
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 20:40, 4 December 2020 by Spacemonkeymafia (talk | contribs)
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Normies - "It's weird. I envy you guys so much... n' yet, at the same time, I'd REALLY hate to be you guys in this crappy city. Yer' never gonna be able to do shit 'bout the nightmare world we're livin' in unless someone shows you the truth... n' I guess it's gonna have to be me. This lie is comin' down n' yer' gonna see the world for what it REALLY is."// "Bobo...ya know that's gonna go TERRIBLY, right? What are you, stupid? Come on, we got better things to worry about than these idiots. I don't know what the hell you see in them..."
Gone but Not Forgotten - "Y'poor, poor bastards. I wish I could tell all ya'll...but thems the breaks. Until then I'll show every damn one'a you the way out that I can."//"DO IT BOBO. They NEED you. They need to be shown how GREAT it is up here. And when they'll be their king. No. A GOD. ...And I'll be right here with you, through thick and thin... Buddy."
Bloodsuckers - "So this is m'life now, eh? S'my purpose now? I threw it all away for this load'a shit? Goddamn Cammies. Ya'll piss me off. Ya remind me of EVERYTHING I'm tryna get away from."//"Don't be so hard on them Bobo... they could be your friend... they have so much they can teach you. So many weapons in your arsenal that only they can provide... Are you really so different from them? Have some Sympathy, Bobo. Don't be such an asshole to people suffering just as much as you... You didn't ask for this... and neither did they."