIIIIIVE! WELCOME to Supremacy: LONE 14 - 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY... REDEMPTION!
The camera pans the crowd for a moment before the live feed turns to Kevin North taking up the screen. For some reason, the other side of the commentator's table isn't showing whoever is seated next to him.
North: Hello fans and welcome to LONE's two year anniversary! I'm Kevin North and... well... my broadcast colleague DIC decided not to show up to our two year anniversary in protest to Terri Thompson getting her title shot tonight. So tonight, we have a replacement. He is a 3 time world champion, a multiple time tag team champion, a multiple time singles champion a manager of champions as well as a mentor and manager to the younger generation of wrestlers. He is..... Mr. Frank Washington!
The camera pans out to show Frank seated next to North.
Frank Washington: Aww, you're too kind, North! Hello everybody! I'm really excited to be here! I'm stoked to see the best Women's wrestling on the planet tonight here in New England!
North: You know that reminds me, you were here at our one year anniversary as well!
Washington: This is true!
"Hello from the Gutter" kicks on the PA as the fans get to their feet.
North: THERE'S a theme I haven't heard in a while!
Washington: She put on a hell of a match last show, and earned the rights to her music and moniker back!
Terri Thompson steps through the curtain, wearing her jeans and boots, and a new white t-shirt that is a mock of the surgeon generals' warning: Gutter Trash causes Lung Puncturing, Heart Punches, Enziguris, And May Complicate Pro Wrestling. She has on a leather vest now decked out in various band and movie patches as well as patches about fighting oppression. She slaps hands with fans at ringside, walking around the entire ring to do so and taking a moment to pose against the barricade while fans pat her on her shoulders. She then slides into the ring and moves to the side of it to ask a stage hand for a mic.
When she's handed one, she brings it to her lips and begins to speak.
Before she can say a word, she smiles and lets out a faint laugh as the fans continue to cheer for her.
Terri: Heh..... Thank you. Thank you. So uhh... you guys like my shirt?
She tugs on the bottom of it with both hands and spins a little in the ring so everyone can see it.
Terri: Thanks! I've been wanting to sell it for a while, but a certain somebody's been preventing me from doing it. Anyway! I'll get serious now. The past few months... no, almost a YEAR now... things have been looking pretty bleak for me. Lost the title. Lost my girl. Boss had it out for me. My best friends were questioning me. Hell, it sounds like every day life that a lot of people go through. That a lot of YOU go through...
Terri points out towards the crowd.
Terri: All my trials and tribulations... Give me a bottle of whiskey and a guitar and I could play you a song about it. Heh... naw... I said I'd get serious. Right. So... where was I, ahh yes, I was hating my life for a while. I'd get up in the morning and look myself in the mirror, and I would wonder if things... if things would always just be bad. But I realized something. I realized things get better. They ALWAYS get better! There's always a silver lining! Last month, last month I was tested! Last month I overcame insurmountable odds! I defeated a 36 time champion! A six time hall of famer! Drew Stevenson! Yeah, you can say I had help. But there was nothing stopping him from getting help either! If you look at it, he could have sent an army after me! He could have stabbed me with that spear and crucified me in front of you all like he threatened to do! Instead, my girlfriend Wendy came out of jail and gave him the kick in the nuts he's deserved for a year now!
Terri: Now he's gone. Wendy is back. I made up with Alison and tonight... tonight is my Redemption! Tonight, I plant The Glorious One's mind in the gutter just like I did to Drew and I take back what I unjustly lost!
??: Hold on a second. Hold on JUST a second!
The crowd starts to boo loudly as Mark Robertson emerges from the curtain, microphone in hand. Terri leans against the ropes towards the side of the ring facing the entrance and she folds her arms along the top rope.
Robertson: I'm not going to stand here and let you run down my friend Drew Stevenson!
Terri: Oh look, Mark Robertson! Hi Mark! How ya doin? Good to see that leg recovered pretty quick. Looks like you're standing to me just fine.
Robertson: You may think you've got everything planned out, but The Glorious One is always one step ahead of you so go ahead. Go ahead and celebrate your victory over Stevenson last month, but I promise you it won't last long. Boast all you want, but soon we're going to see YOU go down the drain and your mind in the gutter! When The Glorious One retains and leaves you like the pile of trash that you are!
Terri: That's funny, Robertson. I imagine it'd be even funnier if The Glrious One took the time to come out of her personal locker room and tell me that herself! Why don't you tell her to go do that and talk to me, or to the rest of the roster, for once!
Robertson has a sinister grin on his face now.
Robertson: Be careful what you wish for.
Robertson turns his back now and heads back through the curtain.
Terri walks to the center of the ring and spreads her arms out at her side as the fans cheer for her.
Gucci Gals vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven & Vixen
The arena darkens and a graphic comes up on the titantron.
It then fades to show another graphic:
Baxter: This match is scheduled for one fall.
Sabaton's "White Death" soon starts and out from the curtain emerges "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven, dressed in a sports bra, shorts held up by a studded belt, and wrestling boots. Her top is snow camo, same for her shorts and the belt. In the center of her top is the image of a sniper scope. Her boots are the same hue of white with the soles and a part of the middle of the boots colored in snow camo. She makes gun motions with both hands and points them towards the ring. Bang bang!
Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from The Other Side of The Scope, she is “THE PERFECT SHOT”, PENELOPE SIIIILLLVEEEEENNNNN!
Penelope Silven walks down the aisle, slapping hands with a few fans before climbing the stairs and stepping through the ropes. She climbs onto the middle ropes of the nearest turnbuckle and throws her hands up into the air, then makes the gun motion again towards the fans. She jumps down and then hops in place, waiting for the match to start.
Baxter: And her partner...
“The Fox” by The Chainsmokers featuring Calvin Harris hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid ovation.
Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Higgins Beach, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!
Vixen starts walking down the aisle while slapping some of the fans’ hands. When she gets to ringside, she rolls in and spreads her hands out, spinning in a circle while the fans cheer her on as she waits for the Gucci Gals along with her partner, Penelope Silven.
Baxter: And their opponents...
"Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang."
“Gucci Gang” by Lil' Pump suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces. It seems like they got a new theme tonight!
Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are the team of Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula... THE GUCCI GALLLLLSSSSS!!!
Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder. Gucci waves her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI before talking smack to the fans while Prada puts a hand out as if she's pie facing fans who oogle/berate her.
North: And just like usual, Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula snubbing these fans and from the sounds of it, they’re not too keen on it.
Washington: Well you can’t blame them, you know? Nobody likes to be snubbed.
North: Oh for sure, I completely understand their point.
Starting the match off is Vixen and Miss. Gucci. Walking around each other, getting a proverbial feel for the other, they embrace in a basic collar and elbow tie-up as immediately, Gucci throws a thumb to the eye of Vixen wanting no part of it. Holding her eye, the referee warns Gucci who gives him the old hand in the face insult while blatantly ignoring the rules.
North: Such blatant disregard for the rules by Miss. Gucci.
Washington: Which isn’t all that surprising. She’s been known to “bend” the rules in her favor a time or two and that’s putting it VERY nicely.
Shaking her head, they look to embrace again but this time, Vixen immediately tackles Gucci to the ground throwing some pretty heavy hands as Gucci covers up.
North: And what do you know? Just like that, things have shifted.
Washington: As you know North, that’s how this business works.
North: That I do Mr. Washington.
Getting off of Gucci, Vixen let’s out a scream as these fans cheer for her, loving her intensity. Slowly getting to her feet while clutching her jaw, Gucci sees Vixen coming on the prowl and when she gets close enough; Gucci kicks her in the knee immediately dropping her and yet again, the referee warns Gucci who walks over to her corner tagging in Prada Paula.
Washington: Miss. Gucci playing awfully dirty tonight.
Quickly stepping into the ring and rushing over to the fallen body of Vixen, Paula grabs a handful of her bright orange hair, pulling her up to her feet but from out of nowhere, Vixen reaches up, grabs the head of Paula and drops to the seated position with a jawbreaker. Clutching her jaw and stumbling around, Vixen scurries over to her corner and tags in Penelope Silven as this capacity crowd is on their feet for the beautiful blonde.
Washington: Vixen needed that tag and now that she got it, listen to this capacity crowd, they love Silven.
Charging in at Paula, Silven drops her with a clothesline. Quickly getting back up, Silven drops her with another clothesline as all of the momentum currently belongs to the team of Vixen and Silven at this moment in time.
North: Silven and Vixen are showing tremendous promise right now. If I were No Fly Zone, I would DEFINITELY be on the lookout for them.
Washington: No doubt there!
Pulling Paula up to her feet while grinning, Silven is feeling great right now but that all changes when Gucci darts into the ring and flattens Silven with a hard shot to the back. Landing flat on her stomach after being struck from behind, the referee yells at Gucci to leave the ring in which she does willingly.
Washington: Having been in several tag matches over the years, I can tell you, that quickly turns the tide in your favor.
Stomping on the lower back of Silven, repeatedly, Paula brings her hands into the air taunting as the fans boo her loudly which causes Paula to embrace the hate. Walking over to her corner, Paula tags in Gucci who enters the ring and stalks Silven.
Washington: As expected, fantastic teamwork by the Gucci Gals.
Slowly grabbing a handful of Silven’s hair and bringing her back to her feet, she launches Silven into the turnbuckle as she strikes with tremendous force. Charging in with a full head of steam, Silven moves out of the way just in the nick of time and as Gucci smacks the turnbuckle chest first, she bounces out and falls backwards now lying on her back. Using this opening, Silven stumbles over to her corner and tags in Vixen who comes in to some massive cheers.
North: Vixen is fired up right now.
Quickly picking Gucci up to her feet, Vixen hits a snap suplex and floats it over into a pin fall.
Washington: Close count there but it’s going to take much more than that put Miss. Gucci away.
North: Oh absolutely! There’s a reason why Miss. Gucci has been as dominant as she has here in LONE.
Having pressed her shoulder off of the canvas, Vixen climbs on top of Gucci and begins to throw more heavy hands but this time, Gucci can’t cover up so this time, she’s eating every single punch.
North: Vixen has looked incredible tonight.
Washington: Vixen and Silven have been very impressive tonight. Definitely a lot of potential here.
Eventually getting off of Gucci, Vixen grabs Gucci by her brown hair and goes by Irish whip her into the turnbuckle but not wanting to feel that pain again, Gucci manages to shift the momentum and instead launches Vixen into her own corner, chest first, as Silven tags herself in to stop Vixen from receiving any further damage.
North: Very smart tag by Silven.
Motioning for Silven to bring it, she does just that but setting her up, Gucci backs into her own corner as Paula throws a hard forearm shot right to the face of Silven causing her to stumble back and drop to one knee. Seeing this, Vixen lunges in at Gucci but the referee intervenes and stops Vixen from doing anything, telling her to get back into her corner.
Washington: The Gucci Gals may not play clean but what they do is definitely effective.
North: Nobody can deny that, Frank.
As the referee is trying to get Vixen out of the ring, Paula and Gucci take this opportunity to lay the hurting on Silven. Positioning her, Gucci lifts her up slowly with a piledriver and coming off the top, Paula jumps off and spikes Silven’s head into the canvas.
North: My god Frank, a spiking piledriver, we haven’t seen that in a long, long time.
Washington: That’s because it’s incredibly dangerous and effective.
Lying on the canvas, unconscious, Vixen exits the ring as Gucci lays on top of Silven’s lifeless body. Dropping down to make the count, the referee moves pretty quickly.
Washington: Well that was a really good attempt by Silven and Vixen here tonight but unfortunately, very few and I mean VERY few kick out of that move.
North: Let’s just hope that she’s okay.
Washington: Needless to say, the Gucci Gals were definitely sending a message tonight.
Entering the ring to check on her partner, Vixen kneels down and slowly helps her to her feet. Looking up at Vixen, Silven holds the back of her head, obviously in pain.
Silven: Thank you!
Nodding her head and showing tremendous friendship, about that time, Vixen kicks her in the midsection and plants her head first into the canvas with a DDT.
Washington: Well... Looks like Vixen has had enough of Silven.
Backstage Segment: Vixen
We go backstage, as the titantron lights up and the arena darkens. Linda Edwards can be seen rushing towards Vixen who is still stomping away from what she just did to her tag partner. There's a stage hand casually tossing an apple up into the air repeatedly and catching it and before he can catch it once more, Vixen takes it in mid air and starts eating it. Finally, Edwards catches up to Vixen.
Edwards: Vixen! Vixen! Do you have any words for what you just did?
Vixen turns around, looking at Edwards, puzzled. She then raises her eyes to the ceiling in thought. She takes another bite of her apple, then taps her chin. She squints her eyes, leaning in and sniffing Edwards for a moment, who looks at her just... weirded out. Vixen then pulls a long strand of blonde hair from off of Edwards' shoulder, a stray one that was laying there. Disgusted, Vixen flicks it away. She then goes back to thinking on it, taking another bite of her apple and then immediately shrugging.
Vixen: Meh...!
Edwards: Err... What?
Vixen: Just what I said!... Meh...
Vixen then turns around and walks off.
Ainslee Avalon vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson
Another graphic comes up:
"Long Way Down" by Haste the Day hits the speakers with the high energy and the fans are to their feet with cheers with Anne "Flying" Grayson jogging out from behind the gorilla position and standing on the ramp. Her Nightwing inspired logo shirt and backwards baseball cap and she points out to the crowd with a big smile on her face.
Baxter: The following contest is a Last Woman Standing match! The first woman to get to her feet to answer the count of ten will be declared the winner! Making her way to the ring from Atlanta, Georgia, Anne "FLYYYYIIIIING" GRAAAAYYYSOOON!
Anne Grayson when near the ring as the first entrant has a chair come flying out of the crowd and Anne saw it coming but not fast enough and is down instantly. The crowd with an OOOOOOOOH and over the guardrail climbing is Ainslee Avalon, the opponent for the night.
North: Oh my god! Did that just come from a fan?!
Washington: It came flying out of the crowd so I'm not quite sure on that one, Kevin, but it caught Anne square in the face.
North: Wait a second Frank, I think... It's Ainslee Avalon! Getting the jump on her opponent for the night, catching her completely off guard!
Washington: But it's all legal Kevin, that's what you have to remember. Last woman standing, anything goes until one of them can't stand up anymore!
North: And that's it folks, the match has officially begun and Ainslee has the upper hand!
Washington: Smart tactic if you ask me. I mean let us think about this for a second. The rivalry between these two has been going on for longer than they've been here in LONE but as soon as Anne made her debut it kick started this rivalry again and it's been in front of our own eyes for the last seven months and I don't know if even this match can put a stop to this thing.
Anne is rolling over and slowly getting up to her feet and Ainslee is yelling and taunting her before picking up the same chair that she threw. Raising that chair above her head and a loud >CRACK< slamming the chair across Anne’s back. >CRACK< >CRACK< >CRACK< three consecutive shots and Anne is getting up holding onto the apron and is leaning against the ring post. Ainslee swings wildly but Anne ducks out of the way and the chair slams against the ring post sending a vibration through the chair causing Ainslee to drop the chair.
North: All very good points Frank and what an impact! Anne's back is definitely feeling it from those repeated shots but Ainslee's hands have to be feeling it now after hitting that ring post!
Washington: That ring post isn't going to go anywhere and Anne picked her moment to where she could capitalize the most on it. You know me, Kevin and you know that I'm all about the strategy between the ropes. It's a human game of chess and sometimes you have to take a little bit of punishment before the right moment comes that you can make your move.
North: I've seen it a lot over the years but my question to you Frank is this: do you think that Anne can keep taking punishment like that throughout this match?
Washington: Remember Kevin that it was Anne that wanted this match with Ainslee, and also remember exactly who Anne's dad is. That doesn't take any kind of credit away from Ainslee's family but Anne grew up seeing her dad get pummeled by everything under the sun and keep going. She'll always be a daddy's girl from her own mouth but Giant taught her how to take a beating and keep fighting and I don't know if Ainslee prepared for that part of Anne as much as she prepared for trying to inflict as much punishment as she can tonight.
Anne seizes the opportunity and with a nasty Yakuza kick and a loud >SMACK< of her foot meeting Ainslee’s face. Anne holds her lower back still while Ainslee is wobbly and Anne yells out. She rushes forward and jumps up grabbing Ainslee’s head and yanking it down and a >SMACK< with Ainslee’s head meeting Anne’s knee and Ainslee falls over. Anne leans against the apron checking her lip for blood while the ref begins the 10 count.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…
North: What a knee! Anne Grayson has stepped things up and is showing a bit of a mean streak tonight! And rightfully so after what happened at Power Trip when these two were supposed to square off initially.
Washington: That knee had a lot of umph in it and it was enough that it caught Ainslee off guard and our official has begun the first ten count! The question is, was that enough to take Ainslee out, or was it a move out of desperation to give Anne some breathing room.
North: Likely it's to get some breathing room because it looks like Ainslee is starting to stir and Anne doesn't look surprised!
At about 6 ½ Ainslee is up at her feet and rolls into the ring slowly trying to recover and Anne grabs hold of the chair that was beating her up originally. When Ainslee is getting up, Anne throws the chair into the ring and Ainslee dodges it to the side. She’s shocked and when she turns around and Anne is on the apron. She jumps up to the top rope but Ainslee is able to hit a running dropkick to the top rope causing Anne to fall off the top, land back first hard on the apron and fall to the outside. The crowd starts a big “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” chant over and over and the ref starts the count.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight….
North: I have to agree with the crowd on that one, Frank! That was just insane! Ainslee coming in with a dropkick and our official is checking on Anne Grayson now because that was quite the spill that she took!
Washington: Quite the spill indeed! But like I said earlier Kevin, she has been trained to take a hit and keep going. This is no exception. As bad as Anne wanted this, she's not going down like that, guaranteed.
North: You're hearing it here from Frank Washington, folks, one of the best minds inside of that ring and he doesn't think Anne is down for the count and I'm inclined to agree! Wait... wait a second here Frank! The ref is at eight but Anne is up! Anne Grayson is up and using that guardrail for support!
Washington: I will never count any one of the LONE women down and out, especially these two.
And she’s up indeed! Leaning against the guardrail and Ainslee can’t believe it. She dips out of the ring and is searching under the apron for something, anything! And from under the ring she pulls out a crutch! Storming over to Anne she takes a swing but Anne rolls under it and hops up to the apron! Ainslee turns back around and swings at Anne’s feet but Anne jumps over it and mule kicks Ainslee! She’s holding her mouth and when she turns around Anne is flying through the air looking for a blockbuster which is jumping over the opponent and taking them down to their back with a neck breaker. However when she was flipping over, Ainslee broke that crutch in half across Anne’s back and she lands hard to the padding outside! Ainslee brings Anne to her feet and slides her onto the apron, half in the ring and her upper body hanging out. Ainslee gives a cutthroat taunt that she’s going to end it and slides into the ring and up to the top rope she does.
North: Shot after shot from these two and it just doesn't stop! That crutch is broken in half and half of it looked like it flew right out to the crowd!
Washington: Looks like somebody is getting a souvenir.
North: Indeed they are, Frank! It looked like Anne has Ainslee's attack with that crutch scouted but the repeated shots to Anne's back tonight have to be taking their toll!
Washington: It doesn't stop there though, Kevin, because Ainslee is going up top! Uncharacteristic of her but sometimes in bigger important matches like this you have to take some risks for a bigger payoff and Ainslee being third generation understands that and is willing to take that risk.
Anne is able to notice this and start to slowly roll away causing Ainslee to step down onto the apron. She grabs hold of Anne’s hair to bring her to her feet and just when you wouldn’t expect it, Anne swoops Ainslee up to her shoulders and drops her with a nasty Death Valley Driver to the apron and both women aren’t moving. The 10 count begins.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… They start to budge… Eight… Nine… Te-- They’re up!
Both women are up and you can see the swelling and the bruises on their backs. They’re on the apron still, exchanging elbows back and forth until Ainslee throws a kick up and catches Anne in the side of the head and that shot was a mean one with another >SMACK< that you could hear all the way in California! Anne is dazed and Ainslee gives her a nasty lariat sending Anne over the top rope and crashing into the ring. Ainslee drops outside the ring and is looking around and thinking what she wants to grab. It’s not long before she makes it over to the bell keeper and yanks the bell from their hands and brings it into the ring. Ainslee also spots the chair from earlier and walking over to it, bell also in hand, and shakes the chair to unfold it out.
North: This... this can't be good! A death valley driver on the apron, Anne is moving but Ainslee is plotting something nasty here with that chair and bell!
The dazed and confused Anne Grayson is getting to her feet and before she can even realize what’s going on >DING< the bell clocks her across the face and she’s down. The crowd letting out a loud BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Anne’s body shakes as she’s trying to get the energy to fight and get up and we can see blood is starting to stream down her face and stain the canvas. Ainslee gets in her face, tilting Anne’s head up so we can all see her red stained face and Ainslee even takes some of the blood that got on her hands and wipes it across her face like warpaint and laughs the whole time. Ainslee gets a little cocky and brings Anne up to her feet and she can barely stand. Ainslee takes this opportunity to call for an end and lifts Anne up for the stalling brainbuster she calls Glastonbury Abbey but Anne gets a second wind and she starts to struggle.
North: I've seen so many people fight until there's nothing left in anybody and we thought that Terri and Drew was a rough fight to watch but these two are trying to kill each other! Anne is busted wide open, her face is covered in blood, Ainslee is wearing her blood was freakin' warpaint and Anne can barely stand but she still has fight in her! Ainslee is trying to end it with this brainbuster but Anne is still fighting!
Washington: You can't count either of them out. Anne wants this. Anne has wanted this for months and she was a point to prove after Power Trip and she's not going to go down without letting Ainslee give it everything she has to give. Anne Grayson will not stop fighting until her body literally cannot move anymore and Ainslee has not caught onto that.
North: You might be right, Frank but look at those knees! With everything she's been through so far leading up to this point and she's still fighting!
With some knee shots to Ainslee’s head, Anne slips out of the suplex to her feet and when she realizes Ainslee is stunned right now and she gives the swirl of her arm in the air calling for the Tornado DDT, The Flying Grayson! Perched on the top rope and Ainslee comes to from the hard knees and Anne lives up to the Flying Grayson name and catches Ainslee by the head with a hook, they spin around and >BAM< face first onto the seat of the chair goes Ainslee leaving a bit of a dent, but no! Ainslee is up to her feet almost unphased and quickly lifts Anne up and not even stalling but rather a snap version of the Brainbuster crashing both women through the seat of the chair with a nasty impact that leaves both women down and neither is moving. The ref rushes in checking on both and starts the count and the crowd now is counting along with.
North: HOLY GUACAMOLE! Flying Grayson and then a Glastonbury Abbey! The chair is destroyed, Anne is covered in blood and it hasn't stopped! We're going to have to change the canvas after this for the safety of our other wrestlers and I... I just can't believe what we just saw! It looked like Ainslee's body just went into auto pilot to launch that final attack but now neither woman can move!
Washington: I can honestly say that not even I expected that one but when everything is on the line like it is for these two right now sometimes you just fly into auto pilot and that's something that comes with ample experience in the ring.
North: I'm blown away by everything that these two women have put on the line tonight and I couldn't be more proud of what they just showcased and... wait... wait a second Frank... they're still moving! How in the hell are they still moving?!
Washington: I'm at a point where after that right now I'm not quite sure what to say. Both women are trying.
North: We're at six and they're trying but neither has gotten up yet!
Washington: Two seconds!
North: That... that's it folks! That's all she wrote! That last double attack through that chair was it! It took everything both women had to give and they laid it all out in that ring!
Baxter: Due to neither woman answer the count of ten, the official has declared this match a NO CONTEST!
Washington: The crowd doesn't seem to happy with that decision but the ref had to make the call. The point of the last person standing is that one person has to literally be the last person standing and be standing by the count of 10. Both Anne Grayson and Ainslee Avalon put it all on the line and as a result they exhausted themselves and have nothing left to give. Neither got up, neither win. Better luck next time, ladies, but I applaud your efforts.
"Fame" by David Bowie then plays across the speakers and the crowd attention is at the entrance while both women in the ring are slowly rolling and medics are working on cleaning up Anne's head.
North: That's... that's the music of Jack E. Bux, what is he doing out here?
Bux: Cut the music! Shut it off!
The women, though barely conscious with medics attending to both as much as they can at ringside are looking to the entrance.
Bux: Anne and Ainslee... what you two did tonight was ground breaking. You set a bar for everybody else to follow tonight. You two wanted a war and Drew Stevenson gave it to you because he didn't want to deal with it but that's why I'm out here. I can see it in your faced. You're disappointed that neither of you one. You're upset that your best wasn't good enough to beat the other tonight but we're going to change that.
Bux: But that won't be tonight. You're battered, you're cut up, you're bruised and you two can barely walk but this war and this fight is NOT DONE! Anne Grayson, Ainslee Avalon, you two are going to get cleaned up tonight. You're going to take the next couple of days to rest up and then you're going to start training for your next fight because on August 31st in five weeks time, we're going to do this again. Ainslee Avalon, Anne Grayson - there MUST BE A WINNER! I don't care how much of a holy hell you beat out of each other, we're not going to end it in a draw. Next week I'm going to schedule a meeting and we're going to get you two to sign the contract and there will be a winner.
North: Huge announcement by Jack E. Bux right there, Frank! There must be a winner! And we thought tonight was tough between these two? I don't know what to expect in 5 weeks!
Ami Reeves vs. Hannah Kix
We're treated to another graphic!
Baxter: The match is scheduled for two out of three falls.
Opening up to the sound of some beautiful symphony, from behind the curtain steps Ami Reeves wearing a green “Legend of Zelda” shirt. Realizing that her theme just so happens to be the main theme from Zelda, she smiles at all of these fans while touching hands with them as she walks down to the ring.
Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, she is AMMMMIIII REEEEEVVVVVEEEEESSSSSS!!!
Standing in the ring now, she places both of her hands together, rolling her wrists to loosen them up while awaiting her opponent.
Baxter: And her opponent...
Suddenly “La Rage” by Keny Arkana blares to life and Hannah steps out onto the stage with her head covered underneath a hoodie. Standing there for a moment, as to gather her emotions and focus, she then begins walking down the ramp heading to the ring.
Baxter: Making her way from Paris, France, she is HANNNNAH KIIIIIIIXXXXX!!!
North: If this is anything like last time, this is going to be one HELL of a match.
Washington: Well considering that both of these women are very well-versed in martial arts, then yeah, this is going to be brutal. And since both of these women don’t really care for one another, there’s going to be no love lost when they beat the hell out of one another.
With both women standing in the ring, waiting for the match to begin, the referee looks at the time keeper and signals for the opening bell.
North: Here we go Frank. This match has been brewing for awhile now and finally, we’re at the head of it all.
Washington: Whoever walks out? Well needless to say, they’re not going to be the same walking out as they were walking in.
North: I couldn’t agree more.
Walking to the center of the ring, both Hannah and Ami stare one another down and almost immediately, both women begin to trade kicks. Getting the upper hand, Ami hits a really stiff kick the ribs of Hannah causing her to double over. Rearing back, Ami hits another stiff kick to the chest of Hannah which drops her like a sack of potatoes.
Washington: Did you hear those kicks? I would not want to be the recipient on the other end.
North: Ami has been wanting to exact her revenge on Hannah for a little while now and she’s finally getting her chance.
Rolling on her side while clutching her chest, riving in pain, Hannah is gritting her teeth. Taking a step back, Ami plants another huge Muay Thai kick onto Hannah but this time, right to the side of the head. Falling down on her stomach, not moving, Ami quickly rolls Hannah over and makes the pin attempt.
Pressing her shoulder off of the canvas right before the three, Ami can’t believe it as Hannah lies there holding the side of her head.
Washington: Oh man, Hannah is already in tremendous pain and this thing has only just begun.
North: We knew that it was going to be intense though Frank.
Washington: Yes we did North.
Bending down and yanking Hannah up to her feet by her hair, Ami Irish whips her to the ropes as she smacks it back first. Backing up and letting out a scream, Ami charges in with full momentum but at the last minute, Hannah darts out of the corner causing Ami to strike the turnbuckle chest first. Holding her chest and stumbling out backwards, Hannah regains her bearings and hits a tremendously hard and stiff kick to the back of Ami’s knee as she collapses to the ground.
North: My goodness, this is definitely not one of your traditional wrestling matches.
Washington: It’s very hard hitting, very stiff.
Instead of making the pin attempt, Hannah grabs Ami by her right leg, her dominant leg and holds it up so she can kick her, again, as a sickening thud can be heard. Clutching her right knee, she holds it in severe pain as Hannah brings her arms out to embrace all of the hatred and boos.
Washington: What a sickening thud, however, I can’t lie — it is incredibly smart on the part of Hannah to do that because if she takes out Ami’s dominant leg then she removes her offense altogether.
North: That is most certainly a valid point. Ami relies on those kicks and if she can’t kick you then she can’t do near as much damage as she is normally known to do.
Crawling over to the ropes so she can get back to her feet, Hannah slowly begins to approach her, like a predator stalking its prey. As she gets closer however, Ami does her best to throw a kick with her right leg which does not connect but most certainly causes her further pain as she reaches down to clutch that knee again. Seeing the opening, Hannah throws another kick at that knee which again, causes a loud sickening echo throughout the arena as Ami falls down to a knee. Wasting no time whatsoever as she has absolutely no love loss for Ami, Hannah throws a very stiff kick right to the temple of Ami and drops her immediately.
Washington: Eat Your Kix, this first fall could definitely be over, especially since Ami is really struggling to get her bearings back ever since Hannah put a hurting on that right leg.
Making the cover, the referee drops down to make the count.
North: Hannah manages to pick up the first fall which could spell disaster for Ami; especially like you said, if she can’t get back into this match.
Baxter: The winner of the first fall, HANNAH KIIIXXX!!!
Being told to go back to her corner, Hannah surprisingly does just that while taunting the crowd as they are booing her very loudly, definitely not supportive of her any longer. Checking to make sure that Ami can continue, she slowly comes to and nods her head that she can still go, showing the true heart of a warrior.
Washington: Nobody can deny that Ami has a lot of heart. Not many women would still be able to continue, let alone walk after the punishment that has been done to her leg.
Pulling herself back up to her feet, she limps over to her corner as the referee signals for the time keeper to ring the bell for our second fall to begin. Knowing that she has Ami reeling, Hannah decides to end this quickly as she charges across the ring trying to ambush Ami who darts out of the corner causing Hannah to strike the turnbuckle. When she stumbles out and dropping to a knee trying to shake out the cobwebs; Ami immediately hits a flurry of Muay Thai kicks to the body, gritting her teeth in severe pain after every kick but she ends the flurry with a very stiff kick to the neck of Hannah which drops her hard and fast.
Washington: And just like that, Ami has turned the tide.
Making the pin fall to the best of her ability, the referee drops down to make the count.
Washington: And with the Hyrulian Flurry, we are tied at one a piece. It just goes to show you that if you get overconfident, things can end in an instant.
North: Oh yes and we just saw that here.
Beginning to get more momentum on her side, these fans deafen the arena cheers. Being told to go back to her corner, Ami does just that as the referee checks to see if Hannah can continue and just as you would expect, she screams yes and slowly gets back up walking to her corner.
Baxter: The winner of the second fall, AMMMIIII REEEEVEEEESSS!!!
Signaling for the third and final fall, the timekeeper rings the bell.
North: So now the question is this, does Hannah try to rush Ami again or does she take it slow this time?
Washington: No question North: she takes it slow. Hannah is a very smart competitor and she knows that the last attempt did not pay off so she’s not going to make the same mistake twice.
Slowly walking out to the center of the ring, or more like limping, both women get a feel for the other as they know this fall right here determines at all. Keeping it slow and steady for a minute, both women attempt several kicks but the other backs up. When Hannah goes for a stiff kick to the midsection of Ami, she backs up and when the kick misses, Ami lunges forward and grabs Hannah with a Muay Thai clinch.
Throwing several knees to the face region of Hannah, luckily she manages to cover up her face as the knees strike her hands with tremendous force. After the seventh knee, Hannah manages to catch Ami’s leg and elbows the top of her knee like in the Karate Kid. Immediately falling to the canvas, Hannah grabs that right leg of Amy again and holds it up long enough where she can kick her in the back of the knee again putting further damage on that leg. Instead of kicking her once and letting go, she kicks her in the back of the leg repeatedly until Amy manages to grab the bottom rope which causes the referee to intervene making Hannah back off.
North: Holy smokes! Hannah is like a woman possessed.
Washington: With all of these kicks to the back of Ami’s knee, one has to wonder, what kind of damage is done? I know from experience when you take kicks like this, it can really put a damper on your career. The knee is not meant to take this kind of punishment, especially when you have somebody like Hannah who kicks as hard as she does.
Clutching her knee in severe pain, Ami tries to get back to her feet but her knee collapses on her and she falls back down to the canvas. Smiling like a demonic woman, Hannah grabs Ami’s leg and drags her to the center of the ring, away from the ropes. Kicking her in the back of the leg, again, repeatedly, it is then when Hannah turns her over in a half crab really putting pressure on that already damaged knee.
Washington: Look at the pain on Ami’s face, you can tell that she is fighting this to the best of her ability.
Lowering her head and screaming out in severe pain, she finally has no choice but to tap out. Immediately pulling Hannah off of Ami, the bell rings as Hannah releases the hold and looks down at Ami; proud of her work.
Baxter: The winner of the match, HANNAH KIIIIIIXXXX!!!
Exiting the ring as she is finished, several EMT’s rush to the ring to check on the status of Ami as she is still clutching that right knee which has been needless to say, obliterated in this match.
North: Nobody can take away what Ami did here tonight.
Washington: No they can’t. Hannah is a very tough woman and Ami did her best, she simply had that knee taken out tonight.
Backstage Segment: Frank Debauchee
We're taken backstage once more!
Debauchee: Why?
The voice is deep and smooth, as is the look on his face. As the cameras are rolling live, standing there is the man of the hour, the REAL man; Frank Debauchee. Wearing a custom made suit, he looks like a million dollar, to say the least.
Debauchee: Everybody wants to know why I did what I did and for all of you out there seeking that knowledge, you need to ask yourselves this, do you deserve that knowledge? What most of you cretins fail to understand is that I don’t answer to you, nor does the luscious Olga.
Licking his lips while rubbing them together, it’s pretty obvious that he’s thinking about Olga.
Debauchee: You can bet your tight little asses that when I do something, it’s because there’s a rhyme and a reason behind it, you understand? Same thing goes for my Olga. So stop asking why and start realizing that my Olga? It’s only a matter of time until she is the LONE Champion.
Taking a moment to pause, Frank gently sways back and forth while continuing to speak on the matters at hand.
Debauchee: But the one thing I WILL answer is, why my Olga isn’t wrestling Qent tonight. You see, Qent had her opportunity, she was already given the BIGGEST match of her entire career and just like she does with everything else, she blew it. So when it was brought up about Olga versus Qent, again, I put my sweet large hand in the pot and made sure that didn’t happen because the truth of the matter is, Qent doesn’t DESERVE to face my Olga again.
Right after saying that, Frank doubles over and falls to a knee as Qent is seen attacking him from behind with some pretty vicious shots. Trying to cover up to the best of his ability, he can only do so much as Qent is getting the best of him right now.
Being interrupted, Qent goes flying forwards as Olga steps into view after having clubbed her in the back. Grabbing Qent by her hair, she tosses her into the wall with tremendous force as Qent bounces off and lies there motionless. Standing over her lifeless body now, Olga looks down with a very angry stare as Frank gets back to his feet and straightens his suit back out since it was wrinkled.
Debauchee: Learn your place, little girl!
With a smile suddenly expressed, he motions for Olga to follow him as she does just that. Still lying on the cold, hard tiled floor, Qent has a few people check on her as we go back out to ringside.
Alison Crowne vs "Pretty" Fay Qent
Another graphic shows up on the titantron:
As I Am by Dream Theater kicks in as Alison Crowne steps through the entrance curtain. The crowd starts cheering for The Crowne Jewel of Professional Wrestling!
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, from Gainesville, Florida, The Crowne Jewel of Professional Wrestling, ALISOOOOOON CROOOOOOOWNE!
She slaps the fans hands as she walks towards the ring before walking up the steps and between the ropes, moving to a corner and staring with determination towards the entrance way.
Suddenly the arena blares with the sound of “Pretty Vacant” by The Sex Pistols as "Pretty" Fay Qent parts through the curtains. Receiving more cheers than booes, Fay ignores the crowd and quickly walks down the ramp where she charges into the ring.
Baxter: And her opponent, from Portland, Maine, she is "PRETTY" FAAAAAY QEEEEEEEEEEENT!
North: Another chapter is about to be written between these two. Alison Crowne and Fay Qent had quite the heated rivalry earlier this year
Washington: Probably exactly why Jack E. Bux made this match. It's proven money and you with an event like a Two Year Anniversary you want to put on a showcase for the fans. This one could explode in a big way in a hurry if the past any indication.
North: But Qent clearly isn't at full strength either, she was jumped before this mach.
Washington: She'll have to pace herself or finish this one quick if she wants to win this match. Each approach has their pros and cons.
Qent and Crowne stare one another down in the center of the ring as the packed arena appears to be split nearly 50/50. Qent appears to extend a hand in an attempt to try to bury an old grudge before starting things off be Crowne defiantly slaps it away and gets in her face jawing off at her.
North: Crowne certainly isn't ready to let bygones be bygones.
Washington: I can understand why; you can only get jumped from behind so many times before you've had enough. Not easy to forgive. But Qent is making an honest effort to put her best foot forward and you know, if you're being genuine I believe you deserve a second chance. I believe Qent is being genuine.
North: I think the fans agree with you, Frank. But right now she has to try to convince Crowne.
Qent doesn't take too kindly to having her hand slapped away nor does she appreciate Crowne getting in her face and shoves her away. Crowne flashes a slight grin and shoves her back harder before flying at her with an elbow shot just below the eye. Qent follows this up with a haymaker to the gut and starts hammering down at Crowne. Crowne however not one to be off her game long quickly captures Qent in a wristlock and shuffles with a side kick sending Qent to a knee. Crowne sees this and quickly attempts to follow up with a shining wizard only for Qent to catch her! Crowne shakes her head as Qent gets back to her feet looking for a powerbomb but Crowne hangs on with what initially appeared to be a hurricanrana counter before transitioning, snaking her body around for an Octopus Hold!
North: Alison Crowne with a rare display of a bit of lucha style on that one. We normally don't see that out of her.
Washington: When you're trained in multiple martial arts and wrestling you find a way to string concepts together. She took a page out of something you'd see from a luchadore or a traditional cruiserweight, the headscissors, and used it to transition into a submission. All while evading a powerbomb from a bonafide powerhouse. Sometimes you need to be quick on your feet to protect your neck.
Qent appears to be in serious trouble being nearly in the center of the ring as the ropes appear to be miles away as Crowne cranks on the pressure for all she's worth trying to force a flash submission victory. Qent screams out in defiance when the referee checks on her asking if she wishes to submit as she slowly tries to march towards the ropes. Crowne cranks the pressure further dropping Qent to a knee.
North: Qent in serious trouble right now, that's a lot of pressure to have forced on one's arm and neck. That's going to effect her power game to a degree. It's harder to lift someone up with one good arm and keep them up without dropping them too soon.
Washington: It's the nature of the beast. You target an opponent's strengths and you try to negate them or at the very least weaken their effectiveness in that area. You face a giant you try to take their legs out from under them, make them shorter and more stationary. You find what your opponent does best and you take it away from them; make them fight on your terms.
Qent grits her teeth as she manages to force herself up to her feet and instead of lunging for the ropes backpedals with all of her energy sending Crowne crashing into the turnbuckle forcing her to release the hold as both drop to the mat.
North: The damage may already be done here. Crowne was cranking up the pressure for all she was worth and it seems to have gotten to Qent here. She's free, that prevents further damage, but sometimes prevention is better than the remedy.
Washington: It's like you said Kevin, Crowne put immense pressure on Qent's arm and neck area and it's not uncommon for a submission like that to end a match. That being said it takes immense strength to counter a move in the way Qent did. To get back up after being dropped to a knee and ramming her all the way back into the corner to make Crowne let go. I'm not sure many people would want to get into a dead lift competition with Qent.
The crowd begins dueling, alternating “Let's Go Qent” and “Let's Go Crowne!” chants as both take their time stirring on the mat. Qent is up first but not by much as Crowne manages to get up just seconds after. Qent throws a punch with her left arm which manages to rock Crowne who shoots back with a kick to her right arm, her weakened arm, causing Qent to wince on impact. Crowne feints with another kick to follow up but instead comes back around with a 12-6 elbow on the arm again aiming for the socket which causes Qent to clutch it backing up. Crowne then goes for a kick aimed right at the head but this time Qent sees it coming and ducks out of harms way and counters lifting her up and connecting with a one handed running powerslam.
Washington: Talk about old school! I can't remember the last time I've seen someone pull off a one handed running powerslam.
North: Everybody loves a throwback. With the internet making everyone more connected than ever before we've seen a lot of old archives being made accessible to an audience that may not have been accessible before.
Washington: Think she may have done some film study to pull that one out?
North: You never know.
Crowne arches her back on the mat from impact only to get hit by a swift drive-by boot to the face as she attempts to get back up. Qent holds her shoulder in pain before leaning her body against the ropes and driving a kneedrop on Crowne. Qent gets on top of her and starts hammering at her with her one good arm trying to hold her head in place with her other arm as Crowne tries to defend herself with a series of rib shots. Crowne pulls Qent down by her bad arm and flips her onto her back going for a pin only getting a one and a half count for her trouble. Qent pulls herself back up as does Crowne as Crowne tries to get another shot in but Qent still riding the momentum blocks her kick slashing her elbow down upon her leg causing Crowne to stumble backward. Qent then goes for a spinning backfist but instead of catching Crowne with her fist her elbow connects instead on her nose causing Crowne to clutch her face and her body to bounce against the ropes as Qent seems a bit stunned. Crowne with blood running from her nose looks legitimately upset and hits a completely unprepared Qent with a flying Muay Thai kick to the head, dropping her instantly. Crowne angrily stomps on Qent's limp body several times before the referee has to pull her off her foe and back her off to her corner. Qent unconsciously rolls out to the outside as ringside personnel rushes to check on both women.
Washington: You want to talk about a receipt? There's your receipt! I've seen Alison Crowne score a knockout victory in the octagon with a kick like that on the amateur circuit.
North: She was 3-0 with two knockouts and a submission victory if I recall.
Washington: She was and honestly Qent has to be a special kind of fighter to get up from that one.
North: That's assuming the referee doesn't throw this one out as a no contest on medical grounds. Fay Qent may have a concussion and Alison Crowne appears to have a broken nose from that spinning backfist gone awry.
Washington: Sometimes you can't leave the past behind; coming from someone who's tried and the other person hearing none of it.
North: You and Badger definitely tore the house down years ago trying to kill each other.
Washington: I can't say I didn't deserve it. That break looks pretty bad, Kevin. It's like the blood is running out like a faucet.
North: I don't think anyone is going to give her any crap for having that corrected. There's a reason why Fay Qent was undefeated for so long though; her power and tenacity.
Washington: Absolutely, either one of these women could challenge for the LONE Championship on any given day or carry the company on their backs. I've been in promotions where the talent was stacked pretty high but if you want to see the best women's wrestling on the planet you go to New England. I'd take this roster over many others regardless of gender.
North: I just hope they're both okay.
Washington: Me too.
An audible “FUCK!” is heard out of Crowne as she leans into the top turnbuckle as she notices the crimson liquid gush onto her hands and gloves when she checks and feels her nose. The medical personnel make it to Qent first as the doctor flashes a light into her eyes to check for concussion after sitting her up. Meanwhile the second, albeit smaller medical group make it over to Alison Crowne who is very quick to shove them away as they can only back up with their hands raised. The referee walks over to Crowne and engages in a discussion with her as she's very animated, using the point of the elbow as emphasis with a swinging motion. He tries to convince her to seek medical attention but she declines until the match is officially over. The referee then hops out of the ring and rushes to Qent's location having a discussion with her and the medical crew.
North: Right now the referee has a judgment call to make whether to let this one continue or to rule it a no contest. Alison Crowne definitely looks like she wants to continue but sometimes you have to protect a fighter from themselves.
Washington: I agree but if these two want to keep going are you really going to step in and tell them not to? You discard the legitimacy of a match and it's going to devolve into total anarchy between these two. Broken nose, an incredibly stiff kick to the head; safe to say they want a pound of flesh from the other now.
Qent at this point has managed to make it back to her feet on the outside and appears to be in considerable pain herself but at the very least aware of her surroundings. The referee then goes back do Crowne as they both have a brief discussion before Crowne shoves him out of the way and exits the ring. The medical personnel quickly scatter as Crowne shoots and jaws off at her rival some more but Qent counters back with several shots to the ribs. Qent then grabs Crowne and whips her with all her might into the steel steps sending her into and over them as she clutches her ribs.
North: I felt that one sitting all the way over here!
Washington: Been there, done that. Been on both ends of that move. You don't want to laugh or cough the next day after being thrown into an object and taking the brunt of the force to the ribs.
Qent steps over and scoops Crowne up and measures her up to throw her like a lawn dart into the turnbuckle but Crowne slips free and lands behind her. Crowne ducks back into the ring looking to buy a little separation but Qent appears to have gotten a second wind and quickly slides in after her. Crowne goes for a low dropkick but Qent managed to barely sidestep it. Qent grabs Crowne around the throat and yanks her up roughly, staring into her eyes as she goes to lift her for a chokeslam but Crowne slips out of her grasp mid-air and rolls her up for the pin. 1, 2... KICKOUT!
North: Crowne nearly steals it off the counter on the roll up.
Washington: Very dangerous. A chokeslam can do a ton of damage but if you've already taken some yourself you leave yourself open to counters like that. You lift your opponent all the way up like that, that takes a lot of energy when you're exhausted.
North: Neither woman is at 100%, far from it. You can shoot for the moon and still miss.
Crowne flashes 3 fingers at the ref but the ref insists it was only a count of 2. Qent is quick to get up and charges at Crowne looking for the Tomahawk Chop clothesline but she ducks out of the way at the last possible second and she accidentally connects with the official instead! Crowne wastes no time trying to capitalize as she slips in behind Qent and captures her in a cobra clutch as she tries to check on the referee.
North: A little cheap by Alison Crowne there locking in the cobra clutch while Qent is attempting to check on the referee.
Washington: Personal rivalries often bring out the killer instinct in one another. The bell never rang to end the match and she still has to try to win. Whether the current assigned official revives or another is sent out form the back the match has to be wrestled to completion. It's a grey area Kevin but what she did by locking that in the hold was completely within the rules. Technically speaking even though it was an accident the referee can at his discretion disqualify Qent for putting her hands on an official. I don't think that's going to happen; he's given them both a bit of leeway to fight it out but he does have the authority to do that.
North: That's a fair point.
Qent struggles and flails as Crowne attempts to choke the life out of her. Qent backpedals once again into the back of the turnbuckle to force Crowne to break the hold, this time having more damage done to her injured arm. However Qent fights through the pain as she waits for Crowne to turn around hitting a Tomahawk Chop once again, this time hitting its intended target.
North: This time the Tomahawk Chop is right on target!
Washington: This one could be over if we have someone to count the fall. Alison Crowne is out like a light!
Just before Qent could go to the referee again Debauchee hopped up on the apron gyrating his hips at her. Qent takes the bait as Olga slides in from her blindside and hits her with a vicious Pounce. Qent had no idea what hit her as she slid across the ring off the impact. Olga yanked Qent up by her hair and connects with her signature jacknife powerbomb she calls the Olga Bomb. Olga then grabs Alison Crowne and throws her arm on top of Qent before yanking the referee up by his belt on his pants and casually tossing him to the center where the pinfall was taking place.
North: That damn Debauchee and Olga are putting the screws to Qent again, as if earlier wasn't bad enough!
Washington: I'm not wearing my tin hat but this is the second time Alison Crowne and Fay Qent have faced one another with Olga and Debauchee being the equalizer. I know Frank Debauchee, I've worked with him, shared a locker room with him and I've worked in talent relations dealing with him. Very shrewd individual and immensely talented and Olga is just a genetic freak. A very dangerous combo for anyone in LONE to handle. I don't know if it's a marriage of convenience or a covert partnership but if I was Alison Crowne I would thank my lucky stars for having a pair of guardian angels watching over me.
The official groggily opens his eyes seeing the pin and counts. 1..............2..................3!
Baxter: Here is your winner... Alison Crowne!
North: Do you think they're connected?
Washington: I don't want to jump to conclusions Kevin, Crowne is completely out of it and she has no idea she just won the match. But just like last time if you come to with your opponent laid out in the middle of the ring you have no choice but to take that pin, even if it's not on your terms. At the very least though they appear to have a common enemy; sometimes that's enough.
Olga exits the ring and takes Debauchee's arm as he struts to the back. Crowne comes too and rolls out of the ring as the official raises her hand before making her way to the back.
The Glorious One w/Mark Robertson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
One last match graphic:
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!... And is for the LONE Championship!
"Hello from the Gutter" blares on the PA as Gutter Trash Terri Thompson emerges from the curtain, dressed just as she was earlier tonight. Terri surveys the crowd from the entrance, then throws her hands up in the air to cheers of approval from the crowd.
Baxter: Introducing first! From Portland, Maine! She is.. GUTTER TRAAAASH TERRIIIII THOOOOOOMPSOOOOOOOOOON!
Terri races down the aisle, slapping hands with whoever she can, and when she gets to ringside, she moves over towards one side of the ring, leaning against the barricade and letting the fans pat her on her shoulders. She dips her head back with her mouth open wide, motioning for a fan to pour beer into it. She drinks some of it down before spraying it into a mist in the air and then sliding into the ring! She moves over to the closest turnpost opposite ringside and gets on the middle turnbuckle, throwing her hands into the air before racing over to the next one diagonally opposite, doing the same thing!
Baxter: And her opponent! She is the LONE Champion! From Hollywood, California. She is... THE GLOOOORIOUS OOOOOOOOOOOONE!
The Glorious One walks out from the back wearing a rhinestone robe and the LONE championship around her shoulder. Mark Robertson leads the way. Mark walks up the ringsteps and sits on the middle rope and holds the top rope up for the Glorious One to step through. Glorious one takes her time walking up the steps before stepping through the ropes spreading her arms out wide.
North: At long last, Terri Thompson gets her shot at the LONE Championship, a Championship many argue she should've never lost. Now Frank, you're in a unique position of being friends with Terri as well as Robertson and...
Washington: Look, I know his name doesn't exactly conjure fond memories here in New England. I don't want go to get into the whole right and wrongs of the situation. But in the end he didn't break Terri Thompson, Terri Thompson is standing here today, as good as she is because she fought and has overcome adversity so far. You don't ever grow without being challenged.
North: But you agree it was handled the wrong way?
Washington: Well... I'm not going to comment on that. I don't know all the motivations behind everything that has happened. Maybe he was battling some inner demons that got the better of him or maybe he saw something special in her that needed to be brought out by force. Now is it something I would've done? No. I don't believe management should ever put their hands on the talent or vice versa. Terri was owed a rematch and she should've gotten a fair shake at one.
North: It sounds like you do agree but you don't want to outright say it.
Washington: I'm not here to put anyone on blast. I've walked a bit of the left hand path myself in my career. Some may call me an old villain because of things I've done in the past myself. I'm no saint, Kevin, but I try to do what's right. It'd be like if I asked you who your favorite niece or nephew was. If I call you a friend, I value you and in a conflict between such I prefer to remain neutral.
North: I'll agree to disagree there, but I do appreciate your honesty.
Terri quickly charges towards Glorious One who is quick to backpedal and ducks her head and body under the top rope causing the referee to back Terri off as the crowd lets off a round of boos for the defending champion.
North: Glorious One wants no part of the challenger. She's had every roadblock set up in front of her to avoid the inevitable rematch.
Washington: She knows Terri is a threat to her reign; that forces a certain degree of respect, as reluctant as that may be.
North: A paradox but there is truth to that.
Glorious One slowly makes her way back to the center of the ring before quickly darting to the outside through the ropes as Terri attempts to close in again. Robertson is quick to fan her off with his hands and discusses strategy as Terri stands in the ring with her hands on her hips and rolling her eyes. The referee orders Glorious One back into the ring but she is in no rush whatsoever.
Washington: Glorious One is making Terri wait. In big fights like these it's all about what goes on in the mind. She wants Terri to blink and make a mistake.
North: Well when you've been waiting months to get your hands on someone anything, no matter how small could set you off to act on impulse.
Washington: Precisely. Still at the same time Terri can't ignore her since Glorious One would gladly retain her championship by way of count out. Some would essentially call it's a Xanatos Gambit.
North: I'm sorry, Xanatos Gambit? I don't follow.
Washington: Basically a plan in which all foreseeable outcomes favor benefit the creator.
Washington: There it is, she's going to give chase.
North: How would you counter that?
Washington: I'd go after Robertson. Everyone expects the one fleeing to be chased, you go after the manager.
North: After Robertson?
Washington: Yeah, you look at Mark and you know at the end of the day he's very hands off when it comes to physicality. The risk of him doing something to get the match thrown out are rather low; if anything he'd panic. You'd have to watch your back for Glorious One at that point but instead of chasing her you draw your target to you.
North: Then it really isn't a Xanatos Gambit is it?
Washington: See, you're learning. The expected path of action isn't always the smartest or the wisest.
Terri dashes out of the ring and Glorious One just barely escapes her reach as she backs off in a bit of a panic before running around the ring.
Terri is quick to give pursuit as they make their way around the ring.
Glorious One rolls into the ring before rolling back out on the adjacent side as soon as Terri enters. The referee looks irritated having to once again restart his count.
Glorious One dashes inside again but Terri grabs her by the foot! Terri begins to drag her out of the ring but Glorious One gets her free boot planted right in Terri's face making her fall backward.
Washington: It's going to take a little more than a foot to reel her in.
Glorious One quickly slithers back to the outside once again resetting the count. She grabs Terri by the hair and drives it right into the ringpost. Terri slumps near the steps as Glorious one runs and drives her knee right into her skull!
Washington: She'll be feeling that one later, might need to pop a few Tylenol back in the locker room.
North: No kidding. I still don't get used to seeing moves like that. Make me glad I'm sitting on this side of the table.
Washington: It's no walk in the park, believe me.
Glorious One yanks Terri up by her hair and and tosses her over the fan barricade into the front row! Mark Robertson gives Glorious One enthusiastic approval as he clips obnoxiously, his early strategy appearing to have paid off.
Washington: Say what you will about Mark Robertson but the man has a mind for strategy. You don't accomplish what he has as a manager without the kind of knowledge he has.
North: He's either counting on a count out or a severely weakened Terri Thompson from here on out. Either way I would have to chalk that up as an early win as much as I may not like it.
Glorious One rolls back in the ring and instructs the official to keep counting and even urging him to go faster.
Terri is slowly shaking the cobwebs out on the floor on the fan's side of the barricade. Several fans cheer her on and pat her on the back encouraging her to get up.
Glorious One tells the referee he's counting too slow, eager to get out of Dodge early.
Terri pulls herself up with the aid of the barricade and falls over on the opposite side once again on her back with time running out.
Washington: Terri's trying to beat the count!
Terri with one last burst picks herself up and dashes in under the bottom rope to just barely beat the count!
North: Just barely! I don't think I've seen anyone else cut it as close as she has. I've seen a lot of close counts but that's the kind of move that goes under automatic replay in the NFL or NBA at the buzzer.
Glorious One now furious stomps on Terri repeatedly, pressing her foot on her throat and using the top rope as leverage to press down as hard as she can. The referee begins counting with Glorious One only letting go after the count of 4. Glorious One places Terri's leg on the bottom rope and begins stomping on it over and over, resetting the leg on the rope to come back down on it. Glorious One then drags her by the leg away from the ropes and starts working on it by dropping a series of elbow drops on it. Terri screams in pain as she clutches her leg which causes Glorious One to come back down on it with a knee drop.
North: Glorious One looking to weaken that leg, possibly looking to go for a submission; she's known to have a few in her arsenal.
Washington: And none of them are pretty. Might be looking for a Boston Crab or a variation of the crab.
Grabbing the injured leg Glorious One places Terri in a single leg boston crab, making sure to drive her knee into her back as she wrenches back. Glorious One cranks the pressure for all she's worth as Terri slowly drags her body towards the ropes. Robertson is sure to approach from the referee's blindside and grabs Glorious One's outstretched hand for added leverage causing Terri to scream and pound her closed fist on the mat. The referee pops his head up to check, causing Robertson to quickly let go. The official eyes Robertson who gives his best innocent look as Terri crawls closer to the ropes. Robertson again approaches from the blindside and grabs a hold of Glorious One's outstretched arm for added leverage. Terri bites the collar of her shirt hard stifling a scream as she desperately reaches out being about two finger lengths away. The referee looks over again and this time catches Robertson red handed in the act! The official begins calling for a clean break but Glorious One keeps the hold locked in with Robertson's assistance in leverage at this point milking every last second she can.
Finally she lets go as Terri clutches her back and injured leg. The official threatens to eject Robertson if he catches him in the act again causing Robertson to throw his hands up defensively.
North: The referee saw the illegal maneuver and after abusing the referee's count finally broke the hold.
Washington: For all intents and purposes the damage is already done. When you're the champion you have an advantage, for better or worse, that states you can't lose the championship on the result of a disqualification or count out. If the referee would've reached the count of 5 it might as well be as good as a victory.
Glorious One gloats with her arms stretched out wide as someone throws a half eaten hot dog at her face, narrowly missing.
Glorious One: Poor aim, gutter stain!
This emboldens the fan to toss his drink as well but the top rope blocks his aim, the contents splattering all over the outside of the ring.
Glorious One: How many welfare checks did you waste on that one? Is this the best Portland has to offer?
Robertson points to Glorious One with his finger taking the time to gloat.
Robertson: Take a look at her; pure class. This is what a champion looks like and this is how a champion takes care of business! You should be grateful that you're in the presence of a living legend! Portland is the sewer of America where all the undesirables, miscreants and ingrates come together and play around with our broken toys and dine off our table scraps. My suit costs more than your trailer, bucko and she's got more spare change in her purse than you have in your bank account.
North: That wasn't necessary.
Washington: Robertson has never been shy about speaking his mind. Comes with the territory.
Terri Thompson crawls on her knees and scoops Glorious One on her back in a roll up as she tries her best to keep herself up on one leg. The official drops to count 1... 2....THRE-KICKOUT!
Mark Robertson's face turns pale as Terri nearly stole the championship while Glorious One's face becomes flushed crimson red out of a mix of embarrassment and anger as she punches her bad leg several times on the mat.
North: Terri was just a split second away from becoming the champion.
Washington: Glorious One took her eye off the prize and it almost cost her. You can dominate a match all you want, you can dominate for a good ten to twenty minutes but it only takes three seconds to lose.
Glorious One yanks Terri up by her hair before kicking out her bad leg out from under her to humiliate her. Glorious One flashes a smug grin and slaps her face and pressing her boot against her face to knock her back down. Glorious One goes to yank her up again wanting to humiliate her just a bit after the roll up but her arrogance gets the better of her as Terri catches her with the world's stiffest sucker punch of the decade straight in the gut! Terri battles up to her feet, bad leg and all and starts throwing punches right at Glorious One's face staggering the champion as her back is pressed against the ropes. Terri whips her towards the other side of the ring looking to catch her with a clothesline off the rebound but Glorious One ducks and rebounds with a running knee! Terri stumbles backwards towards the corner but her body catches the ropes, half of her body slipping under the top rope and her feet coming off the ground before rebounding back to her feet being careful to not take off her own head on the top rope in the process before hitting a thunderous clothesline on the rebound!
North: Rebound clothesline! That'll take some wind out of her sails!
Washington: Terri desperately needed to hit something to build momentum and get things going. Glorious One had been moving with a full head of steam for much of the match so far. If there's one thing I've learned is that you can never count Terri out.
Robertson yells at Glorious One to get up as Terri slaps the mat with both hands before popping back up despite a noticeable limp having gotten a second wind. Glorious One rolled rather precariously near the apron as she tries to recover as a lightbulb goes off in the challenger's head. Terri steps through the ropes onto the apron and with connects to Glorious One with the Gutter Guillotine legdrop! Terri grits her teeth upon the landing having taken about as much off the fall as Glorious One did off the impact.
North: Gutter Guillotine! She seems to have hit every bit of that! Any sharper and she would've taken the Champion's head clean off!
Washington: She may have hit a little too much on that one. She's suffered quite a bit of damage so far already. But at the end of the day when you're fighting for the biggest prize, when you're in LONE you want to be number one, you want to be the champion. The LONE Championship means so much to Terri that she's willing to sacrifice her body after losing nearly everything else. I've seen men and women do things that shaved years off their careers just to become champion and acquire all the spoils that come with being on top.
Terri pulls herself up with the aid of the apron and rolls back into the ring trying to capitalize off the situation. Terri manages to pull Glorious One away from the ropes just a little and hooks the inside leg for the pin. 1....2.....3!
North: New Champion!
Washington: Not so fast, Kevin. Look at the bottom rope.
Robertson draped Glorious One's foot on the bottom rope, Terri didn't pull her far enough inside!
North: Mark Robertson just saved Glorious One's title reign for the moment. This one should be over.
The referee sees this and he waves off the timekeeper kicking the bottom rope. For a brief second Terri was ready to celebrate but she managed to push her disappointment down to not lose the moment. Terri pulls herself up with the aid of the ropes able to barely stand on her bad leg as she clutched and arched her back. Glorious One barely knew where she was as she struggled to get up to her feet. Terri limped over looking to put this one away, perhaps looking to put her Down the Drain with her patented Blue Thunder Bomb but Glorious One out of an act of desperation rakes her eyes! Terri barely stands on her feet with her sense of balance and sight thrown off, Robertson yells for The Spotlight which is just enough to get Glorious One to refocus. Glorious One grabs the blinded and staggered challenger and hits The Spotlight, a vicious and devastating backbreaker to an already injured and weakened back!
North: Spotlight, Glorious One with the spotlight! That snake will stop at nothing to retain the LONE Championship, if it weren't for that illegal eye rake I think Terri Thompson would've removed all remaining doubt.
Washington: She's taken too much damage, Kevin. Her head has to be pounding, her leg has to be aching and her back may have just been broken! The Spotlight has claimed many victims over the years, many victims. Even without the eye rake she was barely able to pull herself back up. Fatigue was getting the better of her. That legdrop may have been her last chance to put it away.
Glorious One falls to the mat shortly after Terri Thompson does and she has just enough strength to drape her arm over her limp body. The referee counts 1.......2.......THRE-KICKOUT!
The crowd goes nuts for Terri as Robertson nearly has to pick his jaw off the floor from being so stunned.
North: Three? NO! SHE KICKED OUT!
Washington: Nobody has ever kicked out of Glorious One's Spotlight before. Terri Thompson's fire will not be extinguished!
North: Whether it was pure instinct, an involuntary reaction or just plain heart this match amazingly will continue!
The Glorious One can't believe it as the noise in the arena becomes deafening and the crowd's stomping enough to measure as a small earthquake of the Richter Scale. Robertson begins to panic as he walks over to the timekeeper's table and yanks out the LONE Championship before expertly sliding it to The Glorious One. Robertson then draws the referee's attention by trying to enter the ring himself.
North: Robertson is looking to deny the fans a proper finish, he just saw the championship nearly fly the coop. He should've been ejected!
Washington: Robertson is trying to preserve his client's interests but I have my doubts that he'll be able to make it out of this building if his plot succeeds.
Glorious One clutches the belt in her hands and pulls herself to her feet, clutching the center plate tight a she waited for Terri Thompson to get back to her feet. Terri nearly falls down several times but the aid of the ropes keeps her up. Terr turns around.... Glorious One charges....
Terri ducks!
Glorious One accidentally nails Robertson with the belt instead!
Washington: Glorious One has been nearly flawless this entire match but she just made a major miscalculation and it may be the one that costs her!
Before Glorious One can check on him Terri sees her opportunity and takes it as she catches a stunned and surprised champion putting her Mind in the Gutter with her signature Trish Stratus styled bulldog!
North: Mind in the Gutter! Come on Terri, pin her!
Terri rolls over and hooks the leg for the cover as the crowd counts alongside the referee.
Baxter: Here is your winner and the NEW LONE Champion........ “Gutter Trash” Terri Thompson!
North: Terri Thompson has done it! She was thrown off the mountaintop and she scratched and clawed her way back to the very top back from the bottom! Do you believe in miracles?
Washington: With this victory Terri Thompson becomes the first ever woman to win the LONE Championship twice. Well done! Take it all in and enjoy this moment, you deserve it!
Post Match celebration
Terri sits up as the referee hands her the LONE Championship as she clutches it tight. She stares into it as Glorious One and Robertson roll out of the ring before lifting it high into the air. Terri tries to get up but she's tackled back to the mat in a hug by her best friend Alison Crowne who came out to celebrate still in her ring gear and wearing a Royal Plunder t-shirt.
North: They've gone through a rough patch the last few months but at the end Terri Thompson was able to get back everything that was taken from her. She got Wendy back out of jail, she made things right with her best friend, she slayed the tyrant and recaptured the LONE Championship.
Washington: In wrestling you don't get very many moments like this and friendship is something everyone needs to cherish whether in this business or in life. When I was wrestling around the world I could count on one hand the people I could consider true friends and brothers. Everyone is trying to get ahead and so many people get thrown off the ladder or under the bus to advance their own career. But when you got a brother or a sister you hold onto them tight and you go to hell and back with them.
North: Absolutely, I couldn't have said it any better myself.
Alison Crowne helps the new Champion back to her feet and the two embrace in the ring, both women exchanging a few words with one another as they hug as the confetti starts to rain from the ceiling. Alison Crowne then raises Terri's hand to each side of the ring to allow the fans to get a good shot of the woman who ended the Glorious One's reign of terror. Alison Crowne then takes a hold of the LONE Championship fastening it around Terri Thompson's waist as the best friends taken in this very special moment.
North: For the first time in what feels like forever LONE has finally emerged from a dark chapter.
Terri Thompson gingerly climbs the turnbuckle and celebrates as Alison Crowne claps and with both index fingers points at her shifts her body towards her with one arm pointing from overhead. They repeat this at each turnbuckle as the crowd still hasn't managed to quiet down from the climax of the match.
Washington: This is what the people wanted, they never wavered from their hometown hero. It doesn't matter how many times you fall down but how many times you get back up. She went through hell Kevin, she went through hell and overcame adversity. I'm very proud of her as a professional and her friend.
Finally Alison Crowne helps her friend out of the ring, sitting on the middle rope to assist her. The crowd gives Terri a standing ovation as Frank Washington and Kevin North stand up from the commentary table as well congratulating her on a job well done. Terri throws an arm over Alison's shoulder as they began to walk up the ramp with their respective battle wounds, injured back and leg for the Champion and Alison's broken nose.
North: We hope everyone has enjoyed LONE's Two Year Anniversary event and we hope you stay with us for many years to come. Frank it was an absolute pleasure having you at the table tonight and please feel free to come back anytime.
Washington: It was an honor to call the action with you with some of the best wrestlers in the world practicing their craft. I wouldn't count on DIC quitting his job while his replacement is in the buildng but whenever my number is called I'll be here like Batman catching the bat signal. Congratulations once again to Terri Thompson becoming the first ever Two Time Ladies of New England Champion. I knew she had the potential to be someone truly special in this business and I'm so happy to see her reaching that ceiling and breaking right through!
North: For my broadcast partner Frank and my other broadcast partner sitting at home in protest we will see you next month! Remember everyone to drive home safely and – WHAT?
North stopped in mid sentence out of shock as Alison Crowne stopped halfway up the ramp with Terri Thompson, swiftly turning around and clotheslining her to the ground! The jubilant atmosphere suddenly had a giant bucket of ice cold water dumped on it. Alison Crowne stared down at Terri Thompson with an ice cold glare, a glare that appeared even more twisted when paired with her broken nose. Terri looks up with a saddened look of shock and betrayal. Crowne doesn't give her much time to process the events as she scooped her up and with a running start powerbombed her straight into the ring apron! Alison Crowne yanks the LONE Championship off her waist and began to stare into it, nearly entranced and possessed by its allure. She slung the belt on her shoulder with a smug smirk as she stared at her own reflection in it. Terri crawls up, her hand at Alison Crowne's kneepad trying to pull herself up. Alison Crowne stares down at her with her ice cold eyes and tosses the belt aside, scooping her former best friend up causing Frank Washington to throw down his headset while referees, agents and other LONE personnel rush out to try to stop her. Crowne then drops Terri on her head with the Crowning Moment, her sit-out tombstone piledriver as the crowd showers her with hate.
The LONE personnel separate her from Terri as Frank Washington approaches Crowne shouting “What are you doing?!” at her several times as Crowne is backed up the ramp. Frank Washington then rushes to Terri's side with several referees and ringside medics as the live feed is cut.