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|The Lost Boys claim (or are trying to claim) a small territory east of the overpass (Camarilla Territory) from first and second avenues and between D streets and Market.  
The Lost Boys claim (or are trying to claim) a small territory east of the overpass (Camarilla Territory) from first and second avenues and between D streets and Market.  
This is a small territory to claim, only two square blocks in essence and on the fringe of Camarilla Territory, and there's no reason to think that the Seneschal would reject our claim. Essentially it puts a coterie between his lands and the Sabbat so he should like having more 'cannon fodder'.

Revision as of 21:29, 29 October 2013



You'll never grow old, and you'll never die. But you must feed.

The Lost Boys are a group of young (looking) vamps who aren't part of the 'corporate power' world. Just like the Lost Boys (of both Peter Pan and the awesome vampire movie), these guys are on the streets rather than in some lofty tower. They are a family of friends. When you've got no one and the world's against you, the best way to survive the eternity of the nights to come is together.

The Lost Boys are working to claim territory on the east side of the overpass (Camarilla Territory)


The Lost Boys claim (or are trying to claim) a small territory east of the overpass (Camarilla Territory) from first and second avenues and between D streets and Market.


This is a small territory to claim, only two square blocks in essence and on the fringe of Camarilla Territory, and there's no reason to think that the Seneschal would reject our claim. Essentially it puts a coterie between his lands and the Sabbat so he should like having more 'cannon fodder'.

Basic Rules

The coterie is Camarilla sanctioned but not Camarilla exclusive. Some of the rules of the Camarilla, even if you're not a member, make sense if you're just a lowbie and not wanting to go to war with everyone every night.

  • Keep the Masquerade. Its just good idea for everyone all around.
  • Protect our Turf. We may not have much but we need to protect what's ours.
  • Respect the Turf of Another. Do not, DO NOT, go into someone else's house and start crap.
  • Don't Bring Home No Babies. Turning someone should be a group decision. More mouths - less food.
  • One for all. All for One. If you mess up it's bad for all of us. So don't get us into a war.
  • Don't start stuff We Have to Finish. We'll back you up but don't get us in too deep or we'll drop you.
Current Plots


Members should add category:Lost Boys to their sheet

No pages meet these criteria.

Wanted Concepts

People who are interested should have characters that are newbies to the vampire world. It would just break the theme if your character has been around for a while and the rest of us are still figuring things out.

  • Brujah
  • Toreador
  • Gangrel
  • Ravnos
  • Lasombra-Anti
  • Nosferatu
No Thanks
  • Tzimisce
  • Malkavian
  • Samedi
Not Sure
  • Ventrue
  • Tremere
  • Setite

Video clips and songs

Rp Logs

In Progress