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Feild Trip
A trip into a burned zone leads to a random encounter
IC Date June 24th 2018
IC Time Late Afternoon
Players Branton(st), Dragomir, Johanna, Heidi
Location Somewhere in the woods
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Cascada - Pyromania [1]

Branton has some spell components to harvest so he asks for a security detail because the last time he went out without one was......well that was when he almost got eaten by a black spiral dancer and found out he was kinfolk. That brought enough change and turmoil to his life that he'd rather not repeat. And with the turmoil of the fire mostly being handled Branton figures now is a good time to go out on a fire watching patrol and gather some rare ashes he needs for offerings "And explosives. I've already got a natural source of saltpeter that the spirit I'm negotiating with will accept, Just need some scrapings from some white oak that got burned by a fire lit by gaia. Specifically not garou, spirit, or other shifter. So the natural fire actually works out for me."

The group, at this point is in the woods somewhere near where there was fire.

Johanna heard about this adventure and seized the opportunity to get out there and patrol. She is looking around, trying to help find just what Branton is looking for. "A good thing the fire is getting out. Hopefully the rain and firefighters equipment has not damaged anything for your use."

Dragomir has taken out Johanna and Heidi to help escort Branton. He has been off-loading his responsibilities recently, and making sure others can cover down where he normally has been. Listening to Branton he considers, watching the area and says, "There will be numerous spirits in the area, some new.. and some displaced by the fire. Keep your eyes peeled on the surroundings, and watch each other's back.. on patrol, you should maintain communication at all times, and visibility on at least one other in your pack. We are stronger united, always." It's like they just defrosted the Gaia version of Captain America or something.

It happens that Heidi is very well acquainted with the need for teamwork - since unlike how it is for most Garou, it's often the only edge in keeping her alive. This outing is going to be different for her however - the Black Eagle mercenary has left the rest of her team behind, in favor of accompanying Dragomir and Johanna as they escort Branton. It's dangerously tempting to drop one's guard when around a wolf like the Silver Fang, in the assumption that he could handle most any threat, but she does her best to maintain a perfect, professional poise. She's currently clad in a pair of weathered denims, with a gun belt slung low in an asymmetric fashion about her hips, with a cord tying the end of the holster that much more securely to her thigh so it won't bounce around. She's wearing some custom-made, tactical ballistic vest over a black shirt with the sleeves ripped off, revealing her colorful tattooed arms. There's a SOCOM-grade, M16-SCAR cradled in her arms, equipped with a silencer. Not for stealth, but just to avoid bursting eardrums.

Even a suppressed shot will carry for miles. But it won't make your ears bleed!

Branton nods at Johanna "I checked the maps back at the Caern, this area I picked out is actually pretty remote. As far as the mundane authorities are concerned." Nods at Dragomir and fishes a necklace out from under his shirt, a bronze medalion with strange carvings "I can see the umbra and I brought something that'll let me lash out at it if it becomes nessecary. First choice is giving a shout though. I've never actually used this thing to fight a target that's in the Umbra, might be something that should be arranged as a training exercise come to think of it. Gotta rememeber to ask Iris if she wants to play tag." Heidi's welcome to come along, she may also be a kinfolk but accuracy through saturation works just as well when fighting monsters.

Johanna nods to Dragomir, "Of course, Eye of the Storm'rhya. Communication and attention, always." She gives a respectful nod to Heidi and listens to Branton. She isn't entirely sure what they are looking for, but will listen and keep watch, sure that Branto will spot it when they do. She notes where everyone is, and keeps checking they are not too far from her.

Dragomir walks forward, turning to look towards Heidi - obviously not fond of the weaponry, but accepting its necessity all the same. He motions to keep her on higher ground, wanting her to have the sight advantage she will need. A glance then towards Branton and he says, "Good, you can keep eyes on the umbral skies then.. that will be important in this situation, no doubt." Then he looks towards Johanna and says, "Lupus form for you.. keep down wind, and stay alert.. you will smell a lot of ash and fire.. but you might catch something out of the ordinary too."

Heidi is quite nimble when it comes to keeping to higher ground - and where there's a fallen log, or a ridge, she'll be happy to clamber along it with an instinctive, cat-like balance, while keeping both hands on her SCAR. She makes sure to keep Dragomir in her line of sight, trusting the Silver Fang at the center of the formation, to also have tabs on Johanna and Branton. So long as Dragomir can see all of them, and they can see the Philodox, then they can move through even the roughest or densest terrain in a coordinated fashion.

Dragomir is a seasoned hunter, and certainly used to watching for certain activities and listening to the land for things that stand out, or are not normal. A low growl emits from him as he catches something in his scent. He offers towards Branton who he's staying close to, "We aren't alone.. there is some.. chemical in the air, I do not recognize.. as well as gun oil.. and sulfur." Then he begins to shift into his hispo form, dropping down heavily on silvery white paws and shifting his head towards Stargazer, and speaks over the link ~Get the scent.. maneuver around them and stay down wind. Be ready to flank them.~ Then the wolf turns his head towards Heidi and communicates, ~Six targets.. two men, likely with guns.. and four animals. Not natural.. get to a high point and let me know what you can see.~

Starchaser keeps down low and she sniffs out what he is saying. Over the link, she says ~I understand. I'm heading out now.~ She will start making her way further around to flank, and keeps herself down wind as she does. She continues to sniff trying to keep alert.

As soon as Heidi hears Dragomir's mental command, she'll send him back an affirmative, and then focus on wriggling into the very best position to provide overwatch from. She has a lot of experience in such rugged terrain, having cut her teeth in Mozambique and Angola. She keeps her SCAR cradled close to her shoulder in an expert fashion, as she manages to squirm her lithe frame into places, squeezing around trees and rocks, in a way that a big man or wolf couldn't manage. It's only when she finds a good line of sight, and is very nearly invisible to the naked eye, that she'll settle in and flip her scope up.

Branton hears the mention of a gun and nods, readying his extendable baton as he starts murmuring a spell under his breath as he moves carefully ~readying to take out the gun.~

Heidi blinks her slate gray eyes once, at whatever she's peering at through the scope. Then she mentally communicates to the mind-linked Silver Fang, 'Two swinging dicks, one a fomori with a gun, and the other in a coat with no visible mutation. They've got four dead bane dog looking things with them. They seem to be looking for somethin.'

Starchaser tries to sneak around, but is not very good at it. She may go slow and low down, but she is probably going to get noticed first. She hears over the link about what they are facing and tries her best to keep quiet. Still a lot of training she needs.

Silvery White Wolf spreads the news over the mindlinks to the others, "Fomori and undead bane dogs, searching for something. I'll draw their attention.. once they're focused on me, you three can flank them. Burn me if you need to Branton.." and the Silvery White Wolf starts to bound towards the group swiftly now.

Heidi mentally murmurs to Dragomir, 'Soon as the dogs head towards you, I'll take the one with the gun.'

And that actually works out, even with Starchaser not being super sneaky, Almost like Eye-of-the-Storm planned it that way. As Starchaser gets heard the guy with the gun stops walking and turns to sweep that direction with his rifle and the Zogs ear drago come charging and they charge at him. The dude in the coat scowls and looks perturbed.

Heidi lines the crosshairs up over the head of the fomori - and then breathes out and squeezes the trigger. The suppressed SCAR makes a snap-cracking sound - and less than a micro-second later, there'll be a spatter-smack of blood, scales and hair-matter, as the Fomori manages to look down just in time to get a gnarly ridge up the back of his skull. She mentally curses in Afrikaner. Something about fucking Fomori and their stupid hard heads.

The massive Silvery White wolf comes up over the edge, and snarls towards the Zogs to get their attention, brutal and fierce - a challenge of intimidation and authority, specifically at the Crinos-shifting Creep. The wolven equivalent of, you're on my fucking lawn, and I just pee'd there.. it's on bitches. He focuses his spiritual energies, and lets the gleam of silver coat his claws. The intent, to make sure he is the focus of their attention right now. Ready to take on the bites of the Zogs straight on. After all, if they're all on him, that certainly makes for an easier target for a fire ball.

As his allied Garou rush to engage and the overwatch sniper starts the party, Branton moves forward enough so he can see the deformed thug and more importantly his gun. A loud shout "Servírete ti sípsi na liftheí apó sípsi! Hecatae sas katára!" and with a snarl of surprise the thug looks down as his gun begins to crumble to rust.

The man in the coat hears the taunts from the white wolf and throws his headback, howling with rage. He swells into a mange ridden, patchy furred crinos form and his skin ripples and thickens and begins to ooze an awful smell.

Distracted by the sudden deterioration of his gun the thug looks around frantically but can't find Heidi where she's concealed in the trees.

You know what they say - if you don't succeed the first time - try, try and try again! It's going to be around the time that the unfortunate fomori is realizing that his gun is literally melting into icky rust in his hands, when a sudden trio of shots rings out as Heidi unleashes on him. There's no obvious effect from the first snap-cracking retort - but at the second, the whole three-fourths of his upper cranium is going to explode just like a bottle rocket that went off in the hand, causing the fomori to collapse to the ground, back and to the left, splashing anyone that's too close to him!

The staggering snarling zombie dogs swarm at Eye-of-the-Storm, jaws snapping and drooling. And failing to find effective purchase on his gift shielded self.

Starchaser readies herself, and activates her gift as she knows that pain is coming. As she sees that one is a BSD, she digs her claws into the ground and snarls with rage. ~Oh, we got to kill these guys!~

The Massive Silvery White Wolf suddenly burts upwards into a horrific white beast, massive and glinting with silver claws. The murderous blue eyes of the predatory beast lock onto the charging Black Spiral Dancer, and a violent tone is delivered as he locks his gaze on the other werewolf's eyes. <> the judgement passed, and the full weight of his intimidation thrown into his snarled words as he keeps his gaze locked while his claws get ready to shred the Zogs around him.

Silvery White Wolf snarls violently, shifting and growing swiftly in size and shape - taking a horrifying war form

Branton is out of time to charge another spell, the sight of this blasphemous thing fills him with a singular fury and his eyes visibly glow with power as he shouts "BY FIRE BE PURGED!" and the black spiral explodes with a brilliant white flame and it screams beneath Branton's pitiless gaze.

Heidi rises up out of cover, tracking the foursome of zombie dog things, and manages to splatter one of them into a skittering, mewling heap with a trio of FJM rounds. Then a shell gets caught in the receiver, and she growls angrily, "Oh, donkie kont!" She curses in Afrikaner, the meaning of which is likely far too mysterious to easily translate. She'll use the knife edge of her palm to strike the still hissing shell free from the chamber.

Starchaser is all ready with her claws and goes after this Zog creature. She snarls and goes for him, and some how entirely misses. This will just serve to drive her to try again.

Eye of the Storm is.. disturbingly calm, perhaps even sociopathic so. As the Black Spiral Dancer charges at him, despite the Staredown and order for him to wait, he grits his teeth and snarls lowly with irritation. As the fire touches his fur, and is absorbed by the Luna's Armor, his murderous blue eyes narrow only that much more. As the Crinos' werewolves claws rake uselessly off him, and the Zog's bites cannot seem to affect him. Finally, there is a very sudden - distinct and merciless motion. The brilliant white Lord lifts his silver clawed hand, and rather distinctly, unceremoniously punch thrusts his claws through the chest of the Metis Wyrm Warrior and thrusts it directly through the fast beating heart of the beast. A low snarl is given, and he growls, <> and he withdraws his blood claw from the creature's chest and lets it slump to the ground - dead.

The Corpse remains burning with Branton's white hot fire

Having managed to clear the jammed shell, Heidi will ratchet the action slide of her SCAR and bring it back to her shoulder. She drops down from cover, even as she begins to direct one blistering hot salvo of 5.56mm rounds into the zombie dog flesh after another, until the various gibbets and pieces cease moving. By the time that her and Starchaser have finished them off, she'll have almost made it to Dragomir. She looks up at the great monstrous beast, with the blood-smoking silvery claws, and then she beams up at him in her dusky Afrikaner accent, "Nicely done."

Starchaser takes another swipe at Zogs, and this time lands her claw into him, rrriiipppppiinngg into him, tearing him open, taking a chunk from him with the tactile pleasure to calm her rage.

Branton stalks forward, gaze locked with unwavering focus on the burning corpse of the black spiral. His will keeps the fire in the shape he wills and the reflection shines in his eyes, as the fire continues unless someone calls him off there won't be anything left other than the heart in Eye-of-the-Storm's hand.

The heart is gripped, silver claws turned inwards and crushed violently in his grip. Eye of the Storm stands over the corpse, even as the others finish off the Zogs, he seems unmoved. Deadly gaze of those violent blue eyes stare around the battlefield. <<They were searching for something.. spread out. Find out what it was.>>