Draft expanded renown

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  • A Guide to submitting Renown Requests.
  • A Renown FAQ if you have questions about the system.



  • I will crush my enemies.
  • I shall improve myself at all expense.
  • I shall never refuse a challenge.
  • I shall use my power to the greater glory of the Wyrm.

The Black Spirals respect those who possess power. They see power as a necessary tool. It's not evil or good, it's a tool. Black Spirals respect a skilled master of power: one who is not afraid, who tries to gain as much power as possible, and one who's effective in the service of his chosen cause, namely the Wyrm (though it could be the pack, Hive, or Pentex). Power is more than brute force, for it represents the limitations of the individual. Renown in Power is ultimately illusory. Power Renown is based more on others' perceptions of an individual's power than said individual's actual power. it must be noted, however, that it's very hard to gain Power Renown among the Black Spirals for long without being able to back it up.


  • I shall serve the Wyrm and aid its minions.
  • I shall destroy the homids.
  • I shall destroy the Garou.
  • I shall rend Gaia to make way for the Wyrm.
  • I shall spread corruption.

The Black Spirals represent the force of Corruption and they respect it. They believe corruption goes hand in hand with strength. It's the tester and toughener of power. All who possess power, to whatever degree, are tested through corruption. The weak fail, at the cost of their power. The degree to which a Black Spiral has managed to spread corruption and destruction is marked by her Infamy Renown.


  • I shall hold to my word only while it is to my benefit.
  • I shall know my enemies.
  • I shall know myself.
  • I shall turn everything, every situation, to my advantage.
  • I shall never give foreknowledge of my actions.

The Black Spirals greatly respect Cunning. It is a mark of understanding. It represents wisdom about Garou and homid nature. Those that are cunning are to be feared and respected. They may not be as powerful as some, but they effectively use what they have through surprise and trickery. The Black Spirals even apply this Renown when used against themselves, although the one seeking Renown had better succeed or he will instead be scorned (loss of Renown).

Rank and Auspice


Rank Any Combination
1 (Cliath) 3
2 (Fostern) 7
3 (Adren) 13
4 (Athro) 19
5 (Elder) 25


Rank Power Infamy Cunning
1 (Cliath) 3
2 (Fostern) 1 5
3 (Adren) 2 1 7
4 (Athro) 4 2 9
5 (Elder) 4 9 10


Rank Power Infamy Cunning
1 (Cliath) 3
2 (Fostern) 1 4 1
3 (Adren) 2 6 2
4 (Athro) 3 8 4
5 (Elder) 4 10 9


Rank Power Infamy Cunning
1 (Cliath) 2 1
2 (Fostern) 4 2
3 (Adren) 4 2 4
4 (Athro) 7 2 6
5 (Elder) 9 5 9


Rank Power Infamy Cunning
1 (Cliath) 2 1
2 (Fostern) 4 1 1
3 (Adren) 6 3 1
4 (Athro) 9 4 2
5 (Elder) 10 9 4

If a player is approved at Rank 0 and then Dances the Spiral to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1 and their breed/tribe/auspice.

  • These gifts don't cost XP.
  • Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the auspice baseline.

Sample Renown Awards

Note: These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.

Note: These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Wyrm's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.

The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:

  • These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying Wyrmish use.

Items in Black are positive renown awards.

Items in Red are negative renown penalties

  • These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily modified for Wyrmish use.

Items in Blue are positive home-brew renown awards

Items in Purple are negative home-brew renown penalties

Combat and Encounters

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Waiting for your allies to weaken an enemy before joining the fight 1 3
Showing restraint in the face of certain death 2 2
Letting ones allies be injured to avoid injury yourself 3
Surviving an Incapacitating wound 2
Surviving any toxic waste/flux attack 2
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid -3
Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat (typically Wyld)
Attacking a minion without regard to personal safety 3
  • Actions above and beyond simply attacking like a lunatic
Defeating a minor threat 2
  • Pups, weak possessed, etc.
Defeating an average threat 3
  • Normal shifters, average possessed, etc.
Defeating a strong threat 5
  • Strong shifters, powerful possessed, etc.
Defeating a very powerful threat 7
  • Elder shifters, unique very powerful possessed, etc.
Other supernatural threats
Defeating a strong threat 2
Defeating a very powerful threat 3
Bonuses for either type of threat
...permanently destroying or killing the threat in question +1
...without a single other Wyrmling being hurt +1
...without personally being hurt +1
...when the threats were armed with silver +1

Detecting Threats of the Wyld

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Revealing, with certain proof, that a creature or kinfolk is Gaian 2
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is Gaian-bound or controled 3
  • Gaian Garou pack territory, a glade/sacred tree bound to a Gaian spirit, etc.
Falsely identifying a person, place, or object as Gaian -3


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Corrupting a pure object, person, or place 2
  • via Rite of Desecration, or extended time with the victim
Summoning an Incarna avatar 1 1
Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving 2 1
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the umbra 3
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Having and properly following a prophetic dream of great import 5
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5
Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason -3
Spending a year in ritualistic seclusion 5

After following mystic signs and advice...

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering a fetish 1 1
Discovering ancient Spiral lore 1 2
Discovering a Pathstone 2 2
Discovering and claiming a lost Caern for the Wyrm 3 4 3

Rites and Gifts

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Performing a Moot Rite 2
Refusing to perform a Moot Rite -3
Missing a Moot Rite -1
Performing a Rite of Passage 2 1
  • This refers to conducting the rite; going through the rite is covered above
Receiving a Rite of Wounding 2
Performing a Rite of Caern Corruption 3 5 7
Participating in a Rite of Caern Corruption 5 3
Thwarting a Gaian Great Hunt 3
Suffering the Rite of Ostracism -1 -5 -1
Suffering the Stone of Scorn -8 -2
Suffering the Rite of the Jackal -2 -5
Suffering a Satire Rite lose one rank and all temp renown
Performing a punishment rite 2
Performing a punishment rite unjustly -2
Giggling, joking, or otherwise being disrespectful during a rite -1 to -5
Learning a new Gift 1


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Successfully creating talens 1
Using a fetish for the good of sept or tribe 1 1
  • May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same Fang Dagger you always use
Creating a fetish 4
  • Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens)
Owning a klaive (awarded once, only after 3 moons of use) 2 1
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of sept or tribe 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Accidentally breaking or losing a klaive -3

Pit Activities

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Helping guard a Pit 1
  • Routinely approved monthly if requested in a timely fashion
Staying at your guard post, even when tempted not to 1 2
Not staying on your guard post -1
Not helping guard a Pit, even when asked -3
Keeping a Pit safe from humans through trickery or negotiation 4
Helping to prevent a Pit from being overrun by the enemy 3 4
Not preventing a Pit from being overrun by the enemy -3 -7
Dying while defending a Pit 5 8
Single-handedly preventing a Pit from being taken by the enemy 5 8
Deliberately allowing/enabling a Pit to be violated
(most likely, your death is the actual outcome)
-8 -10 -5
Accidentally allowing a Pit to be violated -2 -5 -4

Black Spiral Relations and Society

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Teaching other Wyrmlings (depends on the depth of study) 1 to 5 3 to 5
  • Teaching rites: 1H 3W per month, regardless of number of rites or students
Performing regular duties and chores for the Hive (gained monthly at moot) 1
  • Routinely approved monthly if requested in a timely fashion
Failing to perform regular duties and chores (lost monthly) -3
Disobeying a Hive officer without good reason -1 to -2
Serving in any Hive position 1/year 3/year 1/year
  • Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Refusing any Hive position -1 -2 -1
Maintaining loyal service to the Hive 1/year 2/year 1/year
  • Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Maintaining loyal service to the tribe 1/year 3/year 1/year
  • Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Maintaining loyal service to a Camp 1 2 1
  • Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
For a homid Garou, surviving to age 75 8 10
For a lupus Garou, surviving to age 65 8 10


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Becoming the pack Alpha 3
Living alone, without one’s pack, except for ritual reasons -3
Becoming the pack Omega -1 -1 -1
Establishing and maintaining a pack territory 1 1 1
Expanding existing pack territory 1 1
Losing control of pack territory -2 -2 -2

Dark Litany

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Upholding the Dark Litany (in the face of adversity, extreme measures, etc.) 1 to 5 1 to 3
  • Above and beyond the usual, e.g. "doing a job for Pentex" vs "going well out of your way to complete a goal for a different Wyrmish society"
Breaking the Dark Litany -2 to -4 -5 to -8 -2 to -4
  • Depending on severity of transgression, could be less for lesser offenses


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Participating in a just challenge 1 2
Participating in an unjust challenge -3
Challenging someone far too above or too far below your Rank -3


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Giving good advice for important matters 2
Giving bad advice for important matters -2
Mediating a dispute fairly 3
Mediating a dispute unfairly -4
Keeping an important promise 2
Failing to keep one’s promise -3
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity 5
Being deceptive -3
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity -1
Having your trickery backfire -2
Attempting to openly act outside one’s auspice -1 to -5
Telling a good story at a moot 1 2
Telling a true epic at a moot that is later retold by others 2 1 3
Speaking dishonorably to one’s elders -1 to -5
Speaking without permission at a moot -1
Speaking poorly of the Garou as a whole -2
Speaking poorly of one’s auspice -4
Speaking poorly of one’s tribe -4
Speaking poorly of one’s pack -6
Speaking poorly of another tribe (except Gnawers) -1
Summoning help when there is no real danger present -5

Protection and Defense

Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Healing a fellow Garou (non-pack member) unselfishly 1
Showing mercy to a wayward Garou 3
Protecting a helpless Garou 4
Not protecting a helpless Garou -5
Protecting a helpless human(s) 2
  • Includes human kinfolk
  • Protecting a group: generally only one counts
  • 'Helpless' depends on power level of target (especially if a PC) and attacker
Not protecting a helpless human(s) -1
Protecting a helpless wolf(s) 5
  • Includes wolf kinfolk
Not protecting a helpless wolf(s) -6
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime 5
Supporting a guilty person accused of a crime -4
Dying while defending your pack 4 6
Dying in defense to Gaia 7 7


Activity Power Infamy Cunning Comments
Succumbing to a berserk frenzy -1
Succumbing to a fox frenzy -1 -1
Succumbing to a fox frenzy and abandoning your pack -1 -2
Succumbing to a berserk frenzy and injuring fellow Garou -3
Succumbing to the thrall of the Wyrm -4
Succuming to heinous acts while in the thrall of the Wyrm -3 -1

Human and Kinfolk

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Choosing a mate and breeding 3
Choosing a mate, but not breeding -1
Honorably staying mated 2/year
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming or rending the Veil -5
Repairing the Veil 3 1