Kylie Martin

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Kylie Martin

"<Insert Quote Here>"

Full name Kylie Strong
Fae name “Blackboots Ellie” / Ælfthryth

Kith Redcap
Seeming Wilder
Court Unseelie
Seelie Legacy Comrade
Unseelie Legacy Wretch

Apparent Age Early twenties
Height 5'6"



Arthur Bond.png Conn So, you belong to Ollie, huh? That's cool. Just better treat him good, bad thoughts, Kylie. Besides, what the fuck would I do to a troll? He seems alright, though. Guess I'm actually pretty happy that Ollie's got a troll that loves him so much. Makes me feel like he'll always be safe.
Em22.png Emrick I don't want to like him. If anyone can take my Ollie from me, it's him. It would be so much easier if this guy was just an asshole...but he's not. He's generous, friendly, and he's good to Ollie. FUCK!
ProfileEthanDA.JPG Ethan Sienna Ahh, the great and magnanimous Baron of the Ebon Watchtower. Did my sarcasm come through? Nobles are bad enough as it is, but a redcap noble? What a sellout. This guy claims he doesn't like the title, but boy does he still cling to it and play the sidhe's game. If he was really for the commoners, he'd be putting that power in those commoners' hands. Typical two-faced politician.
Hardy.jpg Hardy He is beautiful, inside and out. I also think he might be one of the only ones in this weird ass town that could actually understand me and the journey I'm on.
Joelparty.gif Joel ARRRRRGH! He's such a dick! Conn better be fucking right about this guy.
Marlon teixeira mgm -gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax.jpg Robin I'm not real sure about Robin yet. He seems nice...almost too nice. People like that are usually hiding something not so nice. Ollie like him, but Ollie likes everyone. We'll see.
Simone2.jpg Simone She can see the chimerical world. I would have just assumed she was enchanted, or maybe kinain, but the way everyone was talking, it sounded like something else was up. I know I should be more concerned...but she's so hot. Also, I swear I've seen her somewhere before.
Wick-Profile.jpg Wick Ollie, I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most. The world battered us and ripped us apart, but I always kept you in my heart. No time or distance can keep us apart. My home has always been wherever you are, and it's never felt more like home than it does now.


Kylie chillin 01.png Kylie balcony 01.png Kylie woods 01.png

