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| "C'mon, that was too easy.  You can do better'n that."

Revision as of 11:44, 1 July 2012

Rune's take after the appropriate number of beers...

Valka "Explain." Dramatic pause. "Explain, explain, explain."
Sjovold "Great. Just fuckin' great. The guys are never gunna stop raggin' on me when I get back and have to tell them 'bout my havin' the shit knocked out of me daily by a girl. Even if she is Fenrir."
Matt "There ain't nothing here to go all 'puny god' on me about, big guy."
Eva "C'mon, that was too easy. You can do better'n that."
Tonsyr "..."
Klem "Wait, let me get this straight...you're gunna serve me beer and barbecue? Hells yeah."
Cross "I don't trust you, Preacher Man."
Caller Unknown "Fantasy girl. Hah."