2019.12.19 Trash Day

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Trash Day
The Den Father gathers assorted Cliath and kinfolk for a lesson on the philodox moon and the art of bargaining with spirits.
IC Date 12/19/2019
IC Time Late evening (Half Moon)
Players Micah, Rian, Chayse, Griffins Courage, Dragomir, Ishino, Akane, Erin, Vasyl, Yelena
Location A city dump - Prospect, CA
Spheres Garou, Gaian,

Twas the half moon before Christmas and all through the Sept, word that the Den Father would be holding a class on the half moon, the Philodox auspice and the art of negotiation spread among the cubs, cliath, kinfolk and a few others. The instructions for the night were few but clear. Arrive at the appointed place (a nearby city Dump), at the appointed time (after closing) and bring the appropriate materials (nothing but the current contents of yours, or any other, trash bag. When everyone gathers they would see an old beaten down truck outside of the gate loaded with construction materials that need to be disposed of. In a nearby light they would see the Den Father, dressed in what looks like his construction worker clothes. Beside him is his trusty sidekick, Tank, who is laying on the ground with his paws over his nose.

xxxxxRian arrives with his fellow Knights, Chayse and possibly also Kostya who might be *technically* here but not actually here, I dunno. Whatever the case with all that, at least two of the pack show up like some smooth criminals lookin ready for a photo shoot even when they're dressed down for dump hiking! They sport their trashbags, gloves, some bandanas for face covers that just dangle around their necks for now like they're some kinda cowboy hobos, and in their pockets are canisters of Vic's vapo-rub. As ever, they are pretty much punctual and eager beavers.

xxxxxHaving relayed the information to Akane about a clean up job being attempted, he invited her along to that site. They would have bags to help with the clean up and show up at the appropriate time, ready to assist per the request of the Den Father. He didn't otherwise change his looks or outfit, simply just there to get it done, it seems.

xxxxxErin arrives alone or at least that's what it seems. She is carrying with her a trash bag. She looks beside her and snickers as she shakes her head but then makes her way closer and gives a little wave to those she knows.

xxxxxGriffins Courage stealthily stalks up to the edge of the closest darkness to the Den Father. The Red Talon has no trash bag clutched in his maw, but just a simple pair of blue jeans. There is no blood on the jeans, but there is one clothesline pin still hanging off one of the legs of the jeans. Griffin's Courage shakes his head several times as the odors of the dump assault his scenes. Finally his eyes close for a moment in concentration before focusing back in on the Den Father.

xxxxxAkane followed Ishino wearing her large jacket, quiet and observing as usual. Her long red hair was in a thick braid, otherwise, she could have faded into the background.

xxxxxThe arrival of Vasyl has little fanfare. The Silver Fang galliard arrives dreased comfortably, jeans, boots and a tshirt and jacket. Trash bag in hand.

xxxxxBorya, the spirit Talon soars in a circle high in the sky, it refuses to land in the dump.

xxxxxImagine that. Dragomir arrives, wearing a pair of blue khakis and a black utilitarian t-shirt over his chest. A pair of actual gloves and a.. baseball cap? Non-descript, as the man is no sports fan (unless you're counting mass murder). He also has a blue scarf around his neck, ready to be pulled up when necessary. A pair of boots, laced and everything as he makes his way behind the others and crosses his arms to wait and watch silently.

xxxxxYelena steps out behind Chayse and Rian as if she was already here. Dressed all in black from head to toe, this evening she has her white frosted hair french braided into an intricate plaiting. Each sectioning of hair is equal in length, as if calculated on purpose. Her trash bag is small, about the size of a kitchenette-mini. She lightly taps Rian on the back of one shoulder and leans in to whisper.

xxxxxIshino watches the others who show up, studying those who would answer the call a moment. Glancing to Akane, he nods her way a little, then murmurs low key to her in that japanese. "~You bring the garbage bags too? This is just clean up task. Easy. hai? You get to see more of how we all work together.~"

xxxxxAkane zipped her jacket up completely and her hands disappeared into the overlarge sleeves as she looked around at the gathering. She looked nervous, tense perhaps. In Japanese, she responded to Ishino, "~Hai. I have more bags.~"

xxxxxErin heads over to the Den Father and smiles bending to pet Tank if he allows it before she smiles up as she looks as people begin to gather. She chews on her lower lip a little bit at all the people.

xxxxxChyase looks towards Yelena as she appears behind he and Rian and watches the exchange for a moment for looking out at the others gathered. Ishino, Erin and Vasyl gets a nod of recognition and Dragomir gets a deep nod of respect. The wolf, however, receives a few moments curious study as he shifts on his feet. His trash bag is at his side and doesn't appear to be entirely full.

xxxxxRian smiles at people as they arrive and waves like a dork, whether he knows them or not. Startling slightly at the shoulder tapping, he turns a bit and leans to hear Yelena before smiling. "You're welcome! Just stay safe out there, yeah?" He also asks the group at large, "Does anyone need vapo-rub? We brought extra tins for anyone that didn't think of it."

xxxxxMicah nods as everyone arrives, toeing the pit bull until it stands and uncovers its nose - reluctantly. Micah grins as he makes notes of how everyone has arrived what they are wearing and what they are, or are not, carrying. "Ok. Let's get this show on the road. For tonight's lesson, we will be talkin about the half moon," he points up to the sky where the moon is shining bright through the scant cloud cover, "About the role of the philodox who are born under it, and the art of negotiation. The first thing that the philodox teach us is to listen carefully. They teach us to make sound judgements. The teach us to see how things ARE, not how we are deceived, or how we deceive ourselves to believe they are. So first things first: As part of the instructions for this lesson I told you to bring the contents of your trash from home. Now, I want you to raise up those trash bags and take a look at them because there was something key in those instructions. Tonight, as part of the lesson, the only things you may make use of are the contents of those bags. No fetishes. No talens. No other weapons or tools."

xxxxxThe look Akane gave Ishino did not need words or translation. It clearly said she thought people were insane. Yelena has her bag bulging with some food stuffs in it. If anyone has peculiar senses running, they'd notice it smells sweet like a bag full of half eaten -Pop Tarts-. Every flavor. Along with the discarded boxes. She smiles at Rian when he acknowledges her whisper, and then she moves around to politely nod to Chayse. She also nods to the Den Father when he begins speaking.

xxxxxErin looks at her bag then looks to Micah and raises a brow and starts to open her mouth then hmms a little bit "I hope we threw out some good shit then" she peeks at her bag a little bit and blows a little bit of air. She looks beside her "See you can stay there, just be watchful" talk about insane she's talking to one one beside her.

xxxxxA low exhale, Vasyl furrows his brow a moment as he looks at the contents of his grabage bag. An apple core, some banana peels, some sort of protein powder mix bottle, various leftovers. Its really not much as he hasnt been in town long.

xxxxxGriffins Courage either isn't phased by the revelation or doesn't understand the impact or it, up to you to decide, but the lupus continues to stand his ground, jeans (with clothspin attached) still hanging out of his maw. His ear continue to twitch, taking in the sounds of the night, and his eyes slowly slip from one being to the next.

xxxxxYelena looks up at Dragomir with no trash. "Would you like to be sharing Lidya's left over poptart experiments with me?" She wiggles the kitchen bag, "Cinnamon, Unicorn pink, Fizzles and cookies and cream, and I think I see a smurf blue in here. Whatever that may be." She laughs.

xxxxxAkane held her bag silently. She did not need to look to know what was inside. Chopsticks, a busted knife, an old whetstone, various random everyday bits of plastic. Some mussed up art supplies she had replaced this week and the sheddings of plants and herbs. She also had a single soda can which she was embarrassed to admit to. Normal things like that. For a Japanese girl. To Ishino she spoke softly "~Do Americans always play with thier trash?~"

xxxxx"Ooooh, we brought a loot sack!" Rian says, hoisting up ye olde rubbish sack and trying to remember what on earth is even in there. The bag's white, he cant see nuthin in there. He sets his bag down and preps for the dump, smearing Vic's under his nose and making sure his boots are laced tightly. Not that he's not going to burn all of this clothing later anyway, but still! Don't want something weird getting in your shoe.

xxxxxDragomir smiles slightly at the announcement, and then looks towards Yelena at her offer. He extends his hands out to her shoulder, and braces his fingers there for a moment as he says, "It is better to be judged as we are, then as we might wish to appear to be. That is part of the lesson my little one." His other hand lifts, and he pokes Yelena's nose with a gloved finger. "Kind of you to offer though. Thank you."

xxxxxIshino shifts on his feet, looking at his empty bag, then over to Akane and just shrugs helplessly. "~Not that I know of. I had to borrow a bag as I thought we were cleaning things up. I did not have trash in my room, hai?~" He lowers his bag, then shakes his head and just looks back to Micah after glancing to the others who all had something.

xxxxxMicah pulls out cloth and unfurls it, holding it in his hand but not wrapping it around his face just yet. He steps back a few steps and begins to open the gate which he arranged to be left unlocked for their purposes. "Any questions before we get started? Anyone need to go to the bathroom?" He points over towards a few port-a-potties.

xxxxxErin looks into her bag, some old wrappers of what must of been microwave food, plates, some plastic forks, some broken crayons and stuff like that must of been the kitche trash that she grabbed. She looks around and then looks back to Micah and shakes her head "I am sure you will explain as we go"

xxxxxAkane clearly had questions but she was not going to voice them in this gathering. She frowned and moved closer to Ishino, eyes lingering on Dragomir for a split second. She seemed unaware of her movement.

xxxxxTentatively, Chayse opens his bag and looks in. Most of what they had at the firehouse was either recycled or composted, so he's left with an old toothpaste tube, a muffin wrapper and a Starbucks cup that he, like Akane, might be a bit embarrased about. He looks over to Yelena - Grateful that he learned to tell them apart now that the twins had different hair - And chuckles as she mentions all those poptarts. He slides the Vicks from his pocket and smear some across his upper lip and offers it around if anyone needs it. Even to the wolf, because who knows?

xxxxxYelena looks up at Dragomir the second he touches her shoulder. She listens to what he is saying and then repeats in Russian >>If we are judged by sugar and calorie content - The Sorok sisters will be winning.<< A light smirk, and then she moves forward. Chayse looks her way, "My vice is oreos. Firecrackers with poprocks. Unlike poptarts in physical shape and size, one can be fitting an entire oreo in one's mouth."

xxxxxGriffins Courage curls up a lip in a snarl as the Den Father indicates we are going closer to the stench. As the vics is pro-offered to the lupus, one quick sniff prompts the hackles on the back of the Red Talon's neck to raise slightly and the wolf to move away while emitting a low growl. Keeping to the shadows in a much stealth mode as the ahourn can muster he seem ready to follow the Den Father.

xxxxxStill unsure how the lesson may go, Vasyl just sort of nods to Micah and waits curiously. Something Yelena says causes just a slight chuckle as he awaits whatever is next.

xxxxxIshino muses for a moment, then simply shakes his head. "Judged by what we are, hai? So then I will simply make do with what I have." This was in english, for the others to hear. He glances to Akane as she moves a little closer and flashes her a slight smile in assurance. He looks over to the toilets and frowns a moment. "Ahh.. hai. give me a moment?" Ishino looks at Micah, then takes up that offer to go over to the porta-potty to step in to one of them.

xxxxxWhile bathroom breaks are completed, Micah drives his truck through the gate and parks it to one side. When he bladders are emptied, Micah nods to the assembled group and waves a hand for them to follow him. As he walks he puts on a pair of work gloves. "Ok... then while we walk, I'll pick on Chayse again. Calm Before the Storm, tell the group what you have already learned about your own auspice and never mind the looming Elder Philodox Master of the Challenge. I'm sure he is here to assess my teaching style more than to grade your knowledge."

xxxxxMeanwhile, the pit bull falls into step beside the lupus, growling in the spirit tongue ~You're telling me. Humans and their inferior noses. Am I right? Just makes you want to bite something~

xxxxxQuietly following is Erin as she looks towards Dragomir and gives him a smile. Oh and she totally uses the Vicks cuz eww trash. She looks towards the one that is being picked on with a curious look.

xxxxxGriffins Courage and the spirit fall into a natural pack like rhythm, a seeming acceptance of their standing with one another. Hackles down the red talon focuses on the conversation between Hunts the Shadows and Calm Before the Storm, while his posture shows acceptance of something the spirit said.

xxxxxWhile Ishino didn't actually use the bathroom, it was a useful pause to at least put a few things within the bag. So that roll of toilet paper was claimed and put in the bag, along with about three handfuls of papertowels. He catches up with the others, glancing around at what else may be useful as he would fall in with the group.

xxxxxChayse lifts his eyes to the Den Father as he speaks and sighs, gently as a thumb lifts to rub along the bridge of his nose. He watches the Elder Silver Fang with a sidelong look and chuckles, "yeah," he murmurs, "no pressure." As they make their way... /towards/ the stench, he considers for a moment more and then responds, "the half moons are balance," he says. "the duality. They're the judges and keepers of the litany and law of the Nation. We're often seen as mediators, or counselors.. Peace-Keepers." He adjusts the bag in his hand and says, "we hold honor especially high in accord."

xxxxxMicah bobs his head, "Yes, good. Mediators, counselors and judges. I want all of you to hold those ideas in your mind as we go forward." He glances back to Dragomir, "Anything you'd like to add Eye of the Storm 'rhya?"

xxxxxVicks in and of itself isnt great, but likewise Vasyl finds it superior to the garbage. The Fang Galliard nods, listening quietly to Chayse and then Micah before his gaze moves to Dragomir.

xxxxxIshino wanders closer to Chayse as he would explain what he's learned, as requested by the Den Father. He stops close by, musing, then there's just a light pat to Chayse's shoulder in encouragement and Ishino would fall back within the group by Akane, another item slipped into that bag of his.

xxxxxGriffins Courage keeps his eyes scouting the terran as they move, but his ears do seem to twitch to focus in on any reply from the ranking Silver Fang.

xxxxxDragomir smiles towards Chayse's answer, nodding his head and then looks towards Micah. A stray glance following Ishino running off, before looking back. "A very good answer. I believe that Calm Before the Storm has captured the essence of the auspice very well. I would only add, that being those things, comes with many challenges. We are, as you all know.. a very passionate and emboldened Nation. To be a half-moon, requires being unbiased and willing to take a step back from what you believe personally, or what you may fight for normally to try to look at the world objectively or through the eye's of Gaia. We are not infallible, and therefore we must judge ourselves more than any other. Ask ourselves, are we being true to that at all times. To judge over others, you must be willing to be judged in return."

xxxxxYelena looks over at Griffins Courage as he's someone new, and wearing a clothespin. "Hi," she passes him and then nods the same back to Akane and Ishino. "Hello." All quiet greetings as she listens to the lesson between both Philodoxes now. She totes her bag in her left hand with a little yellow cinch handle.

xxxxxAkane had her head down, watching everyone around them. Her face fell into a blank expression as Dragomir and Chayse spoke. Yelena would get a shallow bow in greeting, but she did not give anything else away about her thoughts. Polite as always.

xxxxx"Thank you, 'rhya. That leads perfectly into the next part of the lesson." Micah takes down the tailgate of his truck and begins to climb up into it, giving him a pulpit from which to address everyone. "The half moon is the first time the moon is bright for us to see things CLEARLY. The ragabash and the theurge auspices reveal and study that which is obscured. That being said, things also aren't so clear that we don't have to use good judgement. Now understanding all of that, who can tell me why I brought you all out to a dump to learn this lesson?"

xxxxxChayse dips his head in deference to Dragomir and agrees with the ranking Philodox's wisdom on the matter, yet the furrow on his brow shows a definite deeper thought process in motion as the young shadow lord follows along. Ishino's... Encouragement? Gets a rather curious glance, but who's to say what cultural differences may be between them, so he simply offers a small smile and goes back to being pensive. He tilts his head to listen Micah on his soapbox, but he's not eager to be back in the spotlight again so soon.

xxxxxIshino glances over at Yelena, a small bow of his head given in greeting to her as he walks along. Musing as the group comes to a stop, he stops near the back of the group, looking about where they are at fully to take it in, then looking up at Micah. "Because I believe saying is, one man's trash, another's treasure? So we are to see what can be found as useful, hai?"

xxxxxGriffins Courage chuffs back to Yelena in the garou/lupus form of communication, <<greetings Kin of the Silver Fangs.>> He pulls up short as the Den Father hops up on the back of the truck. The ahroun still has the pair on jeans clutched between his teeth, but then suddenly he drops them. His ear lock and his eyes stare daggers at a pile of trash near by as the Red Talon's muscles start to coil up as he watches like the hunter that he is.

xxxxxAkane had her eyes closed for a long moment as Ishino spoke. then she looked up but only spoke softly in English. "Trash is like one's bedroom. It tells personal tales about someone. Judgment and Clarity? Or knowing yourself and your enemies?" Her eyes were on Micah the entire time, but her tone and her expression were impossible to read what the meaning behind her words were.

xxxxxErin looks towards the others for a moment as she seems to be thinking about the answer to the question as she hmms "Because we are about to go hunting and using our Judgement in some way i'm sure" she gives a little shrug. She looks towards where Griffin is looking at.

xxxxx"I am a Galliard so perhaps my answer will reflect that..." Vasyl begins, "Every bit of garbage has a story... in my role there is more light as you say, I know the story to tell... a Philodox has to see and decipher, see through the garbage and bias?" he guesses

xxxxxYelena comments briefly, "My sister and I were never having garbage before. This is new excess to new experiences. Judging one by one's garbage, would be my logical guess."

xxxxxMicah taps his nose and then points to Ishino, "Yes, very close Ishino and Vasyl. Point to the Hakken and the Silver Fangs." He sweeps his arm around. "When we have to make decisions, we get a lot of trash thrown at us. What the philodox teach us is to sift through that trash for what is useful and important in order to make fair and wise decisions. When someone comes to a judge with a complaint, they often throw every small gripe and slight into their argument. Sometimes these things have NOTHING to do with the matter at hand. In a mediation or negotiation, both sides are trying to get the upper hand so the philodox has to be able to see what is most important in the dispute. When someone lies, they obscure the truth by giving you a lot of information you don't need. The philodox has to be able to look past all of that. Make sense?"

xxxxxErin tilts her head and she nods her head a little bit to the part about if it makes sense. She is pretty quiet as she looks to Micah with a very thoughtful expression.

xxxxxWhatever is moving in the pile of refuse , Giffin's Courage is keeping himself between it and the group, in particular any kinfolk nearby. Now that his eyes are locked on to the movement, his ear start to move back and forth, as if searching for some indicator on the wind.

xxxxxAkane remained silent after that, that same blank expression on her face. Blank? Neutral? Confused? Bored? Who knows. Her eyes shifted toward Griffin's Courage and kicked Ishino's foot lightly, eyeing the wolf's actions.

xxxxxChayse glances down towards the wolf again and he furrows his brows. Noticing the wolf's body language, he follows to where the wolf's eyes are locked and, after a moment's study he looks back to the wolf. The dark Northern wolf's ears twitch and Chayse goes still, his own wolfish instincts pairing up to signify something may be amiss. He gently nudges his Alpha with an elbow.

xxxxx"Now, my father taught me that work brings clarity of mind. So tonight we are literally going to sift though this pile of trash and refuse and figure out what is useful to us and what isn't." Micah jumps on the tailgate of the truck and makes it bounce. "And before you think that the Den Father just brought you out here to perform free labor for him, I'll go ahead and tell you that we will be using the contents to summon a spirit that we will then be negotiating with in order to make Resist Toxin talens or to learn the Resist Toxin gift or... well, if you can think of anything else you want to ask for, you are certainly welcome to ask." Micah begins to grab things from the back of the truck and hand them out to those gathered. "Sift through these items. Anything you believe to be trash, I want you to add to the pile over there on the right. Anything you decide still has a use, I want you to place in a separate pile."

xxxxxIshino nods a little to the Den Father in answer. He looks over at Akane's nudge, then over towards the wolf. It takes nothing to track what the wolf is focused on from there. He frowns a moment, taking that half step to make sure he's between it and Akane, but he takes no move to try to engage it. There didn't seem to be a threat there.

xxxxxRian has much the same problem, focusing on the Den Father and probably relaxing due to there being werewolves bigger than him around in case anything DID happen. So he doesn't notice a damned thing, pulling his bandana up and getting his gloves on for a good old fashioned trash pick!

xxxxxErin reaches up to take a bag from Micah as she gets ready to do what he is asking them to do. She pauses and looks again where Griffin is looking at and tilts her head a little bit. She digs into her pocket to pull out some gloves though she is still watching where Griffin is looking.

xxxxxDragomir silently helps with moving large things, but otherwise allows the students and Den Father to interact accordingly. The man doesn't seem to mind getting dirty, or doing manual labor. Especially when it comes to helping the kinfolk with carrying or moving anything heavy. He makes no decisions about where things should go, instead assisting with moving things where others direct. A glance is given towards the heap, but he does not otherwise react.

xxxxxA shift in his stance, as natural as anything that some may not even notice. A hand slowly raised half way, "Hunts the Shadow'Rhya...I believe we have a guest with us?" he notes the burrowing and then begins to approach slowly, only a garou would be worried about random movement in garbage. 3PO shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level!

xxxxx<<Hunts the Shadows -rhya, this spirit you will summon, does it burrow like the field mouse, but in this ape filth?>> sounds out the Red Talon as he keeps a watchful eye on that is moving closer.

xxxxxAkane's view was blocked entirely by Ishino moving in front of her. As others went around doing their things she stood there watching silently, distracted.

xxxxxWith the work beginning and hands taking and moving and sifting trash, Micah pauses to head Vasyl and Griffins warnings. "It's possible that it would cause the trash pile to shift. But we're just getting started on the summoning rite. Could be rats. Could be trash pandas or possum." He pauses and crosses his arms. "Use your judgement. You hear something, what do you want to do about it?"

xxxxxChayse watches the trash as the burrowing seems to get closer and, instinctively, places a hand out in front of Erin as if to block it from her. He doesn't yet feel too ill at ease, but he doesn't feel that one can ever be too careful, either. He nods along with the Red Talon's question to the Den Father and then... A Record Skips. And he glances down at the wolf and cats his head sharply to the side, his expression screwing up a bit. He just shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair a bit. "No need to go in claws thrashing," he comments.

xxxxxWhen the Den Father asks the question, what are you going to do about it. The lupus ahroun swings his gaze to meet his reflection in a reflective hubcap sitting in the pile of trash.

xxxxxAkane raised a brow and honestly asked a question of Micah. "Why is there a need to do anything about something that does not threaten us when we are on its land to start with? We are the trespassers."

xxxxxYelena comments, "Let it be to lurk. We're in its territory most likely, rather than it being in ours. If it becomes a threat, we can always be feeding it pop-tarts, if its rats."

xxxxxIshino would just work quietly on getting the items moved for the trash. He keeps an eye on Akane of course, as well as the others as they seem to play with something moving in the trash. But he doesn't comment, nor try to aid, simply doing the sorting that he sees is important. Anything that would actually prove useful, he would simply add to his own bag, they were to use what was in it, so he would make sure it was filled with things that could help.

xxxxxRian gestures at Akane with a nod of his head, and agrees, saying, "Like the ancient Tibetan philosiphy states, 'don't start none, wont be none'." That's either a super loose translation or he's full of shit. Probably the latter, given that something he finds in the trash immediately makes him think Star Wars and he gets distracted with an imaginary lightsaber battle. With sound effects.

xxxxxMicah nods to Akane, "That is a good question. One we have to make a decision on. Use your senses, examine the situation, evaluate what you know and what you don't. Sift through the trash. Is this a threat? A potential threat? Are we making a mountain out of molehill? If it isn't a threat, we have important things to focus on. We have a ritual to prepare and a spirit to summon. What do you want to do Cliath?"

xxxxxTick. Tick. Tick. There is wisdom in what is being said by the others. Vasyl on the other hand cant help the curiousity. "It could be a threat. We are assuming it is not. Perhaps the wise action is to check and verify before we proceed. Fortune favors the bold...or prepared." he decides and then moves towads the burrowing and begins to clear carefully, "This is probably something gross..."

xxxxxErin begins to get ready to shift through her bag and looks towards the pile "Probably a rat who is trying to scoot us out because we are invading in it's home. We leave it alone it leave us alone, till it finds something yummy to take and snack on later " she shrugs and takes a breat before she opens her bag and starts to do the work.

xxxxxGriffins Courage seems to pause in the middle of his action to step across into the velvet shadow. <<Honored War spirit of the Frostbite pack. Can you see if this is another spirit? if it is a threat?>> he cuffs out to Tank. Yelena has no fear of getting dirty or grime on her, and she continues the work with dignity and a certain grace as a Silver Fang. It's possible she thinks some things are salvageable, and puts them in the opposite pile.

xxxxxAkane blinked a few times as Micah addressed her... and then the garou. The girl merely melted backward in the group, putting distance between her and the moving pile and her hands once more disappeared into her sleeves as she focused, eyes closed.

xxxxxChayse nods at Vasyl as he goes out to clear away garbage, and chooses to remain back with the kinfolk in the event something happens. He has to give the lupus some credit, it's a good idea. And then... Rian's having a lightsaber battle and... "Dude. Dude? Dude! What're you doing?"

xxxxxTank gives a bark of acknowledgement at Griffins Courage. ~I like this one Micah. He knows what's what.~ After a moment he *poofs* into a mist of red dust. He is gone but a moment before beginning to rematerialize. ~Um. Micah. Is this dump on Sesame Street?~

xxxxxRian whirls around and whips his finger up at Chayse, saying in his best James Earl Jones voice at him with the intensity level cranked up to eleven, "NO! *I* am your father!" ... And then he puts the whatever it was to whatever pile it belonged to. It's possible he has thoughts on the situation, but it's also equally possible that he's mostly oblivious to it. The guy's playing in trash, it takes a fuck ton of effort to just not freak out, and run off to bathe in Purel during this Chiminage sort job!

xxxxxThe shadows around Akane would gather around her, darkening and making it harder to see her even in the half moon light, she shifted toward an already present shadow, trying to melt into it silently. Let the Cliath make a decision. She was going to make one of her own...

xxxxxIshino pauses, mid-work, as something clicks over. A low growl and he immediately ducks, a tuck and roll to the side as his bag is twisted off to be closed and prepped for wielding as a club if he has to, while he immediately searches the area for what might be going after him.

Sesame Street? What the hell is that war spirit talking about? But then, the group is surrounded by a small horde of green, brown and yellow looking creatures made of matted fur that look like the love child of Yoda and Oscar the Grouch. Apparently, the dog has been watching TV again with Micah's niece. They begin hurling trash, insults and curses at the group. Some objects are heavier than others but they come flying through the air like a volley of trash arrows.

xxxxxDragomir is hit with trash, TRASH?! Seriously? A growl emits from the Elder and his gloved hands extend outwards and palms turn upwards. He makes a gripping motion, and appears to telekinetically lift the very earth around them from the ground, gesturing upwards and he snarls outloud, "Kinfolk, around me!" giving his order for their protection as a foot-thick solid wall of concrete swells in a half-dome like a shield around him for them to hide behind for protection.

xxxxxAkane opened her eyes as Dragomir spoke, ordering kinfolk to move to him as he raised that wall. Her eyes, for any who could see through those shadows, were glowing blood red. She moved, those shadows moving with her, keeping her mostly out of sight, but she took up a position that kept her in a sweetspot, far enough away from the wall that she could act if she must while still accepting the shield it presented. When other kinfolk moved near,s he would shift again, putting them subtly between her and the wall.

xxxxx"Wait!" Vasyl growls out, and in a flash his armor is revealed, the beautiful and ornate chestplate and pauldrons. He turns to the closest trash spirit and takes a risk, he kneels. "Great trash spirits forgive the intrusion upon your territory. Take this offering of chiminage a request of forgiveness...its my personal trash to add to your great kingdom of refuse." Please work. Please work, he isnt a theurge and might be about to take a ball of garbage in the face.

xxxxxRian's reaction fits the assault, the Fang blurting "Eeeeeeeew! and grabbing a habachi lid to use as a shield. "What the hell!" No one's stabbing him and five mini trash monsters aren't combining to form one mega trash monster, so he doesn't hulk out. Not yet any how. "Someone negotiate a cease fire! I don't speak trasheese!" Thank Gaia Vasyl's got the same idea!

xxxxxAs Vasyl steps forward and addresses the Grouches, the stroking of their egos and the offering of trash gets their attention. When he throws the offered trash in their direction, all of the grouches on Vasyl's side of the battlefield (about half of the total) immediately converge on the trash and begin fighting over it. ~It's mine!~ ~No, it's mine! Get you're own fuckface~ ~He said GREAT trash spirit you ugly engling. Obviously that's me~ Punches are thrown. Kicks are made. The cursing is colorful.

xxxxxTank flattens his ears. ~I don't think you're allowed to say those words on public television.~

xxxxxMicah meanwhile, is giggling. GIGGLING. He hops down from the truck and his skin begins to become grey and green and bubble with warts as he turns on his troll skin. "Keep moving the trash. We can't let them distract us from the Summoning Ritual." As such, he doesn't move to assist the Garou, but continues to pile trash and speak in the spirit tongue to whatever spirit it is he is trying to summon.

xxxxxErin gets hit and she begins to curse "Son of a bitch! Really?" she turns to look at what or who did that and blinks then there is Dragomir and she moves to the wall. From behind the wall out of what seems nowhere maybe it was hiding there the whole time who knows comes out a rather large panther. It doesn't move towards the grouches but it does watch them standing in a defensive position where the kinfolk have gone at.

xxxxxGriffins Courage gives a quick glance at the Den Father before moving into action. With threatening snarls, taunting barks and quick movements Giffin's Courage attempts to draw the remaining fire and attentions away from the group.

Well, it works. If by works you mean Griffins Courage gets the ire of the Grouches turned in his direction and away from the kinfolk and other Garou. The Grouches begin hurling insults and taunts right back at the Red Talon. ~What kind of junkyard dog are you supposed to be?~ ~Hey get a load of the uppity Bone Gnawer~ ~Shaddup! You're mamma was a vacuum cleaner and by that I mean she SUCKED~

xxxxxLaughter and trash throwing is directed at the dodging Ahroun who is soon joined by Tank because he speaks spirit as well and this looks like the best chance he has to get into an actual fight tonight. ~Oh yeah? At least we never had a hand up our asses!~

xxxxxAttacked, but able to dodge it, Ishino's grip on that bag tighten a moment. He watches as the others deal with the spirits, frowns, then simply shakes his head. Like the others who Micah spoke to, Ishino returns to his work on the trash shifting, a glance around has him frown as he lost sight of Akane too.

xxxxxStill smarting from the trash-beating he took, Chayse finally tugs his arms down from his face and looks towards Rian. His lips are pursed and he shakes his head. His packmate's seen that look before! Ha! He shakes his head and begins to scoop up trash, shoveling it into the circle quickly so that the summoning can commence and they can all get out of this... Dump.

xxxxxYelena feels something hit the back of her head, and then shoulder as she was picking up a board from the sorting pile. "Mmph!" She spins around to see her attacker, and then finds she's being assaulted by random junk, all at once from the Trash Grouches. Her body reflexively winces, wanting to crouch down to be a smaller target. She attempts to punt larger objects reflexively with the board to block, but it's all too much and way too fast! She hears Dragomir calling the Kinfolk directly to him, and she darts to drop the board once behind the protective wall.

As the Grouches hurl trash and insults at the assembled group and those not engaged continue to Summoning Ritual, there is a noticeable shift in the air. The ground rumbles, the trash piles shift and several hands made of trash erupt around the trash spirits and bat them away from Vasyl's Chiminage and claiming it for itself. At the same time, more hands rise up behind the grouches taunting Tank and Griffins Courage and linger there long enough for the trash spirits to look up and scream in a fair approximation of the bugs from the Raid commercials. The hands splat them and they disappear back into the umbra from whence they came.

Then, a few moments later, a large feminine looking figure made up of the trash donated to the ritual rises up, a personification of the Great Trash Heap itself. It yaaaaaawns and looks around, the trash forming around it like a worn out patchwork nightgown. ~Who done come up in here and disturbed my rest with all this noise? What has a woman made of trash have to do to get some beauty rest? Come on now, don't all speak up at once!"

xxxxxThat beautiful granite wall around the Philodox seems to move, reform and shift with Dragomir's own movements - completely as mobile as he is by the look of it. He wields it like a shield, presenting it around the kinfolk and allows the younger Garou their chance to mingle with Lady Junkyard. He moves towards the sorting pile, so the kinfolk can continue to help and be protected while they do so. "Stay close just in case." He warns.

xxxxxAkane blinked as the female rose up out of the trash. She allowed the shadows to fall away from her even as Dragomir moved that wall. She allowed it to abandon her completely. Instead she walked up to the spirit that had gotten rid of the annoyances. "I apologize for the trespass. Would you accept these treasures and allow my new friends to finish their ritual, Honored One?" She lifted her bag and smiled again, bowing her head at the correct times, using sweet words and a kind of ceremony in her actions, holding the bag forward with both hands in offering (a show of respect). It was a distinctly Japanese offering, one that would be done ceremonially at a shrine.

xxxxxIshino works quietly, but effectively, to get as much shifted as he can. When it seems to work, he backs off, a step, then two as the massive trash lady would come out at the summoning. He watches the ones who showed up early get dealt with, so he simply looks over towards Micah, as the theurge and one who actually did the summoning, for the next steps.

xxxxxVasyl nods as the new and more powerful spirit arrives. He turns to the approaching spirit and defers to the theurge, "I think I will defer to the you on the big stuff..." he states to Micah.

xxxxxErin peeks at the rather large lady and gives her a very polite bow of her head to show some respect and then she goes back to sorting her bag. She is taking real close look at things that can be used again and what looks like trash to her. She looks towards Dragomir a moment before she continues to work being super quiet there might be an occasional grumble for some reason or another.

xxxxxRian works one handed, ducked down and shielding himself with his rusty grill lid, getting stuff into their proper piles of probably-salvagable or totally-trash. "Ahhhh!" There aren't enough showers in the world. But oh, sweet mercy, their summoning seems to probably hopefully have worked and he lowers his lid shied. "Hello!" He doesn't speak spirit but he's hoping the friendly tone works out!

xxxxxGriffins Courage stops his barrage at the smaller spirits with the arrival of the greater spirit. His posture shifts to one of submission to her rule of the realm. The lupus takes up the jeans he brought in here and drags them out before the spirit in silent contrition.

xxxxxThere's something to be said for teamwork, at least! Chayse is pretty certain that, between he and Rian, they have everything rather sorted. "Greetings," he calls to the spirit, but maintains a watchful eye and a bit of a flinch - Just in case.

Micah steps forward and gathers everyone around the Great Trash Heap. SUCCESS! They managed to keep focused enough to perform a Rite of Summoning under duress and with distraction. Leading the negotiations, but by no means getting in the way of the younger Garou and kinfolk, Micah gives them all a chance to butter up the spirit with the trash they brought with them and implore her for her favor to learn gifts or create talens. The Great Trash Heap does indeed teach anyone who can and wishes to learn Resist Toxin and will turn those uppity grouches into Resist Toxin talens for Micah. The talens look like a six pack of sickly green lime Fresca sodas in dented cans. The spirit asks for only one thing in return. ~Not everything that is thrown away is ready to return to the Heap! Many of the things thrown here are good, useful things that would work fine for someone willing to put the work into fixing them. Take something that needs to be fixed and come back with the tools and materials to make them useful again. Do this and we'll consider our deal settled... and who knows... there may be something else in it for you."

Once someone tells Erin or if the spirit was talking in a language she can understand she looks at the stuff "Oh yeah totally can fix half that stuff I'll come do it." she looks like she is thinking about it a moment or two before she sagely nods "Give me about twenty minutes" she grins then pauses and looks around and ohs softly "Or when you guys are ready and we can do it together"