Secondary Talents

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Reference Lists

Talents are matters of innate aptitude, requiring no training to develop, and they improve primarily or exclusively through experience. Characters get better at them only by doing them regularly. It's possible to attempt actions related to Talents that a character doesn't possess. Everyone (or nearly everyone) possesses a rudimentary grasp of each Talent, even without the minimal competence required for one dot's worth.



You are practiced at feigning emotions, beliefs or frames of mind. Even if you have never been on stage before, you could do an adequate job if you were ever thrust upon it. Howeve, simply because you have this Ability does not mean you use it unethically. Many honorable politicians have used it to lend power and depth to their speeches (notably Churchill and Roosevelt). You are able to feign tears, anger, friendliness and virtue.

Dot-filled.png Novice: A rank amateur, you can feign sickness.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You have developed a wide range of acting ability.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are capable of playing almost any role.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are certainly a professional, or have that potential.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could win, or have won, an Academy Award.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35

Artistic Expression


You have the talent to produce works of art in various media. You can produce saleable works of two- or threedimensional art, and understand something of the technical aspects of paintings and sketches. You are able to sketch a reasonably accurate rendition of a place or person.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Your work is simple, seen as charmingly naive by some and as amateurish by others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your work could win prizes at local art society shows.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could get a showing in a minor gallery.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your work is widely admired, and galleries contact you about mounting exhibitions. You are invited to teach at local art colleges.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are acknowledged as a driving force in contemporary art. Your work commands enormous prices, and is found in art museums as well as commercial galleries and private collections.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 22
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164



You have the ability to make changes in your metabolism and other bodily functions. These alterations may consist of small tweaks to such aspects of your physiology as body temperature, or large-scale system shutdowns that allow you to survive catastrophic circumstances.

While ursine Gurahl must take two dots in the Talent to reflect their basic bear heritage, human-born werebears may find this Ability incredibly useful in many circumstances. Advanced levels enable you to fine-tune your metabolism so that nearly every part of your body comes under conscious control. Practical applications include control of respiratory functions, pain management, fertility, and blood circulation.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can make minor adjustments in internal body temperature and heart rate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can mimic the process of hibernation by slowing down your metabolism.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can exercise phenomenal control over your respiratory and involuntary muscle systems.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can isolate single portions of your metabolism while leaving others untouched.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The most renowned yogis in the world have nothing on you; you can go so far as to stop your heart and restart it after a prolonged hiatus.

Possessed by:

WW3079 Gurahl 86+



You specialize in doing vulgar magick in plain sight and having Sleepers accept it. You may be a stage magician with a large following or a faith healer who prepares the faithful to accept miracles. Or you may just appear to be so weird and outlandish that compared to yourself, the things you do are mundane. This Talent can be combined with Manipulation to make Sleepers view vulgar magick as coincidental. Note that this Talent only works under the right circumstances; throwing fireballs down Main Street would be considered vulgar no matter what the cover might be.

Dot-filled.png Novice: It's amazing how you pull gold bricks out of people's ears. How'd you do that trick?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Only a weirdo would tape rubber bat wings to a cat and throw it out the window. Good thing it landed okay. Someone should call the Humane Society.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The giant robot in your garage is really neat, and the kids love watching it walk around when you hook up the rubber brain in the jar. Would you consider letting the school use it for their Haunted House?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Mrs. Wilson is on the roof again with her broomstick. It's really sad how she's gotten since her husband died. Poor woman. I think she really thinks she's a witch. But would you explain to the children that what we saw was just the wind and that we did not see her flying?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: I'm a toad! Cool! Give me another hit of that stuff, man. This trip is really funky.

Possessed by:

WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 14



This is the ability to have a good time at a party or other social occasion, and to make sure others around you also have a good time. Normally, it involves a mixture of eating, drinking and good cheer. On a successful roll of Manipulation + Carousing, the character can make a lasting good impression on everyone around him; this can be helpful for trying to make friends, garner information or distract the attendees while a partner rifles the coat room.

Vampire: Carousing also includes the ability to appear to eat and drink, normally, without actually doing so. Using this Ability, one of the Kindred could attend an opening-night cast party without arousing any suspicion. On a successful roll of Manipulation + Carousing, no one notices that the character neither eats nor drinks.

The difficulty of the roll depends on the social event: three or less for a house party with a buffet, seven or more for a sitdown dinner. This Ability can also be used to determine how entertaining and popular the character is at a party or event.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Good ol' Uncle Bill
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Jake the Frat Rat
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: James Bond
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: The Three Musketeers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Bluto in "Animal House"
Carousing (For Vampires)
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can plead a small appetite or recent illness.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Perhaps you’re watching your diet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A charming dinner companion.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You obviously enjoyed the food.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You even called for seconds.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 22
WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164



You have the ability to deal with people of all types and creeds. Even when handling touchy subjects, you are able to get results without ruffling too many feathers.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can state your position without driving anyone away from the negotiating table.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Friends ask you to deal with things for them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could shine in management or personnel.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could be a professional union negotiator or ombudsman.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can defuse nearly any situation, from an industrial dispute to a religious war.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 67
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35

Dreamcraft (talent)


You are the master of your own dreams and visions. At lower levels, you can exercise a bit of dream recall and initiation; at greater levels, you can attempt to gain conscious awareness during a dream (Manipulation + Dreaming, difficulty 6), consciously control your own actions within the dream (difficulty 7), and even try to alter your surroundings (difficulty 8).

Used during trances or meditations, this Talent can be a useful tool for puzzling through riddles, or understanding visions. A successful Wits + Dreamcraft roll might help you reduce the difficulty of Enigmas or Occult contest. Some magical traditions teach Dreamcraft techniques, and consider it an almost magical talent. Contemporary dream researchers and psychotherapists call this ability "lucid dreaming," and study it as if they could really learn something by quantifying dreams.

Dreamcraft (talent)
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can remember a previous dream in some degree of detail.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can "will" yourself into a specific kind of dream (a nightmare, a reoccurring vision, a memory-recall, etc.).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You have limited control over your own dreams.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Dreams are familiar territory; you journey there to gather hints from your inner self.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Dreams sometimes seem more real than the waking world.

WW4010 World of Darkness: Sorcerer 58

Fast Draw


This Skill allows you to ready a weapon almost instantly. You can draw a weapon and have it ready for use just as if it had been in your hand all along.

Fast Draw
Dot-filled.png Novice: You have good reflexes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You’re good, but not great.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You would have lasted a little while in the Old West. You could work Wild West shows.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Pretty fast. You could headline your own act.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Greased lightning. You might have been able to take Billy the Kid.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 47



Alone among the Changing Breeds, Corax can fly. More than that, the wereravens love to fly, taking every opportunity to spread their wings and get some altitude. A Corax who doesn't excel at Flight is likely to take a lot of flak — of the verbal kind — from his cousins until he gets good at it. While all Corax have the ability to flyfrom Point A to Point B without crash-landing along the way, Flight demonstrates a wereraven's knack for serious aerial agility. Corax with Flight can navigate more accurately, squeeze through smaller spaces while airborne and perform more and more complicated acrobatic maneuvers. The talent also covers such related acts as pulling out of falls, landing on precarious surfaces, and picking things up without landing first.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can take off and land without crashing too often.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Trees and buildings areno obstacle.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can weave through brambles and skyscrapers with equal ease.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nonatural creature cankeep up with you in the air.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Immelmans and barrel rolls? Blindfolded? No problem.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 115
WW3077 Corax 68



You may or may not have the gift to tell accurate fortunes, but you can make people believe you do.

Changeling: While this Talent confers no magic in and of itself, it may add to your successes. For each 2 successes, reduce the difficulty of the Soothsay cantrip by 1.

Mage/Sorcerer/Psychic: While this Talent confers no magick in and of itself, it may add to your successes. For each 2 successes, reduce the difficutly of divination magick by 1.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You are able to use one method of divination adequately, and treat this Ability as a pastime.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can use one method of fortune telling well, and can tell someone general information that will apply to her.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know a lot about certain methods of fortune telling and can tell anyone detailed information that will apply to him.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are able to use multiple methods well, and have a keen understanding of what people want to hear.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: An oracle; Gypsies take lessons from you.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 88
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 15
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 36



This is the ability to function "smoothly" in a social setting. Gossiping, cutting deals, making a good first impression on a visiting dignitary, and handling yourself in a salon of elders are all aspects of Grace. Graceless characters may be boorish, introverted or under-socialized. Those with higher Grace get along with people in any crowd and often have many contacts.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Debutante
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Senator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Hollywood celebrity
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Public relations director
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Vampire prince

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 15



One with the Guile talent has a knack for cunning, craftiness, and artful duplicity. Acting like you have a job on Wall Street when you're actually unemployed would take a lot of guile.

While it generally has a negative connotation, people who have guile are also thought of as being wily, clever, and shrewd. Those who are free of guile are pure and upstanding.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Phil Harrison
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Londo Mollari
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Agent Coulson
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Voldemort
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Methos

WW2002 Vampire The Masquerade (2nd Edition Text Only) 92



You are skilled at bargaining and can reduce another’s price, or get some other concession, under most circumstances.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can knock a few bucks off the price of something at a flea market or garage sale.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You get used cars for what they're worth, not what they're marked.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can play the game of prestation better than any of your peers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Princes ask you if they're getting a good deal.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can get what you want, when you want it for the price you are willing to pay - always.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 67



Helldivers Helldive. This is practical knowledge of the Labryinth's ways. Veterans learn to recognize on a subconscious level when they are approaching a dead end, what sorts of formations are most likely to conceal ambushes, how to distinguish dangerous Plasmics from harmless ones and so on.

On the first dot's worth of Helldiving can be acquired through instruction. Further dots must be earned through experience.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know that Oblivion is down and stygia up, and can find your way along routes you've traveled before.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You travel safely through the Labyrinth's normal conditions without delay, and can cope with most unusual situations without too much complication.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can lead Helldiver bands and keep them together in the face of unforeseen changes and significant opposition.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You know as much about the Labyrinth as one can expect to without becoming Shadow-Eaten.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Charon used to bring his difficult question to you. Well, maybe not, but it's not like he's about to come back and contradict you....

Possessed by:
Wraiths: Doomslayers-Helldivers

WW6064 Doomslayers: Into the Labyrinth 52



You can give persuasive homilies, and inspirational sermons. You manage to turn almost any daily event into a life-enriching experience with many lessons to learn. This can be used from the pulpit, a street corner, or even the local bar.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can retell a good homily you once heard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can construct a small sermon of your own.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can do this every week if you have to.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You actually make peoplw listen.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You have changed lives.

WW2020 The Inquisition 54



You have a knack for imparting information and skills to others. You can explain things and demonstrate techniques in such a way that anyone who listens to you can easily learn. You can teach any of your Skills or Knowledges to another character, but you can never raise a student’s score above your own.

See +rules Instruction for mechanics on how this works to teach abilities to other PC for an XP discount.

Dot-filled.png Novice: boy Scout merit badge instructor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Elementary school teacher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Calculus IV professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: World-renowned lecturer in your chosen field
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Socrates

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 16
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou (revised) p.177



We want information... and you know how to get it. Your methods range from fast talk to threats and psychological warfare. In game terms, you roll your Manipulation + Interrogation to break a subject. Some methods work better than others with certain subjects, so define what you're doing and how before making the roll. The difficulty is usually equal to the subject's current Willpower rating, although subtle methods (simply talking rings around your subject until he accidentally lets the information drop) may require a simple difficulty 7 roll. Why break bones if you don't have to? (For raw force techniques, see "Torture.")

Dot-filled.png Novice: Small-town newspaper reporter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Vice cop
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Psychiatrist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: KGB "physician"
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Voivode from the Old World

WW2301 Vampire Storyteller's Companion 17
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 149



You know the finer points of plotting and deal-making in the halls of power. You understand the practical use of power (in sometimes threatening but always nonconfrontational ways) to achieve your own ends. This Talent also allows you to glean important facts about others in your social circle, and to separate truth from endless amounts of false and useless gossip.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You maneuver well agaisnt a single adversary.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can figure out how to subvert an organized enemy.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can handle multiple plots simultaneously.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You've woven a web of double- and triple-crosses, all to your benefit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The rest of the Kindred are just so many puppets, dancing on your strings.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 41
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 37



Unquantifiable and indefinable, Intuition is the quality that lets some individuals sort clues from a sea of flase information and feel with perfect clarity when something is right. It covers a wide array of minor yet critical tasks, from sensing when someone's lying to you to realizing that your opponent is bluffing his way through his hand to putting clues together when the sum of the parts doesn't quite equal the whole. It is a seixth sense, gut feelings, and hunches.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've got a knack for making the right choice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've learned to listen to and trust your instincts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: When you have a a "bad feeling" about something, everyone listens.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could make a killing in the stock market.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You've always managed to make the right choice at the last minute... so far.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 16
WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 88
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 143


Dot-filled.png Novice: You've dabbled. You can keep 2 props going for a few minutes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've got a good grasp of the basics. You can keep 3 props going at least five minutes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Other jugglers regard you as fairly skilled and competent. Someone can toss a fourth prop and you do not miss a beat.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are familiar with the subtle nuances and applications. Knives? No problem.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Chainsaws? Torches? No problem.

Note: Juggling is listed in some books as a specialty for Athletics and Acrobatics. COH has it in the database as a full secondary talent. Book references being used are for the Hobby Talent stat.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164

Lucid Dreaming


Dreams are something that happen to most people, and few are lucky to even remember. You have some degree of control over what happens and what it is about in your dreams. Achieving insight into your own subconscious and gaining many details for stories. Dreams gain special meaning and power within the Maya Realms, this talent is useful for building status and reputation amongst the Oneira lords and dream-spirits, and weaving new dreams and realities to populate the dream world. Without magic that lets you explore the Dream Realms, you will never know whether your dreams were merely self-restricted hallucination or epic fantasies envied by the mightiest of Oneira.

At lower levels, you have some control of dream recall and initiation. At greater skill levels, you can attempt to gain conscious awareness during any of your dreams with a roll of Perception + Lucid Dreaming vs 9. Success allows you to consciously control your own actions; you can even try to manipulat your immediate dream surrounds (difficulty 6+). This Talent can also be used while in trances or while meditating. It allows you to enter the borderlands between waking and dreaming, where reality and phantasm intermingle. This is a useful tool in puzzling through riddles which you're trying to solve, understanding visions, etc.

Lucid Dreaming
Dot-filled.png Novice: You eat heavy foods and watch strange movies to inspire your nightly sessions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You often dream about things that interest you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The contents of your dreams are open to change.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your dream world is a continuing project.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Do you ever wake up?

WW4009 Halls of the Arcanum 55
WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 50

Malkavian Time


This Malkavian specific Trait represents a Lunatic's particular connection to her clan's shared sub-consciousness. It allows the Malkavian to "plug into" the floodwaters of the Madness Network and filter out messages, impulses, shared visions and knowledge of upcoming clan gatherings.

The Storyteller is usually the one making any Malkavian Time rolls, at least with regards to clan gatherings. The Storyteller rolls the character's Wits + Malkavian Time in secret, usually about a week before a significant gathering.

  • With one success, the Malkavian receives an impulse to immediately head to a specific locale — but only when the meeting's just starting.
  • Three successes allow the Lunatic to have about a night or two's forewarning, and a general idea

of the meeting's purpose. Five successes give the Malkavian warning a week early, and a very clear vision of the meeting's focus.

  • Six or more successes can actually be detrimental — at that point, it's entirely likely that the poor mad vampire has dipped too deeply, and is starting to receive pulses of his elders' derangements...

It's theoretically possible to actually, consciously send messages along the Network, but that doesn't mean that the Network is any sort of replacement (or even poor substitute) for a cell phone. For the most part, "sent" messages that manage to make it farther than a few feet are unconscious screams that channel a Malkavian's extreme emotion or pain.

For this reason, Malkavians with more than three dots in Malkavian Time can often hear a clanmate's death-scream, so long as it's in the same city. Despite the difficulty, it is possible to send deliberate, personalized messages from one person to the next along the Network, even without Dementation. It's tough as hell, but a Malkavian can always try. To make the attempt, the player rolls Wits + Malkavian Time vs 9. Success allows the Malkavian to transmit a message to one person within city limits (longer ranges are possible, but only at the Storyteller's discretion); the message can consist of up to two words per success.

Note that a Malkavian needn't have any dots at all in Malkavian Time to receive those hideous little broadcasts along the clan's frayed neural network. In fact, it often drives newly Embraced clan members... well, madder than usual when the messages start filtering into their brains without any hint as to their origins.

Malkavian Time
Dot-filled.png Novice: Your "cousins" are usually surprised when you manage to make it to a gathering.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've become accustomed to the occasional Call.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can sometimes hear echoes of messages that might not be intended for you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: When one of the family dies, you know.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are the undisputed local authority on what is necessary.

Possessed by:

WW2353 Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition) 59



Masquerade is the ability to falsely reproduce the frailites and subtle clues of mortality: breaking, a pulse, flushed skin, sneezing, mortal reflexes, etc. Masquerade may be rolled with a Social Attribute to determine how well the vampire fools the mortals around him. Any Vampire can pretend to breathe, but not every vampire can do it well.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can pass in an unobservant crowd.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can fool a casual observer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can fool someone who's examining you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can pass a routine physical exam.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Even a witch-hunter would be fooled.

Possessed by: Vampires

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 18



Might is meant for moving mass with muscle. You haver trained as a body builder and are in a state of advanced buffitude. Or you have do so much manual labor that muscle has developed naturally. This Talent will not improve your damage rolls, or Brawl or Melee attacks, or really any good in combat unless you are lifting something heavy or trying to break something.

Might can be used to increase Strength when used for Encumbrance, Jumping, Lifting/Breaking, Opening/Closing, or Throwing rules. In that case, you can add dots of Might to Strength (and maybe even your Strength + Athletic pool when approved by the ST), but only when performing such static feats of brawn.

You cannot have more dots in Might than you have dots in Strength.

Dot-filled.png Novice: "I'm going more for tone than mass." You have some decent muscle definition.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: "I love the manly smell of my weight belt in the morning." Your neck is vanishing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: "Watch me crack this walnut with my bicep." You routinely rack every station on the Nautilus.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: "Watch me crack this walmut with my abs." You qualify as "muscle bound," and no one kicks sand in your face --- ever.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: "The madness is runnin wild. Snap into a slim jim!" Lucrative protein-drink endorsements are yours for the asking.

WW8103 Hunter Book: Avenger 64



You have a very versatile voice, and can imitate accents, people and sometimes other sounds.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can passably duplicate a few accents, and can perform impressions of a couple of well-known personalities.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can duplicate a range of accents well enough to fool anyone but a native speaker, and can convincingly imitate a range of celebrities and others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could do this on stage. You can pick up someone's vocal mannerisms by studying them for a couple of hours, and subsequently imitate them well enough to fool someone who doesn’t know the person well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can imitate a specific person well enough to fool someone on the phone, and pass as a native speaker in an accent similar to your own. You can duplicate a range of animal and technological noises.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: There is almost no accent, person or noise you can’t imitate.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 19
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 178
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 37



You know the art of the deal. Whether you're fixing a sticky labor dispute, striking a pact with a vampire or convincing some blue-painted retropagan to join the 21st century, you can get what you want while making your "partners" feel as though they've gotten the best of you.

There's more to a good deal than just making an offer: You know how to approach a "partner," how to appeal to her wants or needs, how to play up to her vanity without coming off like a sap and when and how to put the screws on. If you're brokering a deal for other parties, you understand how to make them both happy while getting what you want. That, ultimately, is the bottom line.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Trading card collector.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Family councilor.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Labor negotiator.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Hostage crisis specialist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: UN diplomat.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145



WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145+ A new age demands new words. You specialize in coining them. Hyphens do not exist in youor world; you spread disinformatin, deimprotantize malefactors, create credibility gaps and declare coprosperity. When the need arises, you specialize in B-52ing buzwords and positroning sundbites for media conspicuscomp. Confusing! Not as cnofusing as you can be once you get going! A Social Trait-based Newspeak roll can excite or incite (Charisma + Newspeak); impress, intimidate or confuse (Manipulation + Newspeak) and even sucker skeptics by playing beauty and brains against them (Appearance + Newspeak). All hail neocom!

Dot-filled.png Novice: Given time, you can spin out buzzwords.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: In a situation, you're a flash communicator.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Your neologic metaphases into masscom.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Masspeak is youspeak. Youspeak is allspeak.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could make Orwell's head explode.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145



You are a skilled beggar. You are able to get people to give you money just by asking for it. You know whom to ask, how to approach them, what to say and how to avoid the police. This Talent is useful for picking up quick cash or creating a cover.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You get most of your money shaking cans and washing windshields. You’re still working on a hard-luck story.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You’re working on the story and using the classic lines, but you still manage to get little more than spare change.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You’re really smooth — you can even hit the hard-hearted for a few bucks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Who needs a sob story when you can hustle and scam your way into big bucks from tourists and little old ladies?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Dinners, rides home, cash for a bus ticket — easy as pie.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 88



This Talent represents your character's ability to win others over to her way of thinking. The method used may involve subtle mental and emotional seduction or even outright begging, pleading, and cajoling. People with high Persuasion ratings tend to be natural leaders and advocates.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can be convincing through a concentrated effort.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You pinpoint the hole in another's position.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A professional debater, you are always on top of any argument.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You make others feel guilty for even disagreeing with you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You say "Jump," and they say, "How high."

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 140

Poetic Expression


You are able to craft words in ways that evoke thoughts, emotions and reactions from those who read them. It is rare for one person to be skilled at more than one specialty at one time, so choose carefully.

Poetic Expression
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can write a short poem or a short story is not out of your reach.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could publish your poetry or fiction in a local journal, or write basic hit- parade lyrics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could get your novel or anthologies of your work published and make a profit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are asked to do readings of your work for local societies nationwide, and aficionados snap up your works as soon as they are published.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your work is already being taught in English classes, and you are recognized as one of the foremost writers of your day.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69

Public Speaking


You are able to mold the emotions of a crowd by making a speech. This might be at a political rally, in a courtroom, at a lecture or even at the barricades once the revolution is underway.

Public Speaking
Dot-filled.png Novice: Entertaining speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Compelling speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Inspiring speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Popular champion
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Churchill or Hitler

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69



You are practiced at noticing small details and changes in the environment when you purposely look at or listen to what is going on around you. This ability can only be used when you specifically say you are attempting to notice if anything is amiss—if you aren’t concentrating, this ability will do you no good.

Dot-filled.png Novice: If anyone notices police sirens, it’s you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Police could use your detective abilities.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The slightest motion draws your attention.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nothing escapes your glance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can count the grains of salt on a pretzel by taste.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You have a knack for finding almost anything, under almost any circumstances. The masters of your craft can find a hot spring at the North Pole, or a mainframe computer in the heart of the Amazon Jungle, if necessary.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Occasionally you can pluck something off the scrap heap.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know where to look for hard-to-find items - and that includes some hard-to-find sources.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know if something can be found in under 24 hours.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have a network of potential sources for anything and everything you might need on short notice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can find anything, at any time, assuming it still exists.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You know how best to go about looking for someone or something in a small area, where you can concentrate your perceptions. You can search for anything from a lost ring in your bedroom to the assassin who is hiding in the garden.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You are good at finding lost items.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Tell-tale signs (e.g. broken plants) are apparent to you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know where to look.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nothing escapes your glance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can spot the Purloined Letter in two seconds flat.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) 29
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 178
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You know how to lure, attract and command the attention of others in a sexual manner. By the way you hold yourself, how you look at someone and even by the tone of your voice, you are able to arouse and excite those upon whom you practice your wiles. Once you have fully seduced someone, he will be willing to do nearly anything for you.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Teenager
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: The “older woman”
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Heartthrob
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Movie star
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The envy of vampires everywhere

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38

Sense Deception


Over the years, you have developed the ability to know instinctively when people are not telling you the truth or not telling you the whole truth. There is a way they look, a tone of voice, a movement of the eyes.

Sense Deception
Dot-filled.png Novice: Sometimes you can tell, but you still get suckered though more rarely than the average person does.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: It takes a silver tongue to pull the wool over your eyes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Anyone who can slip one past you is a highly skilled con artist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could make a living screening people for security.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: People whisper behind your back, and many are nervous talking to you. Your ability is almost supernatural.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You may not have been born good-looking, or possessed of a natural charm, but you know how to dress and make the most of your appearance. Note that this Talent only applies to people’s reactions to your appearance; once you get closer, it’s up to you.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've got good taste.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your friends always take you along for advice when they go shopping.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You stand out among the sheep.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your outfits grace the bodies of magazine fashion models.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your ideas influence international fashion trends.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 20
WW3075 Breedbook: Bastet (1st Edition) 81
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 18
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 39



You are able to swim at least enough to keep yourself afloat, and maybe a little more. Note that vampires, unlike mortals, do not float naturally; if they do not swim, they sink.

Without the Swimming Talent, normal swimming speed is 8 yards + your Dexterity. The Swimming Skill increases your speed to 12 years + your Dexterity provided that is your only action during a turn. To swim faster than normal, roll Swimming + Stamina vs 7. Each success adds three yards to your speed. You may roll every turn until you get no successes, in which you must maintain or decrease your speed or risk exhaustion.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can swim and tread water.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know your strokes and can swim fast and for extended periods.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can teach others to swim and can serve as a lifeguard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You're captain of the swim team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're headed for the Olympics.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 46



You know how to throw things in general, and how to use various types of thrown weapons — anything from spears to hatchets to knives to baseballs (yes, if thrown hard enough, they make fine weapons).

Dot-filled.png Novice: You sometimes get the ball over home plate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: High school baseball pitcher.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are deadly even in a food fight.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Regional darts champion, you have your choice of prizes at the carnival.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can pin an enemy's pants to the wall without touching his skin.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 20
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 47



You have the ability to throw your voice, making to appear to come from somewhere else. This Talent can be used for entertainment — or deception.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You could do a ventriloquist act at a children’s party.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can throw your voice about a yard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could almost make a living from your talent. You can make someone (or something) within five yards of you appear to speak.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could take your act to Vegas. You can make your voice appear to come from any spot within 30 feet of you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your voice can seem to come from anywhere within hearing distance.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 21
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 18
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 39