Revision as of 04:07, 2 June 2014 by imported>Lochlan
- Of the Lords and Ladies of Dream:
Grafinya Naevys
- Her Grace the Gwydion. It seems the Crown does not suit you, more fit one of the Rystar than a Grafinya. We share common interests, and while our Courts may be opposed we are the best to remind you that the person whom you were still lingers under that crown. Use not the crown as a shield from others. Listen, and I shall show you.
The Ledi Ambrosine
- An old friend known since...forever? I don't remember how long. She has asked for aid to bring hope. Being the hero isn't really my bag, but for now she is my Lady so I will do as she has requested of me.
The Ledi Kenna
- A wondrous teacher, as light on her hooves as she is with her time. Her grace on the dance floor is a true testament that even for someone like myself, the Pattern can be beautiful.
- Of the Peerage
The Dama Seline
- Sweet Lady of the Wood. Once a frollicker in the woods, now a cosmopolitan Lady. Our fondness of nature makes us similar, but I believe it is our differences that have made us friends. I will pray those differences continue to be a boon, rather than a hindrance.
- The Dama Katya
- A Redcap Knight, to a House I have yet to See. Regardless of the mystery, the two of us, one could say have the potential to be as it is called 'thick as thieves'.
Ser Caerwyn
- I have seen too little of the Exiled Knight to make a valid assumption as of yet. But what is known is their House, exiles made of those who turned their face away from Destiny and have spent their time fighting it's rushing current. For many of Mine they are considered fools. For myself? I consider it courage. We shall see which side wins with this Knight.
The Dama Alandra
- Oh sweet Lady, your heart is almost as empty as ours in the wake of fortune's passing. Your road is a dark one, Lady. If you can but give me a moment, I shall guide it back to the light for you.
- Of the Commoners
- Locke - Once we got the usual spew out of the way that usually comes between our Kiths, he isn't so bad in the long run. I won't hold my breath on his leadership skills though, but I'm always a fan of being surprised.
- Lark - My friend and roommate, a dark shadow follows those lovely feet and firm legs and bringing your grace to a snails pace. I hope one day, I may return the favor of your heart-warming kindness and brighten that shadow for you.
- Slaine - Sweet Satyr. There is something odd with you. Perhaps one day, such oddities can be shared with a friend. Until then, safe travels.
- Of Everyone Else:
- Dollie
- The boss lady. And they're real, promise.
- Basilisk
- There is a small part of me that reminds me of the Fomorians but I don't get the vibe of Nightmare from her. She's sweet, in her own demented sort of way.
- Of Those Who Finished Their Road
- Caz - I warned her to be mindful and be cautious of herself, for even a Redcap knows the fear of death. She learned it, and hopefully it will stay with her.