
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 20:56, 8 January 2015 by imported>Alm
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Anisia Anisia17.jpg You got a lot more energetic when I wasn't looking.
Apple Apple.jpg I thought genuinely nice people were extinct.
Becky Becky1.jpg You have some strange notions. It's okay, I like you anyway!
Brandon J3.jpg Ani's keeping you busy!
Brandy Brandy02.jpg Miss ya, BFF.
Conrad Conrad.jpg What did I do? :<
Cherazart Chera.jpg Would it help if I wore a hijab? I could totally do that.
Dahlia Dahl2.jpg I am totes looking forward to learning how to surf.
Erzsebet Erz10.jpg Oh Em Gee! Dr. Klaussenburg, could you please sign my copy of your dissertation?
Fabian Fabian2.jpg You're a better person than you'd like anyone to think. And I use the word 'person' precisely.
Jack Jack photo7.jpg I like the way you think. By which I mean, I like that you're already searching for new and creative ways to exploit my research.
Kennedy KenTrans.png Your son is, in the parlance of our times, "totes adorbs." I still don't believe in ghosts, though.
Liesl Liesl-6a.jpg I'm kind of intimidated by your sheer confidence.
Trekome Sha'ul 3.jpg Happy engagement!