2020.07.24 Bling Bling

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Bling Bling
One bum fight please
IC Date July 24th, 2020
IC Time 6 pm
Players Georgina Jackson as ST
Location Overpass
Spheres Wyrm, BSD

Jackson handed her a box, inside of it is a pills and beer. He told her to mix it before, he gives to each of the homeless, to then step back find a safe spot to watch. To videotape it, and take notes on what happens. As he speaks, softly he kisses her."Good luck my little Pet, this is your first Pentex mission. Do your best, this is something you have to do alone to prove yourself." Goldie takes the box into her arms, pops up to peck his lips with a kiss, and uhs, "Where am I doing this?" she asks. "Does it matter?"

"Figure it out yourself, all on you. I just need data." With that Jackson heads into his lab, leaving Goldie alone inside of her brand new workplace. Down deep in the belly of R&D of Magadon.

Goldie hrmfs and takes the box to the amusement park. "Figure it out," she echos his words, nodding. "I can't see why it wouldn't do."

As Goldie moves through the halls, she hears two people talking about an attack inside of the homeless park. It has now been moved into the west most swear tunnel, they are going down there in a few days to do their own testing. So they have to move the equipment. They don't sound please about this at all.

Goldie knock-knocks gently on the door of the resources officer for Pentex and steps inside, shining a welcoming smile at a heavy woman, dressed in expensive fashions and gold, perfectly coiffed hairstyle and makeup whose welcome is dripping with disdain and hatred the minute the younger woman walks in the door. She's really starting to mentally shift people into categories based on their urges; with each she sees, she practices in case tested. Vorus, Mahsstrac, Angu or Abhorra perhaps a touch, Khaaloobh, Lethargg. "I work with Dr Thompson upstairs in the lab and I am in need of a car for the afternoon. How do I go about that?" It hasn't been a week and technically she hasn't started yet, but she has already learned to word her questions carefully or she is sure to get a smart ass reply.

"Let me look you up dear, name please or badge." The older woman starts to type into the computer with those one finger peeks, as she is trying to pull it up."System, takes so damn long. Bless it's heart." Southern, large woman with a grey in her hair, pictures of her grandchildren behind her framed on the wall, with each stroke getting closer to showing Goldie is not yet on the books, Monday is her start date. Only a few more henpecks, till it's found out.

"Are those your grandchildren?" Goldie admires the pictures on the wall. "Wow, you're blessed with a very handsome family." She lets the accent come into her voice. "Do I hear a little bit of an accent from you? It would make sense," she says in a soothing southern drawl that you might not think one would have in Pensacola, but there are some -country- folk down there. "There truly ain't no mommas and grandmommas who know how to raise kids right like a Southern woman does." She coos, squinting quizzically at the Southern Fried Turkey. "May I ask where you're from?"

"Your so sweet. You know what Dr. Thompson  ain't got a lick none of that patience, like all of them down there." The woman reaches into a desk, producing keys as she offers it towards Goldie."I'll rent it in his name, I have done it enough times for him, you come on back when ya'll do. We will chat, one souther belle to another." Her voice is friendly, as she is waving to Goldie."The rental is not bad, not great it is a ford pickup 2013. Bright red, it will get the job done, if she is lucky.

"You're a gem." Goldie whispers her thanks, reaches out to capture the keys and clutches them to her chest like this woman just saved her life. "You are a gem and yes, we surely will. Thank you."

The drive over is not bad, as she is sits at the overpass watching bums, all men walking into the tunnels. It is odd, only men, they look pumped up for something. Each of them walking with a swagger, of being king of the fucking world. The gate is removed, the sound of so many voices and bodies inside of it reaching her even up on the over pass.

Goldie parks the older model truck by the gate, but leaves the box stowed in the floor of the passenger seat. She slams the door shut, double-checking that its locked by jerking at the handle, shoves the keys in the back pocket of her jeans and ambles gradually in the direction of the sewage drain. The woman takes several moments to pause and observe her surroundings, watch the people who exit the pipe and observe the demeanor of those who go in, trying to remain lowkey despite her obviously not being homeless or male. She zips up her cropped leather jacket to the neck to hide her boobs and finds herself wishing she'd brought a gun of some kind.

"BLING BING! GOING TO BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!" A skinny black older male, that can only be called a crack head, is throwing his hands around in a makeshift ring."BLING BLING! GOING TO FUCK YOU UP!" The other man is a skinny white crackhead, a group of bums standing around in the open pipe, it seems she has found bumfights, underground fucking bum fights. A man in a suit is in the back watching with a wicked look in his eyes, behind him is a live camera.

Goldie walks up behind the suit, "Hey, what's shakin?" she asks, pulling a cigarette case much like Jackson's own from her pocket. She cracks it open, threads one out, and watches what all is going on inside the tunnel from near five feet behind him.

One of the bums stumbles up with a wicked little chuckle."It is fight for food. We win we get food, and money." The bum itches along his neck with a nails, digging into the skin. He is looks sick, too sick to fight, his toothless grin with a smile."I'm get me some beer."

"I got some beer," Goldie backsteps to intercept the homeless man stumbling away from the brawl. "Hey, I didn't think there'd be this big a crowd, but I got a six pack." She pauses, "I can't just give it all to you though. Only one per customer. Get a couple friends and come meet me by the truck if you want one."

As she is leading back six dodges follow her to the truck waiting for the fucking beer, they need it and it makes ya fight better doncha know. They are shabby looking worn down, not healthy they look like pure shit on a the bottom of a boot from 8 summers ago, but they do need that fucking liquid courage doncha know.

Goldie cracks open the door of the passenger side, instructing the others, "Now, I don't have anymore so don't go telling people where you got it because they're gonna get pissed that you got yourself some liquid courage and see it as cheating." Each beer is opened and a pill deposited, this action completed with her bent over the box, and then she lifts it up and out of the truck and starts handing them out.

Down the hatches the beer goes, pill in all in record time for a normal person. But they are fucking bums, they are drinkers and well drinkers. Noon to fucking Midnight, it's a way of life ya'll like it I promise. That was on the flyer or should have been, then they are running back towards the fighting arena, they seem to grow in size, then double, then triple. It has to be a trick of the light as they enter the fighting arena, they are normal.

Goldie dumps the box in the truck, shuts the door and starts the timer on her iphone as soon as the men begin consuming from the cans. When they get to the sewer tunnel, she steps back up to a higher spot, just a small hill of dirt, that lets her see better what is happening inside. She turns on the video, points it at the tunnel and focuses the view on what goes on next. In the corner, she can see the timer running second-by-second.

They beer drinkers are standing there one second, then the next they are down on the ground puking. A dark black liquid, they are vomiting it all, not stopping. They are bent over, as the flesh still to wiggle, to shift, to burn as they leaping out now, long spikes shooting out of their bodies, as they start to scream and rage, the sound of flesh rending is heard. As they start to run through the others in there, the sound of flesh is tearing. Then the pretty horrible starts they are slicing into the other bums with those long spikes, one of them leaping towards the money man as that tongue is lashes out going into the throat, as the world down there is nothing but blood and guts, the door to the entrance slamming shut, they are trapped down there for how long.

Goldie's expression can only be described one way: Buckwheat. Her hazel eyes bug, jaw drops. "Oh--" she yelps the single word, but quickly slaps a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound when she sees a long spike launch into the suit. She doesn't turn the phone off, but she runs like hell back to the driver's side of the truck.