We are the Damhàn. Others call us "spiders" or "Ananasi" (which is fine, it honors our Queen Mother) but we are so much more than just the form we become - would the Garou be satisfied by being called "wolves", no but also not insulted. We are divided by our callings but united in our purpose. We are all children of Queen Ananasa and we will save this world.
- The Padrone are Ananasi turned against the Ananasi. They hunt us. They are the bogeymen of the Damhàn. The Elders don't know what cause them but warn against interacting with them... sometimes those that do become what they investigated.
- There are other splinter Ananasi groups: the somewhat wyrm-tainted Kumo of the east, the fully wyrm-tainted Antara, and the disloyal Kumatai who have simply turned their backs on the Queen Mother. They each represent their own unique troubles.