Vampire Clan Weakness
It has come to staff's attention that some people - a lot of people - are not playing their clan weaknesses. For convenience, there is now a wiki page that gives a rundown of all the various clans that we allow here. You are expected to play your weaknesses. Make sure that you look this over and know when it is appropriate for your weakness to kick in.

Assamites: Otherwise known as the Banu Haquim. All of this clan will experience an odd darkening of their skin beginning between ages 50-100 years after Embrace, ending when their skin becomes obsidian in color, and shiny even. This can take up to a millennium, but diablerie can speed it along. (Assamite Revised, pgs. #38 & 40)
Anytime an Assamite drinks or even tastes vitae, she must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty equal to the number of blood points ingested +3). If this roll fails, she is addicted, and must make another Self-Control roll the next time she comes in contact with vitae. Failing that roll will send the vampire into a sanguinary frenzy, in which she will do anything physically possible to partake in as much blood as possible. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#91)
Caste weaknesses:
- Sorcerer Caste - Their auras always show the distinctive signs associated with blood magic. Any use of a supernatural power on a sorcerer for purposes of perception are at a (-2) difficulty. Attempts to penetrate a sorcerer’s supernatural concealment using an opposed power are considered to operate one level higher than normal (for example, if a character uses Auspex 2 to try to penetrate a sorcerer’s Obfuscate, they effectively have Auspex 3). (Assamite Revised, pgs.# 47)
- Vizier Caste - Each Vizier has an Obsessive/Compulsive derangement associated with his highest-rated intellectual or creative Ability. If the character’s focus of effort shifts, so does the focus of the derangement. This should be RP’d at a gradual pace, rather than the moment xp is spent. When the derangement is active, the vizier’s aura flickers with strange patterns that an observer can interpret to discern their Nature and the focus of obsession. Following a successful use of Aura perception, the viewer may make an Intelligence + Empathy roll (difficulty of the vizier’s Humanity or Path rating); two successes give the viewer the focus of the vizier’s obsession and four reveal his Nature. (Assamite Revised, pgs.# 47-48)
- Warrior Caste - The black stains of diablerie are present on their aura from the moment of their Embrace, Baali also cursed them with murderous hunger for vitae. (Assamite Revised, pgs.# 46-47)
Baali: While the Baali do not publicly acknowledge faiths other than their own, they will flee in terror for their own lives when confronted with a crucifix, religious texts, prayer, and all things sacred. (Clanbook: Baali, pg.#37)
Brujah: Wild passion from the heart, coupled with an uncontrollable temper is both a blessing and curse. Quick to adopt a cause, they are equally as quick to fall to frenzy. Bringing up this tendency is a cause for hostility from any Brujah. The difficulties of rules to resist frenzy are two higher than normal for members of clan Brujah. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#69)
Followers of Set: The Setites have a severe allergy to bright lights of all sorts, sunlight being the top of that list. Add two health levels to any damage inflicted by exposure to the sun. Setites also subtract one from all dice pools while in overly bright light (such as magnesium flares, spotlights, etc). (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#93)
Gangrel: The Gangrel gains an animalistic feature after each frenzy thus putting them in the situation of breaking the Masquerade by mere presence. For every five features, reduce one of the Gangrel’s Social Attributes by one. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#71)
Giovanni: The Giovanni’s Kiss will cause excruciating pain to any mortals who receive it. Their bite often kills the mortal victim from chock before blood loss. They do twice as much damage as any other vampire to mortals only who suffer their Kiss. One blood point taken from a mortal vessel will suffer two health levels of damage from their bite. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#95)
Kiasyd: Due to their mixed blood, pure iron causes great discomfort to them. Being in the presence of iron (# of yards = to Stamina) raises the Kiasyd’s frenzy difficulties by one. Touching it causes an immediate frenzy roll, and wounds caused by iron weapons inflict aggravated damage. (Guide to the Sabbat, pg.#63)
Lasombra: All Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. Not in mirrors, water, reflective windows, photographs, polished metals, and even security cameras. It will extend to clothes worn, and any objects carried. Due to their draw to darkness, all Lasombra also take an extra level of damage from sunlight. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#85)
Malkavian: During character generation, every Malkavian must choose at least one derangement that was developed at the time of the Embrace. It can be temporarily fought with Willpower, but can never be permanently overcome. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#73)
Nosferatu: At character generation, all Nosferatu have Appearance ratings of zero. They cannot improve their appearance with xp. Most Social actions that are based on first impressions, save for intimidation, will fail automatically. This also puts them at risk of breaching the Masquerade. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#75)
Ravnos: Decided upon character generation, all Ravnos have an addiction to a particular vice. This weakness is so form of deceit, trickery, mischief, be it gambling, lying, theft, blackmail, or as serious as murder and diablerie. When presented with an opportunity, the Ravnos must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 6) or succumb to this compulsion. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#97)
Salubri: The Salubri may only take blood from those that will give it willingly. If the vessel resists, the Salubri loses a point from her Willpower pool and may have to check for Humanity degeneration at the ST’s discretion. (Vampire Storyteller’s Companion, pg.#11)
Salubri Antitribu: The opposite of their brothers, the antitribu may only feed on blood taken by force, from the heat of passion. If given willingly, the blood consumed does not replenish the blood pool. (Guide to the Sabbat, pg.#73)
Toreador: When viewing, hearing, or even smelling something that is truly beautiful (a person, a painting/sculpture, music, sunrise), they must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 6) or else become entranced by the beauty. While entranced, the Toreador will stand in rapt fascination for a scene or until the beautiful thing is removed. This means they may not defend themselves if attacked, but a wound gives them an opportunity to roll Self-Control again to ‘break the spell’. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#77)
House Rules: When a Toreador Vampire comes up something that will trigger their clan weakness, as described in the book, they must +roll self-control vs 6. Things that trigger it include anyone with Appearance 5+, Art (be it painting, sculpture, craft, clothing, music, performance) that is 7+ successes in it's creation. They can spend a willpower for an auto success, but they still need to roll. It will eliminate a botch, but does not completely eliminate the possibility of a failure. If the Toreador fails the roll, they are not only entranced, but vulnerable to any attacks. To get out of being entranced, either the 'art' must be removed from view or they must suffer a wound of at least 1 level of bashing damage. If they suffer the wound, it gives them a new +roll Self-Control vs 6 again to attempt to escape the entrancement. How removal of the source of fascination is up to your RP, but could include removal of the Toreador from the source. Trigger Note: Toreador PCs should set a +note titled "Triggers". Each PC may choose types of arts and list ONE thing that they dislike, and at least one that they like. The disliked art will not affect them as much (-1 diff for Self-Control rolls), and the liked art will hit harder (+1 diff for Self-Control rolls). That note will need approved/locked by Staff through a +request. The list can be changed (as tastes may evolve) ONCE per month through a +request only. Example: +note/private me/Triggers= Dance: There is no specific list of TYPES of art. You're Toreador. Some people could be into beautiful drops of blood and you've never seen that before, so it gets you. In a month, you can maybe add 'Blood Art' to your +note. Desensitizing: After seeing the same PC that is Appearance 5+ or the same piece of (insert name of Art, song, sculpture, etc), at least 2 times, then the Toreador does not have to roll again for it. (It's boring now). Self Creations: Entrancement does include the Toreador's own creations. For example, if playing a song that is so beautiful with +7 successes for the performance, the Toreador will become so lost in the music that they are entranced until the song is completed. Their entrancement does not hamper their creativity, they just have lost control of stopping it. This could be a dance, painting, whatever. If it continues to the point of the sun coming up and rolls would be needed to stay awake, then that might break the entrancement. Large events: If attending an art exhibit, the roll would be for the whole show, not needed for each individual piece. If attending a concert, same thing, but if there is a super extraordinary performance during it (say most songs are around 7 succcesses, but one is at 11?), then that might justify another roll and is up to the ST for that scene. Rolls: When making these rolls, be sure to have someone witness it. +roll/page it to a friend, staff, etc. Someone. |
Tremere: When a Tremere is created, they must drink the blood of the clan’s seven elders. This is clan law. It makes every Tremere at least one step bonded to their elders, and most likely to act with great clan loyalty to keep from it being forced on them. This makes it much harder for clan members to resist the will of their elders. The difficulty of any Dominate attempt from a clan superior is one less. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#79)
Tzimisce: Every Tzimisce must sleep every day surrounded by at least two handfuls of the earth of a place important to his life as a mortal. If he does not, this will half the Tzimisce’s dice pools every 24 hours, until all her actions use only one die. This penalty will remain until he rests for a fully day amid his own earth again. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#87)
Ventrue: During character creation, all Ventrue must pick what type of mortal blood they choose to feed on, as their tastes are exclusive to something such as clergy, blonde women, virgins, etc. Once approved, the character will feed on only that type of blood, even if starving or under duress, although vitae is acceptable. (VTM: Corebook Revised, pg.#81)