All blood magic is restricted.
Primary path is generally limited to certain choices, and increases automatically with the discipline (ask staff to update your +sheet for clarity).
Secondary paths are not available in chargen (because they have no baseline or freebie cost), and are generally limited by type of blood magic.
Blood magicians start with one free ritual at each level, but only during chargen.
- Example: If you start with Thaumaturgy 2, you also start with one level 1 ritual and one level 2 ritual. If you then raise Thaumaturgy to 3 with XP, you don't get a free level 3 ritual.
- Exception: Abyss Mysticism does not give free rituals.
- Learning a ritual generally requires learning the discipline at an equal/higher level first. (VtM 182)
Ghouls may learn blood magic, but get no Subrace discounts and are otherwise limited per '+rules ghouls', '+rules buying disciplines', and '+rules multiclass' as usual.
Thaumaturgical Countermagic (GttCam 108): Cannot be taken in chargen. Counts as a path for Tremere, a proprietary discipline (requires a teacher) for anyone else.
Specific types
Abyss Mysticism
Restricted to
Lasombra with appropriate Path/Road of Enlightenment:
- Road of the Abyss
- Road of Night
- A descendant of one of those Roads
- Path of Evil Revelations, if the infernal entity's ultimate goal is to plunge the world into Abyssal darkness
None. Not a separate discipline, but an extension of Obtenebration.
Manipulating the Abyss
- Variation of Arms of the Abyss (Obtenebration 3) requires at least (Obtenebration 3 Occult 2) or (Obtenebration 2 Occult 3).
- Variation of Shadowstep (Obtenebration 6) is not available.
- Requires at least Occult 3, and is +1 difficulty unless you have at least Occult 4 with specialty of Abyss Mysticism.
- Requires Obtenebration >= ritual level.
- Level 4+ rituals require Occult >= ritual level.
- Lasombra 73
- Players Guide to High Clans 175
Restricted to
Followers of Set
Primary path
Any listed
Secondary paths
No restrictions beyond XP cost.
Path powers
- Roll varies by path and level
- Occult Library background applies if and only if the roll includes Occult
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Botch = cancel all currently active ritual and path effects
- Occult Library background does apply
- Blood Magic 113
- Blood Sacrifice 24
All paths listed in '+liststats ahkupaths' as of 3/29/2020:
- Divine Hand
- Path of Duat
- Path of the Dry Nile
- The Snake Inside
- Ushabti
Ahku also has these paths in common with Thaumaturgy (set "Has Thaumaturgy Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- Mastery of the Mortal Shell
- Path of Conjuring
- Path of Corruption
- Path of Curses
- Path of Mars
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Alchemy
- Thaumaturgical Weather Control
- The Focused Mind
- Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.
- Anyone who has wraith sight active, and successfully detects Ahku via Awareness, will detect that a soul is being tortured. This may lead to risk escalation.
Restricted to
- Assamite sorcerers (set Type = Sorcerer during chargen)
- Shango
Primary path
Pick one:
- Lure of Flames
- Movement of the Mind
- Elemental Mastery
- Neptune's Might
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Weather Control
Secondary paths
Must be lower than your primary path until you reach Dur-An-Ki 5.
Path powers
- Spend a blood point
- Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
- Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
- Laibon: Roll Orun instead, botch = lose permanent Aye
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Occult Library background does apply
- Assamite 73-74
- Blood Magic 120
- Blood Sacrifice 33
All paths listed in '+liststats durankipaths' as of 3/29/2020:
- Awakening of the Steel
- Covenant of Nergal
- Music of the Spheres
- The Evil Eye
- The Hunter's Winds
- Whispers of the Heavens
Dur-An-ki also has these paths in common with Thaumaturgy (set "Has Thaumaturgy Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- Elemental Mastery
- Hands of Destruction
- Lure of Flames
- Movement of the Mind
- Neptune's Might
- Path of Blood
- Path of Conjuring
- Path of the Blood's Curse
- Path of the Father's Vengeance
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Alchemy
- Thaumaturgical Weather Control
- The Focused Mind
Assamite sorcerers may learn other blood magic with a PC teacher, but:
- XP cost is increased by half (round up)
- Paths require +1 blood
- Rituals require triple the time and +1 success for any given result
Koldunic Sorcery
Restricted to
Old Clan Tzimisce (set Clan = Old-Clan-Tzimisce during chargen)
Primary path
Any Way
Secondary paths
No restrictions beyond XP cost.
Path powers
- Spend a Willpower
- Roll attribute (varies by Way) + Koldunism vs (4 + level)
- We use the path powers from Blood Magic, not Players Guide to High Clans
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Shed (level) blood (may or may not be your own)
- Roll Intelligence + Koldunism vs (4 + level)
- Koldunic versions of Thaumaturgy rituals (PGttHC 190 'Shared Rituals') use this roll (not Int+Occult vs 3+level)
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Blood Magic 127, 133
- Players Guide to High Clans 183
- Tzimisce 63
All paths listed in '+liststats koldunicpaths' as of 3/29/2020:
Way |
Way of Earth |
Way of Fire |
Way of Sorrow |
Way of Spirit |
Way of Water |
Way of Wind |
Restricted to
Giovanni, Samedi, PCs with Wanga
Primary path
Sepulchre Path
Secondary paths
- Cannot learn Bone Path or Ash Path until you reach Necromancy 3.
- Cannot learn both of those paths until you reach Necromancy 5.
Path powers
- Roll varies by path and level
- Occult Library background applies if and only if the roll includes Occult
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes, but this varies widely by ritual
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Occult Library background does apply
Other house rules
Out-of-clan for wangateurs unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.
- VtM 161
- Giovanni 67
- Blood Magic 105
- Blood Sacrifice 77
All paths listed in '+liststats necropaths' as of 3/28/2020:
- Abombo
- Ash Path
- Bone Path
- Cenotaph Path
- Mortuus Path
- Sepulchre Path
The following house rules are currently under consideration and may or may not be adopted:
- Necromancy is divided into schools (Giovanni, Pisanob, Voudoun).
- Each PC has one primary school. (Giovanni/Pisanob may switch during chargen, or existing PCs within a month after this becomes official.)
- Paths outside your primary school are uncommon but allowed.
- Rituals outside your primary school are +1 difficulty.
- Harbingers of Skulls and Nagaraja are n/a (we don't allow PCs from these clans).
- Gilberti is n/a ("their racism makes them better" belongs in the Gypsy bucket).
- Reference: Rites of the Blood (V20) 85-86
- PCs learning Necromancy via Wanga:
- May have more significant issues with being ridden by loa. (needs book/page reference and more details)
- Penalties for learning Wanga post-chargen also apply to Necromancy.
- Cannot raise Necromancy higher than Wanga.
- Limit secondary paths generally, not just Bone Path and Ash Path:
- Cannot learn a secondary path until you reach Necromancy 3.
- Cannot learn additional secondary paths until you learn Necromancy 5.
- Existing PCs above this limit keep what they have, but cannot further increase those paths until their Necromancy is high enough.
Restricted to
Ravnos priests (set Type = Priest in chargen)
Primary path
Any listed
Secondary paths
No restrictions beyond XP cost.
Path powers
- Meditation skill must be at least as high as the path power (this restriction does not apply to rituals)
- Does not cost blood except as noted
- Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
- Can substitute Intelligence + Meditation, but it's slower on par with rituals
- Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Occult Library background does apply
All paths listed in '+liststats sadhanapaths' as of 3/29/2020:
- Path of Blood Nectar
- Path of Karma
Sadhana also has these paths in common with Thaumaturgy (set "Has Thaumaturgy Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- Elemental Mastery
- Hands of Destruction
- Movement of the Mind
- "Oneiromancy (thaumaturgy)"
- Path of Conjuring
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Alchemy
- The Focused Mind
and this path in common with Ahku (set "Has Ahku Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.
Restricted to
Primary path
Path of Blood
Secondary paths
Must be lower than Path of Blood until you reach Thaumaturgy 5
Path powers
- Spend a blood point
- Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
- Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Occult Library background does apply
Allowed with restrictions, see below for details
Anarch, Autarkis
Allowed, but have much less of an IC support system
- Dark Thaumaturgy (GttSabbat 98-104 or anywhere else)
- Sielanic Thaumaturgy
Other house rules
- The Focused Mind 4 (Dual Thought): Can't be used for two mental disciplines in same turn, but can stack with Celerity.
- The Focused Mind 5 (Perfect Clarity): Bonus to your actions is limited to either -1 diff on all actions or -2 diff on mental actions (i.e. dice pool includes mental attribute).
- VtM 178, 182
- Guide to the Camarilla 99
- Tremere 51
- Blood Magic 68
All paths listed in '+liststats thaumpaths' as of 3/28/2020, Sabbat Thaumaturgy highlighted:
- Biothaumaturgy
- Elemental Mastery
- Faux Path
- Green Path
- Hands of Destruction
- Hearth Path
- Lure of Flames
- Mastery of the Mortal Shell
- Movement of the Mind
- Neptune's Might
- "Oneiromancy (thaumaturgy)"
- Path of Blood
- Path of Conjuring
- Path of Corruption
- Path of Curses
- Path of Levinbolt
- Path of Mars
- Path of Praapti
- Path of Shadowcrafting
- Path of Technomancy
- Path of the Blood's Curse
- Path of the Father's Vengeance
- Path of Transmutation
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Alchemy
- Thaumaturgical Countermagic
- Thaumaturgical Weather Control
- The Focused Mind
- Vine Of Dionysus
Sabbat Thaumaturgy
- Goratrix and all his descendants were wiped out in 1998 (Tremere 42-43), but PCs may still claim the 'House Goratrix' name and may have been Embraced earlier (by a non-Goratrix).
- Other Tremere may also work with the Sabbat under the table without joining them, subject to ICC if ICly caught.
- Tremere who have ever had a Vinculum (Vaulderie) blood-tie are automatically visible as such to other Tremere. (Tremere 43)
- This is not subject to '+rules sniping', as it does not require using a power.
- Removing the blood-tie does not remove the mark.
- Leaving the Sabbat gives you the Double Betrayer flaw (Tremere 67) but does not remove the mark.
- Sabbat Thaumaturgy (GttSabbat 116-121, other sources at staff discretion) is available to Sabbat Tremere.
- Non-Sabbat Tremere require a PC teacher.
- Non-Tremere with their own versions of some parts (e.g. Assamite sorcerers) have normal access to those parts.
Restricted to
- Serpents of the Light (Sabbat bloodline of Followers of Set)
- Samedi
- Tremere
- Others can learn it from a PC vampire teacher, but only these groups can take it in chargen
- For anyone who didn't declare belief in wanga during chargen, all Wanga rolls are +1 diff and have a die-showing-1 added to the result
Primary path
Any listed
Secondary paths
No restrictions beyond XP cost.
Path powers
- Spend a blood point (except The Flow of Ashe)
- Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
- Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
- Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)
- Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
- Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- With believing participants (at least 2 * level) besides caster, roll is -1 diff, but it takes longer; default duration is (30 * level) minutes
- Occult Library background does apply
- Rituals in common with Thaumaturgy (Blood Sacrifice 81): wards/defenses, divinations, bone-related rituals, curses from a distance
- Blood Sacrifice chapter 4
All paths listed in '+liststats wangapaths' as of 3/29/2020:
- Orisha's Fortune
- The Flow of Ashe
- Voice of the Wild
Wanga also has these paths in common with Thaumaturgy (set "Has Thaumaturgy Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- Lure of Flames (Blood Sacrifice 75)
- Path of Blood
- Path of Conjuring
- Path of Corruption
- Path of Curses
- Spirit Manipulation
- Thaumaturgical Weather Control (Blood Sacrifice 75)
and these paths in common with Ahku (Followers of Set 71, set "Has Ahku Paths" = 1 in chargen):
- The Dry Nile
- The Snake Inside
- Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.