
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 12:34, 28 July 2023 by SassyCat (talk | contribs) (New Vic PC)
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Valentina "Talk about literally exploring the probability space? Say what you want, but the club wouldn't be the club without you."
Sharon "Beware the quiet ones."
Vertigo "Beware the loud ones, too."
Anyu "Ow."
Vic Rasmussen "Communication is key."
Astra "The future is bright."
Sammi "You might want to ease up a step."
Adeline "And you might want to slow down before you trip over something."
Eden "Punching Nazis covers a lot of ground."

Moved on

Tyra Arnesen "The one constant in my life through the rough times. Hope you make it back from walkabout."
Eveniency "Talk about first impressions..."
Melody "Imagine what you could do if you ever learned to unwind."
Bieta "You're supposed to be doing this stuff too, you know!"
Mandy Hayes "Another like mind. Gravitas Shortfall dot tumblr dot com."
Arumi "What could've been."