![Redcap2.png](/images/thumb/8/8c/Redcap2.png/150px-Redcap2.png) ![Logo Kylie.png](/images/5/54/Logo_Kylie.png)
"I have this...this knotted up hole inside me that I can't ever unravel and I can't ever fill, but the only way to make it feel better for a little while is with a whole lot of blood and violence and fucking and food and the sound of screams. I am trying...so hard...to fight that. To be better. To go against my nature." —Kylie Strong
"Violence just begets more violence. It's a path into shadow, and soon you're just throwing punches in the darkness and you don't even realize the person you're injuring is yourself." —Kylie Strong
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Can't say much good or bad about boggans in general. Not real exciting. They know their shit, at least. Best hiking boots I ever wore were made by a boggan. I'm still wearing 'em!
I don't trust them. They love to be all mysterious and they never stay put. Just try getting a straight answer out of one without getting a half hour story instead. Nah, they're shady.
I got into a swearing contest with a nocker once. Fucker made me blush. These guys are hard core, but hell if I understand any of their contraptions. A lot of redcaps like to wreck their shit. I admit, it can be fun...but probably not good for the new me.
Honestly, I've never really known a pooka. Run across a few here and there. Sure, they're weird and wild, but mostly other redcaps just chased them off before I could even form an opinion.
Satyrs are a lot like redcaps. No really! Hunger isn't just about food. It's about need, and no other kith understands need like a satyr. You just have to get past the flowery little romance drama they put on for the sidhe and dig down to find that raw, animal passion they've all got deep inside. That's where satyr hunger is.
Things have been pretty rough with my kith since I left Pittsburgh. They think I'm weak for trying to find peace. They have no idea how much strength it requires to keep the hunger in check.
Bunch of self-righteous, arrogant pretty-boys and mean girls. You think you can tell us what to do because you were born looking like anorexic Barbie dolls? Fuck you. This is the 21st Century. Time to catch up, Legolas.
I don't have a clue what to make of sluagh. Never really talked to one. Or...if any have talked to me, I couldn't hear them. They creep me out, but that's pretty normal, right?
Buncha big ol' badasses. I've got respect for trolls. Especially now. What I'm struggling so hard to reach for comes naturally to them: a sense of purpose. Honor, even? Is that what I'm after? I'm not even sure. Maybe I should ask a troll.
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So, you belong to Ollie, huh? That's cool. Just better treat him good or...no, bad thoughts, Kylie. Besides, what the fuck would I do to a troll? He seems alright, though. Guess I'm actually pretty happy that Ollie's got a troll that loves him so much. Makes me feel like he'll always be safe.
I don't want to like him. If anyone can take my Ollie from me, it's him. It would be so much easier if this guy was just an asshole...but he's not. He's generous, friendly, and he's good to Ollie. FUCK!
Ethan Sienna
Ahh, the great and magnanimous Baron of the Ebon Watchtower. Did my sarcasm come through? Nobles are bad enough as it is, but a redcap noble? What a sellout. This guy claims he doesn't like the title, but boy does he still cling to it and play the sidhe's game. If he was really for the commoners, he'd be putting that power in those commoners' hands. Typical two-faced politician.
He is beautiful, inside and out. I also think he might be one of the only ones in this weird ass town that could actually understand me and the journey I'm on.
ARRRRRGH! He's such a dick! Conn better be fucking right about this guy.
I'm not real sure about Robin yet. He seems nice...almost too nice. People like that are usually hiding something not so nice. Ollie like him, but Ollie likes everyone. We'll see.
She can see the chimerical world. I would have just assumed she was enchanted, or maybe kinain, but the way everyone was talking, it sounded like something else was up. I know I should be more concerned...but she's so hot. Also, I swear I've seen her somewhere before.
Ollie, I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most. The world battered us and ripped us apart, but I always kept you in my heart. No time or distance can keep us apart. My home has always been wherever you are, and it's never felt more like home than it does now.
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Kylie is trans and tends to seek out centers of the local LGBTQ+ community wherever she lands.
Social Work
In her attempts at self-improvement, Kylie has found some solace in making herself useful volunteering at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and the like. Whenever possible, she works in the kitchens, putting her cooking skills to use.
World Wanderer
Kylie spent about two and a half years roaming around the world, seeking out teachers, gurus, and spiritual guides on her quest for inner peace. She visited numerous countries and got lost more than once. It is entirely possible for her to have run into another traveler or someone who lived abroad between early 2017 and mid-2019.
Notorious Past Life
Before the Shattering, she was known as "Blackboots Ellie". She was so called because her boots were always so drenched in the blood of her victims that they turned black. She was as vicious as redcaps come, a merciless and brutal outlaw. Changelings with strong Remembrance or who know their fae history well might be aware of the true nature of Kylie's faerie soul, and the rivers of blood left in her wake. Some may have even encountered Ellie in the ancient past; she was not the sort one easily forgets.
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Full name
Kylie Strong
Fae name
“Blackboots Ellie” / Ælfthryth
Seelie Legacy
Unseelie Legacy
Apparent Age
Early twenties
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Neru is a powerful chimera who has roamed the Dreaming for centuries, often appointing himself caretaker to forgotten glades and wild places of natural glamour. Now and then, when he finds a young fae in need who has that spark of the wild, he shifts his attention and becomes their caretaker; he adopted Kylie when she was a childling emerging from her Chrysalis.
Though highly intelligent and wise in the ways of the Dreaming, he is undoubtedly a creature of the wild. He has a canine body with thick, gray-and-white fur and a long, fluffy tail. His deer-like head is patterned with swirls along the cheeks, crested with petal-esque growths on his brow, and crowned with a pair of impressive antlers. At full height, the tip of his antlers reach about four feet off the ground.
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