Dead Mall/Layout

Welcome to the Dead Mall!
Once upon a time, Prospect Plaza was a bright shining gem of the Harbor district. Those days are long gone, along with first one anchor store, then another, then all the inner stores one by one until, with the arrival of newer, bigger, classier malls out in the suburbs, the Plaza was officially abandoned.
For years it languished, falling further into disrepair behind the forbidding fencing and 'no trespassing' signs. But waste not, want not, and Bone Gnawers don't tend to want to waste. Prospect's contingent of the tribe has taken it over, working their own form of renovation on the place.
If you're a 'Gnawer or their kin, c'mon by! If you're a friend, ask to drop in. If you're anyone else... beware of dog.
Main Areas
Food Court
Movie Theatre
Rite-Aid Reflecting Pool

2016.10.29: Dead Mall Discovery
2016.11.04: Second Floor Fomor
2016.11.06: Cleansing Crew
2016.11.27: The Wading Dead
2020-10-26: Along came a Spider at the Dead Mall
2020.10.29: Motoroil and Woundings
2022.06.20:Blade Forging Talk, then Curry
2022.06.20:Journey Delegates a Job He Doesn't Want
2022.07.04:Live Times at the Dead Mall
2022.07.21:A Ragtag New Pack?