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Answering questions on the mysterious thing we all love to hate

This page is in initial draft stage and subject to change.

This page is intended to explain what a harpyreq is, how to use them, when to use them, and why they should be used. It seems that many people do not understand how it works here on CoH, or they have tried and it failed or backlashed, or they are used to doing it differently in other games and the help files or other explanations have simply failed to grant an understanding. We hope to provide more clarity here in this medium. If there are more questions still after reading this, please seek out one of the harpies so we can further clarify OOCly.


A Harpyreq is basically a report or conversation with the Harpies. Not just a one on one, but it goes to all of them. It is akin to speaking directly to the harpys, even if you cannot grab one ICly, and you have the added benefit that it will reach all of them - including the NPCS.

A Harpyreq will give the Harpies a chance to discuss what you bring to them, and decide if they should spread the gossip, as well as either give status to the subject of the rumor, or take it away.

Status may be gained in many ways such as by helping to preserve the Masquerade, doing favors for the Prince, or an Elder, or saving another Kindred's unlife. They may also gain it by overthrowing the holder of a station and assuming their mantle, granting it in return for a boon, or defeating a Sabbat menace in the city.

On the flip side, Status may be lost, and the possibilities for that are almost endless. From losing control and frenzing, disrespecting another Kindred (especially of higher status), violating the traditions, to acting against the Praxis. More examples will be found later on.


HarpyReq's are for every and any acknowledged member of the Camarilla to use. Consider before you put it in yourself - what is your own status, and what is the status of the person you are reporting about? Especially if you are lower in status, you may want to find someone of higher status to also report this, or do it for you. In fact, the more people that report to the harpies about a particular issue, the more attention it will get, and more weight either for or against the person it is about.

In general, for example, if someone of 5 status submits a report on being snubbed by a person of 50 status, it will probably be ignored because why should someone that much higher of status pay any attention to you? Now, if someone of 50 status submits a report on being snubbed by a person of 5 status, that would get attention and rumors spread, including a loss of status.



You should use a HarpyReq when something has happened (good or bad) that you feel the harpies should know about, especially if it fits into one of the categories that will be described below. It isn't for OOC issues, only IC ones. Vampire is a highly social game, so missteps ICly have consequences if the harpies find out, and deem it so. Similarly, going above and beyond, doing something helpful, have benefits.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibilities. The higher your status, the more clout you have to throw around, and can affect how others behave. If you feel someone is wrong, and they are of lower status, then without absolute proof that you were wrong, then the person of lower status will take the hit.


Why? Because we are freakin' vampires and this is a game based on socializing. Yes, combat happens. Yes, we need to feed off mortals (and sometimes rats, chickens, poodles...), but most of what happens is a social scene. Not just bar RP, but based on how we socialize with each other, when/where/how/why - even what we wear. Does something make another frenzy? Make them upset they lose their cool? Did someone help someone else out? Prove loyalty to the praxis? Find a traitor? If so, yes, it is time! Granted, many of those may be something to take to the Sheriff first, or the Prince, so when it doubt - ASK!


Mechanically, the commands are:

+harpyreq <Recipient>/<Type>=<Explanation>

Where Recipient is the person it is about. Type refers to what sort of behavior it is. The choices are BEHAVIOR, COURT, and PRAXIS. The Explanation should give details about what the recipient did (good or bad), and your thoughts on it. Remember - this is not turning someone in for punishing a crime. This is gossip and keeping those of lower status in line, or raising people up that are beneficial socially.


As mentioned above, there are three Harpy types. One, or more, are used for every Harpyreq, rather it is scandal or praise:





Airing Dirty Laundry

Behavior Not Befitting One's Station

Disrespecting the Standing of Other Camarilla Kindred

Frenzing, Violence, Reneging on a Boon

Spreading Heresy, Supporting Scandalous Kindred

Minor Violations of the Traditions


Encouraging the arts

Social activities that benefit the Praxis

Cooperation between clans

Mediating a situation

Outstanding or great improvement

Acts of selflessness and courage



Disrespecting Elysium

Interfering With the Duties of a Court Officer

Violation of Domain Protocols


Being praised in public by Prince, Officers, or Esteemed Kindred



Announcing an Attempted Praxis Seizure

Bloodhunting During A Praxis Seizure

Publicly Challenging a Praxis

Acts that endanger the Praxis


Safeguarding from threat

Acts that benefit the Praxis

Remember that actions of a Character's Childer and Retainers can gain or lose Status for them.