2015.01.29:Audition at Glitter

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Audition at Glitter
An audition dance at a strip club on Ladies' Night
IC Date Thursday
IC Time Night
Players Liesl, Misa, Babajide
Location Glitter


Thursday night, and it's Ladies' Night, which means there's beefcake on display tonight, rather than cheesecake. The ladies are always a more boisterous crowd, and many get pretty silly when they press against the stage and wave around their bills. There's more than articles of clothing that get tossed up onto the stage as well. Liesl doesn't concern herself too much with any of that, as she makes the rounds of the tables, delivering drinks, taking orders, and collecting empties. She doesn't need to be quite as 'on' with the ladies, though she keeps a smile going while out on the floor. Once at the bar, however, she lets it fade, while she waits for the new round of drinks to be prepared.

Misa hangs out outside of the club for a bit before shrugging and deciding to go in finally. Of course her eye is drawn to the stage as she makes her way in after all the required cover charges and checks. She gives a wolf whistle to the man on the stage and giggles.

A familiar whistle has Liesl turning her head to spot ... yep, Misa. She turns back to watching her tray getting filled, while she gives Morningstar's head a gentle rub. The tray is ready, and she slides it off the bar, and starts around to deliver the drinks.

Misa ponders her approach on this for a few moments. First she starts towards a booth, then stops, and moves towards the bar. She pauses again to eyeball the stage before shaking her head. It's a rare moment Misa is not only flailing a bit... but showing it. She sighs eventually and rubs her face before just walking towards Liesl.

Babajide arrives from the street.

Thursday night, and it's Ladies' Night, which means there's beefcake on display tonight, rather than cheesecake. The ladies are always a more boisterous crowd, and many get pretty silly when they press against the stage and wave around their bills. There's more than articles of clothing that get tossed up onto the stage as well. Liesl doesn't concern herself too much with any of that, as she makes the rounds of the tables, delivering drinks, taking orders, and collecting empties. She doesn't need to be quite as 'on' with the ladies, though she tries to keep a smile going. Then ... there is Misa. "Hi," she says, as she adjusts her balance with the tray.

Misa waves happily to Liesl. "Hey sugar!" she chirps. "When's break? Was wonderin if I can bug ya durin it?"

Women's Night, hmm? Babajide makes his way past the dancer, and the man smiles as he glances about. The expression seems natural on his older, but very handsome face. There's nothing manic about his smile, though. It just seems like an incredibly natural and easy expression for the man. He brushes long, calloused fingers back over his shaven head and begins to weave through the tables and crowd towards the bar. He draws looks, of course, though not as many as the men on stage. He's clothed, afterall. He climbs onto a stool and fishes a bit of loose cash from his loose, but clingy pants. "Beer, please. Something local." He has a deep, beautiful voice. The kind of voice that begs to sing or laugh. He has a thick African accent.

Liesl considers Misa's question. "Sure ... I've got a break coming up pretty soon. It's never set, as you probably know." She glances over the woman's shoulder at the man entering, and not immediately turning right back around. She nods thoughtfully, and returns her attention back to Misa. "I'll come over and sit with you when I get my break, yeah?" Not that Misa is seated, standing there in front of her, but Liesl trusts that she'll find a place.

Misa giggles and nods to Liesl turning to make her way towards a booth. She stops in midtride, looking at the new arrival much longer than Liesl does, being not at all subtle about checking him out as she calls over towards Liesl "Oh please tell me this is the new guy."

The man gets his beer and takes a pleased pull from it before considering. "This town has good beer. The omens are good," he offers with a half-joking laugh. "I believe I will stay for awhile." Babajide glances over his shoulder at the dancing men. "Are you hiring? I've danced around fires from Kwazulu-Natal to Bangladesh. I have moved my hips in London and in Inuit villages. I think I could be good..."

Liesl wasn't exactly being subtle in her earlier look; as she approaches the bar once more, she's got the perfect excuse to be completely unsubtle. She slides the tray onto the bar, and moves over to give him a careful scrutiny. A small smile curls her lips as she does so. "A bit more age than we usually see offering to dance, but it looks good on you." She nods a little, as though to herself, then adds, "You'd be welcome to audition tonight if you would like." She gestures towards the stage, and an unobtrusive door nearby, presumably leading backstage.

Misa calls over to the other two, giving a wiggle of her eyebrows. "If nothin else please do go on about what you do with yer hips!"

His cheerful gaze lands on Liesl, and it dips. He smiles and nods, glancing at the stage and considering it. "It would be an honor to dance on the stage with such modern Adonisi." Babajide takes a long pull from his beer and rises. "I am Babajide Nantuk, but most people simply call be Baba." He turns towards Misa and laughs, offering a cheerful wink. "Well, I would be more then happy to show you." He considers the DJ Booth for a moment, idly toying with a button on his shirt. "I am doubting you have tribal dance music. Hmmm. Something primal."

Liesl shakes her head. "I don't think so, but you can ask the DJ. It's all about the rhythm and tempo, right? I'd offer my own dance music, but something that sounds vaguely like belly dancing music crossed with snake charmer music, and blended with western rhythms ... probably isn't what you're looking for." She offers a smile at his introduction. "Eve," she introduces herself. "At least while on duty." Now that he has risen to his feet, she's eye to eye with him. "If you'd like, I'll introduce you to the DJ?"

Misa bites her lip and fades into the background a bit letting the pair talk. Although she does flick a tendril of her short hair behind her ear as she notices the man toying with his collar button before fading away to find a booth.

He seems surprised to find himself level with the woman, but hardly seems to mind. He smiles. "I could probably dance to polka and make it look splendid, but I doubt it is what you are seeking. That would be excellent, Eve. Thank you." The man has a natural sway to his muscled hips, as if he were born to dance, or move. His gaze flits to Misa now and again, offering her a wide, charming smile.

Liesl's own movements tend to be fairly sinuous, as though the snake draped about her neck and shoulders has lent his serpentine ways to her. She leads the way to the DJ's booth, and since a new track has just started, he has a few moments before he has to do something else. Liesl makes the introductions, and steps back to let the two discuss music, while she checks the view from behind.

Misa takes in the view from back here just fine where she is thanks! Just because she's faded back though doesn't mean she's stopped... well let's be honest here, being Misa. Whenever his eyes flit in her direction she winks, or wiggles her eyebrows or just kicks her feet.

It's a nice view, too! The man's clothes don't show much, but he's clearly in excellent shape. She smiles at the DJ as the two chat. He seems to get on naturally with most people. By the time the song is ending and the dancer on stage is dismounting, Babajide is making his way to the edge of the stage. He turns to look over the crowd, a sense of anticipation in the air. He rolls his shoulders and takes a deep breath, waiting for his 'interview' to begin.

Liesl gives the DJ a nod once the particulars seem to have been worked out. He lets the one music track fade as the dancer it goes with finishes collecting his tips, and bounds off backstage. He repeats the first several bars of the new music, as he announces, "Ladies, have we a treat for you tonight! From the wilds of Africa, in an auditioning debut, we have for your viewing pleasure, Baba!" The music is now allowed to play out.

Misa whistles along with the crowd as can be expected... though it probably might be a surprise to some that she is nowhere near the loudest girl in the club right now.

The moment comes, and the music stops. A slow drum beat begins on the track, and Baba times each step with the beat. One step up the stairs, then another, then another. Soon he is on the stage, continuing that slow, bass-driven walk towards the front of the stage. Each step involves a roll of his shoulders, and a timed turn of his head to take in the crowd. Finally he stops, and his head lowers and his eyes closed. There's a brief, silent moment before heavy, primal drums begin, with music blaring behind. At a perfectly timed moment his head raises and his hands move up to his collar, tearing. A few buttons fly off into the crowd, not near hard enough to hurt someone. His long-fingered hands tear the remainder of his shirt open, and as he begins to move he shrugs out of it. His torso is revealed, and oh my. Dark skin, with strong pecs and shoulders and perfectly toned abs. His head rolls and shoulders and hips move to the music. He grips the pole and spins easily, one arm outstretched. After several spins he lands again, dancing from one end of the stage to the other, playing to the audience to that primal, passionate beat. As he does so his sandals are left behind with such ease it's barely noticed, leaving him only in those pants...for now.

Liesl spends a fair amount of time watching the dancer, but most of her attention is on the audience. And, the ladies are just eating it up, many just sitting there with there jaws a bit agape, others digging into their purses for more cash, while those with their money already out, are pressed to the stage, waving for notice.

When the money starts coming out he begins dancing along the stage. He reaches down, taking bils and tucking it away. Eventually his hands fall to the waist of his pants. Two women in particular, one on each side of the stage, are cheering loudest and waving money for his attention. He dances slowly from one to the other, inching his pants down his hips a bit more each time. Each time he passes from one girl to the other the amount of money they're holding out increases. Finally he stops in front of one and finishes peeling his pants down and kicking them off with a flourish. He's left in only a pair of tight, deep blue boxer briefs. They cling and show that he is a blessed man. He lets the woman tuck the bills into the briefs, before dancing in front of the other woman so she doesn't feel left out. He then returns to the pole and leaps up it, gripping it with with his hands, and holding his body out and straight. He begins to do paced, diagonal pull-ups to the beat of the music, before landing on the stage in a roll and coming up on his knees, thrusting out and climbing back up. The song finally ends, and he's left standing on stage, dressed in only the clinging briefs, his darkly skinned, muscled body glistening.

Liesl now probably spends more time watching the dancer, than the audience ... especially since a good portion of said audience is up at the stage. The pole work is particularly impressive, and she finds herself clapping along with the beat. She shakes her head, as a wide smile finds itself plastered on her face.

He continues the dance until the song ends, and then he bows deeply. He moves about, collecting his scattered clothing, and climbs gracefully from the stage. He draped the torn remnants of his shirt over his shoulders and puts his shoes on, but just leaves his pants off for the moment. He makes his way over towards Liesl, smiling happily. "Did I do alright, lovely Eve?"

The lovely Eve is still grinning widely. "You did quite all right, Baba, quite all right indeed." She hands him one of the buttons, with a nod. "You've made quite an impression, and if you'd like to dance on Thursday nights, you'd be more than welcome." There's a minor bit about paperwork, but that's something that can be handled later.

He takes the button and smiles widely. "Excellent! Once a week sounds splendid. Something more often then that would feel too much like a normal job...and I could certainly not have that." Baba winks and glances about, brushing his fingers back over his shaven head.