2014.05.20:Why We Love Urd

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Why We Love Urd
And finding out Quinn is REALLY shy.
IC Date May 20th, 2014
IC Time Evening
Players Leandro, Quinn, Trekome, Urd
Location Caern
Spheres Gaian Garou

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area. The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air. The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Contents: Lars LOOKATME Totem Pole Obvious Exits: Hidden Nest <HN> Heart <HE> Catacombs <CA> Temple <TE> Amphitheater <AM> Clearing <CL> Large Cavern <O>

Quinn approches from the caves having just come off work. she has changed out of her uniform not wanting to take it through the forest and caves.

Urd looks up and around. She blinks a few times and smiles at both Leandro and Quinn with a wave. She looks back to Trekome, "I'd gotten the idea from your talk with Voice of Fire-rhya, Trekome-rhya." She says softly, "But there's no reason you can't get in touch with your inner wolf. We should hunt soon and we'll see if we can't get you in touch with your inner animal."

Quinn smiles as she sees Urd and trips on a bit of rock at the same moment of putting her hand up to return the wave. she stumbles forward but manages not to fall. like usual it's hard to hide blush on such a light skinned creature, but she attempts to keep her head bowed anyway.

Urd should note urd is NAKED except for a 'skirt' of soft leather that's bound around her hips, it's more like a flowy utility belt than a 'skirt' really.

Quinn smiles as she sees Urd. her eyes instantly go wide and she snaps her attention to the floor. Oddly enough while watching the ground she trips on a bit of rock at the same moment of putting her hand up to return the wave. she stumbles forward for a few paces and then falls right on her face. well not her face, her hands and knees splitting the knee of her slacks on the rough rock. mortified she sits facing away from the image that made her go from a graceful athleat to complete clutz.

Noticing Urd certainly, Leandro just smiles wide and gives her a friendly nod and look over. He returns the same wave and smile to her, "Well, whats up tonight everyone?" he asks curiously. He pauses then glancing back over to Quinn, "Careful." he grins.

Trekome nods to Urd, "I would enjoy that... I've been trying to use my other forms more often, and it's getting easier and less painful, and I'm feeling more comfortable in them too... And I think a hunt with you would be relaxing." He follows Urd's gaze and smiles when he sees Quinn and... someone he's never seen before. He gives them both a wave and greets them, "Good even- ow." He clears his throat, "Perhaps we should go see if she's ok..." he whispers to Urd.

Quinn's choice to check and make sure that gravity still works makes Urd's eyes widen and a frown move to her face. "Quinn, are you alright?" She smiles to Leandro, "Blood in the Streets-rhya." She nods to him before her attention is once more taken by Trekome. She shakes her head and murmurs softly, "I think she'd prefer if we didn't. Quinn's always very strong and independant." She looks towards Quinn, "Did you get any cuts? If you do I have some comfrey I can put on them." Urd speaks the last offer conversationally..she's not still whispering.

Quinn puts a hand up and waves it even as she is still facing away. "No no I'm fine" was that a squeek in her voice "it's just a small cut" though the garou will clearly smell blood. But she is clearly more embarissed than conserned abou tthe knee.

Leandro nods, "Hello there good looking." he says to Urd in resposne to her greeting, his usual overly friendly self. Quinn gets a smile as well, "Nothing that rubbing a bit of dirt in it won't take care of." he jokes lightly. Trekome gets a nice enough nod as well.

Trekome looks concerned for a moment about Quinn, but reluctantly lets her handle it herself. He knows full well she's a big girl and can take care of it herself, he still worries though. His attention goes to Leandro, "Blood in the Streets-rhya... Sonja's husband. Mate? Whichever term is used." It's still an odd concept for him. "I'm Sha'ul Trekome, Ahroun cub, Glass Walker." And he's still getting used to the formal introductions.

Urd nods to Leandro and smiles. She glances to Quinn, "Alright but if anything gets infected you've only got yourself to blame." She says simply. Someone's not above a little button pushing. She looks between the Garou as they introduce themselves and then after seperating the herbs for Trekome's venison she stands to to move towards the rabbits she hung up earlier.

Quinn shakes her head and can't hadel naked urd and can't have her seeing Quinn ijured over something so stupid "So ahhh... I'm just going to go get the first aid kit out of my jeep" which is all the way back at the edge of the forest.

"Something like that." Leandro acknowledges Trekome's claim. "I'm Leandro Blood in the Streets Tulumello. Part time Badass, Part time Wise Guy and full time awesome guy." he jokes. "Ahroun to the Glass Walkers as well." he remarks.

Urd calls out to Quinn, "Why? I have something for it. Stay, relax, I'm about to cook some rabbit." Clueless. The blonde must be natural. She moves one of the rabits to a seperate branch, laces it up, and starts skinning.

Quinn gets to her feet, wet and bleeding down her leg. "No no, it's fine. I can get to the jeep" she begins limping off having never turned her head back around at all.

Trekome nods to Leandro, "I was told to look for you for some training and possibly work, but you're tough to get a hold of." He folds his arms across his chest when Quinn keeps refusing and calls out in a clear, low tone. "Staff Sergeant, get over here and let Urd take a look at your knee before you make it worse." She'll recognize that voice.

Urd shakes her head as Quinn takes off. "I'm not sure what I did to offend her but she's always ina hurry to run off." She tells Trekome quietly. "She's nice though. Strong kinfolk. Have you met her?" Well then Trek's calling Quinn and she blinks, "Appearently. What's a staff sergeant?" She seems to be asking Leandro that last bit since the Garou's talking to the kin.

A shrug, "Yeah get over here and lets take a look at those legs... knee, before it gets worse." Leandro jests before he looks back to Trekome, "Sure. I can be a busy guy." he admits, "What sort of training have you been looking for?" he wonders curiously. Urd however easily pulls his attention back to her, afterall, she's showing off the assets. "It's a rank in the military or in the police, etc..." he pauses and then grins, "Urd, don't ever change."

Quinn stops mid hobble once hearing the voice... that's totally not fair. with out a word She turns around and limps towards the group. The knee doesn't need stiches,,, but just bairly doesn't. she looks at her feet as she walks towards the much more comfy fire, the dampness of the cave having soaked through her clothes.

Trekome nods once in approval when Quinn finally turns around, then looks over at Urd and shrugs. "We're both in the Marines. She actually knew me before I became an officer, so it was a pleasant surprise to find her in town. She's actually as good a shot as me too." He clears his throat and forces his attention back to Leandro so he doesn't start staring. "Fighting, guns, handy things the spirits would know that I don't. If it gives me an edge, then I want to know since the only fair fight is one that's unfair for the enemy." Yup, military.

The kinfolk's brows lift, "Well I cannot promise that, Blood in the Streets-rhya but I'll try?" She offers helpfully. Once she's got the first rabbit skinned she takes the dressed rabbit over to the fire and bends to stuff it with various herbs. She leaves it there though making her way over to one of the pools to bend and wash her hands and fills a bowl she moves over to grab quickly. She heads back over to the basket to pull out the comfrey root she'd gathered and breaks a piece off and grabs two rocks making her way over to Quinn and smiles at her, "It'll sting but just for a moment." She explains before kneeling in front of Quinn to get a look at the other woman's knees. She nods towards Trekome when he explains, "Marines?" She humms to herself before looking up from where she's cleaning Quinn's wound with part of her 'skirt' and the water from the pool. "See not so bad."

"A good shot, I'm the best shot in town my man." Leandro brags a bit. Glancing over to Trekome, "A GW with a military background... sounds like you have potential." he noes as he then turns back to Quinn, giving her the once over as well before he eyes that cut. "I can take care of that if you'd like... might need to take those pants off so I can get access to it fully." he grins... so he must be joking. Right? "Healing hands is a gift common in the Wise Guys... gun fights make it essential." he explains.

The warder passes on patrol carrying a clothing iron at the end of a steel chain.

Quinn says in a challenging tone "As Good?" she asks Trek under her voice. she takes a seat and looks up.. like directly above and and no one can get her to look down. She growls at the suggestion to take of her pants. "It will be fine" she insists. though the irish woman turns an entierly new shade of red as Urd tends to her. "Just ... rip the pants, they are already ruined." she suggests.

Urd looks up at Quin and her brows knit and she yawns, "Whatever you like." She looks back down and slips a small knife from one f the folds of her skirt. And like a scene from some strange military woman in caveman times sexy video Urd takes the knife to Quinn's pants slicing along the seam and baring the leg underneath as she does. She cuts around making the pants into shorts before she shifts to finish washing the dirt away from it and then blowing on it lightly to dry the water away. "Not too bad." She comments on the scrape.

Trekome smirks again at Quinn, ignoring her tone, actually far too amused that she's BLUSHING! He's seen her like this maybe once before, but he wouldn't have figured Urd would get her to do it again. "You're wearing skivies, right? Either take 'em off or turn 'em into shor- Thank you, Urd." he says to the girls before trying to look at Leandro. Urd tending to Quinn just has his eyes. "Scout/sniper, got out almost a month ago and dropped into 4th Recon..."

Quinn looks down as she feels her pants made into shorts then turns away after seeing Urd work... the big bad military woman squirms in her seat. she turns away, keeping her knee still but twisting away like some hurt 10 year old unable to stand a skinned knee. she narrows her eyes at Trekome in a glare. he shouldn't like her awkward moment so much. To Leandro she adds "I'm the Primary Marksman instructor for my Base. I teach Marines how to shoot using the M16, pistols and Shotguns.... mostly."

Leandro seems ammused watching the two kin and then, because Leandro doesn't have any filter at all. "If I didnt know any better, I'd think I'm not the only one that appreciates Urd showing off." he points out to Trekome, talking of the two kin as if they weren't there. "Scout Sniper? Nice. I've wanted to get my hand on a good sniper rifle, but..." he pats the firearm in his jacket, "Excalibur here is better than anything I've ever needed." he nods to Quinn, "Love a woman that can handle a weapon."

"I'm not showing off this is basic day to day knowledge for Aethling at my sept." Urd's hand supporting Quinn's knee tightens to keep her still without any verbal indication she's doing it. She just holds the leg there so she can blow on it again before pulling her hand away to start mashing the root between the rocks. She tilts her head to listen to what's being said but she's a Get in a room of Glasswalkers: it simply will not compute. She pulls back and smiles a little when she notices Quinn is in conversation and that is when the stingy astringent root will be applied. "Do you want me to even your pants out?" She asks Quinn. "Or if you like I can let you have a pair of mine."

Trekome can't help but find it adorable that the gorgeous Nordic woman is utterly oblivious to a room full of admirers. He snickers under his breath and nods to Leandro, "They did repeal don't ask don't tell..." Pauses to admire the view again before giving the man more attention, which just seems to be increasinly difficult since now there's someone else who has less of a filter to ping off of. "The M40A3 is nice... I picked up a Barrett MRAD a few days ago and got her sighted out to 500 yards. Got a nice AR-15 too that I can probably get the parts to make it full auto." And then Leandro mentions his own firearm. "What model? Grandpa gave me his old 1911."

Quinn says, "I do not!" as soon at Leandro suggests that -someone- like Urd. This also makes her figit which she stops as soon as her knee it held. The big tough woman starts shivering as her knee is blown on. the stinging roots, however, don't get a reaction from her. she whimpers at Trekome as Urd offers to even out her pants. "no,, I mean, they are fine, I'll go straight home. it's no big deal really." the don't ask don't tell comment ears Trek a sudden slap in the arm. Quinn looks on the verge of nose bleed."

"Noone is going to complain about girl on girl." Leandro points out to Trekome as he watches Urd take care of Quinn. "It's not the make of Excalibur that makes it special." he explains as he opens his jacket enough to reveal the handle in the holster, a handle that is clearly etched and dotted with glyphs. A sign to those in the know of what it is, a fetish weapon.

Urd puts a bit more of it on before tearing off a strip of the pants she'd already cut with her teeth and she carefully binds the poultice on the scrape. She leans back on her heels inspects the work and then nods. She glances towards Quinn and inclines her head, "Of course." She smiles to the other Kinfolk, "We are suppposed to spar sometime. Please remember." She pats Quinn's shoulder before looking at the others. "If you all like the rabbit's all prepared if you'd like to roast it. I need to get back to my camp to clean up and work on more skins." She says to the three as she moves to gather her things again.

Quinn is completely offended or at least acts thay way when the other garou mentioned 'girl on girl action' that she tries to get to her feet as soon as the knee is bound. Urd having already started to stand up a moment before means the Quinn leans forward into Urds chest. "OH Oh My God.... she says holding her face in her hands and curling up in her seat "I'm Sorry... so sorry...."

Well she'll do all those things, you know, when she's done killing Quinn. It helps, really, that Urd is so tall and leaning forward a bit. There's a quiet oof and an oh bringing a hand up to catch Quinn incase she falls over. But then Quinn's sitting back down, "No. It is fine." She lifts each breast and peers around her chest, "You did not even bruise me. She tries to grab Quinn's face to make sure she's alright. "No black eyes? No. Good." And thens when the 'request' to spar Quinn is given: "We are suppposed to spar sometime. Please remember." She pats Quinn's shoulder before looking at the others. "If you all like the rabbit's all prepared if you'd like to roast it. I need to get back to my camp to clean up and work on more skins." She says to the three as she moves to gather her things again.

Trekome was about to say something to Leandro, and then Quinn faceplans into Urd's cleavage. Even better, Urd checks herself and Quinn over to make sure they're ok, and that cheerful and oblivious nature of hers just makes everything a mix of awesome, sexy, and adorable. He still looks like he's going to say something and just folds his arms across his chest, silent. Nope, he's found something to say. "Hawt." Yup, sums it up.