Snow Fang Peak/left-col

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Icehold Castle

Icehold Peak.jpg
Warlord: Talorc Dunadd
Court Seer: Slaine, Moon's Silent Song
Rookery Master: Dínenah
Glamour Produced: 3 per Night
Court Affiliation: Neutral
House Affiliation: Commoners
Freehold Affinity: Nature (Ice/Sky/Metal)
Chimerical Defenders: Ironborn and Peak Eagles
Chimerical Attendants: Pygmy Chimera
Chief Exports: Mercenaries and Ore



Neither talkative or curious the Ironborn have done their duty since the castle was first built, stone by stone. They remain ever vigilant to guard those that would find themselves under their care. They seem to have no desire to venture from their posts or even to chill at their joints despite the time they spend in the cold outside the walls waiting to aid those that approach or ward off enemies.

Peak Eagle


The Peak Eagles are massive birds that resemble the Roc of myth. Dreams of flight and power they are few in number and do not seem to care for the closeness of people though they keep a rookery to aid the giant birds and give them aid when needed. The magnificent creatures are often glimpsed from afar but rarely see soaring past the walls unless there are threats to it, their nest.

Thiassi: The male of the main pair, who can be seen flying even in the worse of storms, soaring high above the clouds that surround the peak. He is lighter in coloration than his mate and slightly smaller as well.
Tzofi: The female of the main pair, who is the most protective of the two. It's often she who scouts out beyond the outlying area and brings in reports of things happening at the boundary edges of the hold.