xxxxxThomas was born and raised in the backwoods of Canada. His father was a bad, bad man. A terrible one. He abused Thomas and his younger sisters, and he scared their mother into aiding. His father was a kidnapper and serial killer, focusing on the younger. Eventually, Thomas and his siblings were rescued when a Euthanatos crew arrived and killed his father, and took their mother and them. His siblings and him were mind-wiped and placed with trusted families.
xxxxxThe events of his childhood snuck back into his mind through nightmares and similar, and eventually his mind-wiping faded through sheer will and a shoddy Rote job. Thomas was ten when this happened, and he used his old memories, and an odd calling, to track down one of his father's accomplices. He killed him.
xxxxxHe then began doing everything he could to track down the mysterious crew who killed his father, and eventually -they- found him. He had killed three other people by the age of sixteen, when they found him. They then put him through the Pomegranite-Deme rites of death, and when he awoke he was Euthanatos. He now lives in Prospect, using his computer skills to find the most horrid people imaginable on the Deep Web...and kills them, sending them back into the cycle.