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[[Category:Logs]][[Category:Liesl]][[Category:Rin]][[Category:Alistair]][[Category:Vera]][[Category:Juliette Craven]][[Category:Glitter]]
[[Category:Logs]][[Category:Liesl]][[Category:Rin]][[Category:Alistair Black]][[Category:Vera]][[Category:Juliette Craven]][[Category:Glitter]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
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|icdate    = Monday
|icdate    = Monday
|ictime    = Night
|ictime    = Night
|players  = [[Liesl]] (as Eve), [[Rin|Knox]], [[Alistair]], [[Vera]], [[Juliette Craven|Juliette]]
|players  = [[Liesl]] (as Eve), [[Rin|Knox]], [[Alistair Black]], [[Vera]], [[Juliette Craven|Juliette]]
|location  = Glitter
|location  = Glitter

Latest revision as of 20:17, 28 March 2022

A Night at Glitter
An interview, a party and some insults
IC Date Monday
IC Time Night
Players Liesl (as Eve), Knox, Alistair Black, Vera, Juliette
Location Glitter


xxxxxIt's late on a Monday, but the club is still fairly busy. Customers fill many of the seats at tables and booths, and spots along the stage and catwalk. Dancers dance, servers serve and bouncer ... well, they're good at spotting trouble before it happens, so very little bouncing happens. At the bar, a very tall blonde, made even taller by the shoes she wears, serves drinks, and helps keep the server's trays filled with drinks for the customers. xxxxxFrom this vantage point, she can keep an eye on the club in general, and at the door in particular. She looks over as people come in, and at one point, murmurs to the other bartender, who nods and makes shooing motions. The blonde steps out from behind the bar, to move towards the door.

xxxxxThe figure stepping into the club looks like she stepped in straight out of a rave, and a big smile fills her face as she takes in the setting while flashing her ID. She looks around, asking something of the bouncer before heading the way he pointed toward the figure the bar. Knox is practically bouncing as she approaches, her hand barelly keeping its self from waving

xxxxxThe blonde steps forward, matching the new arrival's smile with one of her own. "Hi, I'm Eve, you're the one who called, yeah?" She holds a hand out towards the bouncing figure, and giving a gesture of welcome with the other.

xxxxxKnox grins happily, courtisingly slightly as she takes the offered hand before reaching down to tug the short lycra material back down. "Hi Eve! Yes, totally, I am Knox - Skye told me all about you! I mean only good things of course!" There is a genuine excitement in the girl's voice, something that almost begs other to share in her eagerness. "Thank you soo much for meeting with me tonight, I have been hoping for this for like.. weeks, since I first moved here!"

xxxxxTrisha walks in glitter for the second time she was here last night and she met a great person let's see what happens next. she smiles as she approaches the bar with her outfit clung tight to her body she moves gracfuly and flirts with all of the other customers as she walks to the bar. swinging her hips about. she sits at the bar " vodka please."

xxxxxThe blonde does seem to catch some of the excitement, or maybe it's just that she's the peppy and perky sort herself already. "Skye, hmm? Well, I'm glad you were told only good things!" She gestures, to draw Knox in further. "Shall we go and have a seat and talk? And you should have come by, or called sooner. We don't tend to bite." The black snake draped about her neck and shoulders lifts its head and regards Knox with flickering tongue.

xxxxxThe bartender pours the new customer her drink, and slides it in front of her.

xxxxxKnox giggles as she follows Eve toward a seat. "Oh totally - and I really wanted to! But she told me specifically to look for you, cause you are the beyond-fabulous here and to accept no substitution! And he is sooo adorable - can I pet your snake?"

xxxxxA table is reached, and Knox is invited to sit with a gesture, as the blonde slides into a seat. "His name is Morningstar. Which, you probably already know, since you're friends with Skye." The snake is already extending his head out towards Knox. "He likes to have his ears rubbed, those are the little red patches on either side of his head," Eve points out with smile. Sometimes the snake is the bigger draw.

xxxxxThe snake has all of Knox's attention for a moment as she holds out a tenuous hand for the snake to lick and taste. They were just like dogs, right? "Morningstar? Oh that is an adorable name for an adorable litt- sorry, BIG snakey!" She winks toward Eve as she says that and gives a stage whisper "They never like to be called 'cute' or 'little' from what I've seen." Suddenly she realizes what she's supposed to be doing and straightens back up, attempting to put on a serious face. "Oh! I am sorry - job interview, right! Um. Yes?"

xxxxxMorningstar does flick out his tongue to the proffered hand, but doesn't actually lick. He's tasting the air around her, and doesn't seem to care what Knox thinks of his dimensions. "Morningstar and I have an Eve's Temptation act for the stage," the blonde offers with a smile of explanation. She chuckles a little as Knox straightens up and nods. "Yes, interview. So ... have you any experience dancing?"

xxxxxKnox raises a very curious eyebrow, looking over Morningstar more closely. "Oh umm.. yes, totally, I've danced at a few places before - some very upscale, you know? Beautiful lights and really good drinks and lots of rich guys! And some umm.. well, not so much. But that's fine too, you know, whatever each place needs.. none of them had snake acts though. What.. um.." She shuffles slightly in her seat, biting her lip while remembering to cross her legs before too much becomes visible. The move has the unplanned side-affect of sliding her already too-short skirt higher up her legs. "What do you do with the snake?"

xxxxxThere's quite the peal of laughter at the question. "Nothing like /that/!" Eve exclaims. "Are you familiar with the biblical story?" she asks curiously, with no trace of censure or incredulity. Some people haven't, she's discovered. The types of places she's worked gets a nod. "We're kind of in the middle," she explains. "Probably more towards high than low. We don't run a brothel out of the back of the place, after all."

xxxxxKnox looks only slightly dissapointed at the limitations of the dance, but nods eagerly at the story. "Oh totally, yea.. Um. So there was a guy and a girl, and a tree with really awesome fruit.. And the girl got hungry but the tree was too high so a nice snake gave her one of the apples, and the guy got jealous cause his snake wasn't as impressive.. And then his daddy kicked them both out cause it was his tree and they weren't supposed to be there, and ever since then all of humanity is cursed or something. Oh! So you are doing theater?" She looks curiously at the snake, as if trying to ascertain his ability to act. "And that's totally cool, I really want to focus on dancing, no like.. just 'pleasing' men." Her air-quotes are casual before she reaches down to adjust her skirt again

xxxxxEve blinks a little at the 'take' Knox has on the story, which is ... well, certainly a different take on the story, but she nods. "Close enough," she says with a smile. "However, in my ... retelling of the story, there is no guy, just the girl and the snake. And, well ... instead of an apple, it's a pomegranate, and in this specific case, it's just a seed. Morningstar is strong, but not /that/ strong." She gently strokes the snake's head. "Not really theater, it's more like, a story set to music, and tends to be pantomime." She nods again to the assertion of wanting to focus on dancing. "Well, if you're good at it, that will certainly 'please' the men," Eve's air quotes are accompanied by a grin. "There's also the theme here, each act tends to focus on characters from fairy tales, myths, legends, classics - which, to some extend, raises it up, if nothing else it emphasizes that we're selling the fantasy, not the reality."

Vera arrives from the street. Vera has arrived.

xxxxxAs the acts are described Knox's eyes begin to light up with sparks of imagination. "Oh Em Ge! That sounds totally awesome - I mean your act too, but that you do themes! I Love it!" She starts looking around the club, litely biting her lower lip. "Ummm.. I could do like little red riding hood! 'As you're pretty so be wise, wolvees may lurk in every guise, now as then tis simple truth, sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth!' It could be a Tango-number. Woo orrr" She looks thoughtful again, as if trying very hard to think. "Um.. maybe like Jasmine and do some bellydancing in there..."

xxxxxThe blonde with the snake nods, grinning at the enthusiasm. "Sounds pretty good. We did have a Red Riding Hood, but she went more for the laughs, though there was certainly some titillation, to be sure." She glances to the stage and gives a nod in that direction. "Little Bo Peep never does find her sheep, but the guys certainly don't care."

Alistair arrives from the street. Alistair has arrived.

xxxxxThe Little Bo Peep on stage takes all of Knox's attention for a moment. "Oh wow - she is sooo graceful, that is beautiful! Oh I would love to do something like that!" She smiles back toward Eve and throws her a wink "Though like yea, no, I would not be going for laughs. Do you think there's a chance I could do this? I totally know a friend who makes like, the BEST outfits!"

xxxxxAnother chuckle comes from the blonde, who has also been watching for the moment. "We've got a great costumer who comes in for this sort of thing. Of course, you'd be welcome to have your friend make outfits as well." She pauses a moment to study the other woman. "I can see the enthusiasm just bubbling up. You'll probably be great at it. I'd like to schedule an audition for you, if you don't mind? Sometimes you just got to see if you and the audience clicks."

xxxxxIf laughter could be sinful, this was a devil's prayer, as loud noises broke the threshold of music coming from the lap dance booths. One male and one female were entertaining one particular guest, money flowed from Vera's hands like she was the bank at monopoly and everyone had just passed go, again. Vera did abide to the rules, keeping her hands patiently restrained to her sides, but the strippers couldn't help themselves, Vera was almost naked herself. A slight movement of a foot and a used champaign bottle rolled from underneath the draped cloth barrier keeping their activities unseen. The male stripper in his thong ran to the owner, briefly. "The customer in booth three wants another bottle, but she is asking if we can pour it on each other and lick it off while she watches....are you fine with that. She will pay for any damages to the floor if it incurs", he asked hesitating, not sure what to make of the outrageous request and ridiculous waste of money.

xxxxxAlistair doesn't look like he belongs here, not really. It's nothing about his attitude, or his expression (one of polite boredom), but instead, everything to do with his manner, the way he holds himself, the way he stands, the way he looks at everything around him unabashed, and the aura of dignity that surrounds him. There's a tiny little smile on his face, too, his mouth a small, thin line, that, matched with his intense eyes, speaks of arrogance. And with those things, a stamp on his hand, cover-charge paid, he glides across the floor towards the bar. His head turns slightly, watching the act on stage without really watching it. He places one hand upon the bar when he gets there, twists his body and head so he can still see the stage, and asks either the bartender, or one of the female servers, whoever is closest: "What's your most popular drink here?" His voice has a very posh RP accent to it.

xxxxxThe enthusiastic 'Yes!' stops on Knox's lips as the sound of celebration comes through and the male stripper interrupts. She looks slightly surprised toward Eve before shrugging her shoulder to indicate she is still ok with everything. "Um- sure, I would Love an audition! And I am totally ok with.. " She waves her hand in the direction of the festivities, her eyes darting over the scene even as her tongue unconsciously traces her lips, though the way she holds her hands suggets she is a little bit nervous. "I mean, if the tips are good and it is like what you want..?"

xxxxxThe blonde with the snake is the closest thing to an owner around at the moment, so as the dancer comes out to make the request, she looks up with a raised brow as she listens. She glances over towards booth three, and back to the dancer. She nibbles a moment on her lower lip, and then asks, "Are you fine with it?" xxxxxThe new arrival to the bar gets a sharp glance his way when he speaks, but then she's looking away, with both disappointment, and a little raise of the eyebrow. xxxxxThen, back to Knox. "When would you be available?" Eve asks, even as she glances back to the booth once more.

xxxxxGetting his answer the male slinked off to the bar grabbing a new bottle and tray with glasses as he rushed back to the lap dance booth. "We don't need glasses, take a swig and use your mouth and pour it on her", Vera stated excitedly. "Um...ok", the male was slightly uncomfortable with the task, but he knew the money was worth it. "Now slowly dribble it, let it...yes run down your jaw just like that. And you...Nicki, Vicki, I don't remember. Catch it in your mouth and spit it out...good girl. Now kiss", Vera commanded watching her playthings. Vera knew both dancers were homosexual, she could tell by previous flirting and conversation, but she wanted to see how far they would go with each other all in the sake of money. "Kiss his chest, pour champaign down your front...good. Lap it up little girl", the voices were muttered, but as the song died, things could be heard clearly.

xxxxxAlistair looks on at the goings on in the club with a distant level of amusement, or at least, his face says he's faintly amused, but that never quite reaches his eyes, which have a dull, glassy nature about them, like deep pools of shadow. His eyes are focused in the general direction of the stage, and Bo Peep first, then Knox, Eve, and the male stripper running out of the booth, and then finally the booth in the back. His smile creeps up slightly in size, but it doesn't last for long. He stands crisply, not quite rigid, in a dignified pose, with his back to the bar. Still, when the bartender tells him the offerings, he can easily twist his torso and turn his head to look at the man. Smile again, sharply, and. "Mojito, then. It's been quite a while since I've had one, I think." Then his smile gets sharper. "...though it /also/ seems that 'champagne from a stripper's body' seems to be a rather popular choice this evening as well, wouldn't you agree?" His voice continues to drip with poshness, but the way he's watching Bo Peep on stage shows anything but shame. Hunger, maybe. Aggression, probably. His eyes burn more intensely now as he watches her dance, the boredom slowly melting away there, at least.

xxxxxKnox blushes slightly looking at the scene before focusing back on Eve. "Um- well, right away I suppose, whenever you wanted me. Like, unless I'm busy I guess, but if you tell me ahead of time I can be not b- " She is distracted for a moment again by a particularly loud sound from the booth. "-busy? Umm.. I should ask too, if I get this job, did you Want me providing extras?" She indicates the party with her head. "I mean.. I thought I'd just be dancing and doing 'theatric performances' - not that I mind, I mean, like, whatever you like, you know, just.. wanted to know.."

xxxxxEve wasn't expecting that response from the dancer, but considering that he's actually here on a night he wouldn't otherwise be, he's clearly in need of the money. She sighs softly, and shrugs in resignation. The man at the bar gets another look as he speaks, and she shakes her head slightly, mumbling something to herself, '... not him ...' is possibly heard by Knox, as she's sitting the closest. Then, of course, the arrangements. "If you're ready to go tonight, we can fit you in between acts. Otherwise, pick a night, any night but Thursday." At the additional question, she quirks her lips in a half smile. "You'd be welcome to do lap dances, or ... uhm ... party with the guests, but there's still the no touching rule in effect for them."

xxxxx"Now I want you to hold the bottle like this...now you perform fellatio on the bottle, pretend its like the first blow job you ever gave...and Kevin, Steven...it doesn't matter, push the tip of the bottle against her uvula each times she goes further, and don't be afraid to pour so-", Vera was cut off, the female stripper through up her arms after gagging a bit, "Fuck it, I'm done", she said leaving the booth. However, the male stripper stayed, "Ok, you. Show me your skills, deep throat it. Oh...look at you, you've done this before. Make sure to chug all the champaign...keep going, almost done....no, don't stop. Almost there, so close-", she said before the male down choked and spat up champaign all over Vera. "Oh...your disgusting. I thought boys like you swallowed, your a spitter? There goes your tip", Vera laughed tossing a few hundred dollars on the ground so he could collect them as she stepped from the booth, pulling her top slightly closed to not be to revealing as she grabbed a napkin from a table and made her way to the bar. Wiping her chest down as the one female stripper from earlier gave Vera dirty looks. She just shrugged as she looked at Alistair and the suit. "Don't tell me your a spitter", she said waving down the bartender, "Rum and coke, if you can manage".

xxxxxAlistair's eyes may be on Bo Peep, but it's almost certain that his ears are focused on that booth. It's hard not to be, even if he's not the most perceptive man in the world, there's just about someone making a scene that's hard to ignore. That, and the body language and discomfort of everyone else nearby, privy to the scene, but not quite sure what they should do about it. xxxxxAlistair's drink comes rather quickly, and he twists his body deftly to lift up the slim glass, move the straw around inside, and then take it out slowly, lick it off calmly, withdraw a napkin to place on the bar, then place the straw on the napkin. Then he sips from the tall glass. Bo Peep gets attention again, for a few moments longer, until the scene rears its ugly head again. xxxxxAlistair sighs calmly. His gaze flicks to 'Eve', then his black eyes seem to try and burn a hole through her for a few moments after that bout of laughter. Still, Alistair doesn't get up or move, or do anything, he's just watching 'Eve' to see what she does, most likely assuming (and correctly) that she had some measure of authority here tonight. Finally, though, when Vera arrives, and speaks to him. He smiles faintly, and sharply, turning his head towards her. He looks at Vera with bored eyes, and then takes a sip of his drink. "Nonsense, darling. I have people for that." He answers smoothly.

xxxxxKnox nods and smiles a bit shyly at the guidelines for the acts and interactions. "I could do that - um and maybe tomorrow if you have time? I think I like have tomorrow free, and I can probably get a costume by then too, for the shows? And um.. I am sure I could do a good job, your customers will be " - her eyes wonder over Vera for a moment, her shades reflecting her form before she looks back toward her host - " very happy with my performances if you take me on - and if you need you can send me to private dances too, or functions, or whatever, I can be very versitile, and enthusiastic, and I can handle like a Lot and I can be totally " - the girl waves her hand toward the stripper trying to clean himself up, her voice continuing to rise in excitement - "swallow without making a mess!" She smiles back cheerfully toward Eve, though her cheeks seem a bit flushed. "And thank you sooooo much.. " her voice drops lower once again as she regains control of herself. "Like I Really appreciate you giving me a shot! You won't regret it!"

xxxxxThe bartender can certainly manage a rum and coke, pouring out the measure of rum over ice, and filling the glass the rest of the way with coke. Some sort of disturbance? Not that he noticed. xxxxxOf course Eve has noticed, and though she's obviously busy, she watches as first one dancer leaves the booth, followed by the customer, then the other dancer. The dancers get Looks, and they both nod, and then discretely slip to the backstage area. xxxxxEve returns her attention back to Knox, and she nods. "Tomorrow would be great. And I'm sure you'll do a great job," she smiles a little and nods. "Yes, I'll see you then."

  <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
  Vera rolls Perception + Awareness  vs 8 for -1 successes.
  -1 2 3 3 6 6
  <OOC> Vera says, "Fml"
  <OOC> Knox says, "rofl!"
  <OOC> Liesl says, "Oooh."
  <OOC> Knox says, "we are all just unicorns here, nothing to see, move along.."
  <OOC> Alistair says, "But, I think a botch means you get the wrong result...or you see whatever you want to see?"
  <OOC> Vera says, "I see what 'I believe I see', which is btw...completely wrong. =P"
  <OOC> Alistair says, "Fun. :)"
  <OOC> Alistair taps Vera with a champagne bottle.

xxxxxVera looked over the the man carefully, her eyes staring at that ring, squinting softly as she smiled at him. "A beautiful ouroboros for an even more beautiful dragon", her hand running through her hair softly as she primped herself softly. The eyes roaming to his wrist reading the bracelet with perversion. "Vera Szantovich", she said with a grin, her hands reaching for her drink as the bartender brought it over. "Such a noble specimen, to think the new bloods were savages. Even if you are, I would want to see what types of depravity you could muster", she stated biting her lip softly and undressing him with her eyes. Suddenly, he had all her attention.

  <OOC> Alistair says, "...and next thing we'll do, we'll take turns cutting each-others' limbs off and having a regrowing them contest!"
  <OOC> Vera says, "Due to my botch...this might lead to some awkward RP. =P"
  <OOC> Vera says, "*LEAD"
  <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
  Alistair rolls Perception + Kenning  vs 6 for -1 successes.
  -1 2 3
  <OOC> Alistair laughs...
  <OOC> Vera says, "Rofl!!!"
  <OOC> Liesl says, "Mmmmhmmm."
  <OOC> Alistair says, "Let us get married, in the summer.'"
  <OOC> Vera says, "Bwhaha, they will never know. =P"

xxxxxAlistair sips his drink calmly, his features relatively guarded and impassive, though it's hard to hide some things, he manages to at least veil them under a facade of polite boredom. The 'swallow without making a mess' comment from the girl near 'Eve' certainly does rouse him slightly, enough to catch his attention, the pull of burning eyes focused on her, firing an imaginary beam through her cheek. Then he furrows his brows and looks again to Eve, eye contact if he can manage to make it. Eyes that say 'Oh god, when will it end?'. Then, calm, cool, collected, and composed, he takes another sip of his drink. xxxxxHis head twists to the side, showing off the lean muscles in his neck, and he studies Vera distantly and with restrained hostility, like one might study an insect one found in one's basement. "...that was a rather...disgraceful display." He comments. "...I certainly would have saved something like that for behind closed doors, at the very least." The drink has a cool fog forming on the glass, parted only by the warm touch of his fingers. He lifts up his free hand to absently glance at the ring, then his eyes lift once more to Vera's, with a strange sort of...aggressive boredom in them. xxxxx"I'm sorry...but who exactly are you again?" He asks her, voice still posh and incredibly poised. He furrows his brows in thought as he looks her over. "...I don't recognize you, at least. Are we related...you certainly are terrible enough to be blood..."

  <OOC> Alistair says, "I botched a Kenning roll, should I assume she's a Fae? :P"
  <OOC> Knox says, "Woooow, you two were made for each other, I think you've both convinced yourselves not only that the other person is a human meal but that you too were wrong all along and human. Love it :D"
  <OOC> Alistair says, "Well, she is convinced that I'm a Vampire, I am probably convinced she's a Kinain, since she has no Fae Mein. What could possibly go wrong?"
  <OOC> Knox says, "rofl!"
  <OOC> Vera says, "All of it. =P"
  <OOC> Alistair says, "All my romances are based on pain and misinformation, so I suppose this is an auspicious beginning..."
  <OOC> Vera says, "I viewed it as Vera projecting her own dead and lustful aura on Alistair like looking at a mirror, she is getting all the signs even if your acting cold and callous. A perfectly normal Tzim thing to do. I hope this is getting logged as its too funny. No clue how that fae ability works."
  <OOC> Liesl logs.
  <OOC> Vera wants a copy later. Pls.
  <OOC> Alistair says, "Logs are good. In-case we all end up turned into furniture."
  <OOC> Liesl is partial to lawn chairs...

xxxxxKnox cheerfully makes it past the figures, her steps speeding up.. though she hesitates for just a moment to look back over her shoulder. With that she steps out into the night, excitement carrying her forward

Knox leaves Glitter. Knox has left.

xxxxxEve splits her attention between Knox leaving, and the pair now at the bar. The two of them look like they're having Words With Each Other, and at one point she makes eye contact with the man ... the man who looks nothing like he should, given his voice. But then, there are more men who speak with an RP accent than just the one, after all. She keeps the smile on her face as she rises from her seat, and goes up to the bar, slipping behind it. "Everyone good, here?" she asks

xxxxx"Blood always find a way of attracting blood...doesn't it?", Vera asked with a coy smile. "I'm pretty terrible at times. I'm hoping we might have the opportunity to be terrible together. I don't know how far up the family tree you want to climb, you know how things can get muddled. And thats more a discussion behind closed doors", her eyes breaking to 'Eve' for a second as she smiled. "Everything is going perfectly. Thank you", she said as she adjusted herself in her seat. Sitting a bit straighter, "You seem so cold, and distant. But the dark and brooding classics always did work the best for me", she stated finishing her drink as she reached down to pay for her drink and his. "I would like to get to know you better. Mr.... ?", she asked softly, her fingers tapping on the bar top in a small rasping drum.

xxxxxAlistair glances to Eve easily, there's again a restrained passion there, though it's more like the rumbling of thunder heralding the coming of a rainstorm than any directed aggression towards Eve herself, still, all of that fury just hides under a currently placid, bored looking lake. He sips his drink again, then places it down on the bar next to him with a soft tap. "Dreadfully sorry about that /nasty/ business...I do hope your employees are going to be alright and you haven't had any assets damaged." Then he shoots a brief, but pointed look in Vera's direction. xxxxxHe picks his drink up again, stirring it with his finger. His head tilts to the side, then his eyes boredly slide over Vera again. "I'm afraid I'm rather, busy lately. However, if you'd like, I can pass you the number of my personal assistant and she can schedule an appointment whenever I'm available next...Ms. Szantovich." He then places his finger in his mouth, licking the mojito off. "Black." He tells her, nearly through his teeth. "...and what, particular branch of the family do you come from, then? You certainly don't strike me as a young lady who's been to finishing school."

Juliette arrives from the street. Juliette has arrived.

xxxxxEve nods politely to the two of them as they indicate that they're fine, and moves along to take care of some new customers without drinks, and therefore must need drinks! She does her best to not laugh when he comments that Vera has not been to finishing school.

xxxxxJuliette wanders in with a smirk. Behind her comes a man in a brown leather jacket and blue jeans but they dont seem to be together.

xxxxxVera hums softly mimicking his rather aloof and cold attitude. Her eyes burning deep holes through his silhouette as if her stare was a razor cut sharp on the wrists of young angst teens. "I will make an appointment, when I have time for you Mr. Black. I also have things I must attend to. Pleasure and pain wait for no man or woman", her teeth slightly clenched as she stood, her posture was strong and dominating, "Not every young lady goes to finishing school. Some are homeschooled, where only the best and worst teachers are brought in", she stated. "Good evening Mr. Black, I hope the night bids you well", she stated making sure her things were gathered as she left him at the bar not requesting his number or his retainer as she left him to his own devices for the evening.

xxxxxJuliette laughs unkindly at the interaction. "Oh thats rich. Which finishing school did you attend sir?" She shakes her head, dark eyes following the lovely and angry form of Vera as she storms out. "Well now you've gone and done it. Scared all the pretties away." She raises a hand to get the bartender's attention.

xxxxxAlistair doesn't finish his drink, but he does leave a generous tip on the bar next to his glass, in crisp, brand-new bills. Then, he moves away from the bar, adjusting his clothing, and then turning to follow Vera with his eyes, still looking upon the woman with a distinct note of distaste, at least until she vanishes. Then, his head turns, and he looks in Eve's direction. "...I certainly hope that she's a good client, and that she pays, very, VERY well. Otherwise, it would appear that you allowed your employees to be abused by someone with a very large sense of entitlement and very little respect for you or your establishment." He states, voice and accent still clean and crisp in his posh RP. xxxxxJuliette's comment catches his attention next, and he smiles faintly to her. "My dear...boys don't to finishing school." Then the smile has a twist of cruel superiority to it, as he walks away from the young woman without a second glance. xxxxx"We should talk again at some point in the future, unfortunately, I'm only stopping in briefly this evening." He says towards 'Eve', AKA Liesl, moving after her, and withdrawing a card from one of his pockets. "...I've heard some very positive things about your business, you could do with better customers, though..."

xxxxxEve catches the movement of Juliette's hand (thank goodness, a distraction, so she won't laugh), and nods to her. "What can I get for you?" She's still watching for Alistair's reaction, from being walked out on so abruptly - and they were getting along so well! When he speaks to her, she lifts her brows a little, glancing to where Vera had just left. "The first time she's been here, to be honest," she comments, and takes his card. "She really should have taken it, as you pointed out, to the VIP room." She doesn't mention, but it is probably not needed to be said, that the dancers will get a word or two dropped in their ears.

Vera has left.

xxxxxJuliette rolls her eyes. "Oh thank God your here to educate me sir," she says in her crisp british accent. "Since its all going straight over your head I suppose I just dont know much about much. Pity." She looks at the bartender. "A mojito please. I need to wash the stupid away."

xxxxxAlistair doesn't seem remotely bothered, in as much at least as he still seems: A. Bored. B. Angry. C. Relaxed. All at the same time, but perhaps to slightly differing degrees at any given point during the evening. Still, he does his best impression of warmth, a smile dawning across his face, distant thunder behind the backs of his eyes, and an unearthly radiance to his countenance. It's actually a rather good impression, in all honesty. xxxxx"Well." He says, accent sharpening acutely, then softening rapidly as his words continue. "...if we /are/ related, I would keep an eye out for her, she's likely rather...dangerous." The smile falters, then grows again, as if her were just playing with the concept of a smile. "...my beloved sister once put a viper in my bed, for decapitating one of her dolls." Then he offers her a faint nod of his head. "...should you need any more exposure, or should you wish to draw in new tyles of clientele for your establishment, I can be an excellent asset." A pause. "But for now, I really /must/ be going." xxxxxTo Juliette, in passing, he smiles. Again, a dawning warmth, gentle like the summer sun. He offers her a faint bow, his eyes focus on her then, intense and all-encompassing. "I apologize if anything I've done or said this evening caused you any offense. I would never intentionally insult nor harm the sensibilities of a young lady of such lovely eruditeness nor perspicacity." He withdraws a clip of bills from his pocket, placing it on the bar enough for a dozen drinks or more, and to the bartender, he says firmly: "The lady's drinks are covered, for the evening." He then offers her a faint nod of his head, and he moves towards the door.

xxxxxJuliette chuckles. She might have another biting remark but look, free drinks. "Well arent you a pleasure?" She waves with a bemused smile.

xxxxxEve mixes up the drink with alacrity and a flourish, setting the glass before Juliette, as she collects the money from Alistair. The evening is definitely not an entire loss.