2018.06: Moot
Moot | |
June 2018 Moot for Sept of the Enduring Spirit | |
Players | Those performing the Moot Rite: Alecto, Brooke, Connor, Halona, Jake, Journey, Kohana, Moot |
Location | Caern Ampitheater |
Prp/Tp | Monthly Moots |
Spheres | Gaian Garou |
Moots are held on +bboard 79 as of June 2018. This is a compilation of the posts for June 2018.
The Fool
As the Sept of the Enduring Spirit gathers in the Caern Amphitheater, forming a circle, the Master of the Howl stands in the center of the circle, waiting for all those attending to take their place. As she prepares to give her Opening Howl, one person walks out from the circle.
"So you are the new Master of the Howl? All ready to tell us the laws? Where to start?" Obviously, this person is The Fool, as she strides out without a care to the gathering taking place. She grins as she walks toward the center. Gesturing towards everyone to get their attention, she then focuses on the Master of the Howl. "So let's take it from the top, make it easy on you. 'Garou Shall Not Mate With Garou!' Really? Have you seen some of the /fine/ men we have around here? Obviously you have, considering." Drawing attention with her fingers to the pregnant Master of the Howl.
Turning and looking at those gathered, and walking around the Master of the Howl in a circle. "Metis Children are a power asset, guaranteed warriors for Gaia, rather than just taking our chances. Why ever not? So let's call it an acceptable risk!" The Fool looks to the gathered audience looking for anyone to agree with her. Only some hisses and snarls can be heard.
Opening Howl
The Master of the Howl remains patient in the center of the circle as The Fool circles her, spouting off her jabs. As the hisses and snarls at her words come from the gathered audience, The Master of the Howl raises her arms out, her palms up, and signals for quiet.
"Welcome brothers and sisters of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. We gather each month to honor Gaia and restore our totem for the coming battle. I call you all to witness and join in this ever widening circle, and call the Moot to begin. Hear me! Join me!" She tilts her head back and lets her greeting howl, and the rest of the Sept join in.
As the howls fade out, The Master of the Howl holds up her hands again to silence the Sept. She speaks, "Before we continue forward, now is the time we honor and remember all those who have Fallen." The list of names is read, as well as praising the deeds of how each the Garou who have fallen will be remembered for. A long and mournful howl is given to honor them all. Never forget.
"While our time may be fleeting on this Earth, the memories of our deeds as we defend the Nation and the Sept will live on. Now, let's continue by teaching our Fool why we do it." She looks straight at The Fool, as The Fool has taken a lazy seat on the ground not far from The Master of the Howl.
"Garou Shall Not Mate With Garou!" She begins. "Our numbers dwindle, and while welcoming metis born into our society is just, they cannot reproduce." A hand settles on her own pregnant belly. "Falling in love is another issue, but not attempting to carry on our bloodlines by forgetting our kin? That will bring a swifter end to our tribe, our Nation if we do not. Our kin are strong, and can get stronger. Mating with Kin will make the Nation stronger, and help keep our blood clean. Do not let our Nation dwindle by violating this law!"
As the Master of the Howl continues through the remained of the Litany, The Fool just lays back, making like she snoozes through parts, or makes the yak yak motion with her hand toward the Master of the Howl. The Fool stops as she hears more snarls and hisses toward her. She gestures for them to knock it off, as she rises to her feet. Looks like no one is buying it, better luck next time! "Maybe this Sept is worthy to defend Gaia after all. I'll be watching!"
The Inner Sky
As the Opening Howl dies down, Shining-Walker rises from the group along with four others. His already heavily inked body was decorated further with the ritual markings of Bear. Each of his Shining-Ones bore the ritual markings of each of the four winds.
Shining-Walker steps forward, uncinching a chain from his waist, trailing down to a burning censer "We have gathered here in this sacred place of Gaia, having called our brothers and sisters of Gaia." He intones in that heavy Irish brogue of his, with a nod to the Garou present. "And now we call on our brothers and sisters of Luna." Shining-Walker proceeds to mark out a circle with that burning censer, the air starting to smell of mistletoe and heather. At each cardinal direction he stops to sweep the censer in a wide circle and one of his Shining-Ones steps into the smoky center.
After all four are in their places, Shining-Walker takes his place in the center of the circle, Jagglings and Nevers prancing about his ankles. With a sweep of his hand to the east he scatters the cloud of smoke and the first Shining-One turns and faces the east "East Wind! Bringer of the Dawn of Clear Air! You who have showed us the mirror side! The other side of the Velvet Curtain, come to us! We thank you for your clear thought and bright light!"
His hand sweeps out again, scattering the smoke to the south. The Southern Shining-One turns to the south. "South Wind! Bringer of the Eternal Fire! You who gave us the rage within that we strike swiftly against our enemies! Come to us! We thank you for the fiery anger and for your protection!"
The little spirits and Nevers quicken their pace around his legs and out to each of the Shining-Ones as he continues on with the ceremony. Shining-Walker's hand sweeps out again, this time to the West to sweep away that smoky circle and reveal his assistant. "West Wind! Bringer of the Rain! You, who gave us our Changing Ways. Come to us! We thank you for the many shapes you've shared with us!"
Shining-Walker then faces to the North, scattering the smoke concealing the Shining-One of the North Wind, he bellows out again "North Wind! Bringer of Cold from the Mountains! You who brought us the Gifts and the Sacred Ways! Come to us! We thank you for your wisdom and your strength!"
The winds start to pick up in the circle, the smalls spirits beating out a frantic pace now in their dancing. Shining-Walker stands in the center, raising his hands and eyes to the sky "Inner Wind! Bringer of blessings from Gaia from within us! You, who hold our Mother's power. Come to us all! We thank you for your spirit and your peace!" As he finishes, the wind Jagglings sweep around his circle to take up the smoke and spiral out over the rest of the Moot, leaving the whole area lingering with the scent of mistletoe and heather and Shining-Walker with the Shining-Ones having taken their places back in the Moot before the smoke clears.
Cracking the Bone
As the Master of the Howl introduces her with a long, keening howl that breaks near the end, Alecto steps up. Held within her grasp is a stick of hard wood, about six inches long and decorated with glyphs in vibrant greens and yellows. She waits for the howl to die and the crowd to fall silent before she lifts up her strong voice, the talking stick held over her head. "I am Alecto, rited Howls-at-the-High-Moon, Elder Philodox, born on four legs of the Black Fury tribe. Daughter of Slay-the-Wyrm, Granddaughter of Free-the-Tide, great granddaughter of Bite-and-Twist, great, great granddaughter Judges-the-Weak, great, great, great granddaughter of Honor-Among-Thieves, follower of Tijuana, protector of the weak and innocent and Truthcatcher to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Who has business?" Short, sweet, to the point.
Mara Banebreaker lifts a hand and Alecto hands off the talking stick to her. Mara, her voice rough and gravelly, holds onto the stick while she speaks. "Bear is displeased. More and more, people are sneaking in their cellphones, which don't even work out here. While it was mandated by the Elders rather than Bear, Bear finds the lack of Weaver technology comforting. I would ask that technology be left at home or in the boxes outside of the Caern. They will be safe. You can't get a signal here, so why even bring it?"
Alecto turns her attention briefly and calls out, "Shaderunner, Elder Theurge of the Silent Striders, what is your opinion?"
Shaderunner nods. "Agreed. There is no need for technology here at the Caern. This is how it's been for a long while and I see no reason to change that. All tech will be turned off and left in a safe location above ground or kept in your pocket. Play your game apps outside of Bears consecration."
Alecto nods to that. "So be it then. No tech below ground here at the caern."
Mara nods her approval and Alecto takes the stick back as other hands go up.
There are other grievances, dealt with from highest rank to lower. Some is important, some are minor. It's a tedius time for all involved, but Alecto deals with each problem or grievance that comes up. Finally, down to a Cliath and a Cub.
Randall Halfpaw, Theurge Cub of the Uktena takes exception to Wayfinder, Cliath Ragabash of the Uktena dating his sister and attempting to claim her as a mate. He claims that Wayfinder is not a good provider, nor can he take care of her properly and issues a challenge to Wayfinder.
Alecto, with Yuri's nod from the other side of the circle, agrees that this is a just challenge and will take place on the first night of the no moon.
Stories and Songs
With a bow of the head to the Truthcatcher as she finishes and exits the circle, the Master of the Howl steps forward again. As she does, she gestures for the first person to join her.
“Now is the time to inspire and remember the bravery of the fallen, our ancestors, and the spirits. Let us share and bring them life!” she announces. Stepping back now, she invites those that have arranged to share a tale to come forward and begin.
Story: The Dragon Knight
“Greetings great Warriors of Gaia of Prospect.” The wirey Wendigo begins, “I am Askuwheteau, rite named He-Who-Keeps-Watch, Galliard of the Wendigo people. Survivor of the Three Rivers Sept.” he begins to pace, making sure he can make eye contact with as many of the ‘audience’ as possible as the Galliard begins to tell his tale. “In honor of Dragomir-Rhya and his pack coming to our aid, Kohana StormBreaker has asked me to tell a tale. And so, I shall. A tale of Silver Fangs long past. A tale passed on to me through the generations…” he waves his hand through the air to depict the passing of time. “A tale told first by a Kaga the Chronicler of Ice, A Wendigo of times long past, before the crossing to the Pure Lands via the land bridge, a tale from the Silver Fang home lands of Russia. A tale of Vaclav Dragon’s Bane, A Warrior King of the Silver Fangs.” As he says the last words he draws his head down, closes his eyes and is silent for a moment as if getting into character.
“The great Warrior King, Vaclav Dragon’s Bane began to pace up and down the lines of packs, garou of the purest Silver, as if touched by Phoebe herself. His eyes alight with a silver glow. Speaking now to his fellow:
‘From a battle I’ve come,
To a battle I charge,
I’ll see you again when I die.’
High and Mighty alone we are Kings,
Providence of Gaia brought us the Crown.’
The Wendigo smiles and lets out a howl then of triumph, “A howl rang out admist the Silver Fangs. Championing their alpha as he continued…”
‘Heroes await us,
The Wyrm comes fast,
Knowing not, this day is their last.’
The Wendigo again lets out a howl of triumph, “Again, the Alpha wolves ring out their howl, building themselves closer and closer to a battle fury! And then, Vaclav gave his final words before charging into battle.
‘Falcon I await thee,
Your true son am I,
I hail you now as I prepare to die,
Ready my armor as I drink my last ale,
Claw and Klaive, I will prevail.’
“And so, Vaclav and his pack of Wolves of the Kings blood charged across the frozen tundra of Russia.” Askuwheteau exclaims dramatically as he continues to pace around the group. “On the otherside of the battlefield was the enemy. Dakar DragonKnight, Ahroun and son of the Green Dragon. He too was giving a speech to his troops:
‘Brothers, the battle is raging,
We have chosen our side,
Call out your battle hymns,
To glory we ride!’
“He climbed atop his steed, a powerful avatar of the Green Dragon given flesh…not a small Wurm like the one faced at Three Rivers, ancient in power and size!” Askuwheteau explains. “Like the Silver Fangs, the black wolves howled with madness and ferver in response to their battle chief.” The Wendigo then getting back into character:
‘On a dark crusade to the caern we bring,
Death to the Silver Fangs, Fight to the end,
Til the blood on your claws, is the blood of a King!
Til the blood on your Klaive, is the blood of a King!’
The Wendigo Galliard snarls out with a face turned to rage as if to emulate the battle cry of the minions of the Wyrm. “The DragonKnight held his sword up high and then thrust it forward, the forces of the Urge of Power howl out a glorious war cry and charged the children of Falcon.”
He pauses for a few quiet moments. Letting that hang in there like a lingering cliff hanger…and just when you are about to ask what happened next?! The Galliard speaks again. “So there it was, my ancestor, Kaga the Chronicler of Ice charging alongside glorious ancient Silver Fangs, meeting Dakar DragonKnight on the fields of the bawn outside their caern.”
“Furious and total was the conflict. Soon blood and flesh soaked the snow and frozen soil of the earth.” The Galliard sighs exasperated. “It was Kaga who then charged the DragonKnight. A Wendigo admist the Silver Fangs land. Calling upon the greater winter spirits to give him flight, he rose into the air attacking the dragon and Black Wolf on its own terms…he fought and fell back to the earth. The Dragon landing and preparing its death blow when Vaclav appeared.”
Askuwheteau bends over and scoops up a yard long tree branch and lifts it as if it were his sword. He then steps forward with a powerful downward strike, “With a single strike, the head of the Dragon removed. Never has the world before scene such a blow, and perhaps never again since.”
‘Spirits of War I call upon you,
My Klaive by my side,
I seek a life of honor,
The DragonKnight must die.’
The soft prayer of Vaclav Dragon’s Bane before he faced Dakar in single combat.” Askuwheteau murmurs in a soft voice. He turns and continues once more, “Those still alive could feel the earth shake, could hear the song of Klaive against Klaive. Each of the champions a whirlwind of doom unto themselves!” he calls out, drawing again on a deep powerful call to carry his words. A smile across his lips that then fades.
“When the smoke did clear, their bodies lay broken on the battlefield.” Askuwheteau tells the gathered. “Dakar the DragonKnight dead at the hands of the King of Wolves…Vaclav not spared of his battle scars, memories written across his body in deep wounds, lived on. Triumphant. So ends the tale…” Askuwheteau then nods to Kohana and steps back to the group, no longer the focus.
Story: 'Home of the Soul' by Lunas Voice, Shadow Lord Ragabash
Shaderunner, Elder Silent Strider Theurge moves forward, walking to a fire and sweeping up a burning brand as he changes, taking Glabro, lifting the burning wood high, moving around the fire, snarling and gesturing with the fire as he rumbles, "What is this strange place of terror and fear? What is this nightmare world where the ground shifts and the skies crack like the end of the world? What is this monstrous land? And why does it feel so much like...home?"
The Glabro turns, flames making sweeping arcs in the air as he addresses the Garou, "All creatures long for a home. Animals range over the land looking for enough space to find food, find shelter, find a mate. Humans build larger and larger houses and offices and temples, clear more of the forests, clog more of the land, all in their desperate attempts to make a home. Spirits fit into the hollows of tieir patrons soul, from Gafflings to Jagglings, to Incarna to Celestines to the Triat. Like hollow dolls within hollow dolls, each has a home and is home for the next."
The stalking Glabro moves, looking to the gathering of Garou and Kin, continuing his classic recitation.
"But where is OUR home? Where do the Garou sleep at night? The cities that gobble up more of the land like fat, bloated mealworms are not our home. Most of us venture there. Some of us live there. But the cities are not our home. The forests are the home of our four-foot brothers and our winged brothers and our water brothers. They share the forests with us, and yet the forests are not truly our home. The Umbra is home to the spirits, who live there gladly. But we cannot live there forever - even in our sacred homelands. If that is our home, it is a monstrously dangerous home, one that we are better off without."
Pausing as he walks, he turns, posing the question,
"Why have we no home? and why are we the only ones?"
Continuing to speak he gestures, sweeping the fire around as he speaks, "All manner of creatures who hear but a few notes of Gaia's song have a home, as do those despised creatures that close their ears to the sweetest of songs. What anguish is it to us then, that we the most ardent of Gaia's babes, are so bitterly adrift upon her bosom."
"Where is my Home? Where do I belong? In a land of Alienation, Isolation, and Wyrm-wracked misery, we strive for a place where we are not only welcome, but an essential ingredient. For us, this longing for home is bittersweet at best, and has driven even the strongest Red Talon Ahroun into deep pits of Harano."
A pause, then,
The Glabro stalks as he speaks, looking and gesturing upwards toward some far off peak.
"I climbed to the top of the Most Sacred place. I cried and rent my flesh, and I howled to my Mother everywhere, "Why, Blessed Mother, why? We, the most faithful of Your children, implore You! Tell us Why!""
He stops, and his gaze locks, ears up as if listening rather than speaking.
"And the answer came."
"A voice like the stillness of the forest at dusk washed over me. And the voice said, "All My blessings upon you, My child. You have asked, and I shall answer. Harken unto me and know all. Lo, it is because you are faithful to me that you suffer the pangs of homesickness within your soul. To feel them no more, you have but to forsake me - the anguish shall yet abide within you, but all sense of it shall flee you."
""But so long as you love me, you shall know the joys that are Mine, and the pain that is Mine. The alienation you feel is My alienation - A deep part of myself is rent from another. The isolation you feel is My isolation - the walls built within Me to keep one part from another. The misery you feel is My misery - My sorrow over the generations."
""You may turn from Me and I will love you no less than I do now. You may join with those who despoil Me, and you will have all the love that I am. "What I offer thee for thy stedfast honor is heartbreak and pain to reflect My own.""
The Glabro looks around, breathing heavily.
"With that she faded from me. My pain was still upon me."
"But a new song was born in my heart that day."
"A song of devotion."
Growling, the Garou gathers strength, stalking once more, snarling as he speaks, snapping at the listeners, gaining momentum in his words,
"Let all the vassals of the Wyrm and Weaver lay me low with pain. I will rise again! Let all the animals shrink from me, let all the humans run from me, let all the spirits challenge me! I will live in all their worlds! I have no home on this side of the Gauntlet or that. But I will tell you this. Any space that surrounds my body shall BE my home. My home is all of creation for I am of Gaia! I am no totem of Gaia, like the animals. I am no soul-shard, as are the humans. I am no Triat-fragment, as are the spirits. I am Garou! And I am home! For I AM my home!"
Now at the end, he lifts his head, bellowing up into the cold night, almost howling as he screams in defiance into the universe for all to hear,
Story: Missing KinMagi
Stepping back out to the center of the circle, Brooke has taken off her proverbial "Master of the Howl" Hat, and with a change in demeanor stands ready before the gathered. She gestures with her hand for silence, and then begins telling her story.
"This is the story of the missing Kin Magi, and the dangers of thinking one can go against Gaia's will." Brooke places one of her feet a step back, bends her knees a little, and looks around with her hands out in front of her. "Not long ago, I received a message on the Glass Walker network. A Kin Magi geneticist with a lab in Oceanside. He was unreachable by phone and with his home defenses, spirits could not get messages in. It was something that needed checked out right away, and once I got the message, I assemble Terminal Velocity to get together and go check it out together. When we met to fly there together, it just so happened that Shaderunner'rhya and Defiant-Storm'rhya were meeting with our Alpha. It did not take much convincing to have them come along to offer their wisdom in this area of knowledge."
Brooke starts to walk towards the left from where she stands, and slowly walk in front of the crowd. "When we arrived, Mercy's Messenger went into the Umbra with the Elders with us. Something was off, and unnatural for certain. The house looked just like it was out of a magazine. Too perfect. It was only polite for us to at least knock on the door first, so my Alpha, Eye of the Storm, did just that, allowing me to stand in front of him to wait. There was no answer, so I used my gift to open the lock on the door. No one could tell from the outside what we might find inside, as it was shielded. Who knew what we would find?"
Continuing her path, she gets lower down a moment in front of a group of cubs listening with wide eyes. "Once I called upon the spirits to help me unlock the door, it opened up and inside we found the picture perfect professionally staged home. The pictures even in the picture frames were the original you would find at any Wal-Mart. The best part was, now that the door was open, the shielding was down and Shaderunner'rhya could tell we needed to head to the back of the house, and we found the door to the basement, despite it being hidden by magic. Once we went inside, what we found was incredible."
Brooke rubs the head of one of the smaller cubs, and then stands up to continue around the circle. "This was the Kin Magi's home workshop. There were crates, obviously used to smuggle items into the states. What those were? It was the bones of Extinct Fera. I opened the door to what was a walk in freezer only to find the twisted skeletons with tusks, oddly shaped skulls, and distortedly long fingers - more Fera but all Metis. Yes, we found the fossils we could tell were smuggled in, but that was not the worst of it. Some of these - were newer corpses. Our Kin Magi had been attempting to bring them back. To resurrect these Extinct Fera and was not only disturbing the spirits of the dead, but violating our Ancestors. Bringing the dead back to life by making them himself means they will lack real spirit, without the natural touch of Gaia or Luna, making them inherently of the Wyrm!"
She turns and walks back towards the center of the circle. "With the help from the materials in the room, and the spirits, we were able to track down a warehouse for the shipping company this Kin Magi used. Together, we took off..." she demonstrates her motion to take off in flight - a la Neo from the Matrix - and even lifts off the ground in flight about 5 feet up before softly landing again "...and when we arrived, the pattern spiders sought me out! I was able to disable the cameras around the place so we could investigate, and with their help I found a storage locker. Mercy's Messenger was in the Umbra watching, and once I popped the door open, we found a mysterious 55 gallon drum. With much careful precautious looks, both in and out of the Umbra between us, the decision was made to open it, and look inside. The pattern spiders alerted Mercy's Messenger that there were restless spirits within it, and sure enough, that is what we found."
Clapping loudly, to startle the audience, "Boom! As I tried to remove the seal on the lid and went to open it, and a strange assortment of smells from reptilian scale rot to cotton candy came from this thing, the lid FLEW up and bounced off the ceiling!" She gestures up to the sky and then down again. Her hands out, fingers splayed on either side of her, as she leans toward the audience. "Three skulls came floating up out of the goop that they had been contained within. Each was anchoring a mutilated entity that existed in both the umbra and the shadowlands. One was a GIANT Cobra with arms. One that seemed like a Bird of Prey, and one was a zombified Panda Bear. They were not happy, to say the least, but not on the attack." She stands up tall now and holds one finger up now on each hand. "Now this is where the wisdom of our Elder came into play to help us. Shaderunner'rhya stepped in to speak with these spirits in a language they would understand. The spirits wanted rest. But one of ours. Our Garou Kinfolk disrespected and defiled them in his attempts to play god. Shaderunner'rhya got them to work with us then to find this missing Kin Magi, and put an end to his vile experiments, and let these spirits finally be released from the bonds holding them. With the help of Howling-Wind and Like the Wind, we were able to use the skulls and the spirits ability to track the Kin Magi down, and allow me to triangulate his location. What happened next, we did /not/ expect!"
Brooke takes a few steps back, back to the center of the circle. "We flew to what we thought was just a space out off the coast, over the water. Perhaps there was a boat? Or a submarine? After noticing a shimmer at the space where we were going, we headed toward it and suddenly - we passed through something - and we were somewhere else! No longer was the sun in the same place in the sky." She gestures from one placement to another. "The climate, the temperature was different. And there was a tropical island in front of us! We did not pass through an illusion. As my GPS tech would show me once we landed, we were not in Prospect County anymore. We were in the South Pacific, on an unmapped island, with a VOLCANO! More disturbing for some of us..." pointing to herself "...there was a distinct absence of pattern spiders and webbing. The weaver was nowhere to be found here. There was no balance."
"Together, Terminal Velocity and Elder Shaderunner'rhya went on the search for the missing Kin Magi. We went to his bunker, which was shaped like a wolf's skull on the side of it. The ominous glow coming out from his gaping maw, our entrance, did not deter us. What could have stopped us, as we approached, was Gatling Guns that came out and were ready to fire upon anyone close enough for their range. Now this, this is when a Glass Walker can do some great things. One of my earliest gifts I learned as a Cliath was to simply 'Jam' Technology. In this case, the guns. As my pack mates were sure they were going to be shot at, and were taking evasive maneuvers, from behind their charge I /shut them down/."
"As the rest of us entered the bunker, Eye of the Storm made sure those guns would be of no use again, and destroyed them with his strong sharp claws." Brooke motions with her fingers, like they were claws, toward a group of younger cubs, attempting to engage them further. They watch with rapt attention, their mouths open with excitement to hear this story. "Once we got inside, we saw a lab, with bizarre machines throughout, including growth tanks with more extinct Fera being made. But worst of all..." She lunges toward the cubs with her finger claws out, "... a cybernetically enhance, uparmored Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Rawr!!
Brooke grins as she moves away from the cubs, "What were we to do? Well, we are Terminal Velocity, and what we have worked hard to specialize in is pack tactics and working as a unified force. Howling-Wind led the assault, and before the T-Rex could get his missiles to blast at us, we performed a wishbone on him, RIIIPPPPIIINNNGGGG off a leg, and the tail, pinning down the rest of him as we tugged him apart!"
"During this, Shaderunner'rhya summoned the Kin Magi who was watching us attack, obviously pissed off that we interrupted his grand plans, and with the palm of his hand, he just reached out and plucked the Awakened Soul out of the Kin Magi, leaving him just a man. All his Hypertech and Magicks shut DOWN. With that, Eye of the Storm called out to Merlin, who came swooping in once the mage's defenses were gone, shrieking out as a bird of prey comes to take out his victim, and claws him while drilling into his eye sockets with his beak. This gives enough time for Howling-Wind to drop the tail of the T-Rex he had just RIPPED off, flawlessly shift to Crinos, pull his fang dagger and lunge at the man, and sink that dagger right into his mad heart."
Moving back again for the last time to the center of the circle, Brooke stands up straight, her hands held together in front of her. "The lifeless corpse of the Kin Magi would fall to the floor just as the room - nay the island shook, as a deafening explosion from the volcano occurred. The generators in the room start to overload, and it was obviously time to get out of there. As Shaderunner'rhya spoke to the glowing ball of light that was the Kin Magi's Awakened Soul and released it on to his next life, Eye of the Storm ordered a fast evacuation. Together we all took off in flight to escape this place, as we knew it was going to destruct and take out anything we left behind...with Mercy's Messenger trailing behind with her spoils of war - in the form of a T-Rex leg. Which later that night she had some of it prepared, cooked, and ate it."
Before she walks off to signal the Revel to begin to the Wyrmfoe, Brooke raises a hand. "If you take nothing else from this story, remember this. Playing god, or Gaia, will not end well. This Kin Magi may have meant well, but he let his powers get the better of his judgment. Working alone without the help of the Nation can lead someone on the wrong path." She begins to walk away and then spins quickly around, ”If you have a chance to ask Mercy's Messenger, see if she thinks T-Rex tastes like chicken." With that, she exits the circle, and the Wyrmfoe comes forward.
The Revel
Once the stories and songs have been completed, the Wyrmfoe Defiant-Storm strides out, expression fierce, and slowly scans the crowd. “You...are ALL heroes! Every Garou here! You have all fought against the Wyrm...and WON! You have helped defeat our enemy and will continue to defeat it! That’s what we DO! We defeat the Wyrm! We defeat the Wyrm! WE -defeat- /the/ WYRM!”
He continues on, chanting over and over again as the others join in. Soon the Sept is a thunderous unification of voices, rising and rising and rising.
Defiant-Storm then shifts into his lupus form and HOOOOOOWWWWWLS encouraging the others present to join him. The howl grows and grows as does the anticipation of what’s to come.
Defiant-Storm then leads the group in an exhaustive run throughout the bawn to search out and destroy any possible trespassers. Upon returning another howl of unity is performed as the power of the Caern is renewed!