2015.09.17 Justice is Done

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Justice is Done
The Trial of Sister Eden Results in Monomacy and Death.
IC Date 2015.09.17
IC Time Night
Players Faqirah, Eden, Spotted Horse, Hehewuti, Anezka, and Vera
Location Argent Institute, Courtyard.
Spheres Vampire
Theme Song We Die Young -Alice in Chains- [File:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqCjWm7FdfI]

Eden takes her own seat, dressed only in a sports bra and a pair of workout pants today, to show her lack of weapons or pack affiliations. Her hands are at her side, uncrafted. She stares straight ahead, expressionless as the precedings begin.

Vera did not want to see what she saw as the morbid death of one of her brothers or sisters. It took her a long time to finally leave the Argent, but when she did her visage had been wiped clean of all emotion as she stood there looking like death. A few had stepped out of her way, due to how she had used vicissitude to abandoned all sympathy towards humanity. Cold and stiff she paused at the front of the crowd to watch, silently like a living ghost to haunt the event offenders before death and perhaps haunt the survivors into remembering such a tragic evening.

Faqirah stands to her full height. "As Im sure you all now know, there was a fight at the Dive bar last night which should have never occurred. A fight between Sabbat. A fight in which turned bloody. This is contrary to the unity of the sabbat. And though we are a warrior society and will disagree and brawl from time to time, this should never have raised to this level. I am going to give each of the accused the opportunity to speak before we show the video tape of the events. I have already been lied too. I would hope that I will not be lied too again for this violates the Code of Milan in which we are bound to keep our word to one another. Now is the time for truth. All times should be a time for truth, but because of the dishonor before me, I must specify that now...is that time." She looks angrily at the accused. "Eden you will speak first. Tell us in as much detail what happened and the events which led up to the fight and your reasoning for your actions. We are all curious to hear it."

Eden stands up "Thank you. I had entered the bar and saw Spotted Horse standing by himself. I asked him what he was about andd he said he wanted blood. I offered him alternatives. A mosh pit, I believe." she pauses, still looking straight ahead. "He said he wanted a better challenge and approached me. I told him to sit down. He decided to attack. I finished it." she stays standing until told otherwise.

A small shift in the head as an entire face looked to Spotted-Horse, Vera had no iris's or pupils as she looked to the Native American. Her neck loudly popping in the short adjustment as if she could break her neck by just looking and moving her head. As she continued to watch the events unfold.

Faqirah nods skeptically. "That is all you have to say Sister Eden?" After a time, her attention turns to Spotted Horse. "Spotted Horse please be as thourough as possible and tell us what happened."

Spotted-Horse stands and pronounces, "What she says is true until she claims Spotted-Horse said that he wanted a challenge with her. Spotted-Horse does not consider her a challenge. She was told to go. She intruded and annoyed. When she continued, she was punched in the face. Then the one called Eden turned Zulo and attempted to maim Spotted-Horse. Instead of continuing a battle that was not wanted, Spotted-Horse vanished. That is when Eden destroyed all others in the Dive." A short pause before concluding, "If blood was wanted from her claws or the tomahawk would be used. She would not be standing if she was wanted dead. Spotted-Horse does not run from battle."

Faqirah turns to Eden. "Is that true Sister Eden...were you told to leave. Did he tell you he didnt want a challenge?"

Eden pauses. "I told him to sit down. He did not tell me he did not want a challenge. That is not how it happened. If there were security footage, then..." she says. "I believe it would tell the truth of the situation. Spotted Horse did vanish mid battle. That I remember. However, the destruction afterwards. I assume it was by my hand. I do not know. The beast was in control at that point."

Faqirah nods. "And indeed it does tell the truth of the situation. That footage we will now show unto all Sabbat." She nods and one of the neonates turns on the projector which cuts to the footage from the interior of the Dive bar."

The projector starts. On screen, Eden aproaches Spotted Horse. Some words are exchanged; Spotted Horse implying she should GTFO and leave him alone. She ignores this. He gets up and takes a swing at her. Now having the attention of the entire bar. She easily dodges while telling him "This is your last warning, brother...stand down." as he continues to attack her she begins to warp and transform just as he solidly hits her with bone cracking force. She does seem injured but more the fact of being hit causes her to FLIP HER SHIT. Now in huge monster form people are starting to panic. She swings at him, misses then grabs him and tears his face off. Looks like she's about to do more but just lets him go looking around like she can't see him anymore. But there are running people. A blur of celerity carnage follows with him just calmly walking out of the way and watching it all as he makes his way out. Then it joins up with the scene outside and his departure while she slaughters.

The majority of the shovel heads turn their attention to the projected screen as Vera watches among them with cold disinterest. Even the animals are eerily silent as frogs stop croaking and the koi swim in silent circles. A few members on guard duty poke red steely eyes out from the tunnels to watch. Vera's judging face falls on Eden as her haunting eyes pierce deep.

The camera down the street shows people come fleeing through the door, one man jumping through the front window in panic. They only get a few steps before the blur of a Zulo Tzimisce in Celerity wearing someone’s face like a Halloween Party Mask bursts out the front wall and begins potently shredding them into people confetti. Even a passing car gets hit with a flying chunk of corpse only to have its driver yanked out piece by screaming meat gobbet piece. Her toddler in the back seat is devoured whole then its blood drained corpse is spit upon the pavement. This lasts until there are no visible surviving humans in sight. Then whatever terrible urge that took this monster seems to run out. It then blurs away into an alleyway fleeing the scene.

During the carnage a disturbing looking Native American man in biker clothing (Spotted Horse for desc's sake) walks out, seemingly watching it without being percieved by the monster before walking away leaving it do its thing.

“Well played,” Eden says sardonically.

You say, "What do you mean well played, Eden?"

Eden murmurs. "Anything could be said at that table. From one angle, it could be that I goaded him. From another I could be talking him down." she looks to the pictures of the street. "Now that is the part I do not remember well."

Spotted-Horse remains as cool as a cucumber. He may be a cold mo'fo in a great number of ways but he's not known to lie. While he watches the event unfold on film he seems unphased by the carnage. After the projection ends he stands and states with volume enough for the peanut gallery to hear, "As the video shows, Spotted-Horse speaks the truth." Simple enough. He looks into the crowd with intense eyes as if someone would object and he have to break into impromptu debate or fisticuffs. After it's evident that noone does he will return to his seat.

Niabi watches the video and then tilts her head. "Squabbles among brethren are to be expected. You are both young and full of passion. However, there is such a thing called self preservation and preservation for one's peers. You have shown no consideration for either and you have lied to your Bishop about it." She'd been here, in the shadows watching with a neutral expression. "Perhaps now would be when you explain why your actions were no better than your average cannon fodder."

Eden also remains calm. She considers the event as it unfolds. "I did warn him several times. He did not back down. None of what I said is a lie." she says. "Perhaps I should have left him to his blood instead of giving him options. Spotted horse did show the wisdom to disappear and leave me to my destruction. If he stayed it may have gone worse. That is what happened and what I saw happening. I am prepared for what punishment there will be for such transgressions." Eden considers. "There is no excuse for my actions. The beast got the better of me and the situation got out of hand. I reported it as soon as I returned." she says.


The vessel that used to hold Eden withers and dries and Spotted-Horse stands, letting the remains tumble to the floor with an unsetting SLURCK of old flesh crumpling. He peers to the sky in silence for nearly thirty seconds before turning, bowing to the crowd, turning to bow to the bishop and walking for the exit in quiet contemplation. Certainly he is feeling waves of emotion below his silent surface.

Vera is emotionless, her ghastly face has been reworked to be a pure expression on apathy. Stepping silently into the ring she grabs Eden's corpse and cradles it like one would a small child, resting the cold head against her shoulder, the Abbot leaves the ring without a word. Her footsteps are solemn as she walks with no diligence out of respect for the dead like a funeral march. Unblinking eyes stare foreword as she pushes through the crowd commanding respect and distance for the fallen. If joy and celebration for the Monomancy victor were to occur, Vera would not participate tonight.

Anezka follows Vera's footsteps, silently joining Eden's funeral. If there are any Fiends among the Shovelheads, it's good that they follow the Dragon and the shifter, or there will be... consequences. Faqirah looks at the pile of ash and for a moment her face is clouded with defeat. She internalizes all failures of the Sabbat in her diocese as her failures and this is certainly one of them. Hardening her heart, the bishop turns and walks without comment to the tunnels, disappearing into the maze which leads therein.

Niabi takes a long breath, unneeded and slightly dry sounding. She shakes herself a little and watches Spotted Horse leave. A quick incline of her head towards Faqirah, "Bishop." She says and with a final glance the way of the Abbot and her procession and she's trotting off herself shifting into an owl she launches off into the night.

Faqirah looks at the pile of ash and for a moment her face is clouded with defeat. She internalizes all failures of the Sabbat in her diocese as her failures and this is certainly one of them. Hardening her heart, the bishop turns and walks without comment to the tunnels, disappearing into the maze which leads therein.

Niabi takes a long breath, unneeded and slightly dry sounding. She shakes herself a little and watches Spotted Horse leave. A quick incline of her head towards Faqirah, "Bishop." She says and with a final glance the way of the Abbot and her procession and she's trotting off herself shifting into an owl she launches off into the night.