2014.09.08:Movement to Contact

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Movement to Contact
Silliness leads to a recon patrol, which leads to a raid.
IC Date September 8th, 2014
IC Time Late Evening
Players Bronwyn, Kass, Kathryn, Leandro, Quinn, Rahne, Runt, Trekome, Yuri, Utau
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Kinfolk

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU) A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area. The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Yuri wanders into the caern and smiles a bit at those gathered, giving a light wave to Cynthia, "Hey Cynthia, I heard the news..." He grins and takes a seat on the log by the fire.

Trekome gives a nod to Leandro as he enters, "Might be pushing out a patrol soon. Saw some signs of something in the area; not sure if it's a Spiral or Fomori." He grins at Quinn, "Want to put that rifle to use?"

Quinn is curled up with Trek. she's in her new relaxing cloths, hair down and in a dress. she doesn't even look entierly uncomfortable. she smiels to Trekome "Of course. my rifle is always yours, when ever you want to use me"

Leandro blinks a moment when he gets closer to Quinn and Trekome and he whistles some, "Well look at you Quinn. The badass looking all nice in a dress and everything." he teases her a bit. "I approve."

The rumbling in Bronwyn's stomach grows louder and there is something that sounds almost like a muted pop. Bronwyn's eyes get REALLY big and then a belch comes from her that is loud enough to harm sensitive ears and acts, quite honestly, like a little mini earthquake. The sound goes on for a good five seconds and then a little trail of smoke comes from Bronwyn's lips. There is the faintest little 'toot' sound from... well.. most of it is blocked by poor Kass's body. Then she giggles, almost maniacally, rubs her belly again, and pulls out another one of those lollipops and opens her mouth nice and wide. Quinn narrows her eyes at Leandro as if she just got an insult instead of a compliment. but it's forgotten quickly and she nods a greeting to Trekome's packmate. And there's Runt again, dancing and bobbing his head on his way down from the path to unhead music. He stops to offer a high-five to the warder, and gets left hanging...again! "Come on bro!" he snaps his fingers "Ah! You don't like to high-five." he offers his fist and wiggles "Pound it bro!" And the warder does indeed. With that mace of his. Runt yelps and pulls his hand back "Right on!" and goes back dancing away, not showing a grimace as he tucks that broken hand back beneath his other arm Trekome chuckles a little and gives Quinn's cheek a kiss. "Best go change into some cammies then. You'll probably want to have your plate carrier too." Sounds less like a patrol and more like a movement to contact. He looks at Rahne, "We'll probably need someone with sharp senses too." And a... what the fuck... to Bronwynn. A glance from Quinn to Trekome, "So whats up?" he asks curiously as he gives Rahne a quick smile and nod when his packmate calls attention to her. Bronwyn only gets a light chuckle, apparantly he is more ammused than anything.

Rahne blinks and ohhohhohhs softly about a maybe hunt because you know. A hunt. The Quinn/Leandro part causes an amused grin but then she is giggling, if with a wince of pinched ears at the belch and the tooting from the 'has to be a Kitsune Bronwyn'. Highly amused she watches Run's entrance, one of the few people close to her height. She calls out to him with a bright smile. "Next time tink bat to iron, he likes that. Respect-mon." She headbobs as if thaaats a good idea, then waves at him. Trek gets a happy nod as well. "Alright, all set!" Good thing about being a Lupus, nothing much to go get.

Blink. Yeah, Utau is blinking at what just happened with the miniature belch-quake from Bronwyn. As calm and composed as he is it might be a little out of sorts with his usual 'flow with it' demeanor, but yeah. Utau is even blushing a bit. "Um." He finally manages after a moment. 'Bless you?" Well, it wasn't a sneeze but what else do you say?

Quinn grabs her pack and .... "Hey can I get things dedicated now? it would be useful so I'm not carrying Joan in my car or have to stop by the house to pick her up. I mean it takes a rite and gnosis right?

Sharp senses? Runt heard that and Runt has the -sharpest- senses, and he totally goes barreling over towards Trekome "Ohhhh! There going to be some fun soon?" he shakes out his hand with the sound of crunching bones and in a few moments he's flexing his hand all better again. He glances over to Quinn. "Oh I can help you with that if you need to."

Trekome smirks at Runt and folds his arms across his chest. "Can you settle down and actually follow orders, or are you going to run off and do your own thing? Because I swear to Christ, I'll kneecap you if you run off and wreck this patrol." Attention goes back to the other two he was briefing, "We move in thirty minutes. Is that enough time for you to get changed over and grab your rifle, Quinn? Leandro, are you good to go right now, or do you need cammies?"

Quinn says, "20 more than I need, means I can not be tired out when I get back. I have cammies in my packm Joans int he car. are we meeting here?" Bronwyn doesn't care much about the other things going on. She grins at Utau and nods, popping the other lolipop down the hatch. There is that rumbling again from her belly and more giggles as she prepares for the mini quake

Runt smirks and bounces on the balls of his feet "You'd have to be able to catch me first, but yes I can follow orders, Sides you need a damn good scout and I'm the best there is." Wow it's not like he has an ego or anything

Rahne grins at Runt/Trekome's exchange then ohhs softly at the kneecapping, amused but the sound showing she is pretty sure Trek means it. Pushing off from her place she skips over to the camping area and begins to play around in some of the cooking aids. Water gets poured from a put into a natural depression, an edged rock picked up and used to scrape char off of a campfire log into the water. "Pffft best Homid there is maybe." THen she begins to play pattycake in the ashy water, making a nice slury out of it. "You can have your weapons dedicated Quinn? Thaaat is sooooo cool!"

"I'm good to go right now, it's been too long since I've actually felt useful around here anyway." Leandro notes somewhat ammused. A glance to Quinn briefly to give her a nod, then to Runt, "I dont need to catch you... just my bullets do." then he makes a finger into the gun gesture, pew pew

Trekome nods to Runt, "Get your hand fixed up and you'll be good to go." To the others, "We meet back here in twenty mikes." There's a pause, "Minutes for non-military."

"Hey..." Bronwyn lets out a slightly smaller belch than last time. "Can we help?" She looks up at Kass. "Kneecaps. Guns. Could be a whole lot of fun.." Runt wiggles out his hand and it seems all fine, he does get a wrapping from his pack though and begins to wrap his hand in a boxers binding. He grins looking over towards Rahne "Best there ever is, though can always wiggle a nose around to get to the good scents, that's sure useful."

Quinn two... excited...bouncing people. "is this a good idea?" she asks scepticly... but then Runt mentions the best damn scout... they have a good damn scout. "Right, I'll be back in ten" she leaves then to get ready.

Yuri grins, "Good luck on your scouting mission." He stands up, "Do you guys need any support? I can tag along as well if you need me, I'm no stalker though."

Trekome looks over at Yuri, then Bronwyn, "What can y'all do? This is going to be a patrol, which is likely to turn into a movement to contact and hasty ambush depending on what we find."

Bronwyn blinks at Trekome. "I ... can bite things. And I'm really sneaky. And I can stop people from using their..." She belches again, bringing her hand up to her mouth. This one goes on for quite some time, but it isn't nearly as ... earth shattering. ".... powers."

Rahne shifts into lupus and then the purpose of her ash/mud becomes clear as she drops down and begins to roll about in it, soaking down the white streaks of her fur to a gray/black color. Lupus-tactical! Pushing back up onto all four she huffs softly at Runt. <<Sure sure. I will come back and let you know what I find.>> Shifting into war form, she grows from her only slightly larger than a red fox Lupus form to Dire Wolf, still so much smaller than it should be. Then she pads over to press a cold nose to Quinn's hand. << I am not an alpha wolf so do what I am told.>>

With so many people volunteering and then Bronwyn as well, Utau hesitates for a moment. He is quiet as he listens to the whole shebang, looking thoughtful. He pinches the bridge of his nose, reaching back and pulling out a belt sheath full of... paper. Heavy card stock looking papers, three inches wide and six long, they look like they have a pentacle and some Japanese kanji on them. He slips tis back into place on his knife harnass under his shirt. "How big a patrol party are you wanting, Trekome-rhya," he asks in his quietly singsong tenor.

Bronwyn's belly rumbles again and she leans back against Kass. "Wait.. maybe not..... I don't.... I don't really feel.. so.... um......" She dashes away to the nearest little bit of cover and there is horrible wretching sounds followed by what sounds like... the clanking of ... metal? Clink clink clank clang. Thud. Squeak. Squeak? Really? What did she EAT?

Yuri grins, "Teeth and claws here, but I think you probably have enough of that if it's a scouting mission. I can heal as well, but I don't want to compromise the stealthiness of the mission. I can wait here and heal on your return."

Trekome raises a brow when Bronwyn upchucks. Well, that's... unpleasant. "Maybe you better sit this one out." He thinks things over a moment, "Myself and Leandro as assault, Quinn as overwatch, Rahne and Runt on point, Yuri to the rear as support for the wounded... Utua, what can you do?"

The soft response comes, "I have some skill with hand to hand, I can snipe as well, I am able to stay quiet when I move. Also, I can utilze my Ch'i to reshape the world, in the way most would call Awakened Magic... my specialty would be long distance sight, spatial awareness, teleportation and spiritual awareness." He meets Trekome's eye sfor a moment, 'I only have my knife and some ofuda with me. I would need to get my rifle if you need another sniper."

Trekome nods to Utua, "Help Quinn provide support from a distance. Better if snipers work as a team. I don't know much about magic, but I'm sure it'll be useful. Go I have another rifle in my hut; it's dialed in for two hundred meters right now. I'll have one of the kin bring it over with the ammo." He motions one of the Caern kin over and has him grab the weapon and gear for Utua. "Standy for a briefing; just waiting for Quinn to get back with her gear."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Leandro remarks as he pulls out his side arm to make sure that it is in fact all set and ready to go. "Nice and coordinated." he then looks over towards the puking Bronwyn, "Yeah...

Clink, clank. Bronwyn retches a time or two more, then stands up. "Found that missing sock," she mutters to herself, wiping her mouth, traipsing back over to Kass. She looks a little pale. "Let's go home."

Dire-Rahne sits down on her haunches to watch the others as they work out what they can do and Trek organizes them, her tail wagging occasionally at impressive abilities and pausing at some things Utau says, not understanding. <<See should just eat meats and if sick then grasses..> This not so helpfully whined at the yarking Bronwyn Quinn returns in her gear, boots cammies, Joan, Kevlar vest. and Joan. she's so pretty perched there on Quinn's hip Nodding once, Utau responds to Trekome, "I will be quickly." With that he makes for the entrance of the caern, moving with a stride that belies his size.

Trekome waits until everyone is around. "Everyone here?" He looks around, pointing to each person to make sure he's got everyone: Leandro, Quinn, Rahne, Yuri, Utau, and himself. "Here's our composition of forces: Rahne is on point, with Leandro and I as the primary assault force. Quinn and Utua are on overwatch with rifles from a distance.

Yuri is going to hang back behind us and act as medic." He reaches into his pack and fishes out small radios and headsets for everyone. "Primary method of comms is going to be through radio, verbal is secondary, hand and arm signals is tertiary. Everyone tracking so far?" He waits briefly for acknowledgement.

"Situation is that we've seen signs of enemy movement between the city and the Caern. It looks as though there's been small patrol camps set up and torn down; semi professional in how they've covered their tracks. From the footprint of the camps we've found, we're looking at roughly four enemies, but don't know what type of enemies they are. We're going to assume the worst and say it's a team of Spirals trying to find our Caern to assault later." There's another pause.

"Our mission is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy in order to halt the enemy team's scouting operations. We will be moving north from the Caern to where the last patrol base was located, and track their movements from there. Rahne will be guiding us as tracker until we close with the enemy. From there Rahne, Leandro, and I will attempt to set up a hasty ambush. Quinn and Utau will watch our flanks and provide cover. Yuri will stay rear of the main body and ensure that any wounded are tended to once the area is secure."

"Everyone get that?"

"Roger that," says Utau softly but firmly. He shoulders his Dragonuv sniper rifle, running a thumb under the strap, a sidearm worn openly. His fire golden eyes are rapt upon Trekome as the man speaks.

Kathryn walks in and quietly takes a place in the back.

Yuri nods, "Got it. I can keep a secondary line of communication open as well. It's mental, does anyone want to volunteer to be the other side of that link?" He brushes himself off as he stands up.

Dire-Rahne wags her tail a few times. <<Yes Rhya, have it.>> She steps up onto all four and moves to a ready to be fitted with a radio out position, assuming such is set up for a wolf or failing that, looks at Yuri's question. <<If a radio can not work on me>>

Quinn gives an afirmitive. She pulls a cap down over her hari covering the bright red. She has her Joan slung and Sigg 556 across her chest in a single point sling. on her thigh is her ka-bar, and the oh shit .45. Three extra mags of .45, 6 mags for the 556 and 3 of the .50 BMG.

Kathryn smiles and nods "Of course I can. That's easy."

Trekome straps the radio around Rahne's back before he forgets. The straps fit around her forearms and keep the radio between her shoulders, and are made of a rather strong elastic material. Seems this isn't the first time he's had to rig a radio to a lupus and worry about it staying there when they shift. The headset clips around her ear with a small mic boom that sits besides her muzzle. "It's sound activated, so you just have to growl or bark. It might come loose if you get shake your head too hard though, but it won't matter much then."

M1911 .40 ACP, check, Utau slides the clip out, checks it for fullness, and slides it back in with a hiss-click of metal on metal locking it in place before reholstering it. Smith & Wesson .38 snub-nose revolver, the cylinder is pened anc checked, he didn't bring any speed loaders fo the backup pistol but he has four clips for the .40. Dragonuv, check. It has a clip too; one of the nice features of the rifle being it's single fire for siping but also a semi-automatic firing capability even if most snipers will hold that a traditonal bolt action is more reliable. He pulls out his oddly white survival knide with its black thread handle; high fired ceramid, harder than steel and undetactable by metal detectors. Flipping it back over he resheathes it and then pulls out something like a clip hung on his tactical harness... filled with three by six inch heavy card stock paper with a pentacle on the front and Japanese kanji scrawled beneath. Sliding that back into place, he begins to wrap a cloth around his forearms which has Sanskrit on it... if anyone can read Sanskrit they might recognize the Heart Sutra.

Kathryn is watching quietly.

Dire-Rahne does a quick bit of shifting to set one gift, then back and holds still for the fitting, tail wagging in thanks as she is all tactical like her friends now.. Or something. The part about it not mattering then makes her chuff a laugh. Then begins the the tasks of continuing to empower herself up to hunting time, her form ripples and fades to look like clear glass under water, almost imposable to see. <<Fire, toxin, pain resistant, stealth tracker ready to go... Dam.. Does this make me a Bastet?>> Looking at the others, Utau's doings is curious but.. The hell Quinn.. That rifle is bigger than Rahne's homid form.. She looks at the others to see if they think this is scary too.

"Good to go." Leandro says with a nod as he looks to the others. A moment to look at the group and then he just glances back to Trekome, with just a slight smirk curling around the corner of his lips. Unable to help himself.

Trekome waits for everyone to fall into a staggered column before bringing them to the entrance of the Caern. "If you've got any gifts or fetishes, now would be the time to activate them. Expect contact once we leave the Caern." He checks the chambers on his rifle and pistol, and that his gear is fitted properly. He waits until everyone gives the thumbs up before motioning for the group to start moving out.

First-to-Fight shifts into his Crinos form, his clothing blending into his coat but his gear shifting to fit him. His rifle's trigger guard shifts to fit his larger fingers, and the headset conforms to his new form. He growls softly into the mic, <<Kat, radio check, over.>>

Kathryn says "Read you loud and clear."

Shifting into his crinos form, Blood-in-the-Streets, ties a bandanna around his head with concentration. Rambo style. Then a pair of sunglasses that have been dedicated are placed over his eyes as he activates one of the gifts taught to him by the spirits. Lastly he readies his sidearm in his large hand. Hands moving swiftly, Utau seems to be concentrating. He forms a circle with his thumb and forefinger, remaining three fingers splaying upwards. Moving swiftly, almost blindingly, he touches that circle to a circle formed the same way on his left handforming a sideways eight, the Dharmamukti. Then with a chorded flow of his wiery defined arms he makes two fists at solar plexus level, a finger extending from his right fist to be grasped by the left above it. Finally both hands clasp together in the Diamond mudra, prayer like and pointing at fourtyfive degrees upwards. however, after a moment's concentration... nothing seems to happen, and Utau simply frowns lightly, unslinging his rifle from his shoulder to fall into lock-step with Quinn. Maybe he was just praying.

Yuri says back with the snipers as the group starts the patrol. He walks along looking as he shifts up into crinos.

First-to-Fight gives a nod and points ahead for Rahne. He keeps her tracking in the direction of where the basecamp was located, having marked it via GPS. He checks the small device to make sure they're at the coordinates and signals for everyone to halt. If there was a basecamp here, then there isn't much of one left. It looks almost exactly like everything else around it in the woods, save for a few broken sticks and slightly trampled ground, though that could have been deer bedding down. There might be something more to the marks left in the ground, and the odd scent in the air though. <<Rahne, what do you notice?>> he asks, glancing around cautiously.

Dire-Rahne flows along the area we take then about the camp site First to Fight brings us all too. Ears twitching about as if expecting a trap, she noses the ground and foliage from center and works her way outward. Eventually she stops at the edge of the area and growls into her mic. <<Smell four of them, two crinos and two wearing boots. Rusty steel and gun oil, rot and old fires. Old smelling gear.>> Just tracking on the monitor, Utau simply awaits what is to come, working with a cohesive unit.

Blood-in-the-Streets follows carefully with the others but he lets others do the primary tracking, not like he can sense much anyway it seems.

Defends-the-Weak doesn't seem to smell anything at all. He stays close to the rear and tries to keep an eye out for anything bad that might pop up.

First-to-Fight can only see faint tracks, and while he should be surprised at how much more detail Rahne can draw from it, he isn't. Well, not overly surprised. Maybe a little. He gives Rahne a nod and places a hand on her shoulder, <<Take point, lead on. Slow down and give a heads up when we get closer.>> he tells her and signals for the others to start following.

Kathryn is tracking on the monitor and listening for anything weird.

The see through Direwolf wags her tail once in acknowledgment and begins forward, moving at the group's speed once she gets ahead enough to where any lack of stealth won't tip off where she is tracking. Carefully silent and slow as ordered. For his part, Utau remains in the rear guard with a sniper rifle as a long range combatant is supposed to. He considers trying to scry, however... who knows what might sense ithe has hit place and his orders.

Defends-the-Weak stays back with the rest of the support crew. He looks to the others and tries to be as quiet as possible.

First-to-Fight follows behind Rahne quietly, careful to watch his footing and keeping low to the ground to avoid being seen. His steps are silent, surprisingly so considering how much the Crinos weighs with his weapon and gear. He peers back at the struggling Yuri every few steps, and makes sure to look around, trying to see if they've been noticed. Thankfully not, else this would be a rather short patrol. All the while he's trying to make sure he's keeping behind Rahne at a good distance to let her track and keep the group together.

Dire-Rahne stops in place lifting her tail high to wave at First-to-Fight behind her to help him see her see-through form. Taking the mic into her jaws she chuffs soo softly. <<Close. Finding exactly for pack kill.>> A pause so that any order to not do that can be given. If not then she creeps ahead off the trail to go find out where they are and what considering they are in, intending to peek and return, report back to the others for them to act on.

Dire-Rahne dislikes following the trails that hunters use as they have a nasty habbit of setting traps so she makes her own way through the woods, exerting herself to be as stealthy as possible while following the stimuli of scents, sounds, and even any movements or bits of light her eyes bring in. Rahne would be the first to notice that the scents are getting stronger, and the unmistakable sound of steel grinding against stone. It wouldn't be surprising at all, then, when she comes across where the four scouts are bedding down, apparently moving as little during the day to push during the night. While Rahne might not be able to see the one on sentry immediately, the sound of him sharpenning his knife is easy to pinpoint. Lazy bugger, paying more attention to his knife than the area around them. The other three are well hidden for now, but the scent is... strong.

Trekome can notice that the scent trail is growing stronger, but doesn't know how close they are. He whispers into the radio, <<How close? Kat, are you tracking us?>>' Reaching back behind himself under his shirt, Utau withdraws a six inch by three inch strip heavy card stock paper that has a pentacle on it. The Kanji written along its length correspond to the five elements in Onmyoudo sorcery, and hold a prayer to the Kami written in the ancient Kanji of the Kojiki, the chronicles of Japan. He holds it up to his visage for a moment, concentrating before then taking a prone position with his Dragonuv and aiming towards the enemy camp that Rahne and Trekome are approaching.

There are four distinct enemies aproximately 100 yards up ahead. Utau will likely see that three of them are lying down in ghillie suits under a very well concealed shelter made from a tarp with brush from the immediate area over it to blend it in like a sniper's hide. The scout is in a ghillie suit himself, crouched low, but not paying the least bit attention, like a complete idiot. Rahne should be able to pick out the brush that's not quite right, not to mention the smell should be unmistakable at this point.

Trekome murmurs into the radio to halt and for Rahne to come back. He makes the slightest motions towards where the enemy is and pulls a grenade from his vest for Rahne to take. <<Pull pin, drop, and run away fast.>> he murmurs to Rahne. <<Utau, signal to engage will be a grenade detonating. Sentry first, then any targets as they appear.>> He grins at Rahne, <<Ready to make them hurt?>>

Trekome calls over the radio to Kat, <<Kat, mark our positions on the laptop. Four enemy up ahead, approximately 50 meters. We're going to engage shortly. Standby for battle reports.>>

Breath soft, suppressed and meditative, the markings of a sniper who is in position, Utau speaks over the radio <<Confirmed; Four marks. 100 yards ahead. Sentry first.>>

Kathryn marks the positions and says "read you loud and clear."

Dire-Rahne gives tiny waggs, all happy for the fight. Eyeing the grenade a while to figure out what the pin is, and how to get it out, she bites and turns. Hearing the readies she is off back the way she came, move to center of breathings and stink, claw out pin, then makes with the cheetah impression! Even letting her heightened senses drop, poor about to be deff wolf.

There's utter silence as Rahne approaches. It's actually rather unsettling for anyone who knows what's going on. Hell, even the dumbass who's standing guard should have noticed that the wildlife around them has gone silent, but no, he's too busy staring at his knife. And then Rahne scrambles to GTFO, and he turns to see what the sudden commotion was. The closest sleeper stirs from the sudden rustling the lupus makes, just in time to focus in on the frag being dropped, and the spoon flying off of it. There's a clear 'oh fuck' moment. Seriously, what do you do in times like that? Well, the sentry figures it out by just bellowing "GRENADE!!!" Just in time for the frag to go off.

The explosion is very abrupt, and fucking LOUD. Rahne is probably going to get her bells rung, and will probably feel the concussion, but holy shit, it's gonna amp her adrenaline up. Meanwhile, the enemy group is... ewwwww... The two closest to the grenade are little more than mangled charred corpses, twisted into positions of shock and burned agony. The sleeper farthest is in shock from the explosion, and very much hurting. As for the sentry... he's knocked over dazed, and looking like he took a fair amount of shrapnel.

And that's everyone's cue to unleash hell.

On the exhale, Utau is as calm as can be. Position prone, arm beneath , one hand on the scope cover, he squeezes the trigger slowly. there is a distortion of air as the shot unerringly hits its mark from 100 yards away, a steel jacketed round, it passes right through the frenzying sentry.

Daam its loud! Shockingly so and chaotic to her ringing sences, but that first sentry, she knows where he is. After the grenade goes off, the glass colored wolf comes bounding back at him when Utau's round picks up and pushes back the frenzying monster. Her jaws sink into him from behind and snaping closes, a hard shake finishes him. Go team!

First-to-Fight waits from a distance as Rahne delivers the grenade, getting into a low kneeling position and shouldering the rifle. He aims in on the group, slowing his breathing and heart rate, makes sure that he has good form while still keeping hidden. Elbow planted solidly into the meat of his thigh, stock shouldered just right... breath in... breath out... And then... BOOM. The concussion rocks him, and it's not a pleasant feeling, but he's oddly gotten used to it from multiple deployments. The blast wave knocks him back a little, but only for a split second, which gives him enough time to see that the closest two are dead. He squeezes the pressure switch and turns on the laser, which is right on the last sleeper's head, and squeezes the trigger. His rifle barks, and the round shatters skull and tears apart brain matter, leaving such a wet and pretty mess.

The forest is eerily quiet after the sudden violence of action. The remains of the four enemy are... well, it's a good thing that none of the Gaians are all that squeemish. Twisted and charred flesh, a head that's missing half its skull, and a body with half it's neck ripped out and a large exit wound in its back. Nope, not pretty at all.

Well, except to the Gaian forces.

Trekome calls into the radios, <<Team, report. One enemy confirmed dead down. Any others?>>

Yuri, who stayed behind the fighting, probably knows full well that Rahne can't hear a damn thing right now, and helps communicate with her for Trekome through mindspeak. Gotta love having someone in support of the main effort.

Dire-Rahne lifts her paws while going about to make sure everyone is dead. Extra clawings to make sure no one regenerates. Just in case. << I really need to learn Rite of Clensing... Good leading Trekome-RHya. Good shooting Utau.>> She whines at not being able to hear herself while continuing to congratulate each support person.

Quinn, being a smart sniper, has been watching the flanks to make sure they didn't miss anyone in the main group of enemies, and to make sure that there aren't any reinforcements co- fuck. "Two targets inbound, 50 meters to Rahne's 9 o'clock. Utau, 150 meters roughly 11 o'clock from your pos."

Trekome immediately starts to move towards Rahne, growling into the mic, <<Rahne, stay put, I'm moving to you. Utau, Quinn, take them down.>>

The radio pops softly as Utau speaks lightly into it, "Roger that, Quinn." He takes a moment to re-orient, lifting his rifle and settling it in a position that will allow him to fire again.He sights in, his breathing soft and steady, lowering and then finally on the exhale he squeezes that trigger again. There is a thoom, the air around the rifle distorting with the passage of the shell and the charge of the bullet being launched. It hurtles through the air, spinning from the rifling of the Dragonuv and strikes the Fomori just below the right eye, smashing his cheek and causing his face to partially crumple as the bullet exits from behind in a spray of gore and ichot that founts like a gyser. "Target confirmed; Sanctioned."

Trekome rushes over next to Rahne, rifle at the ready, just in time for one of the Fomori to pop out of the brush. He fires off a round and hits it center of mass, the round tearing a huge chunk of flesh out and a fine mist of green and red spraying behind it. It still manages to fire off a round despite the injury, right at Rahne. The lupus Ahroun is too fast for the thing though, whether it were wounded or not, and leaps out of the line of fire. Rahne goes sailing gracefully through the air, the bullet passing right past her flank, and sticks her tongue out at the enemy to taunt it just before landing on her feet and rolling behind a log. It's probably the last thing the Fomori sees before Utau's round passes through its skull and drops it. Epic trolling, Rahne. Epic.

Quinn fires off a round at the trailing Fomori, smiling as she does. The heavy blast from the .50 is deafening to damn near anyone, and the round hits the remaining Fomori right in the hip. It's not dead though, and manages to fire off a burst that goes wild as the things legs give out. It's hard to tell if she intentionally went for a mobility kill or not since moving targets are hard to hit, but dayamn... ouch.

Trekome transitions to the downed and crawling target, and fires off one round. That's all it really takes as the round smashes through the thing's head, making the back of its skull blow out.

And then it was quiet again.

Kathryn marks the positions on the map on the laptop for a Theurge to get to for a proper cleansing. Meanwhile, the assault team gathers up the bodies and checks the remains over for any useful intel and tend to any injuries. Miraculously, the worst of it was Rahne getting her bells rung and hearing shredded. It’s a simple fix, and one that’s taken care of easily. Trekome and Quinn go through the process of checking the bodies methodically and carefully, something they’ve practiced numerous times over. Leandro, who stayed out to the flanks, continues to provide security while the group continues to go over the bodies and stays put until a Theurge arrives.