2016.05.07: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 22

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The Card

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Date: Saturday, May 7th
Location: Golden Gate Arena in San Francisco, CA
Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Isaac Cornelius III

(Match Order/Card Subject to Change)

Singles Match

BoNzO the Clown and The Parakeet vs The "Evil" Shades
Bonzo has been on a roll, especially in the hardcore division! And along side of him in this tag team match is The Parakeet, who is currently tied with Chris Orton for the most Hardcore championship reigns. Bonzo and Parakeet tore it up just a few weeks ago against each other but now they team up against a team that did not have a lot of luck at WAR, The Evil Shades. It was scheduled to be The Shades of Destruction vs the Evil Shades but then we saw the debut of the Wasted Shades... a pair of shades fitting in with their own spectrum and made their presence known. Will the Wasted Shades be back? How about the Shades of Destruction? Well we'll have to find out when the Evil Shades take on the Oddballs of Hardcore! 

Singles Match
Jay B vs Luke Jackson
Jay B won the Brolympics against IC4 in pretty impressive fashion in that Beer Mile and with some time to rest from a nasty hangover, Jay B steps back into the ring to take on the returning Luke "The Kid" Jackson. Luke Jackson was one of the top stars of MSW in Season 1, hanging up there with the likes of retired MSW Champion Bryce Manning, and former MSW Star Peyton Kaiser. Luke returns and looks to make a name for himself back in the company that gave him his break to begin with. How will he fare against the ultimate Party Rocker? Tune in to find out!

Singles Match

Duke Andrews vs Frank Debauchee
Now this is a match that is going to put asses in seats. Debauchee just had a hell of a match with Tevolo at WAR where things didn't really quite go his way, and things didn't go Duke's way either. But one thing is for sure, Duke still hates First Class and anybody associated, and he hates the Capital Crew as well, that have just grown in numbers. Word is Debauchee just fired Lainey Rae after costing him the match against Tevolo and he's on the scout for a new assistant. Perhaps he sees Duke Andrews as a possible assistant? Doubtful, and we know Duke won't go for it but this is a great chance for either man to come back off of WAR as we head into the next chapter of MSW.

Women of Tradition Match
Glint vs Trishelle Jordan
This is Glint's MSW TV Debut as she takes on debuting Trishelle Jordan, as well. It's been a while since we've seen a Women of Tradition match but one thing is for certain, that when they get their time to shine? They shine brighter than any star. We'll see what these two new ladies have to offer as they square off in front of the largest Unstoppable audience to date!

Singles Match
Chris Williams and Badger vs Ndamukong Asomugha and Mark Storm
Chris Williams -- you want to talk about a main event? He went to hell and back with Frankie Cocheese and Tommy Montana and things definitely did not settle well with him after falling victim to an attack post-match after the loss by two new members of the Capital Crew, the 'Burb Boys- Danny and Donny Taylor. If not for the return of Robert "Badger" Garland to make that save, Chris may not even be able to stand to face this match. But Chris wanted to get back up on his feet and get another shot at the MSW title and he figured the best way to do it is to take on the biggest and the baddest so he takes on The Nigerian Nightmare but he doesn't go into this battle alone because he teams with the man that he's not sure if he can trust, Badger, to take on Asomugha and Mark Storm (who looks to get on the winner track sooner than later).

Singles Match
Nikki Venom vs Jorge Santos
We haven't seen a lot of Jorge Santos because he's been working his independent contracts all over, but Nikki Venom has and did compete at WAR. Now Venom came up just short of capturing the chance to compete against Barrel for the PURE15 championship. Tough break but Nikki now wants to get back into it after doing the damage to Silas Romero that has prevented the #1 contender from competing at this event and defeating Jorge Santos may get him back on that path of victory. But what about those creepy little girls? Will they be back?

Singles Match

LeBroc Harris vs Chris Orton

LeBroc Harris is now at 3 Hardcore championship reigns, just one behind Chris Orton who is tied with the Parakeet for the most reigns. This is not a hardcore match, but LeBroc Harris is making a return to the ring after being out of it for a little bit. How will he fare against "Bad Guy" Chris Orton? How will Chris Orton fare against one of the best technical wrestlers in the business? 

MAIN EVENT Frank Washington, Scotty Addams, Drew Stevenson vs Delsin Oswald, Wolf Parker, IC4
Talk about an explosive main event? We saw the reunited team of the Jokers Wild during and after the brutal cage match between Drew Stevenson and Wolf Parker after First Class decided to intervene. With the Jokers was also an explosive bionic elbow delivered from Danny Stevenson who sat ringside to support Drew, to Billy Vegas for not opening the door, almost effectively costing Drew the match. Well because of those events and First Class looking to get back in the driver seat, The Jokers Wild take on two members, Delsin Oswald and IC4 and the assumed associate and hired hit-man, Wolf Parker, who may be out to finish the job on Drew who effectively won over the crowd after all this time because of that Cage Match. This match has all kinds of combustible elements and anything can happen in the Golden Gate Arena!

Also on the Show: The Capital Crew will be here in full force with their newly won championships and we're not sure Tommy Montana will be in the arena after the brutal match at WAR and we can't forget IC3's big announcement!




Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another edition of UNSTOPPABLE! This is the biggest Unstoppable in MSW History as we're in front of a sold-out crowd of 7 thousand, 5 hundred people in the Golden Gate Arena! They packed this place two weeks ago at WAR and they did it again tonight and it's going to be huge! Tonight I’m also joined by a new broadcast partner for the evening, Dexter Irving Cornelius!

"Excuse me for a minute, Smith, you can just call me DIC."

Smith: Well… DIC is joining me tonight because my usual colleague Bradford is not at the arena tonight and is seeking Harassment and Unsafe Working Environment charges against our new MSW Champion Frankie Cocheese with Eugene Vara--

DIC: That’s MISTER Varano to you, Smith! And the man is a genius and don’t you dare forget it! I know, you miss your boyfriend, Smith, but don’t you worry, we’re gonna have lots of fun tonight!

Smith: I- look- forward to it. First order of business is that earlier this week, our referees went on strike due to the overwhelming increase in demand for the work load with the Hardcore championship being added to the fold. So tonight we've got some temporary replacements for the night and hopefully this strike ends soon and we get to see Mike Maddix and Derek Lay back in the ring officiating very soon. And moving forward with business, on top of all the craziness, we’ve been receiving some very cryptic messages from a man that calls himself the Toy Maker. Not sure if he’s going to show up tonight but only time will tell. What has me really excited DIC, is that we’ve got a Women of Tradition match back on the show! It’s been about three months since we’ve had one, when Marie Porter challenged Artemis Kaiser for the MSW Women’s Championship. We’ve seen the news bulletins and four new Women of Tradition have joined us!

DIC: Oh baby have they! Now I tell you what, Smith, these ladies are drop dead SEXY! The tattoo’s on chick one? How about the glasses on chick two?! Oh and that sexy brunette chick three…

Smith: Well, DIC, the ladies have names. Two of them have a long history with each other in Lexi Pryce- - per MSW.com she was an inspiring talent back in 2010, an shattered tibia sidelined her after a motorbike accident which brought drastic changes to her look and style. After a few years away from the industry with her having a stint in the Lingerie Football League, she's looking to get back into the sport and choosing MSW to make her comeback.

And her long time associate Alison Crowne- a technical marvel; Her work down south- from her home-state of Florida to Texas has been regarded as very impressive.

We’ve also come to terms with one very impressive talent from Georiga- Sister Catherine! She's made waves in Georgia, enough that's caught MSW's attention to bring her on board.

And last but not least, Anne “Flying” Grayson who’s got quite the reputation to live up to, being the daughter of wrestling legend and MSW Talent Relations- Justin “Giant” Rowe! Anne has been working on the independents, traveling the world to do this on her own and make her own path. And in two weeks at Unstoppable 23 we get to see the in-ring debut of all four of these ladies!

DIC: That's cool.. but who cares about their names or where they're coming from?!

Smith: Our fans do, DIC.

DIC: Who cares about them? Why bother to give these hotties names when you can just stare at their asses all day?

Well I’d be careful how you talk about them, DIC, because I’m pretty sure any one of them could kick your ass any time they wanted. And if you approach Giant’s daughter that way you may find yourself out of a job.

DIC: My uncle is the boss Smith, I can say, I can do whatever the hell I want!

DIC leans back in the chair and props his feet up on the table with his arms up and behind his head.

Can you at least pretend that you’re interested in giving a damn about your job?

DIC: Maybe later.

Smith: Jesus, I think I’d rather have Bradford back and he’s a pain in my ass. Well on top of the Women of Tradition we’ve got the long awaited return of Luke “The Kid” Jackson! He makes his return to take on the Brolympics Gold Medalist, Jay B!

DIC: Let me interrupt you right there Smitty..

Smith: It’s Alex Smith…

DIC: Sure, whatever Alley, anyway, how can you go skippin over the highlight of the NIGHT! My main man Mister FRANK - DEBAUCHEE! Oh yeah! You WISH you could grow a mustache that masculine.

Smith: Sure, let’s just go with that. Anyway, WAR also saw the return of Robert “Badger” Garland when he made the save for Chris Williams in what could have been a very bad ending after his amazing triple threat with Cocheese and Tommy Montana, all thanks to the Capital Crew. And let it be known that after that match, Tommy Montana is NOT here tonight.

DIC: Thomas is at home resting. He’s the face of MSW and he needs to recover! And I’m saying this right now, Smitty, BADGER - CAN’T be trusted! He’s more turncoat than Frank Washington. You know that’s what their fight was about- who can turncoat better.

Turncoat has not been something associated with Frank Washington for years. He’s a family man now, DIC, he’s put all of that behind him and that’s why he put the issues with Drew behind him as well and that’s why we’ve got the Jokers Wild back together to take on your buddies in First Class in tonight’s main event! But we’ll get back to that in just a second. Badger made that save for Williams; And now Williams has to team up with him not knowing if Badger will strike him from behind or actually be there to help him as his partner?

DIC: Who cares. He’s a wild animal and should be put down with a bullet between the eyes. Mercy kill. No, you know who needs a mercy kill?!

DIC jumped up and sat up in his seat, planting his hands on the announcer's table.

DIC: Nikki fuckin’ Venom. What happened to those chicks?! At least I didn’t have to see his face or hear his voice even if it didn’t make any sense. BUUUUT if I gotta make a call, I think he’s gonna murauder Jorge Santos tonight. NO WAY JORGE!

Smith: Well every single week we seem to be getting better and better and the show gets hotter! This past week on social media <a href="https://twitter.com/Real_MSW">@real_MSW</a> we’ve also been seeing Silas Romero and Barrel going at it in a battle of words, relationships seemed kindled with Scotty Addams and Frankie Cocheese with odd antics and who can forget that as we mentioned moments ago, The Jokers Wild trio- Frank Washington, Scotty Addams and Drew Stevenson take on IC4, Wolf Parker and Delsin Oswald!

DIC: I’m honestly surprised Drew and Wolf are even able to stand after that nasty cage match but just because Drew is back in the arena doesn’t mean he’s getting away from First Class and Uncle Isaac anytime soon. BOOOOOM! And that’s how ya do it, Smitty!

Smith: Well without further adieu, WELCOME - TO MISSOURI STATE WRESTLING!

































