Character Generation/Ajaba

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Choose Concept, Faction (Gaian or Wyrm), Breed, Aspect (Dawn or Dusk)

  • Attributes: 7/5/3
  • Abilities: 13/9/5
  • Backgrounds: 5
  • Fetishes taken in Chargen must be in a book somewhere --- you can't make your own. Create a +note for your fetish, including a page reference for the book that it is from.
  • Rites (background) can only be taken in Chargen. Must also have Rituals (the Primary Knowledge) at the same level as the highest Rite. You can choose rites that equal the sum of the level of the Rites (background). For Example: Rites (background) at level 4, you can choose a Level 1 Rite and a Level 3 Rite. You must also set your Rituals at 3. Or you can choose to take 4 Rites that are all Level 1, and only need Rituals at 1.

Note: See XP Chart for details on ways to learn Rites both for XP and without XP cost once approved.

  • Gifts: 3 (one general, one breed, one aspect)
    • General: Feral Grin, Wolf at the Door, Primal Anger, Sense Prey
    • Breed
      • Homid: Master of Fire, Smell of Man
      • Metis: Primal Anger, Sense Wyrm
      • Hyaena: Heightened Senses, Sense Prey
    • Aspect
      • Dawn
        • Female: Falling Touch, Inspiration, Razor Claws
        • Male: Beast Speech, Call of the Wyld, Mindspeak
        • Metis: any of the above
      • Dusk
        • Female: Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Seal, Scent of Running Water
        • Male: Mother's Touch, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech
        • Metis: any of the above
  • Renown: 3
    • Wyrm: Replace Obligation with Infamy, retain Cunning, retain Ferocity (or replace with Power)
  • Gnosis
    • Homid: Female = 1, Male = 3
    • Metis: 3
    • Hyaena: Female = 3, Male = 5
  • Rage
    • Dawn: Female = 5, Male = 3, Metis = 4
    • Dusk: Female = 3, Male = 1, Metis = 2
    • Rage and Gnosis may be gender-flipped by request (PGttCB 38)
  • Willpower: 3

Freebies: 15

Freebie Costs:

  • Attributes: 5
  • Abilities: 2
  • Backgrounds: 1
  • Gifts (level 1): 7
  • Rage: 1 (max total 8)
  • Gnosis: 2 (max total 8)
  • Willpower: 1 (max total 8)

Beast Courts: