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Shrinking back a bit at the topic of a rabbit being sent out, Keyboard Warrior does not look like he is going to volunteer. He hunkers lower to the ground, latching his sharp claws into the ground as his ears jerk forward at the sound of voices.
Shrinking back a bit at the topic of a rabbit being sent out, Keyboard Warrior does not look like he is going to volunteer. He hunkers lower to the ground, latching his sharp claws into the ground as his ears jerk forward at the sound of voices.
Against the Wind pages: Added note...I'm a max risk character..I have no problem having my character killed, to add gravitas if you so desire. ;)

Revision as of 23:16, 1 July 2019

The Great Hunt - Pack 3
Bane-breaker and Hushed Blaze sends forth the Sept's Hunters at Summer Solstice.
Players Against the Wind, Jake, Journey, Logan, Nevada, Brooke as ST
Location Forest Fianna Pub, Shallow Canyon
Spheres Gaian Garou


xxxxxOut along the Highway, along the edge of the Forest, lays an old looking building that has been turned into a Pub. Parking lot is covered in gravel, with some pickup trucks parked, and motorcycles. Neon signs hang on the front walls on either side of the door for various beer companies.

xxxxxInside is your typical pub with tables and chairs, and a long bar with stools. It smells of liquor, and is well loved.

xxxxxOut the back is a picnic area, and further back is a more ceremonial/party ground. A big bonfire pit is filled and burning, as every Garou around has come for the ceremony and ensuing hunt. Most are dressed for it, weapons at the ready, and Fianna already covered in woad drawings. Chanting began early on as Hushed Blaze and Bane-Breaker began the rite, and stories of bravery have been told. Bane-Breaker has taken a bowl around to collect blood from all of those participating.

xxxxxThey all wait for the dawn to receive the signal from Gaia for the target, and get the go.

xxxxxRemember - this is serious. Only your life on the line. May the odds be ever in your favor. GOOD LUCK!

After he has given his blood into the bowl for the rite, Against the Wind smears some of his blood across his chest to form the glyph of the Red Talons before shifting back from the War Form to lupus form. Entangled in the back neck hairs of the large lupus looks to be a thorny twig of some kind. He takes up a position closest to the wood line, and furthest from the pub, his focus on the ritemasters as they work.

Nevada had made his preparations, which in his case was being there, giving his few drops of blood to the cause, and now just waiting. He's been more invested in watching the ritual itself than on the other Garou, giving the entire thing an almost obsessively rapt attention. His one hand gives a restless twitch here and there like he was expecting something to be in his hand. For now he's in his Homid form, watching and waiting and pacing a few steps this way and that.

Settled next to Nevada is Keyboard Warrior in his Hispo form. He is keeping himself low to the ground, his chin propped against his paws. He looks very much like a large dog with a spiked collar about his throat.

Seeing that the Hunt is a BIG deal indeed Jake offers up an enthusiastic pep talk to get everyone's blood pumping. Oh yeah! GRRRRR! With that done the Wyrmfoe looks from Garou to Garou, his expression quite intense. "We are a TEAM. Remember, there is no I in TEAM. Watch each other's backs. I want us coming back with the same number of Garou that leave here. That said, here's a little extra protection for everyone. Gather close." He waits until everyone is close enough then he expends a Gnosis, activating the Gift Inspiration on the group. Once that is done he closes his eyes to concentrate, mutters something to himself (or perhaps the spirits) in an attempt for everyone to be blessed with Strength Of Will.

Shaderunner explodes upward into a massive Egyptian horror. (Delirium effect +rules The Delirium)

Defiant-Storm transforms into a twelve-foot-tall furry death machine. DELIRIUM IN EFFECT. (+rules The Delirium)

Shaderunner gives Bane-Breaker his blood with a small growl and moves along to the others, stretching his limbs as he draws his great silver blade, turning it and looking to Jake, and around, blade sheathing, to prepare himself.. pulling out a leather liquid pouch, he opens it and drinks it as flame flicks across his claws and dies down, and a shimmering effect begins before settling, flexing his hands as he starts getting charged for this listening to Jake.

Against the Wind offers a posture of deference and respect to the Wyrmfoe as he uses the gifts given by Gaia. Then the large white wolf moves back to his position, looking over the crowd and waiting for the sunrise.

xxxxxAs the sun rises, the fire dies down lower. One the first sun beam hits it, a fan of flames rises up higher than it has before.

xxxxxHushed Blaze declares, "It is the sign we wait for. Gaia, whom is the target of our Great Hunt!"

xxxxxBane-Breaker has been walking around with help from some assistants. Each participant has had a pictogram drawn on their foreheads with the comingled blood. She turns with the others to watch for the sign.

xxxxxxxxxxThe flames become like a screen for a movie (or if anyone has been to Disneyland and seen the water fan of Fantasmic!). You see a pen on a farm, with a large overgrown pig.. no... a skull pig if you look closer. With what appears to be a tag in his ear. Ugly from what you can tell in the flame picture.

xxxxxThe wind whooshes through around them all suddenly. In your ears you hear the word. "Grrgluck"

xxxxxThe flames die down again, and the bonfire is back to normal.

xxxxxTHE HUNT IS ON. The groups start chanting and each taking off to figure out their plan and put it into action.

Jake touches his forehead and begins shifting to Crinos. Once the transformation is complete he stands next to Shaderunner and simply looks over at the others after being shown their 'target'. >>Skull pig, eh? Interesting.<<

With speeches given and gifts invigorating, Nevada finally takes to the form of war with the speed and ease only a Metis can manage. He stretches arms and claws and waits. When at last the flames rise and the Mother in the wind speaks, the young Theurge bares the tips of his teeth with a low and satisfied growl. A sharp nod is offered to Keyboard Warrior before moving in closer to the elder Garou. << I've heard about them but never seen one. What's the best tactic? >>

Against the Wind hears the mention of skull pig from the elder Wyrmfoe and moves over to join him. With the first step Against the Wind effortlessly grows in bulk and size as he prepares for the hunt. But even as he steps over his gaze becomes unfocused and far afield.

Pushing himself up to his paws, Keyboard Warrior sticks close to Nevada as he trots along. If anyone in the group is the fish out of the water, he's a whale. He just keeps himself low as he moves, his ears slicked back. He offers no commentary, howls of glory, roars of rage. He is the Omega here.

With a snarl and shift of muscle and bone, Against the Wind shifts into dire wolf form.

Shaderunner points to the fire, concentrating, <That's a Skull Pig. It's as dangerous as it looks. BUT, when it eats human flesh, like what it's victims usually are, then it gets intelligent. Tusks make fine Fang Daggers. I have the Prey sense of the Pig. That looked like it wasn't wild though, in a facility, that raises Skull Pigs? This is gonna be messy.>> He looks to Jake.

<Zephyr's Hand> Shaderunner says, "It had a tag on its ear. It's name brand Wyrm that likely means Pentex."

Defiant-Storm nods to Shaderunner then turns to the others. <<Skull Pigs are dangerous indeed. Some can also cast magic and MOST are poisonous so...be very careful about that. Claw, don't bite, if possible, and try not to get any of its blood on you. Weapons are a good idea.>>

Against the Wind refocuses his vision and looks to those gathered, <<This is what my ancestors have spoken to me. Their scent burns the nose, like inhaling fire.>> He then looks to the elders, then the other two he doesn't know, <<Where there any ape signs in the vision that would tell us where to start the track?>>

xxxxxShaderunner's Sense of the Prey leads them all out into the forest in whatever formation they pick. It is deeper away to a shallow canyon, away from where patrols of the bawn would typically go. It seems like a normal place up until you see some funny looking stakes with something on them. (perception + alertness vs 7)

xxxxxBeyond the stakes there are many trees obscuring what could be a structure. Your destination lays ahead about 100 yards.

<< I would if I had any, but my claws will have to do. >> Minutes to Midnight says to Defiant-Storm, calm and accepting sounding. He looks to Against the Wind as the Talon speaks, listening and then falling into line second to last of their running formation. The gruesome marker is given a narrow-eyed look and his hackles lift, but the Theurge otherwise keeps quiet.

Nearly skidding to a stop at the sight of the stakes, Keyboard Warrior finds himself ducking down behind the group, the fur about his body standing up on end in anxiety. His tail tucks down as he creeps along after.

Against the Wind runs in the flank position as the pack moves. When the elders slow up he pulls in a bit tighter to the pack, as instinct dictates. Ears up and scanning, nose to the wind, eyes slowly scanning after seeing the severed ape heads. What Against the Wind looks for now is an ambush.

Shaderunner thunks into Defiant Storms flank as he lifts his muzzle, pulling up from the view of the terrain and the power focused on, Hu whuzzat?

Defiant-Storm stares off into the distance, his nostrils flaring. A soft growl escapes from him and he nods to Shaderunner. <<Okay, listen up. Up ahead on the stakes are severed heads. Probably from a Fianna rite. One seems to be knocked over a bit, and they are all disabled. If you look close you can see that there is a 'farm' just beyond it, and yes that is a barn being obscured. See it? We are not the first ones to get here. And do you smell that? I can already smell it so the stench will be nasty when we get there.>> He nods to Minutes.

The Glass Walker continues to trot along near Minutes to Midnight, letting out a low chuff under his breath. He has nothing to offer in regards to input. He just stays close to the back of the pack.

Against the Wind focuses his vision on one of the severed heads, <<Someone from the hunt marked that head. We are behind the others.>>

Shaderunner looks to Defiant Storm and nods, looking around, and then ahead, oh that way, <<Alright, your lead.>> He gets prepared to advance as instructed.

Defiant-Storm nods to Shaderunner. <<Let's get a bit closer first. I want to check something out.>> He then leads the group so that the 'farm' is visible to all. The stench in the air is indeed getting stronger.

Against the Wind silently moves up in pack formation with the Wyrmfoe to see what the situation is like.

Defiant-Storm looks at the farm again and concentrates. <<Okay...everyone down there appears to be dead. Including the pig. Strange. Can't tell what the bodies are...yet.> Another soft growl. <<Let's stay tight for now. Everyone stick close. Don't see any reason to split up...yet. If for some reason we're ambushed, everyone get behind Shaderunner and me until I assign you a target.>>

xxxxxAs you all approach, everyone's noses can feel the tingle and coming burning from the stench. (except Nevada) The stench of death, rot, decay, blood is palatable. Soon you can see the pens, and how some sides have been broken, like an escape happened.

xxxxxThe one pen still together holds the Skull Pig you say in the flames. DED BACON. It lays there, shredded, shot, with arrows sticking out from it's eyes.

xxxxxBeyond the pens is more chaos. Two enemies are dead. Or you hope they were enemies, as they are obviously Crinos Garou, but they are rather mush now. (Sense Wyrm if you got it)

xxxxxThe door to the barn is off the hinges, with another pile of mush and fur laying there.

Against the Wind chuffs, "Defiant-Storm-rhya, I have a resistance to aspects of the Wyrm, should that adjust your target call.>> then he says no more and falls into line.

Letting out a loud whine of disgust, Keyboard Warrior paws at his nose for a few swipes. << Holy shit, this looks worse in person. >> His ears slick back against his skull as he gives a hard shake of his head, causing the thick fur to flop about his neck and shoulders.

Minutes To Midnight chuffs out a quiet noise of acknowledgement to the Wyrmfoe's orders. He moves in closer to the group, doing a quick look about to pinpoint where each of them are, before he'll follow the elder Garou in. He steps carefully, his ears and eyes working overtime to keep an eye on their surroundings. He must have been honest about his nose, because there's no flinch, no twitch, not even a slight snuffle.

Shaderunner sloooowly draws his sword as he looks to Jake, looking to the Crinos pieces, <<Dancer Deformities.>> He says QUIETLY and looks at the direction of the barn.

Defiant-Storm nods to Against the Wind. <<Good to know. I'll keep that in mind.>> He glances at Keyboard Warrior. <<Sure does. And that godawful stench. It's going to screw with our sense of smell. Dammit.>> A pause before replying to Shaderunner. "Well, I guess the barn's our destination. Or what's in that barn. My first inclination is to burn it down and see what runs out. If anything. Anyone else have something to add in case I'm missing something?"

xxxxxThose looking around may have thought they saw a flash of light. Voice can now be heard from behind the barn and heading this way.

xxxxx"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ESCAPED? HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN BREEDING THESE FUCKERS FOR?" It is an angry voice, for sure. Loud and deep.

xxxxxA scream is heard and a thump.

xxxxx"YOU - GO FIND THE SOW AND THE REST. YOU TWO - COME WITH ME. AND YOU - GET THE VET HERE SO WE CAN EXTRACT WHAT IS NEEDED FROM BOSS. HE WILL /NOT/ HAVE HIS LINE ENDED HERE. THESE FUCKING GAIANS WILL xt/PAY/ FOR THIS." Stomping can be heard, while obvious sounds of others running off. Something is heading this way from around to the left side of the barn.

Against the Wind chuffs, <<We don't know if one of ours might be injured in the barn as well. Maybe we should send a rabbit down there to draw out the predator out for the others to pounce?>>

Shaderunner turns and jumps for a spot to strike from when they come out. Tensed, blade ready, Fingers coiling on the blade, ready to go as his spirit enters the sword.

Shrinking back a bit at the topic of a rabbit being sent out, Keyboard Warrior does not look like he is going to volunteer. He hunkers lower to the ground, latching his sharp claws into the ground as his ears jerk forward at the sound of voices.

<<A rabbit, eh? Yeah. Maybe a really big rabbit.>> Defiant-Storm considers something. <<Okay, in a second three of them are going to be in sight. We don't have much time soooo...as soon as they're visible I'm going to bridge right between them and use the Gift Scream of Gaia. Hold your ears while I do. Hopefully they'll all go down. Once that happens, pick one and rip the shit outta 'em.>> He looks at Shaderunner. <<If we get any kind of -big- surprise, go for it.>>

Minutes To Midnight lowers his own posture to a tripod like stance, shielding underbelly and keeping one set of claws at the ready. He keeps to the side of Keyboard Warrior and otherwise remains still and silent. A faint nod is given to Defiant-Storm at the plan and his eyes turn back to the approaching sounds.

Against the Wind crouches and puts his massive front paws over his ears. its awkward, but is ready.

Breathing heavier, Keyboard Warrior tucks himself in closer to Minutes to Midnight. He listens to the Elders give their direction and he gives a nod of his head. << S.. Sure... got it.. >>

xxxxxJust then, a trio of large men come around the corner. All seem to be body builders at first glance, but you can all feel the taint just rolling off of them. They are heading straight for the pens and stop. The biggest one in the middle putting his arms out to stop the guys on his flanks. "FUCKING GAIANS ARE STILL HERE??!!?! GET 'EM!!" And the two on each side shift to Crinos, while the yelling one is shifting, growing, becoming something even more horrific, becoming the vision of his totem spirit in war form, that of a Green Dragon.

As the men come around the corner Defiant-Storm immediately blurs as he instantly bridges right in the center of the group. Whoa! They don't even know what's happening or have time to react before he uses Scream Of Gaia sending a tremendous shock wave around him. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Even the ground shakes as does the side of the barn.

As the Dancer approaches Defiant-Storm in an effort to attack him, well...it's a really bad move. The Wyrmfoe's speed once again comes into play and his silver claws slice though the guy like hot butter, basically ripping him in two. The shocked look is frozen on the Dancer's face as he falls dead, not even knowing what hit him.

Once he pushes himself up to his paws, Keyboard Warrior flicks his ears out now that the dull roar in his head has calmed down. He takes one step forward after Minutes, then finds himself blind-sided by an attacker that drives their claws clear into his left shoulder, shredding through muscle, bone and fur. He howls out in a high pitched shrieking noise as he tumbles over with a wet thud.

Shaderunner dives forward with silent concentration, striking as the transformation is underway, blade flashing out and the thing twists out of the way, the Strider turning and slicing deep into the Dragons neck, pulling the blade free as it falls, snarling, and he stabs forward in the classic Sir Galahad heart strike before hearing the shrieks of the KW he dives after the Dancer who is working on killing a defenseless Gaian, which makes him a good candidate for a cleaving in twain.

xxxxxThe Green Dragon Crinos BSD is down, out, and dead. He falls back into breed form. The other BSDs taken down into mush by Defiant Storm and Shaderunner - not before Keyboard Warrior gets hit. For a minute, the place is quiet with an eerie calm - death all around them.

Shaderunner stands there, blade out breathing hard as the Dancer pieces fall, looking at KW, and seeing he'll live, he looks around, and to Jake, moving to make sure no ones going to come back and looking to Jake. He keeps his eyes wary for the moment and prepares to let Jake handle the orders from here out.

Letting out a pained noise, Keyboard Warrior pushes himself slowly to his paws, hobbling on one foreleg before forcing himself to Crinos so that he can stand proper. He clutches his wound as his lupine tear ducts leak. He's not crying. Really.

Minutes To Midnight is left a bit in the dust. The fight is over almost quicker than the Metis can keep up with, which is proven when the Glass Walker at his side gets shredded and the Lord has yet to even lift a hand. He's quick to check on Keyboard Warrior while the last enemy is slain, though it's with an apology. << I can't heal you, yet, but another should be able to. Sit. >> He looks to the mess around them with a quick baring of his teeth and a snort before looking towards the Wyrmfoe. << I know the Cleansing rite, I can help with that. >>

Against the Wind immediately gets ti his feet and starts moving about the edge of the area to try and catch the scent of the SOW pig that they said got away. AtW knows the scent will start burning his nose so he turns heightened scenes back on and gets started tracking.

Defiant-Storm also scans the area, taking care that they haven't missed anything then makes his way back to Keyboard Warrior where he uses Mother's Touch on the Garou. A nod of approval to the others and a furry thumbs up to Shaderunner. <<Yeah, Cleansing is next as soon as we're sure everything is clear.>>