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**Even after realizing that he was part of a herd, Wyck still regards this time in his life as one of the most stable.
**Even after realizing that he was part of a herd, Wyck still regards this time in his life as one of the most stable.
**Wyck has tried to keep in relative contact with those who were part of the herd. Are you one of the survivors?  
**Wyck has tried to keep in relative contact with those who were part of the herd. Are you one of the survivors?  
*'''Orphan:''' Strictly speaking, he's a Hollow One, but in the eyes of many a magical practitioner, he's 'just an orphan' who works small magic.

Revision as of 14:29, 9 June 2016

Street Hooks
  • Hustler: Wyck is straight - or at least that's what he tells his clients. Normally he tries to find up-scale buisnessmen who want a little action on the down-low and is usually able to keep them quite entertained. (NOT effeminate)
  • Homeless: (strictly speaking he lives in a Winibago but it's on the street)
  • Fixer: Wyck is known for helping people find what they need - for a small price.
  • Witch: When all else fails and he needs money - he's known to read tarot cards, cast curses and things on people. He drums it up as an act to make money.
  • Vagrant: Occasionally he has to move the camper so that people don't become too wise that he's stealing their power or water. So he could end up anywhere in the city.


See also: Streetwise

Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck is just a guy who lives in an old RV.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck worked at Babylon back in the day.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck has been known to sell Ice in small quantities.

Background Hooks
  • Small Town: Wyck was born in Louisiana and quickly left the small town and his family for various reasons.
  • Passed Around:Wyck's family life was difficult at best. His parents always fought and most of the time he was caught in the middle. When he was between fifteen and sixteen, he decided to leave in the hopes that his absence would make his parents fight less. Originally he went to Texas to live with a friend of the family who said that they would look after him until 'things got sorted out'. A year after his arrival, the friend - who had become something of a grandmother to him - died. Unable to stay where he was (as a minor) and unwilling to go back home (which is where the courts were wanting to send him) he took off and headed to the big city.
Supernatural Hooks
  • Bloodboy: is nearly equivalent to a courtesan in that the mortal exchanges his blood for a nice place to live and a small stipend of money. Typically, the term is used to describe a mortal who was kept in a tight-knit herd whose members lived together in a house provided for them by the vampire.
    • Wyck was at one time part of a Vampire's Herd about three and a half ago (when he was 16) in Los Angeles.
    • The vampire was destroyed in a fire set by another, rival vampire.
    • Even after realizing that he was part of a herd, Wyck still regards this time in his life as one of the most stable.
    • Wyck has tried to keep in relative contact with those who were part of the herd. Are you one of the survivors?
  • Orphan: Strictly speaking, he's a Hollow One, but in the eyes of many a magical practitioner, he's 'just an orphan' who works small magic.