Pint/Merits, Flaws, Backgrounds, Misc.

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Revision as of 19:11, 28 November 2012 by imported>Pint
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Iron Will ~
       A strong will and any who try to dig through Pint's mind will find out. Add 3 to the difficulty of all mental attack rolls made against him if he is aware, add 1 to difficulty even if he isn't.
Lightning Calculator ~
       Has an affinity for numbers and all relevant rolls are made at -2 difficulty.
Eidetic Memory ~
       Having a "photographic" memory, Pint can accurately recall any sight or sound with a successful Intelligence + Alertness roll. Amount of successes indicate exactly how much he remember.
Time Sense ~
       Pint has an innate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.
Master of Red Tape ~
        Pint is a god of getting things done. Whether he need some supplies, security clearance, favors or additional backup, Pint can get it with a phone call or two to the right people. Pint's suave personal and bureaucratic skills make the passage easier than it would be otherwise. After all, it's not what you ask for, but who you ask and how.
        In game terms, this Merit subtracts 2 from the difficulty of all rolls that involve getting equipment, aid or favors through a bureaucracy. Such rolls are usually based on the Backgrounds: Allies, Backup, Influence, Library, Mentor, Patron, Requisitions or Resources, or the Merit: Ties.
Spirit Sight ~
        Pint can see into the denizens of all the realms for who they are, Wraiths, Spirits (Umbra) and even Fae.
Backup ~
        Pint has two assistants a pair of female twins, Ava and Eve, that he can call upon for help. Good with guns and being general help in his store Pint's Paradise with all the customers (Appearance 3 Twins)