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|Just because I don't have the time or the energy to be pissed at you anymore, it doesn't mean you're out of the doghouse.
|You're just another part of the problem.

Revision as of 19:57, 16 April 2017

Alecto ...
Andy I'm positive you don't hear half the words that come out of your mouth these days.
Annie You don't deserve even half the shit you get, and if the other Furies here had any backbone, they'd have seen to it a long time ago that you didn't get saddled with any more of it.
Billy You've changed, and not for the better.
Charlene Didn't have the highest opinion of you when I first got here for a lot of dumb reasons. Think I speak for both of us when I say I'm glad we got a chance to sort that out.
Dex Hope you like the coffee mug.
Felix Remember what I said before, about not knowing what our direction was gonna be? ...Well. Think we found one. And I think it goes without saying that I'm relieved to hear that you'll be along for the ride.
Jake ...
Journey The less said about this, the better.
Kisa Every time I think I've got a handle on you, you switch things up on me. You're a curiosity, wrapped in an enigma, spritzed with expensive perfume, and offered up with a side of intrigue. Or, at least, that's how you'd like to be seen. Not that I have any complaints. As looks go, this one suits you.
Lydia You're just another part of the problem.
Mae It's strange to be in this situation, considering we haven't had much chance to get to know one another, but-- I trust our patron, and I'm pleased to call you sister.
Percy This goes to eleven.
Phillipe You're a delight. You were, and are a much-needed breath of fresh air. Not sure you know how much of one you're liable to be, either, but that's fine. I'll let that be a welcome surprise.
Raven I'm-- honestly not sure if there's anything to say about this. ...Or maybe I'm just overthinking things (again). Anyway-- I know I miss you. So... that's something. Isn't it?
Sebastien Still wanna know why introducing you to the Carol Burnett Show signals the End of Days, but I guess I'll find out eventually.
Tabia A surprise addition to the pack that couldn't have been more welcome. Was happy to run with you before; I'm proud to run with you now.