- Strength in fragility
- Radiance in anguish
- Enlightenment through tribulation
- Family among monsters
- Loss, grief, and growth
- Faith, heresy, and the occult
- Trauma and mental illness
"... and I survived the end of the fucking world."
- Robert Morse, Space Beast
Existence is a bittersweet poison. The honeyed scent of hope lies just around every corner, but just out of reach. All the world is a chess board for powers eldritch and petty. Though the fires of Gehenna loom just over the horizon, the world is cold and growing colder by the day. Let's huddle together against the chill of the Final Nights and await the approach of doom in the warmth of good company.
"It's small, and it's broken, but it's mine."
- Stitch, Lilo and Stitch
The Sword of Caine. Mi hermanxs. What makes your heart blaze? What sets your soul to song? What weights press on you in your days of restless slumber? Whatever may pass, my Brothers and Sisters: I am here for you. Until victory, or until we are rendered to cinders with all the world.
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