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Boots and pants and boots and pants and words words words
''"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."''<br>'''''Neo''' - The Matrix''
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'''Level 1'''
'''Level 1'''
* Control Simple Machine
* Diagnostics
* Skyscraper Vision
* Trick Shot
* Weaver's Eyes
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| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 2'''
'''Level 2'''
* Cybersenses
* Encrypt
* Garafena's Crown
* Heat Metal
* Jam Technology
* <FONT COLOR=RED>''Overclock''</font>
* Pennies from Heaven
* Power Surge
* Steel Fur
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 3'''
'''Level 3'''
* Control Complex Machine
* Data Flow
* Electroshock
* Elemental Favor
* Intrusion
* Web Walker
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| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 4'''
'''Level 4'''
* Attunement
* <font color=red>''Call the City's Wolves''</font>
* Doppelganger
* Tech Speak
* Tractor Beam
* Virtual Umbra
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'''Level 5'''
'''Level 5'''
* Calm the Flock
* Chaos Mechanics
* <font color=red>''Custom Built''</font>
* Song of the City-Beast
* Summon Net Spider
* Technotheocratic Apocalyptica
Gifts listed in '''''<font color=red>Red</font>''''' are NOT YET APPROVED FOR USE ON CITY OF HOPE.
==Level One==
==Level One==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Control Simple Machine'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 148''
'''Description:''' The Garou may command the spirits of the simplest machines, causing levers to flip, doors to unbolt, pulleys to roll and so on. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Garou's control lasts until the end of the scene.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Diagnostics'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' At a glance, the Glass Walker can tell what is wrong with a machine. He can then enlist the aid of the machine's spirit in repairing the faulty device. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player rolls Perception + Crafts to determine the problem. She then spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device to aid her in fixing it. (Most such spirits are happy to do so - they don't want to be junk!) The time to fix the device is halved, and the player may subtract any successes on the Perception + Crafts roll from the successes necessary to fix the device.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Skyscraper Vision'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75''
'''Description:''' Whilst the urban jungle offers many new possibilities for the hunter, it also oresents its share of difficulties. One of the most troublesome of these is the possibility of their prey slipping into a crowd and simply disappearing. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can see through the eyes of a glass spirit in a skyscraper window to pick out their prey from above. The City Father or a Glass Elemental teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). For every success rolled, the character can see from the perspective of any window in the area (about half a city block) for one turn. If used to find specific details, the Storyteller may ask for a second roll using Perception + Alertness, adding one bonus die for each success gained in the initial Gnosis roll, to see if the mark can be spotted in time. Difficulty should be set by the Storyteller to reflect the elusiveness of the target.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Trick Shot'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' This Gift, once an acquired taste, has undergone a recent surge in popularity. It allows the Garou to execute brilliant feats of sharpshooting, such as shooting a weapon from an opponent's hand or firing down the barrel of an enemy's gun. The Garou cannot use this Gift to harm an opponent directly, however, and he can use Trick Shot only with rifles or pistols. Air spirits teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player adds the character's permanent Glory rating to his dice pool when performing a really outlandish shooting trick. Again, this Gift does not allow direct damage to targets ("I'll shoot him between the eyes!", but it can be used to injure opponents indirectly ("I'll shoot the rope that's holding the chandelier over his head!") The effects are permanent.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Weaver’s Eyes'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3811 - Book of the City p. 113''
'''Description:''' Garou with this Gift gain an insight into the Weaver’s deep and subtle patterns for hiding information inside of other information and to the invisible patterns buried in large prime numbers. Encryption algorithms mean nothing to these Glass Walkers; using Weaver’s Eyes, they can even pierce magical shrouding of data. The Garou must have the data to be decrypted in some form — generally, residing on a local computer. Weaver’s Eyes cannot be directly used to break open the encryption on a live connection between two computers, but it will help the Garou use his own abilities to break through that encryption.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Computer (difficulty of 10 – the local Gauntlet). The number of successes necessary depends on the encryption used on the message or connection that the character is trying to pierce. Encryption created by ordinary mortal programmers requires one success to pierce; mundane encryption created by the top echelon of mortal programmers requires two successes to pierce. Magical encryption, such as that created by the Gift: Encrypt or similar magical abilities performed by non-Garou, requires three or more successes — generally speaking, the character must achieve more successes on the Weaver’s Eyes roll than his opposite number got on an Encrypt roll.
If the character comes across an encrypted connection between two computers, Weaver’s Eyes can help him break the connection in a hurry, but since the data traffic is far from him, the Gift cannot pierce the encryption directly. However, it will provide one extra success on the Perception + Computer roll used to break the encryption, and it will allow the character to attempt to break through magical encryption. This Gift is taught by a raccoon-spirit.
==Level Two==
==Level Two==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Cybersenses'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' By studying both his natural senses and the sensory capabilities of machines, the Garou may exchange the former for the latter. He may choose to exchange normal hearing for radar, or ordinary sight for infrared or UV sight. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point per sense affected and he rolls Perception + Science thereafter to activate the Garou's new senses. This Gift lasts for one scene.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Encrypt'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3811 - Book of the City p. 113''
'''Description:''' Paranoid Glass Walkers — which is to say, most of them — use the best encryption technologies available on the open market when they send data through the Internet or Digital Web. If a Glass Walker suspects that a Netspider is watching her Net activity, she may even choose to use this Gift, which magically protects data against snooping. Encrypt doesn’t ordinarily hide itself from magical observers — anyone with the ability to see into the spirit world will notice that the message has been enshrouded, unless the Glass Walker takes special care to hide that.
'''System:''' The player must spend one Willpower and roll Manipulation + Computer; the difficulty is (10 – the local Gauntlet). Success means that the character’s message has been encrypted beyond the ability of most mortals to pierce. This encryption can apply to either a single message (one email or burst of data) or to a connection (such as might exist between two computers for a long download or chat-conversation). A character trying to break the encryption on a single message gets just one chance to do so — the magic surrounding the message deletes it if the character fails. A character trying to break the encryption on a connection can treat the attempt as an extended test.
With just one success, the encryption can be pierced by mortal means — a human who is not magically active can break through the encryption with a Perception + Computers roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Willpower) that achieves five or more successes. With more than one success, the encryption can only be pierced by a Garou using Weaver’s Eyes (see above) or similar magical abilities. If the Garou additionally spends one Gnosis, the message does not appear to be encrypted — it seems to be an innocuous conversation, or an income-tax spreadsheet, or the like. This Gift is taught by a squirrel-spirit.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Garafena's Crown'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 41''
'''Description:''' Garafena was a mythical serpent in Russian folklore that sat upon a golden crown and was called upon to give blessings to his followers. A recent Gift that has only been known since 1998, Garafena now offers his blessings to any Garou who wears his mark. this Gift is taught by a Snake spirit.
'''System:''' The Glass Walker must don a crown of some description, a hat or even a scrap of fabric wrapped around their head will do. The player then spends one Gnosis. for the rest of the scene, any guns fired by the Glass Walker will never run out of ammunition.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Heat Metal'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193''
'''Description:''' Glass Walkers — who understand the workings of science and spirits alike — can mystically excite the molecules within metal. Metal heated in such a way can be forged, molded or used to sear flesh. A red-hot crowbar can be a very effective weapon, and heating the exterior of a gasoline tanker can have explosive results. Glass Walkers learn this Gift from fire, earth, or metal elementals.
'''System:''' The Glass Walker must spend one Gnosis point and successfully roll Intelligence + Repair. The difficulty varies from base metals (such as copper or lead) at difficulty 6 to complex alloys (such as steel or titanium alloy) at difficulty 8. The number of successes equals the number of rounds the metal stays heated. Touching heated metal causes one aggravated, unsoakable Health Level of damage per round.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Jam Technology'''</font> <br>
''Also a Level 2 Homid Gift''
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) p. 133 / WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75''
'''Description:''' The werewolf can cause technological devices to cease functioning, albeit temporarily. Even the simplest of shaped objects will refuse to perform its function. A Gremlin — a type of Wyld spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts. The werewolf may choose the level of complexity she intends to "jam." All technological devices (i.e., any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or plastic) of that complexity within 50 feet cease functioning for one turn per success. The devices remain unchanged but inert. Knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn and so on. The difficulty of the roll is based on the following chart:
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! style="min-width: 100px" | Difficulty
! style="min-width: 125px" | Complexity
<font color=red>'''''Overclock'''''</font> <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114''
'''Description:''' In the world of computers, your equipment is outdated by the time it’s out of the box. This Gift allows the Garou to make a piece of computer equipment perform beyond its specifications. This includes speeding up a processor to render a 3D image quicker, improving video cards to display more polygons than usual or adding more memory to hold larger amounts of information. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player rolls Manipulation + Computer (difficulty 6). More successes mean more improvement. However, the Storyteller may decide that a certain number of successes are necessary to attain a certain speed. (Speeding up your 233mhz Pentium to run the latest game may need only one success, but trying to Overclock your old Amiga to render modern game graphics in less than a day may need at least three). The effect of this Gift last one scene or function (in the cases of extended renders and processes).
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Pennies from Heaven'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75''
'''Description:''' The Glass Walker convinces money spirits to change their denomination. The coin or note simply metamorphoses into the appropriate denomination. Money spirits teach the Gift.
'''System:''' The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Politics. What value the money becomes determines the difficulty regardless of the original denomination.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 100px" | Difficulty
! style="min-width: 200px" | Denomination changed to...
|Five Dollar
|Twenty Dollar
|One Hundred Dollar
Each success can change one coil or note into another denomination. Foreign currencies can also be converted in a similar fashion, and it is also possible to convert a currency of one country to a different denomination of another.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Power Surge'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' By speaking with Electricity spirits, the Garou causes a blackout over a widespread area. An Electricity Elemental teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Science (difficulty 7). The number of successes determine how large of an area is blacked out. One success would black out a single room, while five would cut the power to a whole neighborhood.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Steel Fur'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75''
'''Description:''' Focusing on their own being, the Glass Walker wraps his own spirit with those of steel, turning his fur into hardened metal. Metal or Earth Elementals teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool for one scene. While this Gift is active, the Garou suffers a +1 difficulty to all Dexterity rolls, and any Social rolls not involving other Glass Walkers. Obviously, you must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift.
==Level Three==
==Level Three==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Control Complex Machine'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' Similar to Control Simple Machine, the Garou may now converse with and command the spirits of electronic devices such as computers, video games, and cars. One learns (or steals) this Gift from a Net Spider.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Science (or Computer). The Storyteller sets the difficulty based on how complex the machine actually is (usually 8). The Garou's control lasts for one scene.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Data Flow'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193''
'''Description:''' Data Flow is in a way the definitive Glass Walker Gift: Just like the tribe, it has evolved. Originally it was designed as a 'remote control' for electronic devices like electric lights and was most commonly used before an attack to put a building in a blackout. As time went on and the computer became more important, it started to be used more commonly to control computers from anywhere within line of sight. These days, it is most commonly used as a Gift of stealth: As detection and forensic investigation continue to improve, this Gift allows Glass Walkers to avoid any contact whatsoever with their targets.
'''System:''' After spending one Gnosis point, the player rolls Wits + Computer (difficulty 7) to gain control of any electronic device. They must maintain eye contact with the device, or will lose control of it. This Gift does not grant expertise in how to use a device. Operating a computer would still require additional Computer rolls, they simply can be attempted without touching the computer.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Electroshock'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75''
'''Description:''' The Glass Walkers are the tribe of glass, steel, and electricity. This last element can be used to directly damage opponents that the Glass Walker can either touch, or who are touching a conductive material such as metal or water. An Electricity spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends a number of Rage points. Each point of Rage spent inflicts three levels of aggravated wounds on the Glass Walker's opponents. These levels of damage may be divided among as many opponents as the number of Rage points invested in this Gift. As usual, the character cannot spend more Rage than half of his permanent rating in one turn.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Elemental Favor'''</font> <br>
''Also a Level 3 Red Talon Gift''
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149, 150''
'''Description:''' By begging, threatening or cajoling an urban elemental, a Garou can convince the spirit to do her a favor by manipulating or even destroying her earthly shell. Thus, a glass sheet might explode at the Garou's foes, a door might refuse to open, even if unlocked, or a car's brakes might fail. An urban elemental teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). For every success rolled, the character can see from the perspective of any window in the area (about half a city block) for one turn. If used to find specific details, the Storyteller may ask for a second roll using Perception + Alertness, adding one bonus die for each success gained in the initial Gnosis roll, to see if the mark can be spotted in time. Difficulty should be set by the Storyteller to reflect the elusiveness of the target.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Intrusion'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 76''
'''Description:''' It's impossible to keep a cockroach out of a house, and it's equally impossible to keep a Glass Walker out, provided she has this Gift. Once this Gift is activated, the Glass Walker can easily break almost any barrier that is presented to her. Doors mysteriously unlock upon her approach; padlocks fall open with no explanation. The Gift has, however, a very short and specific time limit. A Cockroach spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one point of Gnosis and then rolls his Gnosis pool (difficulty 7). Every success will keep this Gift active for exactly one minute, and many Glass Walkers deliberately time themselves with stopwatches so they can know when this Gift will wear off. (If a hard mechanical number is needed, assume each minute is one turn.) During this time almost no door or barrier can possibly stop the Glass Walker. Highly secure doors (such as foot-thick iron security doors) may require a Dexterity or Wits + Streetwise roll, but every success on the initial Gnosis roll for this Gift adds one automatic success to such rolls.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''''Web Walker'''''</font>  <br>
''Also a Level 3 Theurge Gift''
'''Source:''' ''WW3111 - Umbra (Revised) p. 134''
'''Description:''' The Garou may move across the Pattern Web through the Umbra, ignored and unmolested by any Weaver-spirits in the area. This Gift is taught by any Weaver-spirit.
'''System:''' To activate this Gift, the Glass Walker Garou spends one Gnosis point (Theurge's must spend two Gnosis points), then rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 7). Success enables the Garou to travel through the Umbra as though she were on a moon bridge. However, there must be strands of the Pattern Web in the area through which the Garou wants to travel.
==Level Four==
==Level Four==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Attunement'''</font> <br>
''Also a Level 4 Glass Walker Gift / Level 4 Silent Strider Gift / Level 4 Uktena Gift (Named: Lay of the Land)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144, 149, 151 / WW3862 - Tribebook: Uktena (Revised Edition) p. 68''
'''Description:''' The Garou may commune with the spirits of a city or town and gain information about the area from them, including rough population, enclaves of Garou or other being and secret tunnels. This Gift does not function in the wilderness, since the Bone Gnawers have lost the knack for conversing with such spirits easily. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
'''Glass Walkers:''' a cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Perception + Streetwise. The amount and accuracy of the information depends on the number of successes rolled. On a botch, playful spirits lie (which can be fatal, depending on the nature of misinformation).
<font color=red>'''''Call the City’s Wolves'''''</font>  <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114''
'''Description:''' The city is a rich and complex ecosystem, and humans, animals and machines fill the roles that natural creatures fill in the wilderness. The Glass Walkers cannot often get wild wolves to aid them, but the city has its own predators. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can make a phone call, send an email or fax and expect some sort of backup; some master Theurges simply knock on the nearest door and wait to see who emerges. A City Mother or Father teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends a Rage point and rolls Wits + Leadership. The number of successes equals the number of city predators who will emerge: the figures who control and cull the human herd. These may be gang kids, members of citizen vigilante groups, vicious cops, or even wild, diseased dogs. The spiritually summoned backup arrives a scene later, although the Garou can convert extra successes to speed the arrival of assistance rather than adding to the numbers. (One success spent in this fashion brings the help in ten turns; two successes halve the wait to five turns, while three successes brings backup on the next turn.) The “wolves” will be disposed to cooperate with the Glass Walkers, but won’t charge blindly into battle for him. The effects last for one scene.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Doppelganger'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' The Garou may take the exact likeness of any other human, wolf, or Garou. A Chameleon spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8). Traits aren't duplicated, but everything else including voice, posture and scent is identical. The effects last for one day per success.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''''Tech Speak'''''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 76''
'''Description:''' This Gift allows the Glass Walker to contact others through any technological device. The Garou speaks to a Pattern Spider in or near a technological device and tells them the message to be delivered and whom it should be delivered to. The Pattern Spider then finds the receiver and uses any communications technology near them to deliver the message; telephones yell it out, (without picking up the handset), electronic billboards display it, computer printers print it out as text. If no communications technology is present, any other technology will activate, though no message will be imparted. If no technology whatsoever is present near the receiver, the Gift fails. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science. The difficulty is relevant to the distance the message needs to be sent:
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 100px" | Difficulty
! style="min-width: 175px" | Distance
|The next room
|Same building
|One block away
|One mile away
|One timezone away
|Farther than one timezone
The more successes achieved, the longer the message can be. A single success will only allow one word to be sent, five would allow unlimited length.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Tractor Beam'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3056 - Glass Walkers Tribe Book (1st ed) p. 52''
'''Description:''' The Garou can transport non-dedicated objects with her to the Umbra when she steps sideways. She may not take living creatures, only objects. This Gift is taught by Weaver spirits.
'''System:''' The Garou spends one Willpower point for each object brought over to the Umbra. It must be something she can carry and it must weigh no more than her own body weight. However, two or more Garou with this Gift can team up and carry larger items into the Spirit World. Despite it’s name, the user of this Gift does not emit a beam.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Virtual Umbra'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3111 - Umbra (Revised) p. 134''
'''Description:''' This Gift enables a Garou to transport himself into the CyberRealm’s Computer Web (Umbra page 61) from any part of the Pattern Web. Any spirit affiliated with computers can teach this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Computer (difficulty 8). The Glass Walker may also transport other (willing) characters into the ComputerWeb, but attempting this feat raises the difficulty to 10.
==Level Five==
==Level Five==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Calm the Flock'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3600 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse (2nd Edition) p. 130''
'''Description:''' With this power, the Garou may walk among humans without accidentally evoking the Curse of the Delirium.  This allows her to live among humans and maintain a family.  The effects, however, do not last for long.  This Gift is taught by a homid Ancestor-spirit.
'''System:''' The Garou rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7).  The number of successes indicates the number of hours that the effect lasts.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Chaos Mechanics'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' Werewolves pulse with the Wyld's energy, of course, but all creatures with form and nature have something of the Weaver in them, or so the Glass Walker argue. Upon learning this Gift, the Glass Walker reconciles these two sides of his being, and he can summon primal energy and mystical form at the same time.
'''System:''' A Garou with this Gift may use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn with no penalty. Doing so allows the Garou to use rage actions to activate fetishes and use Gifts requiring Gnosis (provided that said Gift does not take a full turn to enact). What's more important is that it allows the Garou to take Rage actions in the same turn that he steps sideways, provided that the player rolls enough successes to get to or from the Umbra instantly. This Gift's effects are permanent.
<font color=red>'''''Custom Built'''''</font> <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77''
'''Description:''' Initially a Random Interrupt invention but now spread throughout the tribe, this Gift is both revered and reviled. Treating spirits as data, the Glass Walker can manipulate the spirit of a tool to turn it into any other tool. The actual object doesn't change, but its properties and use does. A PDA can become razor sharp, or a knife could be tapped on to hack into a system. Once the object has been used once, though, the spirit dies and the object breaks beyond repair. A pattern Spider can teach this Gift, but they never do so willingly and must be coerced. More commonly, other Garou teach it.
'''System:''' A Glass Walker using this Gift spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Science. Difficulty depends upon the degree of change. Turning a tool into another of much the same purpose is difficulty 5, (turning a sword into a pistol), changing a tool into another of a different purpose but similar complexity is difficulty 7, (turning a sword into a frying pan), while turning a tool into another of vastly varying complexity is difficulty 9, (turning a sword into a laptop computer). This tool can be used exactly once; one bullet may be fired, one egg may be friend, one password may be cracked. After that, the object falls apart.
Many Glass Walkers consider this Gift heinous murder, and if it is used in anything short of a dire emergency, the user will lose Honor and Wisdom (Storyteller's discretion). Simply knowing the Gift is enough to be shunned by some. Ironically, this attitude is most common among the Random Interrupts, and almost none know the Gift.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Song of the City-Beast'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114''
'''Description:''' The lupus of many tribes know the Songs of the Great Beast, which can summon semi-legendary monsters such as giant sharks, apemen and dinosaurs. While skunk-apes, Jersey Devils and mothmen are not common in cities, the knowledgeable Glass Walker can call forces of equal power with this Gift. This Gift is usually taught by a City Father or Mother, often in return for the accomplishment of a great deed.
'''System:''' The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Streetwise, difficulty 8. A City-Beast is less of an actual mythological entity and more of an event — rampaging construction machinery, a collapsing building, a plague of hell-rats, even an incredibly aggressive St. James Day parade or a block party gone riot. The Beast will stay long enough to assist in immobilizing or defeating Gaia’s enemies. Its nature depends on the story but it is likely to be very powerful.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Summon Net-Spider'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149''
'''Description:''' The Garou can summon a Net Spider, a Weaver spirit that gives its summoner near-absolute control over any computer system. The Spider can disrupt, erase or destroy whatever system it is sent into (the exact effects are left to the Storyteller, but are typically destructive). An avatar of Cockroach teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Computer (difficulty 8). If successful, the Net Spider appears and heeds the Garou's commands. This Gift allows the Garou to halve all computer related difficulties along with the aforementioned destructive capacity of the spirit.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Technotheocratic Apocalyptica'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193''
'''Description:''' They say Glass Walkers worship their technology. That's foolishness. Worshiping mere tools confuses the master with the servant. Worshiping monsters, though, now that has some more flair. This Gift allows the Glass Walker to turn all machines in the room into possessed monsters; mobile phones suddenly begin ringing at their loudest volume and hurl themselves at the person nearest to them, televisions deliberately explode, and electrical wires whip around, tripping and strangling whomever they can see. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider.
'''System:''' The player spends three Rage and rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 8). Assuming at least one success, every electric device in the room the Glass Walker is in will begin to shake. Two turns after that, the entire room is filled with monstrous electrical appliances, and everyone in the room suffers a number of unsoakable aggravated woulds equal to the number of successes rolled. Since this includes the Glass Walker, it behooves him to leave the room in the time he has.
=Camp Gifts=
=Camp Gifts=
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'''Level 1'''
'''Level 1'''
* Budget Approval Process
* Cool Mind
* <font color=red>''Last Ditch''</font>
* Mother's Touch
* Network Terminal
* Tommy's New Trick
* <font color=red>''Well-Oiled Running''</font>
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| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 2'''
'''Level 2'''
* <font color=red>''Buzzword Language''</font>
* <font color=red>''Image of the Saints''</font>
* <font color=red>''Mind Partition''</font>
* <font color=red>''Steel Made Flesh''</font>
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| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 3'''
'''Level 3'''
* <font color=red>''Steel Blowfish''</FONT>
* Universal Interface
* <font color=red>''Whispers on the Street''</font>
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 4'''
'''Level 4'''
* Cooling System
* <font color=red>''Corner Shot''</font>
* <font color=red>''Umbral Motorcade''</font>
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| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%" |
'''Level 5'''
'''Level 5'''
* <font color=red>''Family Debt''</font>
* Phone Travel
* <font color=red>''Takeover''</font>
Gifts listed in '''''<font color=red>Red</font>''''' are NOT YET APPROVED FOR USE ON CITY OF HOPE.
==Corporate Wolves==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Budget Approval Process'''</font> ''(Level One)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77''
'''Description:''' As any underpaid and underprivileged office worker will tell you, getting any budget approved involves knowing whom to ask. Those types would find this Gift a blessing, as would many other types. This Gift lets you find the weak point of any social group, which person can be leaned on to get results. It is taught by either an Ant or Bee spirit.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Etiquette (difficulty 5). If successful, the Garou automatically knows which member of a group it would be best to approach to get results in her efforts. The number of successes determines how large a group can be scanned. Working out which punk to hit in a street gang to make the rest run would only require one success, working out which guy needs bribing to bring down an entire corporation would require at least five. The Storyteller also is fully within his rights to suggest that no one person holds all the cards in the group and that the Gift simply wont work.
<font color=red>'''''Buzzword Language'''''</font> ''(Level Two)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77''
'''Description:''' The Glass Walkers have always needed the ability to hide in plain sight more than other tribes by virtue of being in plain sight so much more often. As a result, they've developed many Gifts for communicating unnoticed, but very few have been so successful as this. The Corporate Wolf simply begins to babble in the incoherent - yet entirely accepted - tongue of modern business and the person he's talking to will completely comprehend his message, which can be totally unrelated to a single word in the conversation.
'''System:''' The player rolls Perception + Crafts to determine the problem. She then spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device to aid her in fixing it. (Most such spirits are happy to do so - they don't want to be junk!) The time to fix the device is halved, and the player may subtract any successes on the Perception + Crafts roll from the successes necessary to fix the device.
<font color=red>'''''Takeover'''''</font> ''(Level Five)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77''
'''Description:''' What you wear determines your worth as a human being in the modern corporate world. If you live outside the business, you are a number with a dollar sign in front of it, representing what you own and how much it, and you, are worth. For a business, you are your possessions, and this Gift makes it literally true. With this Gift, the Corporate Wolf can attack physically and destroy another person by destroying their possessions. A Money spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends three Rage points and rolls Strength + Enigmas (difficulty 8). The number of successes needed is determined by how long her opponent has owned the object. If he only bought it today, five successes are needed. If he has owned it for less than a month, four successes are needed; while if he has owned it for at least six months, then three successes are required. Finally, if it has been owned for over a year, only a single success is necessary.
Assuming the roll is successful, the Corporate Wolf may proceed to make an attack on the object and any damage done to the object will also be inflicted upon her opponent. The damage still applies to the object, however, and if the object is destroyed than any connection between the object and the opponent is destroyed with it. If it still stands, the Corporate Wolf may continue to attack. If a Corporate Wolf obtains your priceless Ming vase, you should be alright, but worry if they ever steal your car.
==Cyber Dogs==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Cool Mind'''</font> ''(Level One)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78''
'''Description:''' Too many Garou are afraid of advancing beyond the limits of their bodies. To counter this, the Cyber Dogs have a Gift that Banishes fear, anxiety or any other emotion. People targeted by this Gift lose their emotion temporarily, able to think perfectly logically. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The Cyber Dog spends one Willpower and rolls Intelligence + Investigation (difficulty 7) in a resisted roll against the target's Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The target can choose not to resist, and you may target yourself. If successful, the target becomes cold and impersonal for as many turns as successes achieved, thinking entirely with intellect and ignoring emotion. Emotions do still exist as abstract concepts; a target can still think "I love this man, so it would not be to my benefit to harm him." This Gift cannot counter the effects of the Delirium. Garou under this Gift's effects suffer +2 difficulty to Rage rolls, though frenzy will disrupt the Gift.
<font color=red>'''''Steel Made Flesh'''''</font> ''(Level Two)'' <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78''
'''Description:''' Sometimes it's useful to take a step back in order to facilitate many steps forward. An example would be in airports or other places with metal detectors. This Gift allows the Garou to change all cybernetics in his body back into flesh. While flesh, cybernetics do not operate. A Snake or Cicada spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The Cyber Dog spends one Gnosis. The cybernetics become flesh immediately. The Gift lasts the rest of the scene.
==Dies Ultimae==
<font color=red>'''''Last Ditch'''''</font> ''(Level One)'' <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78''
'''Description:''' When the chips are down and your back's to the wall, risks need to be taken. This Gift makes those last choices a little less risky by allowing for some instinctual coordination to be taken. A Bee or Ant spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The Soldier looks toward an ally and spends one point of Gnosis before rolling intelligence + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The ally does not need to spend Gnosis or roll, but must also know the Gift. As long as one success is rolled, the players of each character may formulate a detailed plan out of character, which both character instinctualy grasp simply from making eye contact. Each character adds two bonus dice to his or her next roll, but for the rest of the scene after that they lose two dice from all actions.
<font color=red>'''''Well-Oiled Running'''''</font> ''(Level One)'' <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78''
'''Description:''' The greatest tool a Soldier has is her equipment. The worst enemy she has is the possibility of failing. This Goft greatly reduces those chances by safeguarding machinery against environmental factors. It is taught by a Dust, War, or Water spirit.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Garou safeguards one machine against natural corrosion or adverse weather for one day per success. This machine can still be damaged by direct attacks.
<font color=red>'''''Steel Blowfish'''''</font> ''(Level Three)'' <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78''
'''Description:''' One of the stranger Dies Ultimae Gifts, this trick comes as an extension of the Steel Fur Gift. Like it, the Soldier's fur becomes metallic, however the metal is much harder with this version, and the Garou puffs up to three times his normal size! However, this also makes him so heavy that he becomes utterly immobile. But he makes excellent cover, and it is to this purpose that the Gift is usually employed. The Gift can only be taught by a Pattern Spider found in a car wreck in which at least one person died, and the airbag failed to deploy. Somewhat depressingly, this Gift is widely known.
'''System:''' As with Steel Fur, the player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool; once the final total has been added up, the soak pool is doubled. However, while activated the Garou (who must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form) is three times his normal size in all directions and weighs too much to move. Most Dies Ultimae employing this Gift first curl into a ball in order not to crash through the ceiling.
==Random Interrupts==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Network Terminal'''</font> ''(Level One)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' Computers have grown more and more connected in recent years, most prominently via the Internet. Meanwhile, no matter how good your computer is, there's probably someone with a better computer and you're likely connected to it. This Gift connects the Random Interrupt to that theoretical better computer, making all work much easier. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). Every success adds one die to any roll involving the Computer Knowledge. The Gift doesn't provide you with a computer, you actually need to be seated at a computer that has some form of network connection.
<font color=red>'''''Mind Partition'''''</font> ''(Level Two)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' A favorite among Random interrupts who discover they cant multitask nearly as well as their computers, this Gift allows the Garou to break their own mind into segments, quickly switching their concentration to a new task while never losing their place on the old task. One Cruncher described the Gift by saying, "It's not ''true'' multitasking, but it fakes it well." A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). For every success gained, the player can add work on one extra extended action every turn, one added per turn. No penalties are incurred on any of the extended actions, but if just one botch is rolled, all uncompleted tasks fail.
''Example:'' Backup-Circuit is working on a complicated hacking job involving three separate tasks, but needs to move quickly. He spends one Willpower point, activating Mind Partition and rolls Gnosis, gaining the needed two successes. On the first turn he begins his work on cracking the door systems, rolling his standard dice pool. On the second turn he continues to work the door systems, but also begins work on cracking the security, and rolls for both tasks. On the third turn and every turn thereafter, he is working on cracking the door system, security system and defenses system simultaneously. Had he botched the roll, he'd have begun trying to crack the system but collapse, clutching his head seconds later and his brain breaks under the pressure.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Universal Interface'''</font> ''(Level Three)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' Most Random Interrupts use two methods for dealing with computers. Some use mundane computers and techniques, others leap into the Umbra and deal with the technological spirits driving computers directly. This Gift allows a Random Interrupt to strike a balance between these two techniques, using the Umbra itself as a computer. He can simply type on air and visualize a screen in his own mind.
'''System:''' The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Only one success is needed to fashion the intangible computer but no more successes may be achieved using the computer than were achieved on the original Wits + Enigmas roll. The Glass Walker need not be in the Umbra to use this Gift and the computer is considered to be connected to both the Internet and GWnet.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Cooling System'''</font> ''(Level Four)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' As per the Wendigo Level Four Gift: Chill of the Early Frost. This Gift was originally copied from the Wendigo by the Iron Riders, who employed it to preserve food by freezing it, and it was rediscovered by the Random Interrupts, who use it both in combat and to keep server rooms cool. The Random Interrupts often favor spending a point of Willpower in addition to the point of Gnosis to control the temperature and keep it just above freezing. Since Great Wendigo would usually rather murder a Glass Walker than teach them, a Penguin spirit or a Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if it is already winter, 6 for spring, 9 for summer). Success drops the temperature to a bit below freezing in a five-mile radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a natural coat of fur lose two dice from all pools. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments, as pipes burst and roads freeze. This Gift lasts for one hour per success.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Phone Travel'''</font> ''(Level Five)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' The Random Interrupt can effectively reach into a telephone line and emerge on the other end. She must first dial the number of where she wishes to arrive and someone must answer. A Patter Spider teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' After the phone is picked up, the Random Interrupt rolls Gnosis, the difficulty being the local Gauntlet. As with stepping sideways, three successes are needed to transmit instantly. If fewer successes are rolled, and the other side hangs up before she emerges at the other end, the Garou is spat back out at her phone and takes three levels of lethal damage.
==Wise Guys==
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Tommy's New Trick'''</font> ''(Level One)''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79''
'''Description:''' While one of the Wise Guys favorite gun Gifts (Trick Shot, rediscovered from the Iron Riders by Gianluigi Lucci) eventually leaked to the whole tribe, this one may well go with them to their grave. This Gift ensures that when spraying bullets from an automatic gun, not a single bullet misses its target. A Bird spirit (though never a Pigeon) teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one point of Gnosis and makes a standard Dexterity + Firearms roll to make a spray attack. However, the standard +2 difficulty does not apply. Before the attack is resolved, the Wise Guy may spend one Willpower point to turn one failed die into a success, and this may be repeated until all dice are considered successes. The only exception to this is if the roll is a botch, in which case no Willpower may be spent and every bullet misses their target by exactly an inch.
In addition, not one bullet is left at the scene, nor will any bullet hit anything but the Wise Guy’s opponents. This Gift cannot be used on a single enemy; the attack must be a spray involving at least two targets.
<font color=#00a3cc>'''Mother's Touch'''</font> ''(Level One)''<br>
'' Also a Level 1 Theurge Gift / Level 1 Black Furies (Camp: Order of Our Merciful Mother) Gift / Level 1 Children of Gaia Gift''
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80 / WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 138, 145 / WW3951 - Black Furies Revised p. 70''
'''Description:''' The Garou is able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift. Wise Guys using this Gift often recite Luke 17:19 when using it. "And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole."
'''System:''' The player spends on Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou). Each success heals one health level. The Theurge may heal even Battle Scars in this manner if the Theurge uses the Gift in the same scene in which the scar was obtained and she spends a second Gnosis point. There is no limit to how many times this Gift may be used on a person, but each use requires the expenditure of one Gnosis.
<font color=red>'''''Image of the Saints'''''</font> ''(Level Two)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80''
'''Description:''' God or Gaia (take your pick) has His/Her touch on everyone. This Gift allows the Wise Guy to sense the spiritual or supernatural ties another individual possesses within the context of Catholic saints. A dove-spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 8. If successful, the Wise Guy sees the image of a specific saint overlaid across a specific individual she sees. This saint will reflect specific aspects of the person depending upon their nature. Another Garou shows a saint reflecting his pack totem. A supernatural creature that isn’t a Garou reveals a saint reflecting their true form, and a normal human will be seen with a saint reflecting either their Nature or an essential moment of their personal history.
<font color=red>'''''Whispers on the Street'''''</font> ''(Level Three)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80''
'''Description:''' The Glass Walkers’ enemies have historically been non-werewolves for the most part, since even the Black Spiral Dancers used to avoid the city. It’s no surprise that Gianluigi Lucci invented a Gift that allows communication exclusively between Garou. By picking up an object and whispering to the spirits surrounding it, the Garou can imbue it with a message that can be heard subconsciously by every werewolf picking it up. Sadly, this includes Black Spiral Dancers and, some argue, non-Wise Guy Glass Walkers. A Pattern Spider or insect spirit teaches this Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. The number of successes determines how long the message stays within the object. One success means the message will endure for a scene, two successes a day, three successes a week, and four successes a year. Should you roll five successes, then the message is permanently locked into the object.
<font color=red>'''''Corner Shot'''''</font> ''(Level Four)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 81''
'''Description:''' A feared Gift, this allows the Wise Guy to shoot around corners. Packs were fond of timing this Gift with multiple guns, creating hails of gunfire through open doorways before entering a room. A Bird spirit (again, never a Pigeon) teaches the Gift.
'''System:''' The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Marksmanship, difficulty 9. Only one success is needed. Only single shots may be fired with this Gift, never autofire.
<font color=red>'''''Umbral Motorcade'''''</font> ''(Level Four)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80''
'''Description:''' A "motorcade murder" was the Mafia equivalent of a drive-by killing. The idea was to be gone the moment after the deed was done. Gianluigi Lucci always felt this never went far enough, and came up with the trick of never being there in the first place. This Gift allows the Wise Guy to shoot a victim in the physical world from the Umbra. A rat spirit teaches this Gift, a fact that made the Gift unpopular in some quarters.
'''System:''' The Garou fires a gun at the target as normal, but the player should then spend on Willpower point and roll Gnosis, difficulty equal to the Gauntlet in the area. In effect, the Wise Guy is making the bullet “reach” across the Umbra, so normally three successes are needed. Should the target be immobile for some reason (such as being asleep), then one or two successes might be sufficient. Since the target is probably unaware of the attack, most attacks made with this Gift are at point blank range and probably lethal.
<font color=red>'''''Family Debt'''''</font> ''(Level Five)''<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 81''
'''Description:''' Only Dons of the Central House may learn this Gift, for they are the caretakers of the tribal debt and favors pool.
The Garou can call upon the past lives of other Garou to return a favor owed to the Glass Walker tribe, even if the debt was made centuries ago. Using this Gift will cause another Garou with the Past Life Background to become possessed by the ancestor whom the Glass Walker summons. The living Garou must be of the same tribe as the ancestor who is called (a Glass Walker cannot make a Bone Gnawer summon a Silver Fang ancestor). The Gift is taught by any long-lived spirit, such as a turtle or an elephant, and the Glass Walker often have such spirits witness any business transactions they make with other Garou.
'''System:''' The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty of 10 minus the target’s Past Life Background rating. If there is no Garou with Past Life present, this Gift will not work; it requires a Garou with deep connections to her ancestors to act as a conduit. If successful, the desired ancestor is summoned and possesses the target. This ancestor will then perform a duty to make up for a favor the Glass Walkers did for him in his lifetime.
The Central House keeps vast records of every debt owed the tribe. It usually requires a committee vote to summon one of their debtors and thus use up the favor owed. However, Dons who learn this Gift are considered to have the power to use it whenever desired, although Dons who abuse it may wind up being voted off the board, so to speak.
The player should be allowed to create the original debt condition and the debtor. “Grom Wyrmfoe of the Silver Fangs owes the Glass Walkers big, because they helped him root out vampires in Moscow in in the late 1600s. Well, my character feels it’s about time he repaid the favor by helping me kill that damn Gangrel.” The Storyteller, however, is the ultimate arbiter of this Gift. It should be used to enhance a story, never to simply power game. If the Storyteller feels the player is asking a greater favor than what was originally given to the ancestor, he is free to have the ancestor deny the call.
Glass Walker characters should also realize that most Garou do not like being puppets for their Past Lives simply at the whim of some damn city Urrah. They will usually try to get revenge at some later date — to do so immediately is to insult the ancestor.
=Planetary Gifts=
'''Shantar, The Loom Maker, Celestine of Neptune'''<br>
'''Favored Tribe:''' Glass Walkers<br>
'''Favored Auspice:''' Philodox<br>
'''Also known as:''' Poseidon, Lir, Aegir, Liau<br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 Rage Across the Heavens, p. 72''
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'''Level 1'''
* <font color=red>''Threads of the Tapestry''</font>
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 2'''
* <font color=red>''Fixit''</font>
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 3'''
* <font color=red>''Tangling the Skein''</font>
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; padding-right: 25px" |
'''Level 4'''
* <font color=red>''Shantar's Loom''</font>
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%" |
'''Level 5'''
* Drown
Gifts listed in '''''<font color=red>Red</font>''''' are NOT YET APPROVED FOR USE ON CITY OF HOPE.
==Level One==
==Level One==
<font color=red>'''''Threads of the Tapestry'''''</font>  <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124''
'''Description:''' This Gift allows the Garou to determine the basic elements of a situation that seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. The Garou can discern which individual in a group really holds power or whether someone is acting under duress.
'''System:''' The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows the character to uncover one basic behind-the-scenes fact, usually the leader of a group or the emotional context of an otherwise poker-faced contact. Failure denotes an inability to find out anything beyond the obvious about a situation, while a botch produces incorrect conclusions.
==Level Two==
==Level Two==
<font color=red>'''''Fixit'''''</font>  <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124''
'''Description:''' The Garou can figure out what's wrong with a device and make on-the-spot repairs which allow the item to run or function for a short time.
'''System:''' The player rolls Intelligence + Repair (difficulty 7). One success allows the character to repair the targeted item so that it functions for one turn. Two successes enable the item to work for one scene while three successes or more indicates that the item has been permanently repaired, barring excessive use or subsequent damage. Failure means the character cannot repair the item, while a botch renders the device unable to be repaired by anyone - ever.
==Level Three==
==Level Three==
<font color=red>'''''Tangling the Skein'''''</font>  <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124''
'''Description:''' This Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her enemies by mixing up their perceptions so that they cannot decide who to follow or what to do next. The effect resembles that of the Gift: Mitanu's Deliberate Misinformation, except it distorts what others discern through sight or memory rather than through what they hear. Victims may mistake one person for another and follow the wrong leader or they may go to the wrong meeting place in the mistaken impression that they are proceeding to the correct spot.
'''System:''' The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success allows the character to alter one visual or remembered perception for her victim. She can cause a Black Spiral Dancer to confuse the weakest member of his pack for his pack leader, or make a rival show up at the wrong caern for an important meeting. No successes means that the Gift fails, while a botch actually arranges the victim's perceptions so that they work against the character rather than the victim.
==Level Four==
==Level Four==
<font color=red>'''''Shantar's Loom'''''</font> <br>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124''
'''Description:''' The use of this Gift enables the Garou to craft some item from the energy provided by either Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower. The item may not involve multiple parts or have an overly complex make-up. For example, a Garou cannot make a gun using this Gift, but she can craft a dagger or hunting knife. Although this Gift cant produce radioactive materials, it can produce metals such as silver.
'''System:''' The Garou spends either a Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower point and rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 8 for simple items, 9 for more sophisticated ones). (The Storyteller may allow the player to substitute a more appropriate secondary skill possessed by the character for the Repair Ability.) One success produces the item desired, while additional successes refine its quality and durability. The Storyteller may require three successes to make an item from a less appropriate quality - such as making a blanket for a cradle by using a point of Rage, or using anything other than Gnosis to craft a silver knife. No successes means that the Gift fails to produce anything useful and allows the expended point to revert to the character. A botch uses up the expended point and produces an unusable or defective item. The item lasts for one day per success.
==Level Five==
==Level Five==
<font color=purple>'''Drown'''</font>
'''Source:''' ''WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 125''
'''Description:''' This Gift causes the lungs of an opponent to fill with liquid. The victim must receive immediate medical or magical assistance or die within a few minutes. The target of the Gift can attempt to help herself but she can do nothing except try to expel the fluid. This Gift can either function as a way to capture an opponent, render an enemy helpless, or inflict punishment on an individual.
'''System:''' The player spends a point of Rage and rolls her willpower (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Only one success is necessary to activate this Gift. The victim must receive help immediately or else die from drowning. The victim may attempt to help herself by trying to cough up or otherwise expel the fluid, but she can take no other actions (including movement away from her surroundings) while she is making the attempt. No successes means the Gift fails, while a botch inflicts the Gift upon the character attempting to use it.
[[Category:Stats]][[Category:Shifter]][[Category:Garou]][[Category:Glass Walker]]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 18 November 2024


"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."
Neo - The Matrix


Tribal Gifts

Level 1

  • Control Simple Machine
  • Diagnostics
  • Skyscraper Vision
  • Trick Shot
  • Weaver's Eyes

Level 2

  • Cybersenses
  • Encrypt
  • Garafena's Crown
  • Heat Metal
  • Jam Technology
  • Overclock
  • Pennies from Heaven
  • Power Surge
  • Steel Fur

Level 3

  • Control Complex Machine
  • Data Flow
  • Electroshock
  • Elemental Favor
  • Intrusion
  • Web Walker

Level 4

  • Attunement
  • Call the City's Wolves
  • Doppelganger
  • Tech Speak
  • Tractor Beam
  • Virtual Umbra

Level 5

  • Calm the Flock
  • Chaos Mechanics
  • Custom Built
  • Song of the City-Beast
  • Summon Net Spider
  • Technotheocratic Apocalyptica


Level One

Control Simple Machine

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 148

Description: The Garou may command the spirits of the simplest machines, causing levers to flip, doors to unbolt, pulleys to roll and so on. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Garou's control lasts until the end of the scene.


Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: At a glance, the Glass Walker can tell what is wrong with a machine. He can then enlist the aid of the machine's spirit in repairing the faulty device. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player rolls Perception + Crafts to determine the problem. She then spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device to aid her in fixing it. (Most such spirits are happy to do so - they don't want to be junk!) The time to fix the device is halved, and the player may subtract any successes on the Perception + Crafts roll from the successes necessary to fix the device.

Skyscraper Vision

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75

Description: Whilst the urban jungle offers many new possibilities for the hunter, it also oresents its share of difficulties. One of the most troublesome of these is the possibility of their prey slipping into a crowd and simply disappearing. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can see through the eyes of a glass spirit in a skyscraper window to pick out their prey from above. The City Father or a Glass Elemental teaches this Gift.

System: The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). For every success rolled, the character can see from the perspective of any window in the area (about half a city block) for one turn. If used to find specific details, the Storyteller may ask for a second roll using Perception + Alertness, adding one bonus die for each success gained in the initial Gnosis roll, to see if the mark can be spotted in time. Difficulty should be set by the Storyteller to reflect the elusiveness of the target.

Trick Shot

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: This Gift, once an acquired taste, has undergone a recent surge in popularity. It allows the Garou to execute brilliant feats of sharpshooting, such as shooting a weapon from an opponent's hand or firing down the barrel of an enemy's gun. The Garou cannot use this Gift to harm an opponent directly, however, and he can use Trick Shot only with rifles or pistols. Air spirits teach this Gift.

System: The player adds the character's permanent Glory rating to his dice pool when performing a really outlandish shooting trick. Again, this Gift does not allow direct damage to targets ("I'll shoot him between the eyes!", but it can be used to injure opponents indirectly ("I'll shoot the rope that's holding the chandelier over his head!") The effects are permanent.

Weaver’s Eyes

Source: WW3811 - Book of the City p. 113

Description: Garou with this Gift gain an insight into the Weaver’s deep and subtle patterns for hiding information inside of other information and to the invisible patterns buried in large prime numbers. Encryption algorithms mean nothing to these Glass Walkers; using Weaver’s Eyes, they can even pierce magical shrouding of data. The Garou must have the data to be decrypted in some form — generally, residing on a local computer. Weaver’s Eyes cannot be directly used to break open the encryption on a live connection between two computers, but it will help the Garou use his own abilities to break through that encryption.

System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Computer (difficulty of 10 – the local Gauntlet). The number of successes necessary depends on the encryption used on the message or connection that the character is trying to pierce. Encryption created by ordinary mortal programmers requires one success to pierce; mundane encryption created by the top echelon of mortal programmers requires two successes to pierce. Magical encryption, such as that created by the Gift: Encrypt or similar magical abilities performed by non-Garou, requires three or more successes — generally speaking, the character must achieve more successes on the Weaver’s Eyes roll than his opposite number got on an Encrypt roll.

If the character comes across an encrypted connection between two computers, Weaver’s Eyes can help him break the connection in a hurry, but since the data traffic is far from him, the Gift cannot pierce the encryption directly. However, it will provide one extra success on the Perception + Computer roll used to break the encryption, and it will allow the character to attempt to break through magical encryption. This Gift is taught by a raccoon-spirit.

Level Two


Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: By studying both his natural senses and the sensory capabilities of machines, the Garou may exchange the former for the latter. He may choose to exchange normal hearing for radar, or ordinary sight for infrared or UV sight. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point per sense affected and he rolls Perception + Science thereafter to activate the Garou's new senses. This Gift lasts for one scene.


Source: WW3811 - Book of the City p. 113

Description: Paranoid Glass Walkers — which is to say, most of them — use the best encryption technologies available on the open market when they send data through the Internet or Digital Web. If a Glass Walker suspects that a Netspider is watching her Net activity, she may even choose to use this Gift, which magically protects data against snooping. Encrypt doesn’t ordinarily hide itself from magical observers — anyone with the ability to see into the spirit world will notice that the message has been enshrouded, unless the Glass Walker takes special care to hide that.

System: The player must spend one Willpower and roll Manipulation + Computer; the difficulty is (10 – the local Gauntlet). Success means that the character’s message has been encrypted beyond the ability of most mortals to pierce. This encryption can apply to either a single message (one email or burst of data) or to a connection (such as might exist between two computers for a long download or chat-conversation). A character trying to break the encryption on a single message gets just one chance to do so — the magic surrounding the message deletes it if the character fails. A character trying to break the encryption on a connection can treat the attempt as an extended test.

With just one success, the encryption can be pierced by mortal means — a human who is not magically active can break through the encryption with a Perception + Computers roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Willpower) that achieves five or more successes. With more than one success, the encryption can only be pierced by a Garou using Weaver’s Eyes (see above) or similar magical abilities. If the Garou additionally spends one Gnosis, the message does not appear to be encrypted — it seems to be an innocuous conversation, or an income-tax spreadsheet, or the like. This Gift is taught by a squirrel-spirit.

Garafena's Crown

Source: WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 41

Description: Garafena was a mythical serpent in Russian folklore that sat upon a golden crown and was called upon to give blessings to his followers. A recent Gift that has only been known since 1998, Garafena now offers his blessings to any Garou who wears his mark. this Gift is taught by a Snake spirit.

System: The Glass Walker must don a crown of some description, a hat or even a scrap of fabric wrapped around their head will do. The player then spends one Gnosis. for the rest of the scene, any guns fired by the Glass Walker will never run out of ammunition.

Heat Metal

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193

Description: Glass Walkers — who understand the workings of science and spirits alike — can mystically excite the molecules within metal. Metal heated in such a way can be forged, molded or used to sear flesh. A red-hot crowbar can be a very effective weapon, and heating the exterior of a gasoline tanker can have explosive results. Glass Walkers learn this Gift from fire, earth, or metal elementals.

System: The Glass Walker must spend one Gnosis point and successfully roll Intelligence + Repair. The difficulty varies from base metals (such as copper or lead) at difficulty 6 to complex alloys (such as steel or titanium alloy) at difficulty 8. The number of successes equals the number of rounds the metal stays heated. Touching heated metal causes one aggravated, unsoakable Health Level of damage per round.

Jam Technology
Also a Level 2 Homid Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) p. 133 / WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75

Description: The werewolf can cause technological devices to cease functioning, albeit temporarily. Even the simplest of shaped objects will refuse to perform its function. A Gremlin — a type of Wyld spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts. The werewolf may choose the level of complexity she intends to "jam." All technological devices (i.e., any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or plastic) of that complexity within 50 feet cease functioning for one turn per success. The devices remain unchanged but inert. Knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn and so on. The difficulty of the roll is based on the following chart:

Difficulty Complexity
4 Computer
6 Phone
8 Automobile
9 Gun
10 Knife


Source: WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114

Description: In the world of computers, your equipment is outdated by the time it’s out of the box. This Gift allows the Garou to make a piece of computer equipment perform beyond its specifications. This includes speeding up a processor to render a 3D image quicker, improving video cards to display more polygons than usual or adding more memory to hold larger amounts of information. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Computer (difficulty 6). More successes mean more improvement. However, the Storyteller may decide that a certain number of successes are necessary to attain a certain speed. (Speeding up your 233mhz Pentium to run the latest game may need only one success, but trying to Overclock your old Amiga to render modern game graphics in less than a day may need at least three). The effect of this Gift last one scene or function (in the cases of extended renders and processes).

Pennies from Heaven

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75

Description: The Glass Walker convinces money spirits to change their denomination. The coin or note simply metamorphoses into the appropriate denomination. Money spirits teach the Gift.

System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Politics. What value the money becomes determines the difficulty regardless of the original denomination.

Difficulty Denomination changed to...
3 Penny
4 Nickel
5 Dime
6 Quarter
7 Dollar
8 Five Dollar
9 Twenty Dollar
10 One Hundred Dollar

Each success can change one coil or note into another denomination. Foreign currencies can also be converted in a similar fashion, and it is also possible to convert a currency of one country to a different denomination of another.

Power Surge

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: By speaking with Electricity spirits, the Garou causes a blackout over a widespread area. An Electricity Elemental teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Science (difficulty 7). The number of successes determine how large of an area is blacked out. One success would black out a single room, while five would cut the power to a whole neighborhood.

Steel Fur

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75

Description: Focusing on their own being, the Glass Walker wraps his own spirit with those of steel, turning his fur into hardened metal. Metal or Earth Elementals teach this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool for one scene. While this Gift is active, the Garou suffers a +1 difficulty to all Dexterity rolls, and any Social rolls not involving other Glass Walkers. Obviously, you must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift.

Level Three

Control Complex Machine

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: Similar to Control Simple Machine, the Garou may now converse with and command the spirits of electronic devices such as computers, video games, and cars. One learns (or steals) this Gift from a Net Spider.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Science (or Computer). The Storyteller sets the difficulty based on how complex the machine actually is (usually 8). The Garou's control lasts for one scene.

Data Flow

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193

Description: Data Flow is in a way the definitive Glass Walker Gift: Just like the tribe, it has evolved. Originally it was designed as a 'remote control' for electronic devices like electric lights and was most commonly used before an attack to put a building in a blackout. As time went on and the computer became more important, it started to be used more commonly to control computers from anywhere within line of sight. These days, it is most commonly used as a Gift of stealth: As detection and forensic investigation continue to improve, this Gift allows Glass Walkers to avoid any contact whatsoever with their targets.

System: After spending one Gnosis point, the player rolls Wits + Computer (difficulty 7) to gain control of any electronic device. They must maintain eye contact with the device, or will lose control of it. This Gift does not grant expertise in how to use a device. Operating a computer would still require additional Computer rolls, they simply can be attempted without touching the computer.


Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 75

Description: The Glass Walkers are the tribe of glass, steel, and electricity. This last element can be used to directly damage opponents that the Glass Walker can either touch, or who are touching a conductive material such as metal or water. An Electricity spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a number of Rage points. Each point of Rage spent inflicts three levels of aggravated wounds on the Glass Walker's opponents. These levels of damage may be divided among as many opponents as the number of Rage points invested in this Gift. As usual, the character cannot spend more Rage than half of his permanent rating in one turn.

Elemental Favor
Also a Level 3 Red Talon Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149, 150

Description: By begging, threatening or cajoling an urban elemental, a Garou can convince the spirit to do her a favor by manipulating or even destroying her earthly shell. Thus, a glass sheet might explode at the Garou's foes, a door might refuse to open, even if unlocked, or a car's brakes might fail. An urban elemental teaches this Gift.

System: The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). For every success rolled, the character can see from the perspective of any window in the area (about half a city block) for one turn. If used to find specific details, the Storyteller may ask for a second roll using Perception + Alertness, adding one bonus die for each success gained in the initial Gnosis roll, to see if the mark can be spotted in time. Difficulty should be set by the Storyteller to reflect the elusiveness of the target.


Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 76

Description: It's impossible to keep a cockroach out of a house, and it's equally impossible to keep a Glass Walker out, provided she has this Gift. Once this Gift is activated, the Glass Walker can easily break almost any barrier that is presented to her. Doors mysteriously unlock upon her approach; padlocks fall open with no explanation. The Gift has, however, a very short and specific time limit. A Cockroach spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and then rolls his Gnosis pool (difficulty 7). Every success will keep this Gift active for exactly one minute, and many Glass Walkers deliberately time themselves with stopwatches so they can know when this Gift will wear off. (If a hard mechanical number is needed, assume each minute is one turn.) During this time almost no door or barrier can possibly stop the Glass Walker. Highly secure doors (such as foot-thick iron security doors) may require a Dexterity or Wits + Streetwise roll, but every success on the initial Gnosis roll for this Gift adds one automatic success to such rolls.

Web Walker
Also a Level 3 Theurge Gift

Source: WW3111 - Umbra (Revised) p. 134

Description: The Garou may move across the Pattern Web through the Umbra, ignored and unmolested by any Weaver-spirits in the area. This Gift is taught by any Weaver-spirit.

System: To activate this Gift, the Glass Walker Garou spends one Gnosis point (Theurge's must spend two Gnosis points), then rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 7). Success enables the Garou to travel through the Umbra as though she were on a moon bridge. However, there must be strands of the Pattern Web in the area through which the Garou wants to travel.

Level Four

Also a Level 4 Glass Walker Gift / Level 4 Silent Strider Gift / Level 4 Uktena Gift (Named: Lay of the Land)

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144, 149, 151 / WW3862 - Tribebook: Uktena (Revised Edition) p. 68

Description: The Garou may commune with the spirits of a city or town and gain information about the area from them, including rough population, enclaves of Garou or other being and secret tunnels. This Gift does not function in the wilderness, since the Bone Gnawers have lost the knack for conversing with such spirits easily. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.

Glass Walkers: a cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Perception + Streetwise. The amount and accuracy of the information depends on the number of successes rolled. On a botch, playful spirits lie (which can be fatal, depending on the nature of misinformation).

Call the City’s Wolves

Source: WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114

Description: The city is a rich and complex ecosystem, and humans, animals and machines fill the roles that natural creatures fill in the wilderness. The Glass Walkers cannot often get wild wolves to aid them, but the city has its own predators. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can make a phone call, send an email or fax and expect some sort of backup; some master Theurges simply knock on the nearest door and wait to see who emerges. A City Mother or Father teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Wits + Leadership. The number of successes equals the number of city predators who will emerge: the figures who control and cull the human herd. These may be gang kids, members of citizen vigilante groups, vicious cops, or even wild, diseased dogs. The spiritually summoned backup arrives a scene later, although the Garou can convert extra successes to speed the arrival of assistance rather than adding to the numbers. (One success spent in this fashion brings the help in ten turns; two successes halve the wait to five turns, while three successes brings backup on the next turn.) The “wolves” will be disposed to cooperate with the Glass Walkers, but won’t charge blindly into battle for him. The effects last for one scene.


Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: The Garou may take the exact likeness of any other human, wolf, or Garou. A Chameleon spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8). Traits aren't duplicated, but everything else including voice, posture and scent is identical. The effects last for one day per success.

Tech Speak

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 76

Description: This Gift allows the Glass Walker to contact others through any technological device. The Garou speaks to a Pattern Spider in or near a technological device and tells them the message to be delivered and whom it should be delivered to. The Pattern Spider then finds the receiver and uses any communications technology near them to deliver the message; telephones yell it out, (without picking up the handset), electronic billboards display it, computer printers print it out as text. If no communications technology is present, any other technology will activate, though no message will be imparted. If no technology whatsoever is present near the receiver, the Gift fails. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science. The difficulty is relevant to the distance the message needs to be sent:

Difficulty Distance
4 The next room
5 Same building
6 One block away
7 One mile away
8 One timezone away
9 Farther than one timezone

The more successes achieved, the longer the message can be. A single success will only allow one word to be sent, five would allow unlimited length.

Tractor Beam

Source: WW3056 - Glass Walkers Tribe Book (1st ed) p. 52

Description: The Garou can transport non-dedicated objects with her to the Umbra when she steps sideways. She may not take living creatures, only objects. This Gift is taught by Weaver spirits.

System: The Garou spends one Willpower point for each object brought over to the Umbra. It must be something she can carry and it must weigh no more than her own body weight. However, two or more Garou with this Gift can team up and carry larger items into the Spirit World. Despite it’s name, the user of this Gift does not emit a beam.

Virtual Umbra

Source: WW3111 - Umbra (Revised) p. 134

Description: This Gift enables a Garou to transport himself into the CyberRealm’s Computer Web (Umbra page 61) from any part of the Pattern Web. Any spirit affiliated with computers can teach this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Computer (difficulty 8). The Glass Walker may also transport other (willing) characters into the ComputerWeb, but attempting this feat raises the difficulty to 10.

Level Five

Calm the Flock

Source: WW3600 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse (2nd Edition) p. 130

Description: With this power, the Garou may walk among humans without accidentally evoking the Curse of the Delirium. This allows her to live among humans and maintain a family. The effects, however, do not last for long. This Gift is taught by a homid Ancestor-spirit.

System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the number of hours that the effect lasts.

Chaos Mechanics

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: Werewolves pulse with the Wyld's energy, of course, but all creatures with form and nature have something of the Weaver in them, or so the Glass Walker argue. Upon learning this Gift, the Glass Walker reconciles these two sides of his being, and he can summon primal energy and mystical form at the same time.

System: A Garou with this Gift may use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn with no penalty. Doing so allows the Garou to use rage actions to activate fetishes and use Gifts requiring Gnosis (provided that said Gift does not take a full turn to enact). What's more important is that it allows the Garou to take Rage actions in the same turn that he steps sideways, provided that the player rolls enough successes to get to or from the Umbra instantly. This Gift's effects are permanent.

Custom Built

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77

Description: Initially a Random Interrupt invention but now spread throughout the tribe, this Gift is both revered and reviled. Treating spirits as data, the Glass Walker can manipulate the spirit of a tool to turn it into any other tool. The actual object doesn't change, but its properties and use does. A PDA can become razor sharp, or a knife could be tapped on to hack into a system. Once the object has been used once, though, the spirit dies and the object breaks beyond repair. A pattern Spider can teach this Gift, but they never do so willingly and must be coerced. More commonly, other Garou teach it.

System: A Glass Walker using this Gift spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Science. Difficulty depends upon the degree of change. Turning a tool into another of much the same purpose is difficulty 5, (turning a sword into a pistol), changing a tool into another of a different purpose but similar complexity is difficulty 7, (turning a sword into a frying pan), while turning a tool into another of vastly varying complexity is difficulty 9, (turning a sword into a laptop computer). This tool can be used exactly once; one bullet may be fired, one egg may be friend, one password may be cracked. After that, the object falls apart.

Many Glass Walkers consider this Gift heinous murder, and if it is used in anything short of a dire emergency, the user will lose Honor and Wisdom (Storyteller's discretion). Simply knowing the Gift is enough to be shunned by some. Ironically, this attitude is most common among the Random Interrupts, and almost none know the Gift.

Song of the City-Beast

Source: WW3811 - Book of the City p. 114

Description: The lupus of many tribes know the Songs of the Great Beast, which can summon semi-legendary monsters such as giant sharks, apemen and dinosaurs. While skunk-apes, Jersey Devils and mothmen are not common in cities, the knowledgeable Glass Walker can call forces of equal power with this Gift. This Gift is usually taught by a City Father or Mother, often in return for the accomplishment of a great deed.

System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Streetwise, difficulty 8. A City-Beast is less of an actual mythological entity and more of an event — rampaging construction machinery, a collapsing building, a plague of hell-rats, even an incredibly aggressive St. James Day parade or a block party gone riot. The Beast will stay long enough to assist in immobilizing or defeating Gaia’s enemies. Its nature depends on the story but it is likely to be very powerful.

Summon Net-Spider

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 149

Description: The Garou can summon a Net Spider, a Weaver spirit that gives its summoner near-absolute control over any computer system. The Spider can disrupt, erase or destroy whatever system it is sent into (the exact effects are left to the Storyteller, but are typically destructive). An avatar of Cockroach teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Computer (difficulty 8). If successful, the Net Spider appears and heeds the Garou's commands. This Gift allows the Garou to halve all computer related difficulties along with the aforementioned destructive capacity of the spirit.

Technotheocratic Apocalyptica

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 193

Description: They say Glass Walkers worship their technology. That's foolishness. Worshiping mere tools confuses the master with the servant. Worshiping monsters, though, now that has some more flair. This Gift allows the Glass Walker to turn all machines in the room into possessed monsters; mobile phones suddenly begin ringing at their loudest volume and hurl themselves at the person nearest to them, televisions deliberately explode, and electrical wires whip around, tripping and strangling whomever they can see. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider.

System: The player spends three Rage and rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 8). Assuming at least one success, every electric device in the room the Glass Walker is in will begin to shake. Two turns after that, the entire room is filled with monstrous electrical appliances, and everyone in the room suffers a number of unsoakable aggravated woulds equal to the number of successes rolled. Since this includes the Glass Walker, it behooves him to leave the room in the time he has.

Camp Gifts

Level 1

  • Budget Approval Process
  • Cool Mind
  • Last Ditch
  • Mother's Touch
  • Network Terminal
  • Tommy's New Trick
  • Well-Oiled Running

Level 2

  • Buzzword Language
  • Image of the Saints
  • Mind Partition
  • Steel Made Flesh

Level 3

  • Steel Blowfish
  • Universal Interface
  • Whispers on the Street

Level 4

  • Cooling System
  • Corner Shot
  • Umbral Motorcade

Level 5

  • Family Debt
  • Phone Travel
  • Takeover


Corporate Wolves

Budget Approval Process (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77

Description: As any underpaid and underprivileged office worker will tell you, getting any budget approved involves knowing whom to ask. Those types would find this Gift a blessing, as would many other types. This Gift lets you find the weak point of any social group, which person can be leaned on to get results. It is taught by either an Ant or Bee spirit.

System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Etiquette (difficulty 5). If successful, the Garou automatically knows which member of a group it would be best to approach to get results in her efforts. The number of successes determines how large a group can be scanned. Working out which punk to hit in a street gang to make the rest run would only require one success, working out which guy needs bribing to bring down an entire corporation would require at least five. The Storyteller also is fully within his rights to suggest that no one person holds all the cards in the group and that the Gift simply wont work.

Buzzword Language (Level Two)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77

Description: The Glass Walkers have always needed the ability to hide in plain sight more than other tribes by virtue of being in plain sight so much more often. As a result, they've developed many Gifts for communicating unnoticed, but very few have been so successful as this. The Corporate Wolf simply begins to babble in the incoherent - yet entirely accepted - tongue of modern business and the person he's talking to will completely comprehend his message, which can be totally unrelated to a single word in the conversation.

System: The player rolls Perception + Crafts to determine the problem. She then spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device to aid her in fixing it. (Most such spirits are happy to do so - they don't want to be junk!) The time to fix the device is halved, and the player may subtract any successes on the Perception + Crafts roll from the successes necessary to fix the device.

Takeover (Level Five)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 77

Description: What you wear determines your worth as a human being in the modern corporate world. If you live outside the business, you are a number with a dollar sign in front of it, representing what you own and how much it, and you, are worth. For a business, you are your possessions, and this Gift makes it literally true. With this Gift, the Corporate Wolf can attack physically and destroy another person by destroying their possessions. A Money spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends three Rage points and rolls Strength + Enigmas (difficulty 8). The number of successes needed is determined by how long her opponent has owned the object. If he only bought it today, five successes are needed. If he has owned it for less than a month, four successes are needed; while if he has owned it for at least six months, then three successes are required. Finally, if it has been owned for over a year, only a single success is necessary.

Assuming the roll is successful, the Corporate Wolf may proceed to make an attack on the object and any damage done to the object will also be inflicted upon her opponent. The damage still applies to the object, however, and if the object is destroyed than any connection between the object and the opponent is destroyed with it. If it still stands, the Corporate Wolf may continue to attack. If a Corporate Wolf obtains your priceless Ming vase, you should be alright, but worry if they ever steal your car.

Cyber Dogs

Cool Mind (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78

Description: Too many Garou are afraid of advancing beyond the limits of their bodies. To counter this, the Cyber Dogs have a Gift that Banishes fear, anxiety or any other emotion. People targeted by this Gift lose their emotion temporarily, able to think perfectly logically. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.

System: The Cyber Dog spends one Willpower and rolls Intelligence + Investigation (difficulty 7) in a resisted roll against the target's Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The target can choose not to resist, and you may target yourself. If successful, the target becomes cold and impersonal for as many turns as successes achieved, thinking entirely with intellect and ignoring emotion. Emotions do still exist as abstract concepts; a target can still think "I love this man, so it would not be to my benefit to harm him." This Gift cannot counter the effects of the Delirium. Garou under this Gift's effects suffer +2 difficulty to Rage rolls, though frenzy will disrupt the Gift.

Steel Made Flesh (Level Two)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78

Description: Sometimes it's useful to take a step back in order to facilitate many steps forward. An example would be in airports or other places with metal detectors. This Gift allows the Garou to change all cybernetics in his body back into flesh. While flesh, cybernetics do not operate. A Snake or Cicada spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Cyber Dog spends one Gnosis. The cybernetics become flesh immediately. The Gift lasts the rest of the scene.

Dies Ultimae

Last Ditch (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78

Description: When the chips are down and your back's to the wall, risks need to be taken. This Gift makes those last choices a little less risky by allowing for some instinctual coordination to be taken. A Bee or Ant spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Soldier looks toward an ally and spends one point of Gnosis before rolling intelligence + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The ally does not need to spend Gnosis or roll, but must also know the Gift. As long as one success is rolled, the players of each character may formulate a detailed plan out of character, which both character instinctualy grasp simply from making eye contact. Each character adds two bonus dice to his or her next roll, but for the rest of the scene after that they lose two dice from all actions.

Well-Oiled Running (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78

Description: The greatest tool a Soldier has is her equipment. The worst enemy she has is the possibility of failing. This Goft greatly reduces those chances by safeguarding machinery against environmental factors. It is taught by a Dust, War, or Water spirit.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Garou safeguards one machine against natural corrosion or adverse weather for one day per success. This machine can still be damaged by direct attacks.

Steel Blowfish (Level Three)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 78

Description: One of the stranger Dies Ultimae Gifts, this trick comes as an extension of the Steel Fur Gift. Like it, the Soldier's fur becomes metallic, however the metal is much harder with this version, and the Garou puffs up to three times his normal size! However, this also makes him so heavy that he becomes utterly immobile. But he makes excellent cover, and it is to this purpose that the Gift is usually employed. The Gift can only be taught by a Pattern Spider found in a car wreck in which at least one person died, and the airbag failed to deploy. Somewhat depressingly, this Gift is widely known.

System: As with Steel Fur, the player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool; once the final total has been added up, the soak pool is doubled. However, while activated the Garou (who must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form) is three times his normal size in all directions and weighs too much to move. Most Dies Ultimae employing this Gift first curl into a ball in order not to crash through the ceiling.

Random Interrupts

Network Terminal (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: Computers have grown more and more connected in recent years, most prominently via the Internet. Meanwhile, no matter how good your computer is, there's probably someone with a better computer and you're likely connected to it. This Gift connects the Random Interrupt to that theoretical better computer, making all work much easier. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). Every success adds one die to any roll involving the Computer Knowledge. The Gift doesn't provide you with a computer, you actually need to be seated at a computer that has some form of network connection.

Mind Partition (Level Two)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: A favorite among Random interrupts who discover they cant multitask nearly as well as their computers, this Gift allows the Garou to break their own mind into segments, quickly switching their concentration to a new task while never losing their place on the old task. One Cruncher described the Gift by saying, "It's not true multitasking, but it fakes it well." A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). For every success gained, the player can add work on one extra extended action every turn, one added per turn. No penalties are incurred on any of the extended actions, but if just one botch is rolled, all uncompleted tasks fail.

Example: Backup-Circuit is working on a complicated hacking job involving three separate tasks, but needs to move quickly. He spends one Willpower point, activating Mind Partition and rolls Gnosis, gaining the needed two successes. On the first turn he begins his work on cracking the door systems, rolling his standard dice pool. On the second turn he continues to work the door systems, but also begins work on cracking the security, and rolls for both tasks. On the third turn and every turn thereafter, he is working on cracking the door system, security system and defenses system simultaneously. Had he botched the roll, he'd have begun trying to crack the system but collapse, clutching his head seconds later and his brain breaks under the pressure.

Universal Interface (Level Three)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: Most Random Interrupts use two methods for dealing with computers. Some use mundane computers and techniques, others leap into the Umbra and deal with the technological spirits driving computers directly. This Gift allows a Random Interrupt to strike a balance between these two techniques, using the Umbra itself as a computer. He can simply type on air and visualize a screen in his own mind.

System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Only one success is needed to fashion the intangible computer but no more successes may be achieved using the computer than were achieved on the original Wits + Enigmas roll. The Glass Walker need not be in the Umbra to use this Gift and the computer is considered to be connected to both the Internet and GWnet.

Cooling System (Level Four)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: As per the Wendigo Level Four Gift: Chill of the Early Frost. This Gift was originally copied from the Wendigo by the Iron Riders, who employed it to preserve food by freezing it, and it was rediscovered by the Random Interrupts, who use it both in combat and to keep server rooms cool. The Random Interrupts often favor spending a point of Willpower in addition to the point of Gnosis to control the temperature and keep it just above freezing. Since Great Wendigo would usually rather murder a Glass Walker than teach them, a Penguin spirit or a Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if it is already winter, 6 for spring, 9 for summer). Success drops the temperature to a bit below freezing in a five-mile radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a natural coat of fur lose two dice from all pools. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments, as pipes burst and roads freeze. This Gift lasts for one hour per success.

Phone Travel (Level Five)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: The Random Interrupt can effectively reach into a telephone line and emerge on the other end. She must first dial the number of where she wishes to arrive and someone must answer. A Patter Spider teaches this Gift.

System: After the phone is picked up, the Random Interrupt rolls Gnosis, the difficulty being the local Gauntlet. As with stepping sideways, three successes are needed to transmit instantly. If fewer successes are rolled, and the other side hangs up before she emerges at the other end, the Garou is spat back out at her phone and takes three levels of lethal damage.

Wise Guys

Tommy's New Trick (Level One)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 79

Description: While one of the Wise Guys favorite gun Gifts (Trick Shot, rediscovered from the Iron Riders by Gianluigi Lucci) eventually leaked to the whole tribe, this one may well go with them to their grave. This Gift ensures that when spraying bullets from an automatic gun, not a single bullet misses its target. A Bird spirit (though never a Pigeon) teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and makes a standard Dexterity + Firearms roll to make a spray attack. However, the standard +2 difficulty does not apply. Before the attack is resolved, the Wise Guy may spend one Willpower point to turn one failed die into a success, and this may be repeated until all dice are considered successes. The only exception to this is if the roll is a botch, in which case no Willpower may be spent and every bullet misses their target by exactly an inch.

In addition, not one bullet is left at the scene, nor will any bullet hit anything but the Wise Guy’s opponents. This Gift cannot be used on a single enemy; the attack must be a spray involving at least two targets.

Mother's Touch (Level One)
Also a Level 1 Theurge Gift / Level 1 Black Furies (Camp: Order of Our Merciful Mother) Gift / Level 1 Children of Gaia Gift

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80 / WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 138, 145 / WW3951 - Black Furies Revised p. 70

Description: The Garou is able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift. Wise Guys using this Gift often recite Luke 17:19 when using it. "And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole."

System: The player spends on Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou). Each success heals one health level. The Theurge may heal even Battle Scars in this manner if the Theurge uses the Gift in the same scene in which the scar was obtained and she spends a second Gnosis point. There is no limit to how many times this Gift may be used on a person, but each use requires the expenditure of one Gnosis.

Image of the Saints (Level Two)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80

Description: God or Gaia (take your pick) has His/Her touch on everyone. This Gift allows the Wise Guy to sense the spiritual or supernatural ties another individual possesses within the context of Catholic saints. A dove-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 8. If successful, the Wise Guy sees the image of a specific saint overlaid across a specific individual she sees. This saint will reflect specific aspects of the person depending upon their nature. Another Garou shows a saint reflecting his pack totem. A supernatural creature that isn’t a Garou reveals a saint reflecting their true form, and a normal human will be seen with a saint reflecting either their Nature or an essential moment of their personal history.

Whispers on the Street (Level Three)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80

Description: The Glass Walkers’ enemies have historically been non-werewolves for the most part, since even the Black Spiral Dancers used to avoid the city. It’s no surprise that Gianluigi Lucci invented a Gift that allows communication exclusively between Garou. By picking up an object and whispering to the spirits surrounding it, the Garou can imbue it with a message that can be heard subconsciously by every werewolf picking it up. Sadly, this includes Black Spiral Dancers and, some argue, non-Wise Guy Glass Walkers. A Pattern Spider or insect spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. The number of successes determines how long the message stays within the object. One success means the message will endure for a scene, two successes a day, three successes a week, and four successes a year. Should you roll five successes, then the message is permanently locked into the object.

Corner Shot (Level Four)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 81

Description: A feared Gift, this allows the Wise Guy to shoot around corners. Packs were fond of timing this Gift with multiple guns, creating hails of gunfire through open doorways before entering a room. A Bird spirit (again, never a Pigeon) teaches the Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Marksmanship, difficulty 9. Only one success is needed. Only single shots may be fired with this Gift, never autofire.

Umbral Motorcade (Level Four)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 80

Description: A "motorcade murder" was the Mafia equivalent of a drive-by killing. The idea was to be gone the moment after the deed was done. Gianluigi Lucci always felt this never went far enough, and came up with the trick of never being there in the first place. This Gift allows the Wise Guy to shoot a victim in the physical world from the Umbra. A rat spirit teaches this Gift, a fact that made the Gift unpopular in some quarters.

System: The Garou fires a gun at the target as normal, but the player should then spend on Willpower point and roll Gnosis, difficulty equal to the Gauntlet in the area. In effect, the Wise Guy is making the bullet “reach” across the Umbra, so normally three successes are needed. Should the target be immobile for some reason (such as being asleep), then one or two successes might be sufficient. Since the target is probably unaware of the attack, most attacks made with this Gift are at point blank range and probably lethal.

Family Debt (Level Five)

Source: WW3856 - Glass Walkers Revised p. 81

Description: Only Dons of the Central House may learn this Gift, for they are the caretakers of the tribal debt and favors pool.

The Garou can call upon the past lives of other Garou to return a favor owed to the Glass Walker tribe, even if the debt was made centuries ago. Using this Gift will cause another Garou with the Past Life Background to become possessed by the ancestor whom the Glass Walker summons. The living Garou must be of the same tribe as the ancestor who is called (a Glass Walker cannot make a Bone Gnawer summon a Silver Fang ancestor). The Gift is taught by any long-lived spirit, such as a turtle or an elephant, and the Glass Walker often have such spirits witness any business transactions they make with other Garou.

System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty of 10 minus the target’s Past Life Background rating. If there is no Garou with Past Life present, this Gift will not work; it requires a Garou with deep connections to her ancestors to act as a conduit. If successful, the desired ancestor is summoned and possesses the target. This ancestor will then perform a duty to make up for a favor the Glass Walkers did for him in his lifetime.

The Central House keeps vast records of every debt owed the tribe. It usually requires a committee vote to summon one of their debtors and thus use up the favor owed. However, Dons who learn this Gift are considered to have the power to use it whenever desired, although Dons who abuse it may wind up being voted off the board, so to speak.

The player should be allowed to create the original debt condition and the debtor. “Grom Wyrmfoe of the Silver Fangs owes the Glass Walkers big, because they helped him root out vampires in Moscow in in the late 1600s. Well, my character feels it’s about time he repaid the favor by helping me kill that damn Gangrel.” The Storyteller, however, is the ultimate arbiter of this Gift. It should be used to enhance a story, never to simply power game. If the Storyteller feels the player is asking a greater favor than what was originally given to the ancestor, he is free to have the ancestor deny the call.

Glass Walker characters should also realize that most Garou do not like being puppets for their Past Lives simply at the whim of some damn city Urrah. They will usually try to get revenge at some later date — to do so immediately is to insult the ancestor.

Planetary Gifts

Shantar, The Loom Maker, Celestine of Neptune
Favored Tribe: Glass Walkers
Favored Auspice: Philodox
Also known as: Poseidon, Lir, Aegir, Liau
Source: WW3110 Rage Across the Heavens, p. 72

Level 1

  • Threads of the Tapestry

Level 2

  • Fixit

Level 3

  • Tangling the Skein

Level 4

  • Shantar's Loom

Level 5

  • Drown


Level One

Threads of the Tapestry

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: This Gift allows the Garou to determine the basic elements of a situation that seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. The Garou can discern which individual in a group really holds power or whether someone is acting under duress.

System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows the character to uncover one basic behind-the-scenes fact, usually the leader of a group or the emotional context of an otherwise poker-faced contact. Failure denotes an inability to find out anything beyond the obvious about a situation, while a botch produces incorrect conclusions.

Level Two


Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: The Garou can figure out what's wrong with a device and make on-the-spot repairs which allow the item to run or function for a short time.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Repair (difficulty 7). One success allows the character to repair the targeted item so that it functions for one turn. Two successes enable the item to work for one scene while three successes or more indicates that the item has been permanently repaired, barring excessive use or subsequent damage. Failure means the character cannot repair the item, while a botch renders the device unable to be repaired by anyone - ever.

Level Three

Tangling the Skein

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: This Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her enemies by mixing up their perceptions so that they cannot decide who to follow or what to do next. The effect resembles that of the Gift: Mitanu's Deliberate Misinformation, except it distorts what others discern through sight or memory rather than through what they hear. Victims may mistake one person for another and follow the wrong leader or they may go to the wrong meeting place in the mistaken impression that they are proceeding to the correct spot.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success allows the character to alter one visual or remembered perception for her victim. She can cause a Black Spiral Dancer to confuse the weakest member of his pack for his pack leader, or make a rival show up at the wrong caern for an important meeting. No successes means that the Gift fails, while a botch actually arranges the victim's perceptions so that they work against the character rather than the victim.

Level Four

Shantar's Loom

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: The use of this Gift enables the Garou to craft some item from the energy provided by either Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower. The item may not involve multiple parts or have an overly complex make-up. For example, a Garou cannot make a gun using this Gift, but she can craft a dagger or hunting knife. Although this Gift cant produce radioactive materials, it can produce metals such as silver.

System: The Garou spends either a Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower point and rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 8 for simple items, 9 for more sophisticated ones). (The Storyteller may allow the player to substitute a more appropriate secondary skill possessed by the character for the Repair Ability.) One success produces the item desired, while additional successes refine its quality and durability. The Storyteller may require three successes to make an item from a less appropriate quality - such as making a blanket for a cradle by using a point of Rage, or using anything other than Gnosis to craft a silver knife. No successes means that the Gift fails to produce anything useful and allows the expended point to revert to the character. A botch uses up the expended point and produces an unusable or defective item. The item lasts for one day per success.

Level Five


Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 125

Description: This Gift causes the lungs of an opponent to fill with liquid. The victim must receive immediate medical or magical assistance or die within a few minutes. The target of the Gift can attempt to help herself but she can do nothing except try to expel the fluid. This Gift can either function as a way to capture an opponent, render an enemy helpless, or inflict punishment on an individual.

System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls her willpower (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Only one success is necessary to activate this Gift. The victim must receive help immediately or else die from drowning. The victim may attempt to help herself by trying to cough up or otherwise expel the fluid, but she can take no other actions (including movement away from her surroundings) while she is making the attempt. No successes means the Gift fails, while a botch inflicts the Gift upon the character attempting to use it.